
Eclipse Jasper is DELICIOUS

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 7:30 PM

Now, I've never been a JxB fan, because I find the Jasper/ Alice relationship to be so beautiful.

During Eclipse, they did a great job at making Jasper look scrumptious. I mean, i've seen Eclipse twice now, and I was just sitting there amazed at how I missed that hotness up until that point.

When Bella was sitting on the hood of the jeep after the fight training scene, and talks to Jasper about his history with Maria, I kept having this weird thought that Bella and Jasper look VERY good together.

And this is coming from a long time ExB fan.

Did any of the characters become hotties for you in Eclipse, too?

EDIT: I could go on and on about Jacob/TL as well, but he's so young, and I'm 25, therefore that makes me kinda creepy. JS.



A little help my lovely campers

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 6:51 PM

I really want to change my avatar but my computer is giving me trouble resizing this gif so if its not to much trouble can some please resize it for me thank you

heres a direct link it wont let me post the gif.:





Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 5:59 PM









Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 5:35 PM

Evening ladies,

So I just got back from seeing eclipse.

Forget the love triangle!

Forget Bella riding off on the back of Jacobs bike!

Forget the leg hitch!

You wanna know what got the biggest reaction????


Don't get me wrong not the proposal scene, however once the ring was produced the entire audience burst out laughing. Then at the end of the film what was everyone talking about?????

You guessed it the engagement ring. 

General feeling.... ugliest ring ever offered in a proposal scene, it's all anyone was talking about in the ladies bathroom after the film. Whoever was responsible for the ring, bad choice!

As for the actual film, I really enjoyed it. Any chance of a switch of rings do you think in Breaking Dawn? Imagine having to live for all eternity with that knuckle duster on your finger.


pleaseee helpppp

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 5:31 PM

hey everybody! okay well i prettyyy please need help finding an old fic!

It was complete, and the story line was about edward being deaf and bella being his best friend and how they fall in love and all that jazz

it was a very nice story that i thought i had favorited on ffn, but i can't find it on my list and i can't remember the name!

so pleasee if you know it help me out!!


for your time here is a much older pic of marlon brando, who i just kinda discovered lol, but is very nice nonetheless


Ima make you are offer you can't resist...

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 3:07 PM

Ok, So I'm one of those crazy overly co-dependent people who can't do anything alone. Hence, as soon as I found of 100 Monkeys were coming to town I swooped up 2 tickets for me and the bestest w/o checking with her. Of course she's working, which to her is more apparently more important being in the same room with Jackson... yeah I'll wait for you to digest THAT nonsense...  Anyways, onto the point? I need someone to go with me and before I tried to drag someone else along that Won't appreciate the music let alone Mr. Rathbone in a small intimate room, I had a epiphany. I'm willing to give you One of  YOU  the ticket *big smile*, I live in Portland btw.

I really don't want to go alone, not just because I've never even been to a movie let alone a concert alone, but mainly because I'm going to need someone to remind me I have a child and I can be arrested for molesting, err invading that man's personal space. 

Also, to broaden this up... have any of ya'll conquered this? Gone to something by yourself and liked it? But not one of you who are incredibly comfortable with this, I mean someone who maybe struggles with it too? I missed out on the chance to meet Peter when he was in Vancouver simply because she couldn't come then either, same for the time one of the wolfpack guys were just at the mall doing Eclipse promo's and my old co-worker was working and snuck a pass for me, my bestest couldn't make it and I bailed. But this is Jackson, I couldn't live with myself if I did it again lol



Set Stalkers Beware!

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 2:54 PM

MT. LEBANON, Pa. -- There was drama outside the set of Taylor Lautner’s new movie “Abduction” Wednesday, but it was not the kind 17-year-old Kathleen Lackey had been hoping to witness.
Lackey, who said she has spent 20 hours in the last three days hanging around various filming locations around Pittsburgh, was at the center of a literal firestorm when her car caught fire on a Mount Lebanon street where filming was taking place.
“It was crazy,” said Caitlin Crowley, who witnessed the fire. “All you could see was smoke, then there was a boom and then the whole car was on fire.”


