
Monday July 19, 2010 at 12:58 AM

Authors why do you pull your amazing fics?

I've just had extreme heart fail...I finally have a twi buddy, and I was extremely exited to share my favorite fics only to find out that they are gone. WTF? Why authors why?

Frenimes by McVampy/Angry Badger Girl

Poughkeepsie by Mrs. The King

The Office by Tby

and so on, and so on...


Oh inspiration! Where art thou!?

Monday July 19, 2010 at 12:02 AM

Ok, so I have two twifics in my head that I really wanna write...but I only wanna do one at a time. I was wondering if you wonderful folks would tell me which one you think looks more interesting, so I can post it on FFnet someday over the rainbow.

Okay soooo....the first one is called: Interview with a Vampire, Fallowed by Sex and Sparkling.

So its a really goofy version of Twilight, with a total doucheward and a snarky, witty Bella who has crotchless panties at one point.

Heres an Exerpt: I stared at Edward, standing there, glittering like the biggest friggin dimond ever. He stared at me expectantly, like I was suppose to start frolicking around the meadow, clapping my hands and singing about my joy of having a Sparkling, Vampire, ass hole boy friend. The ridiculousness of the whole situation dawned at me right then and there. I had come here to be normal, and this is what I get? The most abnormal life possible? Karma is really a bitch that just will not stop.

"Well?" He said, just barely above a whisper. I stared at him for a moment longer. About three things I was absolutely certain; First, Edward was absolutely hystarical looking and I could no longer blame him for not wanting me to see him in the sunlight. Second, we were polar opposites and yet there was an annoying, yearning attraction I felt for him, and not just because he made Orlando Bloom look like a butt-faced crossbread hick from Kentucky. And thirdly, I was completely and utterly uncertain about where this whole mess of a relationship was gonna go. So I took three steps forward, grabbed Edwards unruly main of sex hair and dragged his face towards mine.

"Kiss me you sparkling freak." I growled and smashed my lips against his. I always was one for a leap of faith.


Ok now my other story is called: A Beautiful Lie

Its an angsty drama (kinda opposite of the other haha) Bella is a troubled 16 year old. She suffers from abuse, an eating disorder, and horrifying nightmares. She secludes her self from everyone. But one night, when wondering the streets, she's almost hit by a silver Volvo. And the Driver will change her life forever. Its both E & B's POV


I dropped my phone and bolted down the stairs. If I had a working heart, it would be racing. Bella's frantic words repeated over and over in my head, terrifying me to no end; Help me. Help me. Help me.

I raced by my father, ignoring his inquisitions on where I was off to. The only thing on my mind was Bella. What had happened? Was she hurt? Scared? Did that bastard of a father hurt her again? Her brother?

I opted to run to the Swan house, rather than drive. And I don't think I had ever run so fast in my entire existence. My feet glided over the ground, hardly touching the soft forest floor until I came to a screeching stop on the outskirts of Bella's yard.

I could see light emanating from her Bedroom window, and hear her frantic heart beats. I approached the house slowly, unsure of what I was to find. She sniffled loudly as I skittered up the tree and slipped through her open window.

Bella sat motionless on her bed, staring silently at the door in front of her. I stared at her for a long moment, wondering if she had heard my arrival.
The silence was heavy, weighing down on my chest like a ton of pure iron, but I dared not break it. She was a scared animal, I would only scare her off. The tears on Bella's cheeks were beginning to dry, as she had made no move to wipe them away. Her eyes stayed glued to the door, as if she expected someone to come barging in, with more cruel punishments for the innocent girl. I swallowed and sat on the bed next to her, hyper aware of the way it creaked under my weight. Bella didn't bat eyes at the motion.
Finally, after an immeasurable amount of time, my precious love spoke. "I want to die, Edward. I really just want to die."


Okay, so tell me which one I should work on first! Thanks! I will telepathically shower you with goodness and chocolate!



One-Shot contests

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 9:58 PM

Well Hi-diddly-ho fellow campers. I'm a newbie (been viewing the landscape from afar for a while now) and I was wanting to know if anyone can tell me where I can find competitions or even just "for fun" places for twilight one shot ideas? I have quite a few little fantasies rolling around in my head and would like to put them out there for reading, if only to see if I can write as well as I imagine in my head! Any help will be dearly appreciated!


Chat Campfire

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 8:41 PM

Welcome to ADF's Sunday Evening (or Monday, of course) Chat!

Remember the rules: talk about anything,

Start new topics in Big Colorful Text

and use spoiler warnings if you talk about movies or fanfics.


Books that are similar to fanfiction

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 6:39 PM

Hi, I’m Sarah or 00fresh whatever you want to call me. I’m new on here, and not sure if I’m doing this right.

But I wanted to know if there are any real books out there with lemons and younger people in them. Most of the mature romance novels that I’ve read were my mother’s, like Danielle Steel , which I’m not a huge fan.
I’m looking for books that are similar to fanfictions, smut and angst, but don’t know where to start. Anyone know of any good romance books that are for younger adults, but not teens?

This is my first campfire, I was trying to find the rules on them not sure where to find them, but if this is incorrect, by all means delete it, lol. Thanks :)


What do you hold private?

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 6:26 PM

Thought we could share some advice around the campfire.  : )



Sunday July 18, 2010 at 4:21 PM


Go here to download the FREE Barnes and Noble eReader (if you are in the USA-SO SORRY international frands!) and download a CRAPTON of free ebooks!  Classics, smut, tons o' fun!



