
Do Not Want

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 10:58 PM

When I am reading a fic, and I get past the first few chapters-- enough that I'm committed to the story & the characters & I've made an investment of a few hours of my life already, there's very little that will make me click the red X and abandon the story.

However, I do have some hard limits.

I'll stop reading if the plot jumps the shark, and suspending my disbelief actually starts causing a physical headache.

I'll stop reading if the plot is abandoned in favor of chapter after chapter of explicit sex (I don't mind descriptive sexytimes, but they're only good in moderation-- the story doesn't need to be NOTHING BUT sexytimes).

I'll stop reading at buttsex.

I'm not judging anyone who writes or reads or enjoys buttsex in RL. I just choose to spend my free time doing pretty much anything other than reading about buttsex.

What are your limits?


It's 12:18 am, so it's officially Friday, right?

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 10:26 PM

I waited til Friday to post this for the Friday Free For All kinda thing.   I inhaled 5 books this week.   Patricia Briggs' "Mercy Thompson" series.   It is so good.   You name it paranormal and it's probably in there...werewolves, vamps, ghosts, fae and even a few stray humans.   Has anyone else read these?   I'd love to have someone to discuss them with.   I can't find much in the way of fanfiction so I have to wait until next January when the next book comes out to get my fix.

Here is what the first cover looks like.......   (I have no idea how to get the picture to pop up sorry just a link)

Here's a link to what the story is about:


good completed fics?

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 8:52 PM

Anyone know any really good completed fics? I'm leaving for Boston TwiCon at 6 AM tomorrow and I have quite a car ride to sit through, so I thought the most appropriate time filler would be TwiFic ;P


I've read almost all the "populars," so I'm looking for those that may not be as popular, but deserve to be (and are completed, of course).

Also, I'm anal (lol) and I proofread as I read, so it can't have more than a very small number of errors or it will drive me up the wall.

Any suggestions? Pleeease and thank you. <3 Rob thanks you, as well:



Thursday July 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM

It's Time....


hosted by grown.ass.woman

Do you have a problem and you need some advice?

Is there a question you've been dying to ask?

Is there something on your mind and you're just too embarassed to go to anyone else?



Keep in mind... the wine is free-flowing so eventually I won't be able to type anymore...

Oh look... even Rob dressed for the occasion~


This advice campfire is meant to be FUN.

Some of you have serious questions and I will do my best to answer them as sensitively and honestly as I can.
If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. ADF and the Rangers disclaim any and all responsibility for any liability or risk, personal or otherwise, which may be incurred as a consequence of the use and application of any advice or comment.

The contents of this campfire are of an ADULT nature.



Thursday July 15, 2010 at 6:44 PM





Because sometimes some things even make you forget your own name.



Forgot the name of a Fic?

Looking for anything in particular?

Don't be ashamed! Ask here! Someone will remember!


I have been forgetting EVERYTHING LATELY. Every time I talk to someone, I say "you know, it's the fic where...." 

My brain is broken.


Denali clan history?

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 5:32 PM

Hey campers, does anyone know the back story to the Denali clan? How and when did they meet the Cullens?

I'm writing a one shot and want it to canon, so just wanted to double check.



Thursday July 15, 2010 at 4:40 PM

WFE set- more inside


The More You Know

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 3:47 PM


Are you new to A Different Forest?

Are you not new but still wonder sometimes about some things?

Do you think you know the answers to other people's questions about how ADF works?

Here is the chance to ask!

Have you found a GREAT TRICK about ADF or a Favorite Feature?

Here is your chance to share it!

No question is too silly!

No tip is too small!

Let's see how well YOU know (or don't know) your way around the forest!


Step away from the comfort zone

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 2:14 PM

Because I'm already out of sorts due to my phone dying a sudden death yesterday, and T-Mobile not being able to ship me a replacement until next Wednesday (yes, I'm going into dt's over not being able to access the web everywhere I go and read ff in bed at night because I have no guy to do naughty things with instead), I'm gonna take it to the next level.

Today- deep breath- I am going to read a story I would normally never read.

I ONLY EVER EVER EVER read Edward-centric fics. I don't care who he's paired with- Bella, Jasper, Carlisle (my fave coupling!!!), or Leah (shout-out to mjinaspen)- but the story needs to feature my man front and center.

