
I can't stop staring

Friday July 9, 2010 at 11:53 PM

please enjoy the pretty.  i can't deal with how gorgeous Ashley is and then you throw in Kellan and...gah.  somebody's gotta right a fic just based on these pics

you can find so much more here >>>>>

there's vid from the shoot in the comments

Ryan Ninea


Friday July 9, 2010 at 10:52 PM

So I have been LOCKED OUT of our fair forest since JUNE 19th!!!! This is my fist successful log in since and I am SO FRICKING EXCITED!

I know this shows how little life I have, but yay I am back! I have so much to catch up on!

Why are you excite right now?

(it's still FFA right?)


So I finally watched "Bad Mothers Handbook"

Friday July 9, 2010 at 10:27 PM

And I was SUPER suprised to enjoy it for more than just a few glimpses of Rob. (although I do totally get the lure of this 'daniel gale' character. SOOOO cute.)  I did only see it on You Tube though, so I wonder if I missed anything...

Srsly though, I sat down just to oogle Mr. Pattinson while the baby was fussing, and I got completely sucked in. Did anyone else really enjoy this? I know it could still be the baby hormones, but I cried my eyes out. I don't want to post anything that could be a spoiler, but The movie was srsly touching, and not what I expected.

Who writes that Daniel Gale fic??? I feel like I could totally get into that now....


What does a beta do, exactly?

Friday July 9, 2010 at 8:30 PM

I see so many author's notes and other praise about the work of the beta, but I'm kind of unclear about what they do.  From all of the notes, it seems to me that their role goes beyond grammar and puncuation.  There is clearly an editorial role sometimes.  So, what exactly do they do? Would someone be willing to show a pre-beta and post-beta passage?

Just to clarifiy, as a reader, I appreciate (greatly) the service that beta's provide.  I'm more interested in the mechanics. Thanks!


Twilight: For Guys!!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 7:34 PM

Has this been posted yet?


*NSFW and well I think the title says it all.


Let's Talk About...

Friday July 9, 2010 at 7:09 PM


Not very exciting for a Friday night, I know. I realize. Humor me. Reading TONS of fics, has left me with some thoughts.
I'd like to preface this by saying i'm an avid reader, but have never written a story OR an author's note, so I can't tell you all what to do.


1. Recommendations. I get some great rec's from author's I enjoy
2. Getting an idea of where a story might come from, be it experience, a thought, or a crazy dream
3. An idea of when the next chapter might be, or how much more they think a fic might take chapter wise.


1. Please do NOT tell me what is about to happen in the chapter i'm about to read or what's coming next time. Leave me some SUSPENSE! If i'm reading your strory in the first place, it means i'm interested already, and having you tell me what's coming up is sometimes a bummer.
2. Thanking anyone you have ever known. Sure, thank your betas and the fans.
3. An author's note longer than the chapter following.

And your thoughts?



Friday July 9, 2010 at 7:02 PM

KhariZzmatik is not on twitter anymore, does anyone know why?? I hope she's ok:S


Things that make you say - Doh!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 6:34 PM

So for all you perfectionists out there, here's a little tip.  If you are going to run your garbage disposal make sure there are not any baby food jars in there before you turn it on.  This happened to me tonight.  Doh!

So, what stupid thing have you done lately that makes you say doh! (Homer Simpson style)


My Book Is Out!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 6:20 PM

Hopefully it's okay to post this since it's FFAF.  I promise to make it interactive.  Anyway, my first book as an editor has gone live.



Like a Sacred Desire: Tales of Sex Magick edited by me and published by Circlet Press.

Table of contents:

Unquiet Ghosts by Jana Denardo
The HandYou’re Dealt by Elizabeth Schechter
The Birthright by Renatto Garcia
Perhaps A Worthy Offering by D.L. King
Wood by David Sklar
St. Nicholas’ Eve by Angela Caperton
Opening by Raven Kaldera

From the introduction:

In this book you will find a simple Tarot deck becomes anything but, gender is as fleeting as the wind, one warrior is carved from blood and tears while another finds peace in the midst of lost faith, wood is given a whole new meaning, and the longest night of the year becomes a pleasant vigil.

Like a Sacred Desire is available for the Kindle via Amazon here:

And other formats here:

It would really mean a lot to me if you guys would check it out and/or spread the word.