Sarah Mellon and Chezarina Capretto, for example, have devoted huge chunks of time to Taylor-watching. They have camped out across the street from his house, mustering up the courage to ring the doorbell a few times (the bodyguard answered), and have turned up at various shooting locations throughout Mt. Lebanon, staying anywhere from 4-8 hours each time. All this and they have yet to score an autograph. But ask them it it’s worth it, and they smile and nod heartily in unison.

Even Kathleen Lackey, whose shell of car was finally towed away sometime around 3:00, vowed to stick around until at least dinnertime. “This won’t stop me,” she said. And then a thought occurred to her. "I just hope he hears about it,” she said, referring, of course to Taylor. “Maybe he’ll feel bad for me and come say hello.”



Yeah, that sucks for her.  I have to admit that I'm currently giggling though.  

To make this interactive...

Would you set stalk?  To what lengths might you go to see your favorite celebrity/actor/singer??  Feel free to take this seriously or use it to hash out a ridiculously elaborate plan that includes Bond-like technology and, like, parachutes.


A Campire about Reviews

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 2:10 PM

Hello campers! I had such a good time at yesterday's campfire, thank you for all your great comments!

Everyone gather round the fire. Did you all pick out the perfect marsmallow-roasting stick? It's time for S'mores and stories!

So for today...I wanted to know from both readers and writers: what is the best/worst review you've ever given or what is the best/worst review you've ever received? What do you consider to be the highest compliment?

I know there are rules set by the Rangers for campfires, I have my own so I hope that's ok. No one is allowed to say anything negative about themselves or others. We all rock. The campfire is a circle of love, let's keep it that way.

I've never given a bad review, even if I didn't like the story or chapter, I try to find something positive in anything I read.

The worst review, hmm depends on the story. For Dear Bella, I had someone leave a 1k review basically telling me everything that was wrong w/it. That hurt. In 100 Hours, Bella was called a slut (a lot) but it was ok that Edward was doing the same thing! And almost everything I did was questioned. Major mind f*ck.

The best reviews: when someone says "I never read whatever before, but I'm going to read yours/loved yours." Anytime someone says something nice about my writing.

So let me know...what gives you the giddies? what makes you want to hide under a blanket and cry? do you believe in yeti's?






Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 1:42 PM

I just finished reading the update for Just Wait by instantkarmagirl.... and I'm kinda curious to know how everyone thinks this story might end?


Don't throw things yet...I'm not saying I want it to end, just that I can't think of how I WOULD want it to end when that day inevitably comes.

So If you're reading it...can we discuss this? amongst other things...stutterward is so sexy.....




Tennessee Campers!!

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 9:30 AM

I may or may not come sleep on your couch... js....

Robert Pattinson headed to Chattanooga, TN to film scenes for ‘Water For Elephants’


An anonymous source sent us this casting call for extras that was recently posted in Chattanooga, TN:

Feature Film
Casting Director: Sande Alessi Casting-Kristan Berona
Shoot/Start Date: July 30th through August 2nd, 2010
Location: Chattanooga, TN
age 25-50. In good shape, willing to get a haircut (short on the sides). MUST either live in or close to Chattanooga.
Caucasian girls, age 9-11 years old. Caucasian boys age 7-15 years old. Must be willing to get a haircut. MUST either live in or close to Chattanooga.

We had heard rumors that Water For Elephants, which stars Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon and has been filming in Ventura County, CA, would be filming scenes in Chattanooga too, but now we have the proof, and filming dates!

If you’re interested in applying to be an extra, you can contact the casting company here.

If you spot Water For Elephants filming in Tennessee, let us know about it in a comment below or via email at!