I'm not ready to get totally crazy, so I'm sticking with an author I know and love- greeen goldfish. She just started a new fic called 'The Cliffs of Icarus', which can be found here in the Forest under Storytelling.

Leah Clearwater drifts through life, unsure of how she feels about feeling nothing at all.

My challenge to you today, campers, is to go outside your comfort zone, what is safe and happy and familiar to you, and read something you would normally never think twice about. Then come back here and tell me all about it. No fic or author bashing, however. I'm not down with that.

And if you have advice on how to go without my phone for the next few days I will be eternally grateful.

rotten miracles

I need...

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 12:50 PM

... some feedback. I'm writing my very first fanfic, and I'm aiming for a darkish mystery/romance kind of thing. I'm only two chapters in, but I need to know something - there's a small twist in the first chapter, and I'd really like to know when readers see it. I'm aiming for late in the first chapter, meaning that if people realize what's going on in the first few sentences I'm being too obvious ;)

Anyway, I'd love your opinion! Who can help me out? I'll PM the chapter (~1800 words) to anyone that's interested, and I'll attach my exact question after the chapter, so as not to spoil it ;) I'd be eternally grateful to you, every opinion counts!


Also, to make this interactive: Do you have a similar kind of problem? Do you need someone to proofread your stuff? Do you have trouble writing a summary for a story? Need an opinion in general? Please ask your question in here!


some jawporn for your time:

campfire approved by the lovely jennyfly


this campfire is not intended to cause jealousy

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 9:32 AM

who's going to comic con?

san diego comic con starts next wednesday night, for those of us lucky enough to have that particular pass.

comic con in san diego is the world's biggest/best comic book convention, but it's morphed into this monstrosity in which people in the tv, movie, and video game world join the comic book fanboys/girls and preview upcoming stuff, give out tons of free swag, allow you to experience new products, and offer things for sale, including tons of exclusive items.  

going to comic con is no longer the badge of geekdom that it used to be; it's now more like a badge of inducing hulk-like green envy from those going.  you get to see famous people you stan for obsess over adore, possibly get their autograph, and see them in street clothes.  plus, you often get to see exclusive footage from their upcoming stuff.

so, campers-

who's goin'?

whatcha doin' there?

wanna take me out to lunch?

do you mind if i pass out on your hotel room floor in the event that i am obliterated?

who're you going for, since there's no twilight panel this year?

omg i just checked, there are 4 day passes available right now, as well as passes for sunday night (the night of supernatural and smallville, not to mention nathan fillion doing the castle panel).  click on the link up there. omg, i wanna see you in san diego!

i'm going, of course, for this guy:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic



Thursday July 15, 2010 at 9:11 AM

So i was just browsing through one of the twilight community pages on fanfiction and realised that 'Master of the universe' has over 55,000 reviews.

To be exact, 55,977.

Bella Swan is drafted in to interview the reclusive enigmatic Edward Cullen, multi-millionaire CEO of his company. It's an encounter that will change her life irrevocably, leading her to dark realms of desire. M AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 87 - Words: 247,393 - Reviews: 55977 - Updated: 5-30-10 - Published: 9-11-09 - Bella & Edward

So what do we think? Is that the highest ever review count for a fic? Does anyone know of a higher one? Do you think that when the author gets to that many she/he still reads them? Do you think reviews hold to much influence on what we read? I know I've read fics as I've assumed by the review count they must be something special, when sometimes I just find that they go on and on and on. Where as a shorter story with fewer reviews are often much better because of the structure of the story telling is much more precise, but due to there length say 8 - 15 chaps have much lower review counts. I know I'm guilty of reviewing only a last chapter if the fic is complete.

This is such a rambling campfire, basically what I'm saying is wow that's a lot of reviews!


Last call!

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 7:09 AM

Alrighty fellow campers...

This is the last roll call for the Boston Twilight Tour, which starts tomorrow.  Who's all gonna be there?!  We're trying to finagle a meet up somewhere, probably best to communicate over Twitter...if you're gonna be there, check in with me in the comments, if you don't follow me on Twitter, add me, @jennifer_lyn215.

My bags are packed!  I'm ready to go!  My flight dosn't leave for another...22 hours and 52 minutes (not that I'm counting or anything...), but I'm all checked in to my flight and have my boarding passes printed!  This is going to be EPIC!!!


LJ Summers

Wolfpack Prose - Fic List

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 6:45 AM

Hello and good morning!

