
I just saw Eclipse

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 8:41 PM

so i'm mega late i know but, i was lookig back at other campfires and i could help but notice no one brought up the special effects for the movie. i did love the movie but something has been bugging the ever loving censored by a ranger! out of me. ranger edit: to find out what's buggin', come inside to this SPOILERY FOR THE MOVIE CAMPFIRE

and please remember, many other countries do not have eclipse yet, so let's be kind!



Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 8:00 PM


We have some announcements that are making us want to dance naked around a campfire tonight.

ADF is proud to announce our newest Rangers:

littlesecret84-who is also a VIP author here in the forest and ultimate Kristen Stewart lover. We can chat for hours with her because she is sugar and spice and nothing too nice. Don't be afraid to say hello-she knows all. We are thrilled to have her in our Ranger ranks.

capricorn75 (aka Cappie)-Wow. What can we say? Cappie is a legend in the fandom. She is smart, sassy and always has something interesting to say (we listen intently as she is usually right on the money). She has been a major force here in the forest since the beginning and we are pinching ourselves that she said yes to taking on the intense Ranger status.

ADF is growing by leaps and bounds. It's all because of our incredible campers. Don't ever forget that it's YOU that makes the forest what it is. We love you all.

Now let's celebrate.


Show Me Yours....

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 7:07 PM

I want to see your desktops :) I want to see what the Forest has on their computer to make them smile. Mine is in the comments.


Approved by jennday


Dear....(fill in the blank)

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 6:41 PM

I just had a wee bit of fun trying to get Theheartoflife fired up....I'll post it under the fold. 

In return - I challenge you to write a letter of inspiration to another camper/ creative, be inspirational.


Extra points if you're silly.  A round of drinks from me if there are pretty boys (MY KINDA PRETTY BOYS)



summer lovin' had me a blast

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 6:26 PM

What's happenin', ADF!? I haven't been around much lately, omg such a bad Ranger.








Have you ever had some summer lovin'? HOW WAS IT? DID IT HAVE YOU A BLAAAST?






Also post your favorite summer jams. ANYTHING THAT REMINDS YOU OF SUMMER


Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 5:57 PM

Hello Fellow Campers!

This is my first campfire, so be gentle! Yesterday, on Twitter, someone tweeted a link to a fanfic where Bella is a housewife and reads Edward's books to escape her lackluster life.  I think the title may have had the word Escape in it.  Help please! I thought I had saved this story to  my favs, but apparently, I didn't. I even tried to search Fan but no results. Has anyone heard of this? Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated!


Weird European Twilight Eclipse Toy Commercial

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 4:43 PM

Has this been posted yet? Cuz it is hilarious.


*Caution Mature Content ahead, NSFW


talk to me, campers

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 3:20 PM

come sit around the fire and get toasted your marshmallows with me

or, you know

answer the following questions and make some new frands


i never leave the house without putting this on:


ONE author i would pay any price, stand in any line for any length of time to get the newest book is:


my go-to CD/record/album/whatever when i want to be left alone/sulk/be depressed/be melancholy is:


i love this, and i don't care who knows it:


dear (fellow camper/ranger), we don't know each other, but i've always wanted to say this to you:


my latest obsession is:


and of course, here's my gift to ranger wtvoc:

sokka rathbone and wtvoc thank you for your time.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


So I was away in Vegas... WTF happened?

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 1:50 PM

I was in Vegas for five days with some Twi buddies and I was reading unholy.obsessions How to Save a Life whilst traveling. Thank goodness I finished the last actual chapter in flight last night BUUUUT where'd it go?!

I saw her thing on FF saying she had conflicts. but but but but.... *sniffle*

I didn't get to read the outtakes and wasn't there to be an epi? And I was reading on my phone so I was waiting til today to go through and review using my PC, but now I can't even compliment her. I wanted to offer my beta services to her for anytime she wanted to write more and well... I just wanted to make sure she knew that I was reading since I couldn't review and just tell her her story kicked ass. :(

Anyone have an email or something so I can tell her? She disallowed messaging on FF too. I thought she was a VIP here, but I don't see her.

If anyone has the scoop or a way to contact her, hollah back please :) Or if you just wanna talk about how HtSaL made you wanna cry a little. That's okay too!

Here is some TIA-


NReed & the JO-BRO

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 1:49 PM

How did I miss this little slice of celebrity heaven?!?

Nikki Reed and Joe Jonas pose for a few pictures at the red carpet premiere of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse at Odeon Leicester Square in London on Thursday evening (July 1).

