
Saturday July 31, 2010 at 12:05 PM

Still FFA right?

Okay, I admit it. I love the British. It started when I was a little girl and my big sister worked at Wal-mart. Her supervisor was from England and was hot, and my friends and I would follow him around just to listen to him talk. In fact, I have discussed it and I believe the British accent alone can take a guy whose like a 5 and turn him into a 10. (Sad, I know) So now I dream of moving to England when the kiddies are grown and starting my life out where I am sure the good lord meant for me to be anyway (it was all a mix up I'm sure). So my reason for this campfire is this, I know we have tons of peeps from England in the Forest, I wanna know more about your country. Stuff about the culture you don't find out from guidebooks. What are the different parts of the country like? How does it compare to American culture? What is dating, relationships and family life like? Is it hard for newcomers to adjust? What one piece of advice would you give to someone coming to your country?

And that accent...are English ladies immune cause they have it too?

FYT, some of my favorite British things:

*black pudding/blood sausage kinda scares me though


Story HELP

Saturday July 31, 2010 at 12:02 PM

hi guys i was wondering if maybe you could help me with a story that ive forgotten the title to it was pretty popular since i remember it had lots of reviews.

anyways bella's a cleaning lady and edward is this rich millionaire and he sees her in the shower and offers her a job of being his pretend girlfriend and yeah thats basically the summary of the story.

theres also another one i need help on but its about jasper and alice. i read it a long time ago so details maybe sketchy, jasper is a hired killer hes hired to kill alice because of her father i think, not sure though and then i think jasper changes his mind and takes her to his house where bella and edward are married. yeah thats pretty much all i can remember its a human story oh and alice has visions of the future even in human form yeah so if you guy could help that would be great thank you so much.!!!!


ATTN: the 90-95%

Saturday July 31, 2010 at 10:54 AM

Hello again! Two campfires in so many days... *gasp* What's gotten into me, you ask... idek, I'm feeling chatty and you guys were awesome yesterday with your recs. :D

So, today's topic: the 90-95 %

What the hale does that mean, Kate!?  You speak in riddles!!!!

I'm talking about the 90-95% of readers who choose for whatever reason to not review. I'm very curious. I have some theories and I'd like to see how accurate they are and see if I've missed something. So, let's discuss.

90-95%? Really? Yep. From my own fics stats and chatting with others, this seems to be the norm. In a typical fic, only about 5-10% of readers review. For some, it's less, for some, it's more. For example: for my own WIP fics, per chapter stats are: my AU is around 6-7%, my AH around 5%, my geekporn around 0.5% (yes, you read that zero point five correctly). My AH and AU numbers are pretty in line with other people I've spoken with.

From my discussions, there seems to be some possible correlations between review/read ratio and 1. world (AH or AU), 3. main characters (ExB or secondaries), 3. pairings (canon or non), and 4. genre (porn, angst, etc).

For example, AU review/read ratios tend (note: I didn't say always is) to be higher than AH. Secondary pairing fics seem to have lower read numbers but often have higher review/read ratios. If I had enough data, I swear I'd perform some statistical analysis on this. I find it all absolutely fascinating. /dork

Why am I bringing this up? Recently, I've seen a lot of chatter on twitter where people are bemoaning their stats, lamenting that people aren't reviewing, etc etc etc. I think a lot of that is due to summer slow down, but still, I know a lot of people who are bummed out by their numbers. A lot of writers derive a lot of their self confidence from seeing feedback (right or wrong, it's true). Okay, but that's fine. Me personally, I'm just intrigued as to the whys and wherefores.  

What this campfire is not:

 - This is NOT a moan and groan session. No venting, no whining, no complaining about your stats or anyone else's. ATTN: Rangers: if this turns into a moan and groan, pls to delete.

 - There is to be no value judgement placed on those who choose not to review. 

 - If you review, that's wonderful. But at least for now, I don't want to discuss the whys and wherefores of your decision to review. You are in the minority. I want to chat with the majority. 

