The Hunger Games

Friday July 16, 2010 at 10:43 PM

I  read The Hunger Games (finally) and LOVED it..  I am starting Catching Fire in e-book format because I'm not waiting until tomorrow to drive to Border's.  Just had to share. 






*I promise I will shut up soon...I am almost campfired out...*



Friday July 16, 2010 at 9:15 PM


Well... not missing, just misplaced!

Honestly I've been searching for the song 'Just like Greta' by Van Morrison for nearly an hour. I thought i had his discography but apparently not...

Can anybody help me, please? *bats lashes*

I'd give you some pretty but then I'd have to spend a extortionate amount of money on mirrors... not working? blegh.


Show your smile!!

Friday July 16, 2010 at 9:14 PM

So today we have seen your names and heard your voices. I want to see your smile. I know we've had these posts before, but post a picture of yourself.

mine will be in the comments.


Rec me some funny people.

Friday July 16, 2010 at 7:51 PM

I've asked for sad angsty crying fics now I want your suggestions for funny fics.

As always the only requirement I have is good writing.

I don't care what the rating is. Lemons or Not. I just want funny fics.

Please & Thank You



Karaoke Campfire

Friday July 16, 2010 at 7:19 PM

So in continuation with the campire get-me-at-rob started & that juanitabanana suggested. I thought it was a really fun idea for a karaoke campfire. As juanitabanana said, with all our lovely voices, we should have some fun with karaoke.

Should we do it?

Detail of how it will work if we have participants.


Here is the link to record your song


ETA: Ok so this is happening. How excited are we? We'll start by commenting under someones post for a request & then work from there :)


And I dont care.

Friday July 16, 2010 at 6:23 PM

Okay so, this is a bit of an ego booster campfire.

Everybody has stuff about them that they or other people think is just wrong. But you don't care cuz nobody's perfect. We're gonna say STFU to everyone else and embrace our less then perfect qualities.

I have quite a few of them. So what we're gonna do is say one thing about yourself that's not...nice, something you do that others don't like, or just something you wanna feel like less of an ass for thinking.

Ready? I'll start.

I'm horribly impatient. Old people and children piss me off because they're so slow. I cant stand it. Sometimes I just wanna yell at them to hurry their slow asses up. Slow drivers, people who take forever to count change in line, little boy walking in front of me, HAUL ASS. YOU'RE IN MY WAY. I cant help it. I don't really want to and I don't care.





Friday July 16, 2010 at 4:53 PM






Debbie Downer here...

Friday July 16, 2010 at 4:43 PM


So... my mother died about six years ago. Tomorrow would have been her 55th birthday. Some people mourn at Christmas or Thanksgiving but I am usually a mess on her birthday or mine. I don't plan on leaving my bed tomorrow and will be crying anyway so it's the perfect time to read sad fics!

I am looking for recs for fics that involve Bella dealing with the death of a loved one. Fics where she goes through the stages and comes out on the other side would be great.

I have read two great fics that are heartbreaking and beautiful:

The Queen of Hearts by ADF VIP Author stellalunasky


Someone Else's Memoirs by a certain slant of light

If you haven't read these - do it!

Fics where Bella and Renee have a strong mother/daughter relationship would be awesome, too! Recs for real books, movies or music would be appreciated as well.


If you don't have any recs, tell me your story about someone you miss.



Friday July 16, 2010 at 4:37 PM

Happy Friday, y'all.




Disclaimer: Any negativity in this campfire and you will be forced to watched Alice's "running through the forest" vision from New Moon.

Additional Disclaimer: I love that vision.


Those awesome loved ones.

Friday July 16, 2010 at 3:16 PM

We all have them. That loved one that you just cannot help but care a little extra for. It might be a friend, boyfriend or a family member. Whoever it is, its time to honour that special person in this campfire.



For me it's my uncle. When my brother and I were young he was the uncle that always took the time to play with us and tell us stories, and never let it show if our games bored him. Basically, he was the awesome funny uncle that you always looked forward to seeing during those boring family gatherings.

Nowadays he's the awesome uncle that offers his apartment to you while he's away in Austraila, doesn't have a problem with letting you and your friends stay the night (we were 7 and he lives in a 1 bedroom apartment) after a night out in Stockholm, shares the same love for True Blood and even buys you a True Blood bottle without you even having to ask.

