
Dexter Fans?

Friday July 30, 2010 at 11:31 AM

This little preview of the new season was released recently...


What do you guys think?
For me, this season seems kind of... plotless and boring. I've gotten over this whole trinity killer thing, and I don't really need to hear much more of it, but from the looks of it... we have a whole season of brooding, guilty Dexter and his son. I just hope that they add more "plot" and there are some cliffhangers, jaw-droppers, etc... because there have been so many of those in the previous seasons!
Anyways, I'm still excited for the new season! September 26th!
LJ Summers

AH Non-Canon Fic List

Friday July 30, 2010 at 9:27 AM

Good afternoon and HAPPY FRIDAY!

(I mean, you know, for those of us for whom it is Friday upon stopping by this campfire...)

Gather 'round and bring your munchies for this Friday Fic List Compilation.


Today, I'm asking you to share with the Forest and all our guests the best you know in ALL HUMAN NON-CANON PAIRINGS.

Yesterday, there was some confusion. Yesterday, the request was for ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE (i.e. vampire and werewolves et al) NON-CANON PAIRINGS...and, ah, some humans showed up anyway.

They're entirely welcome to return to the campfire today!

Let's share stories where our favorite Twilight characters are just human beings, but they're not with their canon sweetie!  Carlisle and Bella, anyone?  Bella and Embry?  Esme and Jacob?  Hey, if they're human, bring them!

This is the last of the planned fic lists.  Here, then, is the sum total of the lists that the Campers of ADF have compiled:

AU - Lemony Goodness

Canon - All Kinds

AH - Lemony Goodness

Wolfpack Prose

Angst & Heartfail

Rated T, PG, PG-13

Slash Fics

Fluffy Fics

Volturi Fics


Alternative Universe, Non-Canon Pairing Fics

That's a lot of fan fiction! Wow!

Now, if you're just joining us, these lists have been carefully compiled by Campers here at A Different Forest for the purpose of future reference.  If you click on the heart at the top of a campfire, you can mark the campfire as a FAVORITE. Then, when you wish to refer to it again, you merely go to the campfire icon and find My Favourites in the drop-down menu. Click on that and you'll see all the campfires you've marked.  

Regarding these lists, you can refer folks to them the next time someone says, "I'm looking for a great _________________story. What do you recommend?"  We've got it covered!   

REMEMBER: These lists are meant to be works in progress!  If you have already contributed to them but have new fics to add, by all means return to the campfire and edit your prior comment there.  If you haven't, you can add a new comment with your recommendations.  :)

Remember the rules of the campfire:  Keep it simple and no discussions.  I think y'all have it wired, by now. ;-)


My recs, as always, will be within.  

Thank you all so much for sharing your favorite ALL HUMAN NON-CANON PAIRINGS around the campfire! 


Real or Manip?

Friday July 30, 2010 at 9:10 AM

This is my first campfire, and since if FFAF I wanted to throw this up.


This picture just popped up online as one of the Eclipse after-party shots.


I am having great difficulty telling whether this is the real thing or someone's superb photoshopping skills. Either way, it's peeked my interest!

What do all of you think?


Your Mission: The Search for Brain Candy

Friday July 30, 2010 at 6:25 AM

Hi Campers!

I need some assistance! I’m looking for recommendations for a very specific genre/category, one I don’t know much about...

My ficwife and beta-lady needs a break from angst and hearthurt/fail. And I haven’t a clue what to rec her since most of what I read is the aforementioned angst and hearthurt/fail. But I need her happy so that she will beta my own aforementioned angst and hearthurt/fail ;) So, this is IMPORTANT, lol.

Here’s where you come in. Recommend fics for me to pass on to her!

But because we’re difficult I don’t want just any “lite” reading rec.

