
Don't Worry, Be Happy

Friday July 23, 2010 at 5:47 PM



Disclaimer: Any negativity in this post will result in you having to having to read Diaperward over and over. So just be happy, mmkay?


Early 20's Life Crisis!

Friday July 23, 2010 at 5:17 PM

Happy Friday Everyone!

So I'm about to start my final year of college and I'm gearing up for my "big girl job." Lately I've been feeling like I'm having (as you can see from my title) a life crisis at the age of 22. I am really nervous that I'll be stuck in a job based on my major that I will absolutely hate and it has me worried.


To make this interactive with all of you- How many of you are currently working in jobs that directly relate to your college degree? Are there any other campers out there that are feeling like their major of choice wasnt the right one?


Just so you all know, I'm currently an accounting major. Lately I have been trying to think of the type of jobs I'll eventually start applying for and I feel like most of my interests have little to do with number crunching. Basically I am to the point where I'm having difficulties even knowing what I REALLY enjoy doing.. maybe its part of growing up and trying to find out exactly who you are? (cue the emo music here ladies!)

I appreciate all of your inputs in advance!


I Love Chuck!!

Friday July 23, 2010 at 5:06 PM

The lovely Ssarrahh1 and I believe that this man rules. 





We also believe that he deserves his own campfire. 


So come inside and share your favorite Chuck facts, jokes, or pictures!

Not a Chuck fan?

Share pics of another Pop Culture Icon. 


This is an I Love Chuck Post. 



I can sing, I can sing, I CAN SING

Friday July 23, 2010 at 4:46 PM

Welcome wonderful forest friends, to our brand spanking new Weekly Karaoke Campfire. I'm excited, are you?

Let's give a warm round of applause for Ichimpz & Emibella for making this happen. So because we all had so much fun last week, Ichimpz was awesome enough to try make it a weekly FFFA thing. And Emibella is awesomer (It's a word now) for letting it happen :D SO THANK-YOU AGAIN.

The lovely Ichimpz & I will be taking turns hosting this here shindig. She was supposed to start it off tonight, but unfortunately she will be/is/was on the road. So you'll be stuck with me (hope you don't mind * flutters eyelashes *)

So, because this is OFFICIALLY our first OFFICIAL karaoke campfire, we'll start off like we did last week. For those that had the misfortune of not being able to join in, what we'll do is, if you have a request, make it in BIG BRIGHT COLOURS. You can request someone specific to sing, or just leave it out there for us to fight over. Also feel free to sing whatever you wish. Record your lovely singing voices on this please also add a link for those that can't access vocaroo.

There is no limit to this fun, so c'mon everybody LET'S PARTY


Brit Pack Appreciation Post

Friday July 23, 2010 at 4:36 PM

omg, Scarletoctopus and i want a brit pack appreciation post because we think they're pretty

and by brit pack we mean the ones that matter: tomstu, rpattz, and eddie redmayne AKA flesh-colored lips boy!

(i love you tomstu)

(youre cute)

you have flesh-colored lips but are otherwise cute...


okay now spam the comments or we'll feel like losers

also, i like joseph gordon-levitt so he's acceptable too.

and other british guys too because scarletoctopus is british which causes her to watch a lot of period dramas.


Vampires Suck

Friday July 23, 2010 at 3:24 PM

So...who didn't see this one coming?


Just ignore if this has already been posted :)

Picky readers: what's owning you?

Friday July 23, 2010 at 2:46 PM

All right, picky readers.  You know who you are.  (You, over there! Can I make you cringe by saying that there really sad about they're best friends moving over their? Do contrived angst and schmaltzy sentimentality make you vomit a little in your mouth?)  

I want to know which fics have been owning you for the last couple of weeks.  


Osa Bella: Original twist on oft-visited AU themes + unrelenting dramatic tension + great writing 

A Garment of Brightness: Writing so gorgeous and characterizations so satisfying that I'd follow the story anywhere it goes (Honestly.  I'd read through schmaltzy buttsecks if this woman wrote it.)

Yours??  Do share, please.  And sell us a little on your recs!



Non Canon Pairings

Friday July 23, 2010 at 2:07 PM

Ok this is my first campfire, ooh I'm nervous.

Anyway, usually I am hardcore canon with my pairings, and like love stories/fics whatever.

Lately though I've really been wanting to read non-canon, debauchery, raunchy fun, no angst fics, that don't focus on just one "couple"

Do these exist? Please recc me anything in the way of that, I only remember that one by Jandco awhile ago, but it ended up a love story, I really just want to read something different, and lighter. Just sexy, hot, fun. Help?


Nutella: Where have you been all my life!

Friday July 23, 2010 at 1:24 PM

2 part post

Part 1:

So I tried Nutella for the first time about a month ago and I thought it was okay, I didn’t really know how to eat it. Then, someone here at the forest mentions making graham cracker sandwiches with it and putting them in the fridge. Well I tried it, I loved it and before I knew it I was eating Nutella by the spoonful. In the last 10 days my sister and I have gone through 3 jars and 2 boxes of graham crackers. I really should ban it from the house but instead I will ask that you give me new ways to eat it. Come share your Nutella stories, I want to know what you thought the first time you tried it, your favorite recipes and have you gotten others hooked on it.

A co worker mentioned Giada using Nutella in her recipes, I will post some of the more interesting ones in the comments.