He is also the uncle that gladly showed me and my best friend Stockholm's gay clubs after my best friend came out as gay. My best friend had his first real make out session with another guy that night, and he still believes that this is the best night he's had in his life.

My uncle recently turned 40 and I met many of his friends for the first time. For me this was the first time I really understood how much he loves me, my siblings and my cousins, because every friend of his said "So you are Michaela! Your uncle talks about you all the time!". It got to the point that I almost cried because I was so touched, and I felt that I need to spend more time showing him how much I love him.

So next week Sweden's annual Pride parade is taking place, and I'm planning on being there and walk in the parade with a T-shirt saying "Proud Niece!"  to show the world how proud and happy I am to have this awesome and loving uncle.



So campers, let us spread some love by telling us about your awesome loved one!


I want to hear you... no but literally

Friday July 16, 2010 at 1:56 PM

Alright, so I've been inspired by pinkeveningsky's hotness tweet to littlesecret84.  I sort of stalk their Twitter conversations think they're pretty cool.  So basically, pinkeveningsky recorded her voice for littlesecret84 because they seem to have a bit of a long distance love affair going on.  There's talk of facials (probably not the kind you're thinking unless you also stalk their convos think they're cool), pedobear, and lots of other things that I don't entirely understand.  But it's chill, because I still think it's pretty weird sexy interesting, anyway.  
So this is what I'm getting at: record your voices (if you can) here:  It won't take that long (unless you're like me and decide to re-record it like, 23 times to make it just right-- and mine still sucks.  It baffles me).  Tell me something interesting about yourself.  Actually, tell me whatever you wanna tell me.  You can tell me what you'd do to RPattz/KStew/TomStu/anyone if you were given the chance to hit that.  I don't even care.  I just wanna hear you guys!  
Warning: I sound a bit like a boy.  Or at least I think so.  Don't judge... or just keep it to yourself.  ;)
(^^^^^^ I hope this works ^^^^^)  If it doesn't, click here:  I wouldn't recommend having your volume super loud.

A rose by any other name...

Friday July 16, 2010 at 1:53 PM

Last week I found out that one of our campers, goldenhair, is called Lamia in real life.  For some reason she didn't know that a lamia is a type of vampire but I was happy to point it out to her - so she has the coolest name ever, and one most appropriate for our fandom.

Anyway, as my mind has a tendency to wander when I should be doing my job more productive things it got me thinking about names and meanings...

My name is Michelle.  It is the French feminine form of the name Michael, which means 'godlike'.  My parents knew what they were doing.

(my middle name is Anne, which means 'grace'...okay, they dropped the ball on that one).

So campers, my question to you is...what's your name and what's it mean?

If you need a little help you can look on these websites:

Behind the Name

Meaning of Names


Also, if you have any anecdotes about why your parents chose your name, share it here! (I have no clue why they picked my name, apart from my parents were clearly prepared for the awesomeness that would be their daughter).

Xavier: Derived from the Basque place name Etxaberri meaning "the new house".  Eh, kinda boring.

Robert:  From the Germanic name Hrodebert meaning "bright fame", derived from the Germanic elements hrod "fame" and beraht "bright".  Interesting...



Friday July 16, 2010 at 1:41 PM

Thought I'd download the eclipse soundtrack, plugged in my ipod to sync it (first time I've connected my ipod to my new computer) and managed to delete my entire ipod.


I guess I'll be listening to the eclipse album on repeat for a while. 

Bring back walkmans i say!!!!!



Friday July 16, 2010 at 1:10 PM

Evening all!



I'm pretty sure we all love to get them. I know I do, it means a huge amount when someone takes time out of their day to let you know what they think of your stuff.


So what do we do with the bad reviews? The flames? The unnecessarily hurtful comments?


I've been writing fanfiction for around 9 years now. I was 13 when I wrote my first story (I had little to no understanding of plot, characterisation, spelling, grammar, can see where I'm going with this) and I like to think that I've come a LOOOONG way.

Yet when I received a nasty review this week, it still totally bummed me out. It wasn't even constructive criticism - just nasty, hurtful, bitter comments.

So why, after 9 years, does this still get to me?

How long have you been writing?

How do you react to nice/nasty reviews?

What's the nicest/nastiest review you've ever received/left?



