
TwiTastic Awards

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 5:04 PM

Hello dear campers!!! :)

I'm here to do a shoutout today.

Have you heard of the TwiTastic Awards? Well, I just recived an e-mail from them. They need nominations on some categories to be able to decide which fic will be in for voting. Let's help!!

Maybe you know just the right fic for the following categories:

Best Cullen Representation

Best Wolf Pack

Best Villain

The Dingo Award - Older Man


I honestly know very few fics that could fit in this categories, mainly because I'm a E&Bfic kinda girl :p

Do you know any? Let me know! Let everyone know and let's VOTE!


We can nominate till Saturday, June 19 at 2 PM EST!!! And there  are other categories you can nominate fics for, such as:

Best Bella & Edward

Best Jacob & Nessie

Best Slash

Best Emotional Roller Coaster


So, have you thought of any good one? SHARE!! :)

You may go to their page and nominate them yourself! You will need the summary, author's name and the fic name and link! :)


Help me find a story, please?

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 4:03 PM

I can't remember the name of it...

Rosalie is a SI swimsuit cover model, Emmett is a football player.  I'm pretty sure that Edward is a doctor of some sort.  There is a scene where Bella "helps" Edward pick out fruit at the grocery store. 

Anyone have any idea what story this is?    It popped in my head the other day and I can't figure it out.

Thanks in advance!


Email alerts

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 3:38 PM

I haven't gotten any alerts when someone replies to me in a campfire. Are alerts working for anyone else, or am I just special?


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 3:20 PM

OMG... I haven't been here in a week and EVERYTHING'S CHANGED!!!!  I'M SPAZZING OUT RIGHT NAO.  SHIT.





IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN.  (and look, i'm not posting this late!)






"Bella/Jane/Rosalie II You're Choosing Wrong." by aruxes44 <- Love that this focuses on other characters besides Bella/Edward/Jacob.



Procrastination: My Favorite Pastime

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 1:56 PM

For many of us, Twilight has become the perfect time waster. We spend hours a day chatting about it; thinking about it; reading fan fiction about it; watching interviews, previews and even searching for pictures about it. 

Twilight + the internet = ultimate procrastination tool

So, Campers, what I'd like to know about are your OTHER favorite internet time wasters. I'm not talking about the sites or blogs you enjoy reading because they're actually substantial or even interesting. I'm talking about the mindless websites that you end up spending an hour or more on without even realizing it.

Give me your best, mindless procrastination tools.

Here are some examples...

Perfectly Timed Photos

(*ahem* I heard our very own camper, Kimvi aka Ms. Boner herself runs this one....)

Awkward Boners


role play, anyone?

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 1:05 PM

The Coven   

The Coven is a character-based role play, focussing on the Cullens as a unit, a team, and most importantly, a family. The story will begin with each of the vampire's introduction to the family, including the transformation and glimpses of the newborn phase. As the family develops together, the canon of the Twilight saga will be modified to best fit the needs of the players and the story. For example, Bree Tanner will be granted immunity from the Volturi and allowed to become a member of the Cullen family. I want to stress one thing: The Coven will focus on taking the bare bones of the Cullen family that was given in Twilight saga and will fully flesh out the relationships and stories. It is more important that character development happen, rather than the furthering of the plot. The current list of available characters is here. To audition, please click here


as a side note, i am posting this for a dear, darling person and requires a LiveJournal account.  ask questions in this campfire if you don't know what RP is, and/or discuss what character you'd be if you did this.



Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 1:02 PM

The Forests weeeeird.

And because there has to be an actual point to this campfire... uhm... AHA!

Where are you going on holiday (if at all) this year? Pictures if you can :)

What has been your favorite holiday and why?

I might be going to Turkey but i HATE beaches >;/


lol more kellan

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 12:36 PM

Kellan arriving in Montreal

I think he looks a little bit like a douche.




Blood Work

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 12:30 PM

Are you guys familiar with these guys? They are awesome. They have done recaps for all seasons. You can watch the older ones on their website http://www.campblood.org/ The only downside is that they need to add more Eric.



oh god

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 12:16 PM

edited to add on a campers request*


put beverages down when viewing this post!

I really like his diaper thing in that one



Kellan Lutz gets fitted for a sexy loincloth for his upcoming film, Immortals, on Tuesday (June 15) in Montreal, Canada.

The 25-year-old actor is set to play Greek god Poseidon, lord of the sea. The flick also stars Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto, and Henry Cavill.




How cute is this?!?

