

Friday July 9, 2010 at 4:42 PM

As it is a Friday Free For All and Eclips is out and the World Cup ends this weekend I invite you to post pictures of your favorit eyecandy....

I have had a rather rubbish day to put it mildly , inspite of the fact that it is Friday, so I am looking for somethign to swoon over and hopefuly improve my day and maybe yours too =)


EP by Kharizzmatik

Friday July 9, 2010 at 4:28 PM

I have been trying to figure out how to get an invite to her blog so I can read her awesome story. Does anyone out there have any idea how to get in touch with her? I really love that story, but just getting an account isn't enough?



Friday July 9, 2010 at 4:12 PM

My 7 year old daughter begged me to make smoothies tonight. It's so freakin' hot, so I caved. We made something called Polynesian Power Punch Smoothies and they were to DIE for. Especially after Mama added her special ingredient. 

Campers...Fire up your blenders!!!! Post your favorite smoothie recipes. I'll post mine inside! 


C'mon - Get Happy!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 4:09 PM



Thanks to whatsmynom for the new catchy title :)

Can't wait to hear from all of you!

Disclaimer: Any negativity in this campfire will result in random fursploding and loss of clothes... but not in a good way.


Tell me wai

Friday July 9, 2010 at 3:21 PM

I'm starting another campfire because Sound is furious.

I sweated for an hour in T.J. Maxx, trying to pick out heels to wear to job interviews. I have really nice leather flats, but I'm shorter than I'd like to be and thought I might feel less dumpy and more confident in heels.

Most were out of the question. A pair of Jessica Simpsons were the best I found, but I still almost broke my ankles and the balls of my feet were killing me. I decided to go home and ruminate before making a decision.

Then I found this.

And I have to ask: why are heels legal? Why? And legal or no, why would any woman do this to herself? There's an old quote about neckties being stupid because it's like tying a little noose around your neck every morning. But at least it doesn't cause body damage, fer chrissake.

*ponders wai while eating Nutella*


Cheer up?

Friday July 9, 2010 at 3:16 PM

So guys, i've just been heartbroken for the first time in my life. My heart. It fucking hurts.

Can somebody just post ANYTHING to cheer me up?

Or let me know what you do to your heartbroken friends to cheer them up?

Thanks *sigh*



What are they doing to him?

Friday July 9, 2010 at 3:10 PM

Cutting his hair while already in costume, I guess.  It must have been really long.  Look at those locks!

From The Summerhouse.

Can't wait to download this baby!   I'm a bit Rob-mad but have yet to see Haunted Airman or How to Be.

I've seen Bad Mother's Handbook on Youtube only!

Is anyone else into Rob's 'early works'?


Pimpin Myself

Friday July 9, 2010 at 2:53 PM

Since i have no shame at all i just enter my first one-shot contest and i'm extreamly happy about that **bonuces** and i want to share it with you guys yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayz me **bonuces again** so yea i am pimin myself out to you guys


paper cuts out my heart and owns it

Friday July 9, 2010 at 1:53 PM

wooooo.  - Paper CutOuts by twistedcoincidence


i just got wiped the eff out by this story. can we discuss it? have you read it?


honestly, i nearly threw a huge fit right in the middle of the office when someone interrupted me.



Friday Night Giggles

Friday July 9, 2010 at 1:19 PM

This is Alexander Skarsgård in his film Beyond the Pole (that's what she said...) and it made me giggle throughout the day. He demonstrates the greatness that is Swedish men. Believe me, I was engaged to one, Swedes are hilarious and gorgeous too. I'll be home this friday and the midnight sun is setting here in the north and I'd like to know, what has made you laugh out loud lately?

Gif help

Friday July 9, 2010 at 12:41 PM

Uh, yeah, I know that this is a very common problem: How do I shrink this gif so I can have it as my profile picture? Anyone care to share the powerful secret??? :) Thanks



Friday July 9, 2010 at 12:37 PM

In the spirit of the first date horror campfire, I'm doing an idiot coworker campfire.

When I have a bad experience with a store, I like to go on consumer sites and read about people who got it worse than I did. When I hate a book or movie, I feel very relieved when someone else does, too. No one likes to be alone.

And so I appeal to you now to halp me, campers. For the next four weeks, I will be covering volunteer shifts for a woman who "loves working here" but doesn't actually do so very much. (Maybe there's a connection?) In the six months I've been volunteering, or 24 weeks, I estimate she's been out 16 of those. She can't even be bothered to help with the prayer request emails that you can sign into from anywhere in the country. Plus it's been six weeks since the new phone extension got added for our online volunteers, and she still has no clue how to use it.

Not only does no one say anything, but the coordinator doesn't even seem to notice.

I know it could be worse. I've had worse, many times. And I've also, quite recently even, read The Devil Wears Prada. I should be immune. But my mind is, just now, stuck in a rut of loathing how she can get the same recognition as the rest of us for doing a quarter of the work and doing it half-assed.

Tell me about your coworkers so I can get out of that rut until next week when I'm working her shift again.