Joe, 20, is in London spending time with younger brother Nick while he performs as Marius in Les Miserables.

Nikki caught up with MTV about an intense Rosalie scene in the third installment of the franchise. She shared, “There was this scene that I shot where I was strapped to this weird machine that was making me fly up and down this hallway with this wedding dress and David Slade was giving me this really intense direction but it was just kind of outrageous what I was doing.”





Paul the Octopus

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 12:09 PM

I'm pretty much refreshing ADF every ten minutes hoping for another High Noon update, but while I'm on my computer, a friend sent me this thing about a german octopus named Paul who predicts the World Cup games. Since he's a German octopus, they only make him predict Germany's games, but for the recent one, he shocked his country by saying Spain will win instead of Germany!
This was approved by Ranger Jennyfly.

Pet Peeves - tenses

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 12:04 PM

Urgh! I'm so frustrated I want to tear my hair out!

Is anyone else ever annoyed by incorrect tense usage in fics? Honestly, out of the thousands of fanfics I've read in the past two years, I could probably count the ones that always used tenses right on two hands. Maybe even one.

Whether it's switching between tenses, or forgetting that the past of the past is HAD goshdarnit!, I've seen it countless times. Even a great deal of the "best" fics have had this problem.

Anyone else agree?

Also, anyone have any ff pet peeves? We haven't had one of these posts in a bit.


Semi-final 1

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 11:29 AM

Here it is the FIRST Semi-final! Netherlands vs. Uruguay.

How excited are you? How do you think this one will turn out? As always come inside and talk the game and talk World Cup with me!

*approved by the awesome Jennyfly*


Real or Fake?

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 11:07 AM

Okay Campers, the rules are simple. Show us a story summary & we will guess if it's Real or Fake.

Hilarity will ensue.

In the comments I wanna see Real summaries you've come across and hardly believed... and Fake summaries you've written to fool your friends!

Here are three to get us started. Can you tell Real from Fake?


Little Slugger    Edward is committed to a secluded double life - by day working as a Customer Service Rep and by night a God of the Open Mic stage. His coworker Bella is quirky & observant, & her curiosity about Edward may eclipse his need to keep his life private.

Legally Wet    What happens when prosecuter Edward gets stuck with the Bella Swan Public Indecency case when he knows the truth: She racked-up all those tickets for Public Indecency because she was always so wet for him her clothes were see-through. slighty ooc.

One Hundred Simple Ways to Lose a Man     Bella Swan hates men and is famous for her best selling book about how to lose them when they get annoying. When Edward Cullen saves her from drowning, she finds herself warming up to him, against her judgment. But she won't go down without a fight! AH


Don't be hatin'

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 10:09 AM

So as many of you know, I spent the weekend with G.A.W. All I can say is-


You wanna know what Rob's Stalkee is like in real life? Take her online awesomeness and multiply it times the power of Rob's beauty. And that's just scratching the surface.

Some highlights:

(what the hell, there's no longer a bullet-point clicky thing?)

Meeting the kids. They are awesome. This is coming from a person who really does not like children- at all. G.A.Son is NOT your typical teenager. He is kind, and mature, and funny, and super-scary intelligent. G.A.Daughter1 is gorgeous and talented and has the best decorated room ever! I hope I didn't leave any saliva on her posters....G.A.Daughter2 is cuter than should be legally allowed. I wish I could have put her in my pocket and brought her home with me.

The food. This woman can cook. She made me ribs, steak, homemade potato and pasta salad, fruit salad, rice krispy treats, s'mores, a lots and lots of margaritas.

Wasabi peas. Oh. My. God. Rob said he wanted to smash them up and snort them and now I understand why. They are flippin' addictive. I'm sure I can pursuade him to incorporate them into our foreplay. Just don't let it touch the cooch- you know that $hit would burn. I found that out the hard way with hot wings. But that is a story for another time....

Being able to discuss ADF and the fandom and our favorite fics, authors, and campers and lots and lots of Rob FACE TO FACE with someone who actually cares about it just as much as I do. I think it might be the equivalent of two junkies getting together with a really good stash and sharing it with one another.

The TMI. I could say anything to this woman and she didn't bat an eye, and vice versa. Fisting remains a hard limit. Sorry, Rob.

The laughing. She and her kids kept me in stitches. I'm sure we pissed some people off with our cackling. The Eclipse audience and her next door neighbors trying to sleep at 3 a.m come to mind....