What this campfire is:

- An open discussion on why people choose not to review. I would like to know your reasons. What are your reason(s) for not reviewing?

 - Are you less likely to review certain types of fics? Why?

 - What, if anything, might make you more inclined to review? For example, some authors send out teasers to reviewers.


Some of my theories:

 - You simply don't want to / don't feel it's necessary

 -  It takes too long / you don't want to stop reading (i.e. if you are reading a completed fic)

 - You don't receive acknowledgement from the author for your review / you don't feel like your review matters.

 - It's a pain to do depending on your reading hardware and/or the site you read from (i.e  reading on phone)

 - You don't want other people knowing you are reading certain fics: A. due to content (i.e. porn), B. you think you might flounce and don't want to hurt the author's feelings if your reviews suddenly stop, C. other?

 - You don't know what to say

 - Other?   

Thanks for your time. Here's a lollipop for playing along. :D

Going to go mow (blech). I will be back for these comments and will reply some more :D


Desperately seeking familiarity

Saturday July 31, 2010 at 9:38 AM

Okay, so yeah, something you wouldn't know...It just took me 10 freaking minutes to figure out how to start a damn campfire.  So glad I'm not in the outdoors, cause I would have died by now!

So I've been MIA for quite sometime now, RL has been fugly and I haven't had the time to enjoy the little things in my twi-friends, my fic reading addition, and my writing.

But I'm back!! (not that half of you know me or probably care! But for the half that do..... ;) )

I spent the night in a WC with JFly, ProfMom, GrownAssWoman and my secret girl crush JandCo (don't kill me Kristen) and it felt damn good.

I got 4,000 words written and I feel inspired.

Jenny slapped my wrist for not hanging out in the forest and I made a promise that I'd be here!

So here I am.  Wanting to hang out.  Looking for a few of my girls. 

WTVoC, JandCo, Emibella, JFly, where ya all be hiding?  Come out and play with me!!!

To everyone else, hidey ho!  How's it's going?  Wanna sit around my fire and chat for a while?

I'm so close to having an update to A Person of Worth right now, I can taste it....

Hm.....I wonder if Kristen remembers me and my story...


What a wonderful day!


Oh yeah P.S.  I still have a naked box because even though SleepyVal made me an Avi about my naked box, and Emibella made me a beautiful Emmett one I can't figure out how to get the damn things loaded.  Yep, I'm a techno-tard....


i open at the close.

Saturday July 31, 2010 at 9:35 AM

happy birthday, harry potter

yes, in the wizarding world, today would be harry potter's birthday (also JKR).  so let's appreciate all things harry potter in here.

right now, my kid and i are about to finish goblet of fire.  rereading it with my kid has given me a new appreciation of these books, and i already loved them quite fiercely.

talk about the books, how much the movies fail (but you love them anyway), your favorite characters, post pics, gifs, youtube vids, talk about a very potter musical, discuss how stoked you are for the movie(s), anything.  but come in here and talk about hp.  oh, and spoiler warnings for those of you who care about such things.

my original internet icon and the DH thank you for your time:


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Saturday July 31, 2010 at 9:29 AM

Today is July 31st.

That means it's









The Sparkle Effect

Saturday July 31, 2010 at 9:27 AM

There are many thing in Twilight that we collectively as a fandom quite don't grasp. Chief among them?


Many fics writers have taken a stab to explain this, some downright ignore the sparkles because of the scientific and biological jungle gym that explaining the glittering skin. Well it seems someone out there has finally come up with something so hysterical and plausible that it must be true.

Someone over at I Like a little Science in My Fiction posted the following article: Twilight vampires are Insecets (of the cute kind, not the scary kind)

For the linkaphobe - article is c/p in the comments


Big Name Fics

Saturday July 31, 2010 at 7:41 AM

I sit here and find myself once again disappointed with the latest update with UoEM. To make matters worse SR announced that there will only be one more chapter and two epilogues left.

I now have the same feelings about UoEM that I had about the ending of MotU. I feel like I have invested my time in a story that will inevitably leave me hanging.

