
Fandom Strikes, err, Gives Back

Friday July 2, 2010 at 11:10 AM

Hey everyone...

Just a friendly reminder to stop by the Fandom Gives Back website and check out all the amazing things people have put their time and effort into providing to help raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand.

There are lots of things that have not or have barely been bid on.  Also lots of things that have been bid on but have been stalled for days!

Here's my contribution:  My team has also worked on sweeting up the deal with a little extra somethin' somethin' that's not listed in the auction link--details can be found on our forum here:

Last year my team made over $500 for ALS...can we do it again this year?!


Happy 4th of July Weekend!

Friday July 2, 2010 at 11:08 AM

Okay, so I realize I did a similar post a couple days ago, but I just realized it was the 4th of July weekend and I know the drinks will be flowing and that someone will undoubtedly get behind the wheel.  PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.

Years ago, I lost my fiancee to this idiocy and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

This is my story ---->  Goodnight, Sweet Girl

So read, review and make a pledge to yourself to be safe.  And have fun.  Life is too short not to.



Since it's Free for all

Friday July 2, 2010 at 10:26 AM

Someone posted this on my nerd mom website.  Does this piss anyone else off or am I just reading it wrong?


This post isn’t addressed to any person in particular, but is addressed to any friend who ends up not breastfeeding. I was inspired to write it when I read these words by my friend Arwyn from Raising My Boychick:

So make the space. When someone says she didn’t breastfeed because it was creepy, listen to her. When someone doesn’t want to tell you why she didn’t breastfeed, or gives you a reason you know to be false, realize you don’t know the whole story, and grant her her privacy. When someone says she didn’t love every damn minute of nursing, don’t assume she’s anti-breastfeeding.

Mostly, shut up and listen.

I agree with Arwyn’s words, but wanted to take it a step back and explain to my readers and friends why I won’t ask: “Why aren’t you breastfeeding?”.


Dear friend,

I won’t ask you why you didn’t breastfeed. It isn’t because I don’t care about you (I do). It isn’t because I don’t want to hear your story (I’m here to listen). It isn’t because I’m judging you smugly in silence (I’m not). But I won’t ask you.

I won’t ask you because it is none of my business. The decision to breastfeed or not is a very personal one. People sometimes have very personal reasons for choosing not to breastfeed. That can include medical reasons, past sexual abuse, or simply feeling repulsed by the idea of breastfeeding. Sometimes people really wanted to breastfeed and tried really hard, but it just didn’t work out and talking about it opens the wounds again each time. So I won’t ask, because I don’t want people to feel forced into telling me something extremely personal and I also don’t want them to lie about their reasons in order to avoid telling me something so personal. I respect your privacy.

I also won’t ask you because I don’t like people inadvertently spreading myths about breastfeeding. While a lot of people do stop breastfeeding for perfectly good reasons (personal ones or medical ones), there are also lots of people who stop breastfeeding because they believed something that just wasn’t true. Maybe they thought their breasts would get saggy (not true), maybe they thought they didn’t have enough milk because their baby always seemed hungry (sometimes true, but usually not), maybe they thought a bottle would help their baby sleep better (nope), maybe they believed that because their diet isn’t perfect that their baby wouldn’t get enough nutrients from breastmilk (not true). When they repeat those myths over and over again, other people internalize them, believe them, pass them along and contribute to myths passing as truths.

So I won’t ask.

But if you do want to tell me your story, which a lot of people do, I am here to listen. I will, as Arwyn suggests, first and foremost shut up and listen. When I respond, I will never question whether you tried hard enough or whether your reasons were good enough. That isn’t my place. I will support you and I will mourn with you the loss of your nursing relationship (if that is how you perceive it).

But, and this is where it becomes difficult for me, I will try to gently correct any incorrect information that you share. I won’t jump right in and say “that is complete nonsense”. Instead, I will ask questions and try to understand why you believe what you do. As I do that, I’ll try to find the most gentle, caring way to share with you the information I have that is different.