Part 2:
Has anybody here ever eaten Duvalins they are a Mexican candy that comes in three flavors strawberry, Vanilla and HAZELNUT and the texture is a thick crème like peanut butter. The Hazelnut crème is chocolate colored. Sound familiar?

Nutella = a giant Duvalin. Now I know why I’m hooked!


This FF has stolen my heart!

Friday July 23, 2010 at 1:13 PM

I belong to this facebook page that updates, and gives out amazing recs on fics. One of the recs was Unbounded Love. I was bored one day and decided to give it a go, and now I can say that it has stolen my heart! The chapters are pretty long, im looooving the multiple POVS (let you know who both edward and isabel are feeling!) lots lots lots of Alice, jasper, rose and emmett!


Not to mention that it has an original plot. I've read hundreds of Twilight FF, but none of them like this.

The authoer should pay me for this ad!! hahahaha..




Me + Iker= OTP

Friday July 23, 2010 at 1:10 PM

Hot Footballers Appreciation Post

So me and emptypostcard have been spamming ONTD for the past two nights with pics/gifs/vidoes of hot footballers. We decided to bring the party over here so we could get more pics spread the love.

Do me proud forest, show me your appreciation of fine men by spamming me with the best pics and gifs. Hell dedicate songs, idc. Just show the love. 

and I'll leave this here because the Spain NT>>>>>Life. 



Completed story!

Friday July 23, 2010 at 12:32 PM

After a year of working on this bad boy... it's finally completed :)

It's angsty and full of... lots of crazy stuff. But... I'm so glad to have it done.

So campers... have you completed your fics? Do you have a favorite completed fic?

Yay for Hal for finishing a fic :)



Friday July 23, 2010 at 11:58 AM

Post what your listening to lately :) (videos i you can)

I've been listening to a lot of Dobie Gray and Neil Young...



Fall out of love???

Friday July 23, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Here recently I have ran into the problem that I can't seem to get back into fics I used to love. It is really upsetting. When Emancipation Proclamation would update I used to run to read the update, that fic seriously owned me! Now I haven't read the last couple updates and every time I try I just can't do it. *hangs head in shame*

My question is have you ever had this happen? if so what fic was it?

How did you fall back in love with a certain fic? 


and some pretty FYT:


Let's All Go to the Movies

Friday July 23, 2010 at 9:55 AM

I love movies. I mean what's not to love? Action. Horror. Drama. BRING IT!

So what cha' watching?


I saw Inception last weekend...starring my new baby daddy:  

Seriously....I luvs him.  <333


I'll probably take my little gumbas to see this tomorrow morning:



Friday July 23, 2010 at 9:43 AM

As those of us on Twitter know today is Follow Friday.  A certain comment made by a certain Twi-star got me thinking about celebrity Twitter accounts and why I follow the ones I do.  I thought it might be fun for us to post the ones we follow with or without commentary.  Who knows?  Maybe you'll find some fun new celebs to follow.  And of course feel free to post your own Twitter accounts as well.

I follow:

Okay, those aren't celebrities, heck they're not even real people, but the great thing about them is they'll follow you back and interact with you and for a geek like me that's a lot of fun.

I also follow:

I actually follow more but I'll stop there. :)  So why do you follow the ones you do?  I follow the ones I do because they are funny and/or offer me a glimpse into their lives whether it be through pics or just little tidbits of the ordinary.  I don't bother with celebs that only tweet about their latest book or movie or album because to me that's boring and I can read that anywhere on the web.  I like to get inside their heads.  I love pics of their pets or what they're eating or whatever silly little things that actually bring them down to Earth and make them human.  That's the side I like to see.

And in case you're interested here's mine:

It's set to private but if you add me I'll add you.


live music

Friday July 23, 2010 at 9:14 AM

This is my first campfire so I figured FFAF was a good time to start!

I am going to see Sir Paul on Monday in Nashville. I'm so EXCITED because he's at the top of my must-see concert list, but it got me thinking...

What's at the top of YOUR must-see concert list? 

Or what's the best concert you have ever seen?

Let's talk live music.

Is your top this guy, like me?


or are you hoping this guy will decide to tour?

unfff...I wish.


Confessional Campfire

Friday July 23, 2010 at 8:47 AM

Okay, so it's been awhile since we've had one of these. I think.

For Free For All, I need to get some stuff off my chest.

Anyone care to join me?

Come in and confess what's been hanging over your head.

Hate your job? Hiding something? Were you the one that TP'd your neighbor's house?


I'll give mine in the comments.

A littleTaylor Kitsch for doing the right thing:


With what? :O

Friday July 23, 2010 at 6:19 AM

Okay. sooo everyone I know is all,

AAAAH read With Teeth AAH!!

and im all. waaah? why?

Because I'm a push over I finally started and ooohmigowd! what a slow progression.                                                                                                                                                                    So now I'm like f@#! it.

But can anyone tell me what happens??(details would be good) :)

Is it worth all the waiting??


Can anyone give me all the details?





Good fics:D

Friday July 23, 2010 at 5:32 AM

Hey campers. I'm moving away in like 19 days. SO I only have 19 days to read fics.

I have a list. They are like a 100 fics on it. All of them are good. But I want to make a Good list out my list.

In your comments can you tell me the fics you absolutely think I should read.

A few that are on my list:

With teeth

For the summer

Dead on my Feet



Thank you everyone:) I got my list:)

First --- | >> | 1073 | 1074 | 1075 | 1076 | 1077 | 1078 | 1079 | 1080 | 1081 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