I am duly caffeinated so it must be time to start another Fic List Compilation. :)  My thanks to everyone who has searched their personal lists to contribute to the Forest's List!  One of the goals of these lists is to make them easily searchable via the Search function/Compass icon. Another goal is so that each camper can, if they choose, have a series of categorized lists to refer to when anyone here or anywhere else asks, "Do you know of a good ____________  fic?"

To date, we have compiled lists for:

AU - Lemony Goodness

Canon - All Kinds

AH - Lemony Goodness 

Today, I'd like to solicit your best and most favorite stories of the Pack.  These are stories wherein there are indeed WEREWOLVES in La Push.  All types are welcome.  I'd like to see angst, one-shots, romance, friendship, smut... The good stuff.

Rules of the Campfire (I know, but I'm putting them out again anyway, just in case!)

1. Keep It Simple.  We're not pimping fics (that was last night!) nor writing commercials for them.  Just the title, author and author's summary/info from the site where the fic is posted.

2. No Discussion.  When someone clicks on this thread in the future, it should just read like a long list of the best of the stories we recommend, here.

Remember to punch that heart to mark this as a favorite so you can find it again!

My first recs will be within, like always.


Thank you so much for sharing your favorite Pack Prose around the fire!


With or Without You

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 6:34 AM

With or Without You is now finished, the epi has been posted.

Check it out here.

If you haven't read this yet I highly recommend you do. 


Edward and Bella were once high school sweethearts. Years later, their lives converge unexpectedly, forcing Bella to deal with and accept things she's long since tried to move past. This story started with "Trampoline", once a WitFit prompt.

Rochelle Allison creates 33 lovely, short, easy to read chapters that take you on a journey with Bella as she reconnects with Edward, her high school sweetheart years later.  Pretty much every review I left for Rochelle told her how lovely this story is, and it just is.  Since I was recommended this story from someone here on ADF, I have been craving each update, and now it is complete, so give it a try.

If you have read it already, gush about it here.  I am not very good with describing how much I love this story, and how beautiful the story telling is, so help me please.


Does anyone recall this fanfiction?

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 4:52 AM

Reward? All my love and some eye candy


Basically, Bella, Rosalie and Alice are pornstars, and they get cast in movies with Jasper (w/ Bella), Edward (w/ Rose) and Emmett (Alice, duh.) Anyway, they start dating their canon couples, only Edward's girlfriend is Tanya (who is the usual fic Tanya, a complete psycho!), and is also his manager/agent. I don't recall much after this but I DO remember Charlie accidentally buying one of Bella's movies.

If anyone can help, I will love you forever!

Here is some om for you to nom:


Oh, Booboo...

Thursday July 15, 2010 at 3:37 AM

I'm actually a little...*shifts* uncomfortable getting hot under the collar for a what? 15/16 year old? It seems oh so wrong. And i'm only a few years older than him!

I'm not really digging the jeans though. Feminine...
But I love the boots. I want me some

To make this interactive, have any of you had any younger crushes who weren't/aren't even legal?


What is this bull!?

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 10:11 PM

So, I'm a total nut when it comes to books that are made into movies. Obviously, I'm gunna see the movie if there is one, and if it doesn't at least try to follow most of the plot, I can't concentrate on the movie.


I'm going to share all of my peeves from all the movies (maybe even the HP ones, too. OH. AND PERCY JACKSON.) and then you can share yours, too! It'll be fun to bitch about the movies, trust me. :) It always makes me feel better.



Looking for a specific gif

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 9:19 PM

I have trudged this damned interwebz twice now and can't find a specific gif.

It's from Eclipse and I figured some smutty lil girl out there would have it on loop but I canna find it!

Jasper doing the two finger "Come here" to Alice during the training scene. Here's the scene and they cut it of RIGHT before he does it.

I would be greatly in debt to the camper who brings it to me. I shall reward handsomely!!!


Care to explain

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 8:54 PM

Ok so I've had Paper Cutouts on my to read list for while now. I've heard really great things about it but I read the first chapter and it didn't really captivate me. I'm wondering whether or not I should continue.

So, if someone will be kind enough to give me a quick summary of what it is, like character description, short plot synopsis, etc. 

Also, I'm not one of those people that cares too much if people spoil things or give away details so if you want to elaborate, it's fine.

Thanks biotches!

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