This is really hard because people get defensive. They may get defensive because they are using a commonly held breastfeeding myth as a cover for a deeper reason for not breastfeeding that they do not want to share and they really don’t want their cover to be blown. Or they may get defensive because they really believed that myth and if it isn’t true, then it puts their decision into question. I don’t want to blow anyone’s cover and I don’t want anyone to feel bad about a decision that they made, especially if they made it because of bad information given to them by someone else. But…but…but…I don’t want other women to give up on breastfeeding because they believe something to be true that really isn’t true and I don’t want you to be robbed of the opportunity to nurse your future children (if you want to) because you believe something that really isn’t true.

So I’ll listen, I’ll support you, I’ll support your decision (whether made with good information or bad), but I will, ever so gently, correct any information that is not true. And I’m so sorry for that. I hope you can forgive me.

Take care,


I should note as well, because I couldn’t find a way to work it into the letter, that if I know a friend is planning to breastfeed, I often try to arm them with good information (e.g. good books, good websites, how to find a lactation consultant) ahead of time and let them know that I am there if they have any questions at all. I extend the offer to help, but I don’t push it. It is up to them to take me up on the offer if they so choose.


Amnesia Post?

Friday July 2, 2010 at 10:00 AM

When is the amnesia post?  Cause I've got two.

1-Bella works in a candy store with Angela, has a one night stand with E and gets preggers.

2-Bella, Edward and Jasper all know each other when they are young and almost enter into a 3 way relationship.  However, they don't give in to temptation and grow apart.  B and E end up together and lose touch with J.  Years later into adulthood they run into each other again.  I think J is in a band.

I finally get to see Eclipse today!  My hubs really wanted to take me and couldn't until this afternoon.  I've resisted sneaking off to see it by myself several times because I didn't want to hurt his feelings.  I keep having dreams of missing the movie entirely and wake up anxious.  I didn't realize I was that obsessed.....


Saw the movie, really liked it except for the fact that someone brought a family member with special needs who kept yelling out random phrases throughout the movie.  So many people complained that the manager handed out free tickets to come back to the theater.  I'll be going back on Sun to see The Last Airbender!


Something To Read?

Friday July 2, 2010 at 9:06 AM

I've got one story I'm reading at the moment and the rest I'm waiting to update

But I'd like something to read

Something fun and silly, not a lot of drama

I don't care if it's vamp, AU or AH, just so long as it's Edward/Bella preferably and preferably COMPLETE, I have too much on my alert list already xD

And I know this is the best place to find good fics :) Rec your own if you fancy, I don't give a damn, just so long as it's got a good plot :)

Cheers :D


help a girl out?

Friday July 2, 2010 at 8:58 AM

Since it's FFFA...

I was chatting to my e-bestie last night (greeneyedgirly) and she's never seen the Kellan Lutz jogging gif. You have to know the one I mean; he's wearing the very, very tight black wifebeater, the very loose sweatpants and quite clearly, no underwear.

bouncy bouncy bouncy...

If anyone has it could you pass it along?

Oh, and since we're here, let's make this a Kellan love <3 post. We get Jackson and Rob picspams quite a lot, Kellan, not so much.

Thank you!


Holy . . . .

Friday July 2, 2010 at 8:30 AM

How are we NOT talking about this Brazil/Netherlands game?


Gah . . . come chat World Cup with me!!!


Currently Reading...

Friday July 2, 2010 at 7:30 AM

Hello Campers!

Hope all our Canadian Campers(like myself) had a great Canada Day yesterday Eh!

And I would like to wish all of my American friends a very Happy & safe 4th of July Weekend!

I wanted to get a book rec post in b/c I am currently almost finished reading this:

It's a fabulous book and i am loving it! (I also think Robert will be fab as "Jacob"..and I also think that it's HILARIOUS that he is now playing a character named "Jacob"

Anyhoo...What are you reading??

I am most likely going to read this next:

But, i just received an Amazon gift cert that i am itching to use...what do you reccommend? I love all books..and have been on a big young adult and vampire binge for the last say....2 years since first reading Twilight..

