
M or PG-13

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 10:24 AM

Just yesterday someone posted a campfire about how underage reader's are reading M rated fics and how it bothers them. I'm thirteen (as some people know) and have already written two M rated fics. Isn't that breaking the rules because you have to be 16 to write an M rated fic? Yes. Do you have lemons in them? No. Then why is it M?

For me, M means PG-13. On one site (and I forgot which one) when you submit a fic for a review, they ask you what rating it is, and one of the choices is M/PG-13. Let's look at what is a PG-13 story and a rated M story.

M rated story means (from fanfiction)--Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with possible strong but non-explicit adult themes, references to violence, and strong coarse language. (and I'm going to roll my eyes at the sixteen age thing. Some people under that are mature enough to handle what should go in this rate)

A PG-13 story (from Twilighted)--Parental guidance is advised for readers age 12 and under. Stories in this category may contain moderate language and more advanced themes of violence, themes of sensuality or sexuality, and other similar content including brief or implied nudity of a non-sexual nature, and drug/alcohol use by adults.

What is not allowed under this rating:

Excessive bad language or any profanity of a sexual nature.Excessive violence.
Explicit or implied nudity of a sexual nature.Explicit or strongly implied sexual activity.
Drug and/or alcohol use by underage characters.

My story is about prego Bella going to vamp Edward's house because she was drunk when he had a one-night stand with her (I am totally pimping myself here) and she has a mutant spawn growing inside of her. Tell me, do you think that would be a T rated fic? It wouldn't, necessarily, be an M rated fic, but it definitely wouldn't be a T rated fic (plus, we all know that if it's M, more people are likely to check it out).

So, basically, what I want to know is what do YOU consider an appropriate rated fic (K, T, M, G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17)?


My Kindle Can Do WHAT?

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 8:49 AM

Ok, so maybe i'm technically challenged, or behind the times, so forgive me if you already know this, but I thought I'd share!

I just figured out my Kindle lets me look up Fanfiction in a web browser.

Not only can I read directly from the website, but I actually was able to login, and add a story to my alert list. So while I was reading another story I had *ahem* saved, I was able to look up a fic the author had recc'd in the chapter right then and there.

I am floored.


Am I missing anything else?? Can it cook for me? LOL

Has there ever been any little discovery that made you go 'hot damn'?


Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 8:20 AM

Hey Campers!

We’ve hit a milestone here in Forest. The Forest is DANCING. On the eve of our one year anniversary, ADF has reached 15,000 members!

There are FIFTEEN THOUSAND OF YOU out there, frolicking among the trees and lurking in the bushes!

We are so excited, and so grateful that you have chosen the Forest to be your playground.

Because that’s exactly what this is: YOUR playground. YOUR FOREST.

Now… this is a celebration campfire. But also this is a discussion campfire.

I’ve recently heard some grumbling in the leaves. I’ve heard some things about people flouncing ADF, some people have said that they’ve been put off by the “clique-y nature” of either the Rangers, the Campers or both. People have complained about the topics being posted, the gushing over certain movie stars, or the lack of certain subject matter.

Here’s the thing Campers…

This is YOUR site. This forest is YOUR playground. It’s what you make of it…and that’s what makes this place so special!

I joined ADF I think on Day 2 after the initial launch. This was the first Twi-community that I ever joined, and I loved it from the beginning. What attracted me was how open and fun it was. I loved the idea that this place was MINE and I totally embraced that.

When I first got here, I knew NO ONE. I knew OF people… like Jandco and WTVOC, but everyone else was a stranger. I commented here and there, and then I started making campfires, and I joined in on conversations. And after a while, I was making friends. GOOD friends. The BEST friends. The people I’ve met here are some of the smartest, funniest, silliest and most amazing group of people I’ve ever met—anywhere. I’m so proud to be among you.

But my experience isn’t unique. And it’s not even that special. It’s your story too…and if you’re new, it’s your prologue.

Jump in, make a splash, start campfires, join the discussions, make friends.
This is what you make of it.

So in this campfire I want you to tell me your story... how you found us, what you think of us, what you love, what you hate. I want it all, because this place is still mine… but it’s yours too, and together we make it awesome.


Just Wait!

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 8:14 AM

Just Wait updated...go read it then come back to discuss:D



We haven't talked about books lately...

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 8:03 AM

As we try and take a break from pap photos and gossip mags....

What are you reading?

I'm taking a break from YA, next up is this book -


Golden Lemons

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 7:43 AM

Wanna vote?

Here's your linky :)

Some campers and rangers were nommed like Skeezon, 107, TM, and many others!


I challenge you!

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 4:31 AM

A Different Forest!


To take a week and turn it into something productive, something . . . better. Here's the deal, all this hoopla over PAP pics and videos is wearing thin, it really is. And let's face it, the problem starts with us, we who demand and visit and spread.

SO my challenge is this: How about we go a week, just ONE week without ANY (yeah doesn't matter WHO or on where from) pap pics, commentary, videos, articles. NOTHING. That we don't fuel the habit and that we don't accept it. It can be as a campfire or even a reply to a post, just SAY NO.

You can even extend the challenge as far as outside of ADF if you'd like!


And so to kick this off right, why not post your favorite pics from a photoshoot!