*Just to clarify, though it seems likely Rob will be in TN for the shoot, we have not had any confirmation of which cast members will be there.

found via @H2OforElephants


The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 9:15 AM

I've recently begun reading the Millennium series by Stieg Larsson and I love them! I've learned that there might be an American movie made of the first book and that Twilight's Kristen Stewart is very interested in playing Lisbeth Salander. Have you read these books, Campers? Like ' 'em? Do you think Kristen is a good fit for Lisbeth?



Live Free or Twihard

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 8:10 AM

I saw this video posted on twitter... it made me LOL, as these things usually do..

The interesting thing here...
The dude who tweeted it, Patrick Donahue, also wrote, directed and plays Edward Cullen in the video. 
Patrick Donahue also plays "(uncredited) .... Benzini Roustabout" in Robert Pattinson's upcoming film, Water For Elephants.


Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 8:03 AM

Okay, let me first just say that I love Kristen. But.... This, needed to be shared.


Thoughts, comments? haha



Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 8:03 AM

[Did "Independant Women" by Destiny's Child pop into anyone else's head as they read the title of this post? No? Just me?]

I've been trying to read stories on Story Telling but I usually only do it through recc's. Is there a way to look through the fics availabe here by reading a summary?


I'm on the hunt. I'm after you.

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 6:44 AM


*because let's be honest, they'd be way more fun to hang out with than vampires.

Can you, Campers, give reasons as to why they'd be more fun?

Also, I gotta say, I'm pretty sure the wolves get a bad rep. for no good reason. 

I'll elaborate in the comments.

and also Wolf Recs!

got any?


LJ Summers

Slash Fic List

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 5:29 AM

Up and r u n n i n g, I thought to put a kick in your get-along in the middle of the week with this list compilation.  Today, we're looking for SLASH.

Slash and femslash are romantic pairings that are homosexual in nature, whether that sexuality is acted upon or not.  Slash fics can come in T-ratings as well as M or R or NC-17, depending upon how they're written.  Male/male, female/female, and I don't discount polyamorous groupings here either, if they swing that way.

This list can be AH or AU, because it's all welcome here!

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1. Keep it simple. Title, author, author's summary.

2. No discussions.  This should read like a list going down the page as it's building. 


These lists are compiled for the purpose of being recoverable, so make sure to punch the heart to favorite it if you want to find it again!

My recs will be within, as always.

Thanks so much for your help in compiling these lists! 


Below are the links to the fic lists already in progress:

AU - Lemony Goodness

Canon - All Kinds

AH - Lemony Goodness

Wolfpack Prose

Angst & Heartfail

Rated T, PG, PG-13



Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 3:22 AM

Morning all,

So I just bought myself a kindle. Ordered it on Monday from the states and it arrived here in the uk today, how quick is that?!

Anyway my question is this is there anyway I can read fanfiction on it or can I only download the kindle books from amazon?


Emancipation Proclamation

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 2:53 AM

New EP chapter is up!

After reading chapter 77, I've got to say that this story is one of the best fics ever.

I remember someone on this site complaining about how badly written it was.  I strongly disagree with this person. EP is amazing, if you are not reading it yet  you must.


I love Carlisle even more after this chapter, what did you think?



ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 2:07 AM


This is being posted so early that most of you will probably miss it today.  But honestly, I won't be able to post it any other time, so I appologize.









"Race to Volterra" by verotruth <- I thought this was a great version of the "saving Edward" scene.


Fan Art

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 12:27 AM

Do any of you look at fan art? There are so many amazing artists on deviantART. One of the fan artist's even gave a prize away for the For the Love of Jasper Contest hosted this past fall, if I'm not mistaken. I watch her on dA, and her stuff is amazing.

One of the greatest fan artist's I watch on dA is a lovely girl by the name of *burdge-bug. She does fan art for Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and many, many others. Not only has she introduced me to many great books, she's also made the characters look exactly how I've imagined them, especially the Harry Potter ones.

Here's a link to her profile on dA:

Seriously. Go check her out. She's got 385 pieces of awesomeness.

First --- | >> | 1077 | 1078 | 1079 | 1080 | 1081 | 1082 | 1083 | 1084 | 1085 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