Oh! and I am SUPER excited for THIS on Aug 24th!!!!!!!!!:

But i need lots of books to pass the time in between! (although i do plan a HG & CF re-read in there somewhere)




Rated M for Language

Friday July 2, 2010 at 6:19 AM

Since it is the Free-For-All Weekend:

Come in here to cuss, try out your newest or most creative zingers, or just to watch Bill Connolly (<3) explain the multicultural nature of eff off.

Meant in good fun.


Wait, another movie came out this week?

Friday July 2, 2010 at 5:00 AM

There was another movie that came out this week & I was way more excited for it than I was for Eclipse (which I still haven't seen btw).

Lettuce Discuss...

The Last Airbender

or Avatar as it should properly be referred to and not that movie with the blue ppl and fuckhot Sam Worthington. But I digress...

Have you seen it? Are you planning on seeing it? If you have seen it, what do you think? Have you read the critics reviews and want to kick their heiney's? Do you have issues with the casting? etc...

If you follow me on the twitter, you know that I pre-screened this movie for a bunch of ppl and left my review of it there. But I will leave my review, thoughts and such on the movie in the comments as to not spoil those that haven't seen it yet. 

Please mark your comments with a spoiler warning if they have spoilers. thx. 


and we can talk about this Avatar, which the movie was based off of. 


What's yer fav epi? What kind of bender would you be? what do you love about the show?

If you haven't seen the show it's out on DVD and on Nicktoons all the fucking time, so there really is no excuse. They even have Avatar: Extras now, which is like Pop-Up video. And if you don't know what Pop-Up video is...thank you for making me feel really effin' old. 

I'm a Sokka & Uncle Iroh fan. Not together or anything, because eww. But in general they both tend to bring the funny to the show. 


(note: I know WTVOC mentioned this in her FFFA post, but I thought it deserved it's own post)

(another note: emibella totes told me to do this on twitter yest, but I got distracted by Lego Harry Potter. I'm fail like that)

(yet another note: OMG my first campfire!!!)


Gimme your most loved Edwards!

Friday July 2, 2010 at 4:59 AM

Maybe it was discussed before, but what's your favorite FicEdward? I love tons of Edwards in fics, but my heart trully belongs to 2 of them: SkittleWard (in the human realm) and BlissWard (in the vamp world) Frenemies is not available anymore so BlissWard owns me! I must have read Let your light shine, A life Extraordinary and This Hungry World by LolaShoes about a zillion times... and this is what I see when I think of BlissWard:

LJ Summers

Love the hearts!

Friday July 2, 2010 at 4:54 AM

....and other thoughts while I sit here in the Forest.

First, I am really liking the ability to "favorite" certain campfires.  Anyone else taking advantage of this terrific new feature?  It's extremely useful for finding rec's and keeping track  of the FGB auction thread and so on.  

I am ALSO liking the latest updated chapters/stories feature.  It's helped me keep track of where I am in my far-too-involved fanfic reading.




I classify this as the innate need for something EVEN when it is proven to be detrimental to mental, physical or emotional health. 

I am ADDICTED to fan fiction. 

I came home from my Wi-Fi free (!!!!) vacation and found about 40 updates in my inbox. Because I follow a LOT of stories (not as many as Capricorn75 (?#) I am sure, but still, a lot.  So I had to catch up with them this week WHILE monitoring my auction thread (I am far too chatty and obsessive) and write fic and so on... 

And now my wrist is messed up. This is NOT good. Because, though it is a proven deleterious obsession, now, I MUST CONTINUE TO READ. Because of course more fics have been updated this week (duh!) and I am still writing my mating imperative series (almost done) and I really do have two or three novels to work on (truly) and I am doing all of these things too...

But I have to have my fic fix, blast it.

And retile my house.

With a stiff and sore wrist. 



Anyone else currently pursuing a Twilight addiction to the point of discomfort? Hmm?