Ranger Approved!


Baby Girl Crushes on "Boboot"

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 3:45 PM

So, forgive me if this was posted before, but this was too cute not to post here...Enjoy!



You've Got Mail

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 2:39 PM

Hey everyone!  Okay, so I admit.  I'm a huge dork.  But I get all excited when I see a little number up there that tells me I have mail.  I thought it would be fun to start a campfire that encouraged everyone to send little gifts via our wonderful message system right here at the forest!


So here's the deal.  Stop in at this here campfire and leave a little note about the things you like.  Pretty boys?  Some cool band?  Alien porn?  Whatever floats your boat.


Then sit back and check your mail.  Campers can check the wish lists here, and then click your name to send you something your heart desires.  Pictures?  Youtube links? Sweet little love letters?  Stop back in and reply if you wanna say thanks (or if you want to share something particularly cool that was sent your way.) 


Oh... and to inspire:





(This got the big OK from the lovely Jennyfuckingfly)


fill in the blank

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 10:32 AM

Hello Campers

It’s been a while since I have seen a good old fashioned fill-in-the-blank, so lets play.

Hi my name is ___________ and I’m a forestaholic.
It’s been _______________ months/days since I found my way into the forest.
When I am not strolling in the woods, I am usually _____________
The last completed story I read was ___________________
The last book I read was __________________________
If you ever need to bribe me, all you have to do is ________________
You can find me on twitter @_______________
And here is a present for ________________:

I'll Start...

Hi my name is Rebecca and I’m a forestaholic.
It’s been 10-ish months since I found my way into the forest.
When I am not strolling in the woods, I am usually at work...or lurking somewhere.
The last completed story I read was Love on Wheels by BrattyVamp
The last book I read was The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan
If you ever need to bribe me, all you have to do is whip out the RDJ porn.


You can find me on twitter @bexaboooo

And here is a present for littlesecret84:


this campfire was approved by Jandco.  



Sunday July 18, 2010 at 7:37 AM

Forgive me if the answer to this is obvious but I'm horribly hungover so that's my excuse if I'm being a bit dim.

I just read my first story here in the forest 'We come to life beneath the stars' by Lillybellis which is so so good. Check it out if you haven't already.

My question is can I favourite stories in the forest so I can remember what I've been reading or is there a new chapter alert or anything like that?


Favorite Completed AH Fics

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 4:47 AM

Starting my first campfire! lol

Don't you hate it when you find a great WIP, get all caught up with the posted chapters, and then wait a month (or longer!) for an update? Me too! What are some of your favorite completed all-human fanfics?



unf unf baby!

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 12:29 AM

So, for those of you following my twitter, you'll note that I've recently become crazy obsessed interested in this guy right here:


Photobucket But then, as I started googling, I became...a little distraught. I mean, he's ridic gorgeous (don't get me wrong, me and henners are still otp, but this boy could keep a girl warm on a cold night, js), but he's got a public twitter, tumbler and who knows what else. I mean, I want to tell him to just...stop! Keep some piece of himself private so that if he blows up, his whole life isn't on the interwebs. idk, campers, tell me what you think about celebs who don't guard their privacy. or tell me how holy fuck hot this boy is. Tell me something good. (more pix of yum inside.) ps - posted with permission of the always awessome JennyFly!


The Hostage Ch.10!

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 8:51 PM



Okay, last week I posted about the newest update of The Hostage to get your thoughts on who the taker was. Now my questions for everyone:

Do you really think it was the taker who was found in the burnt out car or is this just a setup? Also, what did you guys think of Bella standing up to Jessica after her flashback?

Probably the most important question of all: How about that kiss?! **swoons**


Leader of the (Wolf) Pack

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 8:38 PM

It's Saturday night.
Let's discuss the Twi-wolves.
Or Taylor's abs.
Or jailbait BooBoo.
Or Alcide hottstuff.
Or werewolves in movies.
Or motorcycles.
Or alphabits.
I don't care.
Love's to Blame

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 7:14 PM

Bored? Want to make new friends as you become a character? Do you love twilight??? join real vamps sparkle http://bit.ly/c2IuZV 

Available Character Inside


Black lives matter

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 6:06 PM




Saturday July 17, 2010 at 5:25 PM

I have a request, is a simple one really, I want you guys to help me do my deskt top background (which changes every 30 seconds) I ask for you guys to share YOUR hottest pics of one Mr. Pattinson so my background is all nice and pretty. Small request please don't put any pics of Rob smoking, is a sensitive issue in my family and family members would kill me if they saw I supported smoking.


Thanks for the help guys.


Saturday Rec

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 3:49 PM

What is you FAVORITE story right now?

What is something NEW that you fear no one is reading?

What story can't you stop talking or thinking about?

Give us your diamonds in roughs and your needles in haystacks

Because how do stories get attention?



coming to a theatre near you

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 2:37 PM

Now that Eclipse is in theatres, and everyone has seen it once or twice or 5 times, all’s quiet in the fandom.

Next up is the epic two-parter BREAKING DAWN.
I for one am really excited for it, but not for reasons you would think. Yes I look forward to mocking it mercilessly, but really I am excited to see how they try to market this sure to be train-wreck.

So campers, what I am wondering is how YOU would market this.

Write a synopsis or tagline, make a movie trailer, or record your very own Mr. Movie Phone description (since everyone is loving vocaroo lately) and come post it here.

Or at least tell me what you are most looking forward to with the BD movies.


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