Here’s my shopping list:

- Well written (a must – she’s an attorney with a Masters in some variety of Literature – um, this is why she’s an awesome beta btw)
- MUST HAVE HEA – as in the traditional kind
- Intelligent or clever... aka not contrived or done 8000 times
- No Manwhoreward
- No stupid Bella
- Any separation that occurs, by way of break up or other crap, must be resolved relatively quickly.
- Should contain “some” smut or adult content but it needs to be done well.
- Dialogue should not be overly sappy/silly/cheesy
- AU or AH is fine
- Canon pairings only, no slash
 - EDIT: WIP is okay as long as it doesn't look like there will be major heartache
 - EDIT: Some angst/whatnot is okay, but it needs to be resolved quickly and not terribly painful. She does read angst, just looking for something else right now.
 - Oh, and no crackfic.

So, help me, campers! Please? Pretty Rob smiles at those who will! :D



Art Help/selling myself a bit...

Friday July 30, 2010 at 6:10 AM

Good evening Happy Campers!

Okay, so I know I lack patience, time and talent. These are pictures I have modified not made. I am hoping one of them is good enough for my story but to be truthful I don't believe they are all that good.

I could use your help in choosing which is better though. My story is called Green Eyes and it is about Bella being a strange vampire with green eyes and many powers. She constantly meets a human Edward and they both fall in love every time, but he always dies when she tells him of their past and tries to turn him. Once she decides to stop looking for him, he shows up and he is no longer human. Bella goes against her decision and finds the vampire Edward but tries to keep a distance emotionally so that she can spare his life. But when her father finds out, how will he react? Will he come between the two and try to stop the prophecy that hangs over his and Bella's heads?

Okay so here are my two ideas but like I said they aren't to crash hot, so if you think you can do better (not hard to do) I'd be more then happy for you to give it a shot *hint hint* And these are supposed to be Bella but I don't really see my Bella looking fragile like Kristen-Bella

Let me know what you think and if you would like to read my story:

Thank you!



Friday July 30, 2010 at 5:54 AM

SO, I saw this today.

It's a Swedish cop on the street.

Both embarrassing and awesome.

We all do strange things, and some of them we regret.

Please to be posting videos/pictures/stories of people doing embarrassing things.

Ex: dancing like a fool, fail videos, drunk pictures...


The FFAF Campfire of Awesomeness!

Friday July 30, 2010 at 2:22 AM

Hi everyone! Happy Free For All Friday!

So I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about how mean people, particularly women, can be to each other. Even if not directly to each others faces, women in particular can be very critical! Its so unnecessary!

Very few people in my life know just how terribly low my self confidence and self esteem is. I have got to a point where I am fed up of being so critical of myself, let alone worrying what other people think! I need a self esteem boost!

So heres the thing, how will anyone else think that I am awesome if I don't think it?

So this right here is the Campfire of Awesomeness!

Firstly, I want you all to come in and join me, and complete this sentence;

I am awesome because ................................

Now is not the time for modesty, think hard and tell my why you are awesome? Do you have a great job you are proud of? Are you a stay at home mum raising wonderful children? Are you beautiful, sexy, intelligent? It can be whatever you feel!

The second part is for you to let someone else know they are awesome! If you sometimes need a little boost, surely everyone else does too right? Go let someone know, it can be someone in The Forest, a family member, a best friend you rely on or a colleague you admire. Just go let them know what you think!

Hopefully, this little 'pick me up' will put a little spring in everyones step today!

Mine will be in the comments!


Pretty Pictures

Friday July 30, 2010 at 12:27 AM

Since it's FFAF, I figured I'll take advantage.  So the lovely Gondolier, author of the compelling Hydraulic Level 5 is having a wee bit of a photography contest.  I was thinking of entering (and I hope you are too) and was going through some old pics of mine and thought, 'hey why not a picture campfire.'  So campers, share your favourite pics that you've taken here.  I want to see.

Mine is inside.


tattoo appreciation

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 11:37 PM

hello campers!

so, I just got a new tattoo, and don't really have anyone to gush about it with. (pic in comments)

Just in the few days I've had it, I really have noticed a difference in the way people react to me. Even just walking through the grocery store, some will stop to admire it, others will send me evil glances. Its a bit strange, but hey, I asked for it when I got the thing, right?