For your time:



i would wanna be seated next to julia jones

Thursday July 1, 2010 at 11:33 PM


poor neglected northwest.  what, the cast members are too good to go to seattle or heaven forbid, forks?


Vodka, anyone?

Thursday July 1, 2010 at 11:11 PM




I'm a little drunk and was looking for some good drunk fics..


Anyone got any recommendations?


Here's a toast to you!



Thursday July 1, 2010 at 9:00 PM


yes, you read that right!

the forest is giving you ALL WEEKEND to post WHATEVER YOU WANT!

you have from NOW until 5pm eastern on monday to post!  so have at it!

let's see what you thought of the last airbender!  (ranger wtvoc loved it in every way possible)

take any good pictures at eclipse screenings?  let's see 'em!

need new music?  had a bad day?  read any good books lately?



i'm not talking anti- other countries.  just.... i love the fourth of july.  

corn on the cob, watermelon, fireworks, barbecues, block parties, too much sunshine, whiskey and coke, sneaking sips of beer from dad's bottle, running barefoot in the grass and lobbing water balloons at your siblings when you're young, boys when you're older, moms in really lame red/white/blue getups, sitting in the back of a pickup and eating a watermelon, spitting seeds at each other and the juice dribbling down your chin, sparklers tickling your skin with electric burns, the older boys lighting cherry bombs while adults pretend not to notice, little kids running around and shouting with excitement even though they don't know why...


tell me what you do for the fourth, and then start your own campfires!  for those of you who don't celebrate the fourth of july, tell me your favorite thing about summer!



Thursday July 1, 2010 at 7:14 PM

I come here often looking for help with finding fics, i'm hoping you can help me now.

I read A LOT of fan fiction. Probably too much. I mostly read AH, because I don't need a re-hash of Twilight. It's been done, and done well or we wouldn't all be here in the first place.

So I'm hoping to get back into Vamp fiction.

I've read: And With Thee Fade Away, If Love Could Light A Candle, A Creature Of Habit, Masque of the Red Death, and a few others.

I'm looking for VAMP fics, that are NOT a re-telling of Twilight. I'm looking for stuff that's not the same old, same old.


1. NOT a re-telling of Twilight

2. Edward isn't all angsty cause he is "souless" or "doesn't want to change Bella"

3. Dark, mature Edward, or conversely, a HUMOROUS Edward

4. A classic I might've missed

5. Adult

6. Something DIFFERENT

7. Completed!


Twilight Convention Boston

Thursday July 1, 2010 at 7:06 PM

I've packed my bags, I'm ready to go....

That's right!  My happy ass is leaving (North Dakota) on a jet plane and making the almost 2000 mile journey to Boston, MA on July 16th.  My intentions?  I'm going to the Twilight Convention and will be trying not to get escorted out of the building by Kellan Lutz's security team when I attempt to tongue-rape his dimples!

Now...since I'm making this longass journey, I need to know...who all is going?  We MUST schedule a meet up!  I'm not going all this way to not meet any of you amazing campers that are going to be there!!!




8 bit Twilight Interactive Game

Thursday July 1, 2010 at 6:11 PM

Ah the people that know me, know that I'm an avid gamer. This 8-bit Twilight game is sooo addictive and amusing.
I managed to win the game on my 1st try, what were your results?

Yay for The Hillywood Show

Thursday July 1, 2010 at 5:45 PM

Runaways Parody :D

Couldn't get a hold of a Ranger. Please approve :D
Ranger Edit: Approved!
Remember Campers-- there's always someone patrolling the Forest!  Just click the Ranger icon on the top right to reach one of us!
greeen goldfish

ginnysmash: eclipse edition

Thursday July 1, 2010 at 4:26 PM

I just saw Eclipse. I had forgotten how much certain elements of canon make me rage. I had a ginnysmash. wtvoc told me to start a campfire. I'll put the ginnysmash in the comments so as not to spoil.


i would like to dedicate this ginnysmash to damenellie.


First --- | >> | 1094 | 1095 | 1096 | 1097 | 1098 | 1099 | 1100 | 1101 | 1102 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