It just feels like we read and follow these big name fics only to be let down in the end. Not every fic has to have a HEA. Let's face, most times in life there isn't a HEA, but at least don't blow the story to hell then expect us all to be okay when the ending leaves us hanging, wanting and extremely confused.

Is there anyone else feeling this way? Are there any other big name fics that you felt ended this way?



Saturday July 31, 2010 at 6:44 AM

I'm happy today.... I am 21! it would make it better to get a birthday tweet from a twilight  cast member.... maybe @kellanlutz <------- that would make my year! tho i'm not holding my breath on that one.

It's been good so far. I went out with a few friends at midnight and got my first legal drink i might have already been a little buzzed at that point =)

We are going out later tonight to see a band play and celebrate.

So I wanna know... what is your favorite drink? or you can just spam me with pretty =)



What Are Your Weekend Plans?

Saturday July 31, 2010 at 6:34 AM

My mother has gone out of town (again) so I'm alone for the weekend.

I wont be going anything because my car stopped working last weekend and with my luck I'll try to sneak my moms car and someone will see me in it and tell on me.

I'm bored so I wanna live Vicariously through you all.

What I've done:

I tried to apply these fake eyelashes I got for free and totally screwed that up. I got glue every where and every time I blink my eyelashes stick to my bottom lashes. NOT FUN.

Also this is My CPR dummy. I have named him Jimmy, I will be doing him today also. HA! I will be attempting to save his life. He's kind of creepy but he'll do the job. I bought this babysitting app for my IPod today and now I want to babysit just to try it out. So I figured learning CPR wont hurt my image either.

Tell me people what your plans are for the weekend. Make it sound good because as you read I am super bored.

The Offspring

My Week At Camp

Friday July 30, 2010 at 9:48 PM

So, I just got back from my Christian summer camp where, as you all know, I turned 18. I was sung Happy Birthday three times. It was memorable. I had SO much fun and some stuff moved in AMAZING ways. The games were great. The food was excellent. And I had an awesome time. More info inside.



Friday July 30, 2010 at 8:17 PM

So, I had a really long week and I am letting my hair down and opening myself up to you all. (Boy, does that sound naughty? I am not sure) If you have a question to ask me, go for it. I will answer it. It can be advice, a burning question, just anything silly, I don't care. I'll answer them all...or I will try at least!

JSYK, I fear that this campfire will get approximately ONE reply (if I am lucky) so I am slightly ANXIOUS about doing this.

If you don't know who I am, well, just ask me that I guess!


For your time, I googled my user name and these are the top ten images that came up. Think of them what you will.....


I can't be the only one!

Friday July 30, 2010 at 8:12 PM

Ever since I read the last chapter in 'Last Love Found" by the ever lovely Oracal Vas I have wondered.... are there any other Homeschoolers? Since it's still Friday I thought I'd start a little campfire and see if there are any others here! Come on in if you are/were homeschooled too :D


Now, if it's not your cup of tea, that's fine - to each their own :D


I may be smart enough to educate my child, but I can't put up this fine image of Jackson -


Read-A-Long: Stings by jdbeaner

Friday July 30, 2010 at 7:29 PM

Tonights read-a-long is Strings by jdbeaner.

Hosted by @lemonmartinis

Summary: Bella Swan just wants to be on her own as every relationship has strings attached. Will Edward Cullen be the one to get through to her and cut the strings tying her down? AH. BxE. Canon Pairings. Rated M for future chapters.




Friday July 30, 2010 at 6:42 PM

It's alleged to be a deadly sin - they say it comes before a fall, but what has made you proud lately?


Today Wonks jr. sat down with the Scrabble. I'm a proud mummy.



Why Does This Happen?

Friday July 30, 2010 at 6:26 PM

Since it's FFAF, I wanted to have a little rant.


Why, oh why do people have to hog the fast lane on the highway?  WTH?  There's even a nifty gov't sign that says:



And they post it every so often so people will get a clue.  Which they never do because they're too thick!