Now.  To make this more interactive...I know for a FACT that at least one of our campers is listed on Amazon.  *looks pointedly at LJ Summers*  And I highly doubt she's the only one.  I dare you campers to come out of hiding and pimp your real life stuff.  And we don't have to limit this to writing.  Do you make jewelry?  Paint?  Work in film or television or have a band?  Link us!  I want to see your stuff!



Friday July 9, 2010 at 4:42 PM

As it is a Friday Free For All and Eclips is out and the World Cup ends this weekend I invite you to post pictures of your favorit eyecandy....

I have had a rather rubbish day to put it mildly , inspite of the fact that it is Friday, so I am looking for somethign to swoon over and hopefuly improve my day and maybe yours too =)


EP by Kharizzmatik

Friday July 9, 2010 at 4:28 PM

I have been trying to figure out how to get an invite to her blog so I can read her awesome story. Does anyone out there have any idea how to get in touch with her? I really love that story, but just getting an account isn't enough?



Friday July 9, 2010 at 4:12 PM

My 7 year old daughter begged me to make smoothies tonight. It's so freakin' hot, so I caved. We made something called Polynesian Power Punch Smoothies and they were to DIE for. Especially after Mama added her special ingredient. 

Campers...Fire up your blenders!!!! Post your favorite smoothie recipes. I'll post mine inside! 


C'mon - Get Happy!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 4:09 PM



Thanks to whatsmynom for the new catchy title :)

Can't wait to hear from all of you!

Disclaimer: Any negativity in this campfire will result in random fursploding and loss of clothes... but not in a good way.


Tell me wai

Friday July 9, 2010 at 3:21 PM

I'm starting another campfire because Sound is furious.

I sweated for an hour in T.J. Maxx, trying to pick out heels to wear to job interviews. I have really nice leather flats, but I'm shorter than I'd like to be and thought I might feel less dumpy and more confident in heels.

Most were out of the question. A pair of Jessica Simpsons were the best I found, but I still almost broke my ankles and the balls of my feet were killing me. I decided to go home and ruminate before making a decision.

Then I found this.

And I have to ask: why are heels legal? Why? And legal or no, why would any woman do this to herself? There's an old quote about neckties being stupid because it's like tying a little noose around your neck every morning. But at least it doesn't cause body damage, fer chrissake.

*ponders wai while eating Nutella*


Cheer up?

Friday July 9, 2010 at 3:16 PM

So guys, i've just been heartbroken for the first time in my life. My heart. It fucking hurts.

Can somebody just post ANYTHING to cheer me up?

Or let me know what you do to your heartbroken friends to cheer them up?

Thanks *sigh*



What are they doing to him?

Friday July 9, 2010 at 3:10 PM

Cutting his hair while already in costume, I guess.  It must have been really long.  Look at those locks!

From The Summerhouse.

Can't wait to download this baby!   I'm a bit Rob-mad but have yet to see Haunted Airman or How to Be.

I've seen Bad Mother's Handbook on Youtube only!

Is anyone else into Rob's 'early works'?


Pimpin Myself

Friday July 9, 2010 at 2:53 PM

Since i have no shame at all i just enter my first one-shot contest and i'm extreamly happy about that **bonuces** and i want to share it with you guys yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayz me **bonuces again** so yea i am pimin myself out to you guys


paper cuts out my heart and owns it

Friday July 9, 2010 at 1:53 PM

wooooo.  - Paper CutOuts by twistedcoincidence


i just got wiped the eff out by this story. can we discuss it? have you read it?


honestly, i nearly threw a huge fit right in the middle of the office when someone interrupted me.



Friday Night Giggles

Friday July 9, 2010 at 1:19 PM

This is Alexander Skarsgård in his film Beyond the Pole (that's what she said...) and it made me giggle throughout the day. He demonstrates the greatness that is Swedish men. Believe me, I was engaged to one, Swedes are hilarious and gorgeous too. I'll be home this friday and the midnight sun is setting here in the north and I'd like to know, what has made you laugh out loud lately?

Gif help

Friday July 9, 2010 at 12:41 PM

Uh, yeah, I know that this is a very common problem: How do I shrink this gif so I can have it as my profile picture? Anyone care to share the powerful secret??? :) Thanks

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