This, on the other hand, is just to cheer me up ;D


Two truths... one lie

Friday July 16, 2010 at 12:17 PM

It's free for all Friday! I'm sitting at home with nothing to do while the menfolk work on cars. Yeah, it's boring. SO... I thought we could play a game.  A fun one. One of my favorites actually. And I love when people interact and make it fun, so I'm hoping everyone joins in.

I don't know how many have played before so we'll just do a quick rundown of the rules. It's simple... like the title. You post two truths about yourself, and one of them is supposed to be a lie. Then people try and guess which one is the lie.

We gettin this? Yes, yes? Okay, so that's how it goes. Let's see who can get the most right.

Mostly... I could use some entertainment lol.

Mine will be in the comments :)



Friday July 16, 2010 at 12:09 PM

First campire! Nervous!

So I used to read a blog from a girl in Vancouver ages ago. I really can’t remember why I stopped because it was really good. She did a Love List every Friday and I used to wait excitedly for it! You got to share your own list on the comments or your own blog and link it. I would write down everything I noticed I loved during the week so I wouldn’t forget and I think it made me start appreciating and enjoying a wide variety of things that sometimes went unnoticed.

Anyhoo... I feel like a need a Love List today and I hope you share yours in writing or with pictures! It has to have something Twilight-y! :D

I love:

*Lattes in a Starbucks cup
*Crispy clean cold sheets
*Sexy shoes
*My six cats and two dogs
*The Dog Whisperer
*Shows about organizing and redecorating
*When your crying so hard you start laughing even harder
*My new retro sunglasses
*Eye makeup (Love KStew’s!)
*Jeans (Love KStew’s! :D)
*Cozy outdoor dining with a nice group of people
*Twitter because it helped a homeless man, his wife and their sick child find a home, jobs and medical care. <3
*Finding great new music
*Listening to a song I loved but had forgotten all about
*Perfectly worn band t-shirts
*Twilight Fanfiction
*This here forest and its inhabitants!


The Offspring


Friday July 16, 2010 at 11:36 AM

So, I may or may not have gotten caught up on Vampire Diaries last night and all I can say is OH MY GOSH!!!! It had so many twists and turns and crying moments that I can't wait for the next season!!!!!

Edit: My interactive part is this-Which Salvatore brother would you choose and why?



hair hair hair!

Friday July 16, 2010 at 11:18 AM

I'm going to go visit my hair stylist today and am a wee bit excited since I haven't had a haircut since October of last year.  I've had my hair in a bob for so long that I'm looking forward to playing around with my medium length hair.  I've decided that I'm going to grow it.  I'm probably going to get something similar to this:

I have a round face and want to cut my bangs again.

Tell me fellow campers, who's hairstyle do you wish you had or better yet, post some pics of you with your awesome hair.


rec! rec! rec!

Friday July 16, 2010 at 11:17 AM

(My title is from the Amy Poehler skit..."Rick! Rick! Rick! I want some taco bell!..." anyone? no? kay moving on.....)


I am currently in the middle of reading The Screamers by KiyaRaven and I just had to recommend it over here with this little excerpt....


I looked over at Bella who was carefully drizzling fudge on a massive ice-cream sundae. A small dribble ran down the side of the bowl, and I saw her bend down to lick it off before checking to see if anyone had noticed.

She caught me looking.

She smiled proudly as she pointed to her massive concoction, giving me two thumbs up and rubbing her tummy.

Funny bitch.


lol....this is just a fun, funny story and if you're in the mood to read something pretty vulgar and random, go for it. I love it!

Have a good weekend forest.


On the cheap

Friday July 16, 2010 at 11:05 AM

Ok, so I have a problem.  Well, not really a problem, it's more of a personal challenge.  My husband and I just bought a house, not our first, but it was an upgrade for our growing family.  Anyway, things are tight now and we're cutting corners everywhere we can.  I need to work on cutting our food budget.  I figured there have to be other people out there needing to do the same thing so I thought maybe we could commiserate. :)  So, here's my challenge to you: post your favorite budget friendly recipe and maybe we can all compile some great recipes that will help us in these tight times.  If you have several, go ahead and post a bunch.  Ok, so not the most exciting campfire, but I'm hoping it can be useful.  Oh, and bonus points for healthy and kid friendly meals!


My recipe is in the comments.


And in more domestic pursuits, did you know that you can make your very own Robert Pattinson cross stitch?  This was too funny to not post.  I'm a little frightened...

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