So, why do stupid people have to sit their rear ends in the "fast" lane and bimble along w/out a care in the world, like they own the darn thing?  They sometimes see drivers riding their arse in their rear view mirror and have the nerve to get upset about it, without getting a clue that they're supposed to put their slow selves in the RIGHT LANE!  Idiot driver continues to plod along in the so-called passing lane while the rest of us are having to pass him on the right...  Which is technically ILLEGAL!  


I want to know, who is teaching them this idiotic behavior?  Where did they get the idea to get on the highway and go immediately into the #1 lane and stay there till they want to exit?  Are they teaching this in traffic school?  Are they making this part of the behind the wheel test?  When did they change the law in the highway code and not let me know?



btw, this is my first campfire, plz don't hit me w/an extinguisher!  :-)  Happy Friday!


Bow Chicka Wow Wow

Friday July 30, 2010 at 5:36 PM

Ladies and Gentleman,

I want to know your go-to bow chicka wow wow smexy tiemz tunes. Give me your fave sexy songs. Let's make the ultimate "getting it on" playlist.


Sure, is subjective and your sexy and my sexy may be mortal enemies and want to go all stabby on each but come on leave your song suggestions anyway.

I may have ulterior motives.

I may need some sin'spiration for a super hot fingerlicious fella this weekend.

Play my reindeer games.

I'll put a few suggestions in the first comment.

Happy Long Weekend!

Friday July 30, 2010 at 4:48 PM

It's a longggggg weekend in Saskatchewan (Maybe in all of Canada? IDK.)! It's Saskatchewan Day on Monday!

So, as I'm a Saskatchewanian, this is one of those epic weekends that I always look forward to. My town puts on a slow pitch tournament with a cabaret on Saturday night that always leaves me with enough memories (Well, sometimes people have to remind me of the memories ;) Heh.) to last for the year.

WHAT'RE YOU DOING THIS WEEKEND? Anyone drinking their faces off like I am?


It must be time for me to start playing sodoku...

Friday July 30, 2010 at 4:34 PM

Because my memory is bloody WRETCHED!

Anyway, I feel the need to walk down FF memory lane and revisit a story where Bella falls down a rabbit hole and then it's a crazy, acid trip of sexy (just like Alice in Wonderland minus the sexy.) I'm feeling kinda lame because I feel like the name of this particular fic is right on the tip of my tongue, but IT JUST WON'T COME OUT! So if you could all be so kind and help this young lass with the memory of a goldfish, I would truly appreciate.

Anyway, I remember Edward keep Bella in his Mad Hatter house were they partake in some sexy time and I think the whole gang is in Wonderland too. It was multi-chap and I'm pretty sure it is complete.


P.S. I also feel like the name of this fic is ridiculously simple, but my brain is dead. Sue me, I still have one more month of summer until I have to hit the books. So, poking fun is completely okay. I'm laughing at myself as we speak...or as I type...or as you read. Or whatever.


UPDATE: Does anyone know the author of a fic called "Down the Rabbit Hole." It's complete, I know that for sure, but it seems to have gone missing.



Friday July 30, 2010 at 4:11 PM

Welcome to the WEEKLY karaoke campfire!

Hosted by IChimpz&bloodlust

How are you guys this week? Ready to sing? Ready to streak sing your throat out? Without being boo'd off the stage? Well, tonight is the night to do it!

I'm here this week and bloodlust is as well, or at least she should be. ;)

We have no themes this week, just trying to get used to it and for the lurkers to hop out of the bushes. ;) If you want to see some themes though, tell me and I'll put them in the themes box. ;) (oh yes- I totally have a theme box. but not really.) 

And remember, if you have a request, put it in BIG COLORFUL LETTERS. If you're singing your own song, put the vocaroo and the LINK. Some people have said the players don't work on here, but the links do. SO ADD THE LINKS.

The site:  

Now. SING AND HAVE FUN. Also: My mission tonight is to get a ranger singing. Who's going to help me? ;)


First --- | >> | 1067 | 1068 | 1069 | 1070 | 1071 | 1072 | 1073 | 1074 | 1075 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