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 11:26 AM

Oliver or James Phelps( I can never tell them apart) and Rupert Grint singing karaoke at Universal Orlando CityWalk's Rising Star karaoke club.


they are there for the opening of the Harry Potter theme park that I really wanna go to, omg.




Extra Photo Booth

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 10:00 AM

I came across these pictures of the cast taking pictures in a photo booth when they were doing an interview with Extra.  I thought most of these were really cute and wanted to share! 


The pics are in the comments


And I would totally love to be in Ashley Greene's spot..between those 2 beautiful men!


Help, please

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 8:59 AM

I am 100% sure this topic has been covered to DEATH and I apologize in advance-

How can I make a pic small enough to be my avatar on here? I have a LOVELY pic of Rob that I would like to use and I am confused to the 10th degree as I do not have MAD PC Skills..




Rob's Crack~

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 7:59 AM

I'm seriously avoiding work right now...

Rob discusses nudity in the upcoming film Bel Ami... apparently, we'll get a peak at his bum *giggles*


ROB+Leno= Leno still not cool

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 7:20 AM

Did you watch it?  Did you miss it? Rob was great, though his interview was surrounded by all sorts of weird fuckery on the Tonight Show.  I was so drunk while i was watching omg i LOLed

Here ya go~~




Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 7:11 AM

has this been posted already?

Melissa Rosenberg talks about Eclipse and writing Breaking Dawn, splitting it into two films...

From Fearnet.com:

an excerpt:

You and I spoke before about how you stay true to the gory events of Breaking Dawn without going beyond a PG-13 rating. Is that any more of an issue, now that you're writing it?

You know, I just don't find that to be a challenge at all, honestly. I worked on Dexter, and I've said that pint for pint, there's more blood on CSI than there is on Dexter, and yet Dexter is far more disturbing. So I think it's not about how much gore you see on screen, it's more about, are you conveying the terror of the scene, the physical pain of the scene? The tension of the scene? I don't think you need to see gore to know what's going on, and in some ways I think that's actually more interesting. And I think that's true for sex as well. I think the hottest sex scenes I've ever seen are more suggestive than they are graphic. So I don't have an issue with it; I think we can do absolutely everything without having to see specific things.

Just so you know, certain fans of age would like to see lots of pillow-biting and feathers…

[Laughs] Okay! I think they may see some feathers. They may, indeed, see a few feathers.


the full article is in the comments...


God i'm bored!!!!

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 7:01 AM

I'm bored so thought I'd start a campfire.

If you could only take one fic to a desert island which would it be.

Think I'd go with 'Cullen Island' by jandco, obvious choice I know but that's me. Although if I had the Edward from that story with me I wouldn't be doing much reading!


Jennyfly is lamesauce

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 11:28 PM

The aforementioned RANGER, and yes I'm aware that I'm insulting THE JFLY on her very own website, is a very unhelpful uncaring heartless person.  She has ignored my cry for help to gallop on over to ADF and create a campfire.  I reached out to her many a time to prettify my thoughts and words into an interactive and engaging campfire, to make sure it was a baked cookie and not something raw and unedible, but she refused to acknowledge my need.  And so i have decided to flame her here, where she is loved so that you may all know that her helpfulness is a falsity and she is not who she claims to be.  I demand the return of the jennyfly I know and have come to love.  Return her to me, damnit. 

Campers, here is your chance to compain about the Ranger or Rangers that bug you the most.


/drunk campfire approved by the bestest jennyflyrocks


EDIT: she also stole my name.  it's mine, give it back

Ryan Ninea

rebel in need

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 9:11 PM

I know this is not the time but I am in dire straits. I need a fic to get lost in. I want to fall head over heels, I have tried a few that are ok, but I want to be overwhelmed. I don't have a lots of rules, I like it all basically. My requirements, Edward and Bella or Japer and Bella. Well written with minimum typos/grammar issues. That's about all.

Some of my favorites are:

Anything by BrattyVamp, Jandco/Jandco&WTDBOC

Cascade and Cyanide

And With Thee Fade Away

For the Summer

Winter of Love

Midnight Son of a Bitch

Disappear Here

A Murmur of Fire in the Vein

Tropic of Virgo

I want something that will capture me like these did. Also male POV is a plus. I would also not be opossed to a good Sookie Stackhouse rec, I would even be willing to pop my Bonesfic cherry. Thank you




icons, .gifs, and assorted debauchary

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 8:48 PM

I own a mac.


It's pretty and shiny and wants to know what program or application it needs to make icons out of .gif or media files?


Help it out.


Come on.


It haz planz *evil planz*

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