ReMiR Cullen

What should I read first?

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 8:03 PM

 I login into Fanfiction and  saw that a few of my favorite fics update today! After months of waiting (some of them) they all decided to update today (not bad at all)


So what do you think I need to read first? or in what order?

Under the Apple Tree

Bonne Foi

Human Nature

The Misapprehension of Bella Swan

The University of Edward Masen




Ps. This is my first campfire, did I need ranger approve?


Jimmy Kimmel Live

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 7:07 PM

Anyone watching the JKL special on Eclipse? 

What are your thoughts? 



Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 6:11 PM

I just tried to create a twitter account, and it turns out that some guy has already taken it. I got mad and checked it out. He hasn't twittered (is that what you call it?) a single tweet. A bloody waste of a perfectly funny username.


Don't you just hate it when people do that?


ADF'S Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 6:01 PM






"Bella is dead. [AU, POVs]" by Civanilla  <- Very intense/emotional video (like you couldn't already tell from the title).





"Damon Salvatore - don't hold me up" by gaby0189  <- IDC if it's not Twilight... Everyone needs a little bit of Damon in their life.





I'm Back and Ready for Recs!

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 5:04 PM

Did you miss me? Did you even know I was gone?

After a week long road trip through nine states with my kiddos (don't worry! I won't bore you with details, promise!) I am BACK and ready to read some GREAT TWILIGHT FANFICTION! 

So, since it's WEDNESDAY we are open to ALL RECS, pimps and otherwise selling of fanfiction.

Tell us what lights your campfire, tell us what you write and where we can read it, make it pretty.



Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 4:16 PM

So, I know that there have probably been posts about how to do this, and if there have been, I'm sorry for doing a repeat. But, I don't know how to put up an avatar for my picture. Can someone please help me?


New EW Covers

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 2:49 PM



I'm a beta-fail magnet

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 2:47 PM

I'm in a writing rut, and trying desperately to work my way out of it. My problem? I can't seem to form a solid, good relationship with a beta. I've had three betas - tried PTB - and our conversation always seems forced, or we can't come to agreement on the core of the story. It never ends up working out, and I end up back in a fic-fail.

So, in order to make this interactive, for those of you who have wonderful betas - what advice can you give me? What works for you? Where do you find awesome betas? What are some of the things you expect your beta to do?





You betta work!

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 1:07 PM

We've seen all the Eclipse (and New Moon) promotion tour pics and I know that a majority of us have admired KStew's wardrobe and have wanted to kidnap her stylist and makeup artist (or maybe that's just me).  I found this really great website that has a comprehensive list of Kristen's outfits and who designed them.

< -- click on sleepy Kristen

Any other slaves to fashion campers out there?  Are there any other Twilight cast members whose wardrobe you covet?

p.s. I just LOVE those shades that Kristen is wearing.  It's too bad I can't find that exact style.  Anyone else know the particulars of those sunglasses?


Help Find a Fic!

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 11:24 AM

Hey guys!  I'm loking for a fic that I think might've been removed from FF, but I can't remember the title.


The story follows Edward, a geeky vampire, and Bella, a semi-geeky gamer, who meet online.  Bella moves to Forks, she calls Edward "Teddy" and hilarity ensues.  What is the name of it, and do you know if it's posted somewhere else?  Or am I just missing it somehow?


Interview with K-stew and R-Patz

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 9:07 AM



ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Do you feel more at peace about being in the spotlight these days?
KRISTEN STEWART: I just feel more comfortable, more myself, and I feel less bare. I feel much more like nobody can take anything from me. Before, I felt literally like my chest was cracked open and people could just reach in and examine and pick at anything they wanted, and it just freaked me right out.

You got a lot of criticism recently for comparing the intrusiveness of the paparazzi to rape. The comment got blown out of proportion very quickly, and you apologized.
STEWART: I’m so sensitive about stuff like that. That is the one subject that means a lot to me. I made one movie directly concerning it [2004's Speak], and I made another one where my character has a horrible history of rape [2010's Welcome to the Rileys]. I talked to a lot of people about it. I used the wrong word. I should have said “violated.” But I’m young and emotional. It’s just the way it goes sometimes. I probably shouldn’t say this, but I just feel like people got so excited once they saw that it was me. It was like, “Sweet! Let’s get her!” And then for the people to exploit it under the guise of being morally upstanding is disgusting — and it embarrassed me because I was a part of it.