My questions to you all: do you have tattoos? If so, I wanna see 'em!  Have you experienced prejudices? If so, how did you handle it? 



Happy Friday :]



Thursday July 29, 2010 at 11:21 PM

So today I was coming home from a road trip. I have been in South Carolina the last week and have been complaining all over twitter (and once or twice in the forest) about my terrible sunburn. 

Well, I had started peeling yesterday and I will be the first to say I look(ed) TERRIBLE. I have dead skin peeling off my face and omg, I wouldn't get out of the car the whole road trip except for one bathroom break at a rest stop. 

I was coming in to my town and I stop at a gas station. Well, one of my friends that I was driving with went in with me and said my name. So the guy at the counter was being pretty cool and you know, just nice. And when he was giving me my change, he said, "Here's your change for the beautiful Ashley." 

I know he was just being nice, but I so smiled like there was no tomorrow. :D I had mascara smeared, peeling, and everything else and he said I was beautiful and that just made me plain happy, even if he was lying. ;) (Which, btw, in my world he was not. :D)

Now that I've explained my story, I want you campers to do something for me. Do a random act of kindness or a compliment, stranger or not. Tell them they look extra pretty today or they have a great smile. Anything to make them smile like this is the last day EVER to smile. 

And then come back in this campfire and tell me stories like these, in the past or what you did to someone after reading this. :D kindness never hurt anybody, you know. ;)



The Vampies

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 10:31 PM

In case you hadn't heard about our awards, The Vampies were created specifically to honor Twilight vampfic. The voting round is winding down. We are trying really hard to reach 1000 votes and we're almost there! We'd love it if you would help us out.

For categories and nominees:

To vote:

Make sure your favorite story wins by voting! Some of the races are close and it's coming down to just a couple days of voting left.

And to make this post interactive, what are some of your favorite vampire fics? Were there any great stories that you think should have been nominated? Or nominees that you love?  



Thursday July 29, 2010 at 10:14 PM

Howdy Campers!

So lately I've seen some people lamenting about Livejournal.  How do I use it?  What's it for?  Well I'm here to help.  Or at least hopefully help.  I love Livejournal.  I use it all the time and I promise once you fiddle with it a bit it's actually super easy to use.  Let's start with the basics.

Livejournal is exactly what it sounds like.  It's a journal.  And it's 'live' meaning it's online and other people can read it and interact with it.  So what would you use it for?  Well all kinds of things.  Personal stuff, professional stuff, and in our case fic.  Basically you can post whatever the heck you want short of kiddie porn and naked drawings of Harry/Draco (anyone here remember that fiasco?).  Here are some examples of things I've posted recently in my journal:

News about my upcoming author chat

News about one of my books being on sale

A review of my latest book

The photos from my Georges Island trip

I also make fic rec posts and ask random questions and post movie trailers and recipes and whatever else catches my fancy.  I basically use my journal for everything.  Personal stuff, fandom, stuff, and professional stuff.  So how do you make a post?  I'll give you the very easy peasy basic version.

Obviously you need a Livejournal account.  Once that's done and you're signed in look for a button that says either 'post' or 'update journal'.  It should be towards the top of the page somewhere.  When you click that button a new page will open that will have a large empty box.  That box is where you type your text.  Or you can just copy and paste from a document if you prefer.  Once you are done and you have typed everything you want to say look towards the bottom of that box underneath it.  You should see a button that says 'post to whatever your username is'.  Click that button.  Voila!  You should be done and posted.  There are lots of other little bells and whistles but that's a good basic starting point.

Now, how do you make the most of Livejournal?  Well first off post.  Post!  Post!  Post!  And let people know you have it.  Chances are you already know people on Livejournal and don't even know it.  So Twitter away, post a link on your FFnet profile and of course leave a comment in this campfire with your Livejournal name/link and we'll follow you. :)  Once you start getting some friends in Livejournal if you want more stalk your friends' friends.  Look at your friends' profile pages to see who their friends are and if you see anyone interesting add them.  Comment on other people's posts and interact with the people that comment on your posts.