For your time, a picture of a pretty horsie:


Because I'm a creeper

Friday July 9, 2010 at 12:28 PM

Okay so I'm totally bored and deranged and out of my mind so I went to this website where you can morph yourself with someone else to see what your baby would look like. Of course I was curious sooooo I did rob *eye roll* anyway...this is our love child ...its all blurry and crazy..but you kinda get the idea..heres the link if you wanna do it too lol


What are you reading?!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 11:54 AM

I want to see what you're reading. Show me your alerts list or whatever that thing is called on FFn. Does ADF have one of those? I'm like, the best ranger ever, because I know nothing. But this isn't surprising. It just took me 45 minutes to prepare some Kraft mac & cheese. Ugh, anyway, here's mine! Show me yours? Please?



And here is a random gif I came across in my ridiculously large "Robert and Kristen Gifs" folder. So cute and weird. This has nothing to do with this post, but hey, if you have something cute/funny to share, please do! I'm having one of those days.

Rob is ridiculous



Hunger Games read-a-long

Friday July 9, 2010 at 11:42 AM

Hunger Games read-a-long

I know many of you have read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (and if you haven't what the hale are you waiting for??)

The third and final book in this amazing trilogy comes out August 24th. Just for fun a few of us at District 13 are re-reading both the Hunger Games and Catching Fire before Mockingjay releases. 

Yes we've already started, but really the book is not that long, so it won't take long to catch up.

Click on the picture to come and play!

(and don't make fun of my terrible banner making skills)


Have you read the Hunger Games or are you planning to read it?

Did you love it? Hate it?

Why or Why not? 



Rosalie Week

Friday July 9, 2010 at 11:27 AM

Hey guys,

So I've started this blog called For the Love of Non-Canon

Each week we have a "Theme of the week" and next week is Rosalie week.

So, I'm wondering what are your favourite Rosalie fics? Even canon ones I'll put up but the more Non-Canon fics, the better!

And if any of you would like to be a member of staff on the blog; fic surfing, putting teasers up, HTML, writing about pairings and posting loads of fics etc.

Let me know :) Either on here or by going onto the blog and filling in the form.

Oh and if you want tweets and stuff we're @NonCanonLove :)

So... your Rosalie recs??


No. More. Drama.

Friday July 9, 2010 at 10:35 AM


My Challenge to you:

I've been having some stressful days at work lately.  It's the busy season for my company, and I've been working about 60 hours a week... every week.

Like most of you, in my spare time I read all the fic I can get my hands on... to the point of obsession.  Even though some of my favorite stories are ultra-angsty and full of drama, I just can't handle that right now.  I need to de-stress in my downtime, so I want your recs for fluffy TwiFic.

My requirements: well-written, low or no drama, something like Port Angeles Players, can be a one-shot but I like multi chapter fics better, preferably E/B


I need a HEA on FFAF

Friday July 9, 2010 at 10:00 AM

A co-worker just came in and she had just seen Toy Story 3, so we started talking about it and of course I started to get all choked up because I tried to talk about the part that shall not be named which is quite frankly more sad than all of the Nicholas Sparks sobfest movies combined.

So really, I just need some recs for fics that have a happily ever after ending.

The preferences:

-Completed. Please, I can't add any more drama in my life. Waiting for the ones I'm already waiting for is painful enough.)
-Doesn't have to be entirely canon, but I prefer Bella/Edward. I'm a purist like that.
-Um, good quality? I prefer things to be well-written. Consider it a result of having a BA in English Lit. Some angst is okay, but I need to know they'll make it through the rain, so to speak.
-Please no recs for fics where they use any form of thirteen-year-old girl speak: "OMG Hes Lyke SOOOO UR BF!" (*Unless it's used in an ironic way...)


Other than that, I don't care if it's Vamp or AU or AH or whatever.


In all honesty, I would ask for you to send me your "Worst Fic Ever" recs for the laughs, but I think that would be in violation of the Don't Be Mean rule on ADF...


Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 9:56 AM

Usually, I sleep like the dead. I literally do not move once I find a comfortable position.

Occasionally, when I'm sick and/or drunk, things get a little...crazy when I go to sleep.

First of all, I snore when I'm drunk. Loudly. And I sleep in the vampire position. Like, laying on your back, hands crossed over your chest. I didn't know this until I had a sleepover with my best girl friend a couple of weeks ago.

Now, when I'm sick, I have crazy dreams. I've been sick for the past couple of days, and my dreams have been vivid. I had a dream that I had a boyfriend, and we were in my bed, and I was licking his chest? (Yeahhh, IDEK) I woke up licking the blanket that was in front of my face. Last night, I must've been having a wild dream, because I threw my Kleenex box across my room, kicked all of my blankets minus the one I fondly call my Ernie-Bert blanket (Yeah, I still sleep with one of my baby blankets. Get over it.), had my entire body against my wall, and kicked off my pants. It must've been one helluva night for me.

What do you do in your sleep? Sleep talking? Sleep walking? Kicking? Snoring? ANYTHING?


Let's Talk~

Friday July 9, 2010 at 9:45 AM

We've all had them.

Whether is was your VERY first date, or your first date with a new guy (or girl)

Did the guy have super bad breath?

Did you spill water all over your white shirt revealing the fact that you weren't wearing a bra?

Did you get home to realize you had parsley in your teeth the whole night?


Mine is in the comments

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