Edited to add: this campfire's challenge isn't geared toward alienating those who chose not to participate, simply taking a stand for those of us who do. 


Put your lips on me baby

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 3:33 AM

Rob enjoys a Coke Zero

Oh that's good.

Work that jaw.


Are you a Coke or Pepsi person?  Diet or the hard stuff?


Beyond Time

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 3:32 AM

I accidently stumbled upon the fic Beyond Time by Tkegl this week and I'm totally enthralled.  I'm aching for the update.  The premise of Bella going back to 1918 to rescue Edward from becoming a vampire just gets me. I have a few theories as to what I see might happen at the end.   If you've read it, what are you thoughts?  I'm curious if others see this fic as I do.

If you haven't read it...GO READ IT NOW.  Trust wont be sorry.


Crikey! I've lost my mojo!

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 12:33 AM

I just realized...

I'm beginning to despise lemons.

I know, I know. It's almost like blasphemy. And I used to love lemons. Now, I just skip over them for the most part. Read the basics. Maybe laugh at some terms authors choose to use.

It all started this past Lent (Ironic, right? I am a Catholic...). I was writing my TT25...I think... And I seriously could not pump out lemons like I used to. I just don't like doing it anymore.

Has my marriage with fanfiction lost it's mojo?

Does anyone else feel this way?


Giggle Campfire

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 10:43 PM

Post some funny-

I'm watching Eddie now



Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 10:10 PM



Remember when Emmett visited the camp a few weeks back when most of our US campers were sleeping?

Well, he's back and ready for more shenanigans.

Prank your fellow campers - swap out their bedding, replace their E/B fic list with J/B recommendations, plaster their tents with posters of their most despised music bands.

You know what to do - oops, gotta run, Emmett's at it already and he can go a little too far in his fun, as we all know!


Shane Dawson is Team Edward?

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 9:31 PM

My absolute favorite Youtuber is Shane Dawson. He's sweet and sensitive and hilariously uncensored.

 I'm woman of few words so, just gonna leave this here. Enjoy. 




Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 9:07 PM


Here are some carefully chosen pics to accompany this post. Aka things you find when you google "Happy birthday banana" LOL.


Comment or leave birthday goodies in Ms. Pancakes' cabin!!!


What do you write too?

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 9:00 PM

I can't write unless I'm listening to something. Background noise doesn't really do it for me. For right now, I listen to the song "You're not sorry" by Taylor Swift, over and over again. It makes me inspired. So my question is, what music or songs inspire you? 


The Awesome that is the Eclipse Soundtrack

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 8:26 PM

This soundtrack is ah-mazing. Blame my sentimental mood, and the fact that my fiance and I have seen each other for a week this summer since he is doing military training, I'm going to focus on the emotional songs on the album.

What are your favorite songs

Sia: My Love

Howard Shore: Jacob's Theme
If these YT videos don't work, let me know- I've never embeded media before.


Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 7:01 PM

Do to unforeseen and terribly unfavorable circumstances, I haven't been around for the past few days. So yes, this campfire usually goes up on Sundays but I really think we all need to blow off some steam and have a CHAT POST.

You can be happy or cranky or rage or gush....

Any subject is fine, just play by the rules remembering to put the subject you wish to chat about in BIG COLORFUL LETTERS.

So, come on Campers, let's blow off some steam!


Fanfiction, Help?

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 6:50 PM

okay, so I've read this story... it was VERY popular, almost over 20000 reviews? i think thats right. but i can't for the life of me figure out the name of it! 

Edward was all tatted up, and Bella's family had died in a plan crash on a way to her wedding. It's on the tip of my tongue, but i can't think of it! I feel stupid, lol. I thought it was on my "favorites" on fanfiction, but I can't find it. did it get deleted from fanfiction? and what is the name! 


Breaking Dawn Casting Rumors...

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 6:29 PM

So... the word on the street (E! News) is that Pushing Daisies actor LEE PACE has been cast as GARRETT in BREAKING DAWN.

Maybe, maybe not.... read this, according to GOSSIP COP:

Eclipse is still in theaters, but rumors are already swirling about potential casting for Breaking Dawn.

On Tuesday, Lee Pace entered the discussion.

An E! Online report claims the former “Pushing Daisies” star is “thisclose” to being cast as a vampire in Breaking Dawn. Specifically, Pace would play Edward Cullen’s pal Garrett, who has “a lightness and element of humor about him.”

“Lee is the top person in the running to play Garrett,” E! quotes a source as saying.

Gossip Cop suspected it was premature to call Pace — or anyone else — “thisclose” to the role, and it looks like we were right.

A production source tells Gossip Cop no one has been cast, and a rep for Pace informs us the actor has not been approached.

So while it’s certainly possible that Pace tops a current wish list for producers, Summit, or director Bill Condon — much like Joseph Gordon-Levitt loose “connection” to Batman 3 — Pace’s casting shouldn’t be considered imminent.


While GC is good for dispelling stupid rumors, it's also know for pandering to celebs and studios, putting forth information THEY want US to know...and not necessarily the absolute truth.  We shall see!

Who would YOU like to see as Garrett?



Review Advice

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 5:41 PM

Advice appreciated.

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