KENNY LOGGINS. Hearing 'Footloose' and 'I'm All Right' live in concert? No words, man.

Eclipse commentary after a strong Coke & Amaretto. Whoever writes the Billy/Carlisle slash-fic, please be aware that it doesn't count unless it's canon and Billy is in the wheelchair.

Seeing where the magic happens. No, I'm not talking about the Grown.Ass.Bedroom. I'm referring to the kitchen table and laptop where 'All at Once' is written. Plus getting to read the latest chapter before it betas and posts. Do you have any idea what it was like for me to get to discuss in detail one of my favorite stories ever with the actual author? I've chatted back and forth with authors before, and left detailed reviews so they know what I thought, but nothing can compare to the one-on-one interaction. Total fangirl moment for me, I gotta tell you.

Listening to her life stories....get to work on that book, C. Those stories need to be told, and enjoyed by all.

Mapquest directions- psych! You suck, Mapquest. That's two hours you took out of my G.A.W. time.

I can't wait to come back and visit and this time bring my brats so we can all hang out together.

So I just want to say 'THANK YOU' for a wonderful weekend, G.A.W. You're the writer, not me, so my words can't really convey how much I enjoyed everything. In case you didn't already know, you ROCK!!!


Live! With..

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 6:15 AM

I live in a little place called Prince Edward Island on the east coast of Canada, and guess who is coming here to visit????


That is right Daddy C is coming here!! And I will get to see him Live!


I have these guys to thank for bringing him here.

Live! With Regis and Kelly are coming to PEI next week starting Monday!

Is there anyone else coming for the show? I just got my tickets last night in the mail, and I ended up getting tickets to the first show which Peter will be attending.  How lucky is that?

Should I make a sign?  What should it say?

Is anyone else excited about this as I am?  Are you all jealous of me??

Stephen Moyer from True Blood will be here to tape for Wednesdays show , and John Corbet will be here to tape Thursdays show.  Are you jealous now?

All of my friends are jealous since I am the only one to get my tickets, and they didn't get any. (You have to enter your name into a draw and they draw names randomly, two tickets per entry.) But I thought I wasn't getting mine either and was planning on trying to get in to the show anyways on standby.

If you are going to be home on Monday you should watch, or dvr it.  I am taking my mom, and she has no idea what she will be walking into.  LOL!  I will be taking pictures and will post any good ones.  I have no idea how this will work if we will get a chance to get an autograph or pictures or whatever, but I am looking forward to going.  When I signed up for tickets I felt silly, but I couldn't help but think that a Twilight cast member may be interviewed or someone equally cool. 

Give me your best sign suggestions please!

Happy Tuesday!


Cullen Wolfpack?

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 4:10 AM

Has anyone seen or read any fics with the Cullen family is the wolfpack?

I haven't seen any myself, but it would be something I'd be interested in reading. 

What do you think?



Monday July 5, 2010 at 8:36 PM

It's still the Free For All Weekend, right? I thought I read that it lasted until Monday... If not, feel free to delete this post, Rangers. And sorry in advance if my brain got fried this weekend while I burnt for the FOURTH FUCKING TIME this summer.

ANYWAY, I just wanted to know...

Did you do anything life-changing in the past year? Did you meet any new friends that have had a serious affect on you?


A year ago, I was in Pimbiniet/Enelerai, Kenya, MOTHERFUCKING Africa! Some of you may already know this little tidbit about me, but I thought, since I'm in the sentimental mood, I'd share it with the rest of you.

I went to Africa last July and had the biggest, greatest, most life-changing adventure of my life. I went with Me to We, a fantastic organization that was started up by Canada's own Marc and Craig Keilburger (I've met them both. NBD.) I met some of the greatest people I know while there, both Kenyans and North Americans.

All-in-all, I came home last August a new lib6. Seriously.



My BB Alex

Monday July 5, 2010 at 7:15 PM

Alex Day read some more chapters of Twilight.

He picked up where Charlie left off last week :D

And here's Charlie's from last week, just in case you missed it...

Also, Alex seems to be in the strangest mood for this video. I quite like the random close-up at the end...


Monday* Request

Monday July 5, 2010 at 5:14 PM

It's the Monday* Request Campfire!

Request a type of fic to read, a picture to look at or a book. 

Anything goes (except for downloads, so don't go there)

Need advice? Request it here!

This week I have a request (besides that you read the High Noon update, because it has my favorite description of a bathroom of all time) but I will put it in the comments.


*Yes, yes, I know for some of you it's Tuesday. 

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