Last but not least join some communities.  I promised a few people that I would compile a list of Twilight related Livejournal communities and the Rangers were kind enough to give me permission to post that list here.  Some of these are strictly fic communities, some are general Twilight communities.  These are NOT for posting your actual fics but rather places where you can post links to your fics and let people know when you update.  Typically you'll see and/or make a post that looks like this:


Title: Breaking and Entering
Author: octoberland
Rating: M
Pairing: Edward/Bella
Summary: A darker and sexier take on the Twilight story. BDSM themes with plot (eventually). Canon couples. One rape scene (not graphic and not Bella). Minor character death. Vamp/human. Banner made by the lovely solareclipses.


You do need to join the communities to make posts but that's also a great way to make new friends and learn about new fics so I highly recommend it.  Without further adieu and in no particular order a random smattering of Livejournal Twilight communities:

If I left anything out it wasn't intentional.  I've simply linked the ones I'm a member of and the ones that came out in the top Livejournal searches for Twilight.

If you have anymore questions about Livejournal post them in the comments and to make this more interactive post your Livejournal accounts so we can friend you?  Mine's:

I hope this post helps some of you.  

*wolvesnvamps approved


FFFA, ya'll!

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 10:08 PM








Show me...

your favorite movie trailer-

the cover of your favorite book-

a video of your favorite song-

a link for your fav fic that yer reading right now-


I love...

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 5:38 PM

...carpet.   I love desk.   I love lamp.


This is an I Love ________________ and IDGAF who knows it post.


Last night I went to see this man

And all the feelings that were smothered by RDJ came rushing back.

I am completely obsessed....






So campers, tell me who/what you adore, that you don't normally flaunt.
This campfire was approved by Madame PurpleFont


Thursday July 29, 2010 at 5:17 PM

Let's talk artists within this fandom. If you've been around, then I hope you've had the LOVELY pleasure of seeing some of their amazing work. And so my questions are these:

How does ADF choose it's artists? I know that every now and then we get to have AWESOME VIP author anouncements, but since I've been around there hasn't been an artist one. And I was wondering when or how does ADF add more artists to the lot? Because we've got some AMAZING talent frolicking in this forest.

So I thought I'd share some of our talented hidden campers with you. And I invite ANY AND ALL artists to come in here and show us what you've got, time to represent for the visual!!!!



Her links:




Her links:



Her links:



Her links:



Her links:



Her links:


So PLEASE come show us what you've got and I'll add even more AMAZING pretty in the comments!


Songs to Cheer You Up

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 5:00 PM

I need MUSIC!! 

You see I have had a horrible day. Just a big pile of poop. ;) -wtvoc

(Reading Earthquake not withstanding- that made me smile)

Anyways... I was hoping to get some tunes from everybody to go along with my day-

Or along with your day. What kind of day have you had?

Why? What made you mad, sad or happy? Let's put music to our moods. Music to wallow to or music to make us feel better. It's all good!


campfire approved by wtvoc-  Thank You!!!



Thursday July 29, 2010 at 4:24 PM


This Edward breaks my heart!



Thursday July 29, 2010 at 2:36 PM

OK so I signed up for twitter, what do I do now?

I'm Lara79_ on there.

Who should I follow? Does anyone want to be followed? Can I follow you? What's the etiquette here? I dunno how these things work!

Rob is just as confused as me : )


Some Help?

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 1:48 PM

So hey there, I know this isn't the recommendation day, but I seriously am having trouble deciding what to read next.

I just finished "This Is Not My Life" and I fear that whatever follows that one will have a hard time living up to it. So, here are my choices (if you have another that's not on my list, let me know), the other problem is my tastes vary greatly!

1. Ethan Church
2. Turn The Page
3. Dark Games and Twisted Minds
4. Reality and other Inconveniences
5. Choice and Consequences
6. Cullen, Unscripted
7. Mail Order Bride
8. The Coven and the Signs
9. A Labor of Love


First --- | >> | 1067 | 1068 | 1069 | 1070 | 1071 | 1072 | 1073 | 1074 | 1075 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