More in the comments.


Storybook finish!

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 9:02 AM

Did you catch the game? HOLY SMOKES!


Come talk team USA! Come talk group C and even previous matches! Come talk the England game too since both are advancing. Come talk about the WORLD'S sport!

*approved by Jennyfly*


Recommendation Wednesdays?

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 8:24 AM

Ok, so I know that things switched around a little bit a few weeks ago, but I loved where you could recommend fics on Wednesday.

I would write down the ones that sounded interesting and then I would organize them by:

1)  How many chapters were completed.

2) Completed or "on going" Fanfiction

3) How many reviews it received.

4) How frequently it updated.

(Yeks, this sounds really PATHETIC)


Besides being extremely Anal Retentative about my Fanfiction, I am not one to welcome change. (sad I know)

Can someone tell what day it has been moved to?


I just wanted to add, that I appreciate all the hard work the Rangers put into this website. I know it is hard to please everyone all the time.


When life hands you lemons, give them to me.

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 7:42 AM

So, I'm all about lemons in FF.

MoTU, How to save a life, Cullen Island - you name it, I've read it...recently, I was reading a very popular fic. Now, I've been following this fic for a while and it's excellent. The plot, the characters, the lemons are all great...except, E and B are 16! Suffice to say it's kind of difficult to swallow [that's what she said].

Tell me what turns you OFF about Lemons in FF?

Bad mouthed Bella? Unhygenic Edward? Jasper in general?


Also, what do you LIKE?


Bad mouthed Bella? Unhygenic Edward? Jasper in general?







me likey


New Spoof

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 7:14 AM

&lt;a href=&quot;;from=sp&amp;vid=858b6c9c-83f1-4b1c-b812-b05b4f5d6614&quot; _cke_saved_href=&quot;;from=sp&amp;vid=858b6c9c-83f1-4b1c-b812-b05b4f5d6614&quot; target=&quot;_new&quot; title=&quot;How to Date a Vampire&quot;&gt;Video: How to Date a Vampire&lt;/a&gt;


Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 6:07 AM

I really love the short hair..



UoEM update!!

Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 4:27 AM

University of Edward Masen updated, can someone tell me if it's safe to read? I didn't read the last chapter either!!


Grown Ass Road Trip ~ Day 2/Night version

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 9:46 PM

I'm so tired omg.

So I'm in Panama City Beach, Florida.  It took FOREVER to get here.  There was a ton of traffic and construction coming from Birmingham, AL, and we drove through every podunk town in the state.  But we made it in one piece.  The condo we're sharing with my friend is GORGEOUS.... I'll try to get some pics tomorrow.


We hung out a little on the beach, the girls swam in the pool, we lit sparklers on the beach after it got dark, we ate taco salad and baked brownies....and I drank a bottle and a half of wine.  It was heaven.

The water here is BEAUTIFUL...contrary to what we heard on the news...the beach is still open and is lovely.

No ridiculous stories to share... today was an altogether lovely day---once we arrived.  Tomorrow the girls dance, so I look forward to seeing a combination of talented dancing (my daughter's studio) and some strippers-in-training (everyone else).

Some pics I took today...

this is the view from our condo...

my bb...


The Condo we have is awesome... but it doesn't have wi-fi (WTF)... so I'm using the crappy internet connection in the lobby omg this is so bad.  I'm going to bed.  good night!

Miss Snazzy


Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 9:05 PM

I am dying for some Ghostward.  Preferrably from Bella's point of view, but Edward's is ok too.


Also, there was a story that I had read a while back that I can't find.  It was a work in progress...  Bella had just moved into a new house and it turned out if was haunted by Edward Masen.  Weird things would happen like her office being destroyed, or she'd open the fridge and the food would be all rotted.  She calls in a psychic, Alice, to get rid of the spirit.  Alice brings her brother along, Edward Cullen. 

The story left off with the night after Edward Cullen was possessed by Edward Masen...I think?

If anyone knows what happened to this story, I'd appreciate any info... =)


I read this one the other day and I really liked it:


Anyway, anyone have any good Ghostward stories?


She's so pretty...

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 8:24 PM

KStew in Sweden. It looks like the photographer caught her at just the right moment being herself before she snapped into "movie star" mode. 


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