

Friday August 6, 2010 at 1:49 AM

The Offspring

Party Time

Friday August 6, 2010 at 1:07 AM

Ok, so I'm finally having my birthday party tomorrow. I have so far head-counted 18 people. Any tips on how to keep a party under control ( while still keeping it fun)?



Friday August 6, 2010 at 12:26 AM

I'm curious, how do you think of plots for your fanfic (or maybe your original stories)?

Does it just hit you?

Do you mull it over for awhile?

Do you dream it up? *cough*Smeyer*cough*


Currently, I'm drowning in a sea of epic brain fail. 

My imagination has committed suicide.





Pattinsons = Epic win talent

Thursday August 5, 2010 at 10:00 PM

It's like god was walking around on day 8 handing out talent and good looks and tripped and fell spilling it all on the Pattinson kids. Insane!
Can you think of any other siblings like these? Please don't say Jonas brothers :)

Forest background

Thursday August 5, 2010 at 8:57 PM


We are trying to find a new background for the forest. We don't want Fall colors yet as it is still summer for most of us. We really want a dark blue forest background. We haven't done that yet but are open to all suggestions except....

Absoulutely no greens or browns backgrounds will be considered.

Here are some ideas we have been knocking around....

Please give us your best suggestions/ideas!! All images must be 1000x800 or higher.


Fan-Fic Free For All!

Thursday August 5, 2010 at 7:30 PM

(...not to be confused with Friday Free For All....we still have a couple hours)

Our dear Emibella has been BUSY this week so we didn't get the Pimp, Request, or Amnesia Campfires up this week, but do not fret, my lovelies...

This campfire will have it all!

Are you writing something?


Are you looking for something?


Forgot something?



go for it, Campers...


Cam Gigandet in Burlesque

Thursday August 5, 2010 at 6:34 PM

Cam Gigandet in Burlesque.

I smell another Glitter coming on...

But heaven help me, I'm amazed by Christina Aguilera's voice.  And I like burlesque - Dita Von Teese, is so hot!

Also, apparently Cher is trying to get back into acting.


anonymity of the internet

Thursday August 5, 2010 at 2:35 PM

dear __________,

write letters to other campers, the rangers, the rob, david boreanaz, the cast of harry potter, whomever you want.  express love, frustration, lust, rage, suggestions for improvement, whatever you got.

oh, and feel free to co-sign other letters.

go go go go go


Y'all know who gets my vote

Thursday August 5, 2010 at 9:35 AM


Fic Recs.

Thursday August 5, 2010 at 9:31 AM

I visit this website like a couple times a day, I love it so much. My favorite campfires are when people rec other people fics. I use to love to read, I read from morning to the time I went to bed. At school, I'd skip class and go to the libaray and read, so I'd print off a couple chapters of my favorite fic and read it during class. I seriously had an addiction. I stopped writing in mid-feb and I haven't been able to get back into it. I've tried over and over, but they don't seem to grab my attention or I get bored after a while. I've recently started reading Resisting Edward again, which is my all time favorite fic. I was destroyed when she took them on fanfiction.

Anyway, I need somebody to rec me fics, like bad. I wanna read SO bad. The high school campire, from a couple days ago - I checked most of those stories out, or the ones that pegged  my interest.. and I'm not so interested? I was reading one, I was VERY interested in, and then Bella was a lesbian, and that really isn't my cup of tea.

I'm pretty picky when it comes to fics. I LOVE angst and drama, which is why I like high school fics so much. Bella and Edward is a must, and I perfer them in high school, like I said. But college, or summer.. or early twentys is good too. Needs to be well written and whatnot, obviously. Actually, I just don't care. I just really need a ficcc! :'(


Just Kickin' It.

Thursday August 5, 2010 at 8:37 AM

This is me, abusing ranger power.

Something horrible has happened. 

I realized...I have to quit smoking. 

Let's have a moment of silence....

Ok, what you HAVE to know is that I love smoking.  It's the best friend I've ever had.  It's the Edward to my Bella.  I know it's no good for me, but dammit, I'm almost willing to die for it.

But not quite.  My health is such that i HAVE to quit....and I really don't want to. 

Is ANYONE out there with me on this?  Do you smoke?  Wanna quit with me?  Do you have any advice or inspirational stories for me?

LJ Summers

Epic Fics Fic List

Thursday August 5, 2010 at 6:24 AM

I wanted to thank you guys for the EPIC turn out in yesterday's FAMOUS EDWARD fic list compilation! Wow! I had NO IDEA he was famous in so many ways!  Author, actor, politician, sports figure, musician...  Amazing guy, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen!

Today is another day for EPICness.  I got a request for an EPIC fic campfire!

These are the stories that are epic in scope and size.  Long, juicy stories that will keep you reading, even if they're complete, for days and days and days while you forget about cleaning the shower, doing laundry or making lunch.  Stories that captivate during staff meetings and product demos.  

The epic stories of the fandom.

I am thinking that these epic fics are long.  Probably over 200,000 words.  If they're complete, they're probably at least a quarter of a million words in length.  At least!  They might be AU or AH, canon or non-canon, but they are captivating in all their length and stylings.

Which ones do the Campers of ADF recommend?  That's what we want to know!

Remember the rules of the campfire:  Keep the rec. simple. Title and author. Let us know if it's complete or in progress.  

Something new for this campfire only:

If you're the author of an epic fic and you know your story will BE epic in length and/or scope but it isn't done and might not "look" epic at this time, PLEASE rec your story!  For example, if MarySueFicstress is posting Vapor & Venom, a work that is currently at 32,754 words online, and she knows it'll be HUGE, MarySueFicstress should rec her story!  

Otherwise, keep the discussions of the fics elsewhere at this time, okay? Thanks! :)


Tomorrow will be a list of Fic Lists, so I'll do all the links then!

My recs for the EPIC list will be within, as always.


Thanks for contributing your epic recs! :)


So embarassed...

Wednesday August 4, 2010 at 10:58 PM

So my husband was saying something about reading my story and I said "You wouldn't read it, you wouldn't like it and besides it's too long."  (He doesn't read anything he doesn't have to read.)  So he teased me saying "How would you know?  What if I was?" I just said "You wouldn't, well you might now because I said you wouldn't."  Then he starts quoting lines from my story and asking me questions about different parts.  He's totally reading it!  Now I'm so embarassed because I thought no one I knew would ever read it so I felt ok posting it. 

Has anyone else had this experience?  Why is it so embarassing?!?!




Wednesday August 4, 2010 at 10:56 PM

So the lovely Camoozle has found this most AWESOME TOY that I can't actually do anything without now..

probably because I'm queen of Procrastinating but again I digress,


Write or Die is this amazing little online tool that kicks your butt better than any WC EVER would

It's so good, I actually use it when I'm IN  a WC because I dont' drift and 'research' any more when I do use it.

Basically, you fill in the form with how many words you want to achieve by a certain time limit. You hit write and when you STOP touching the keys, it has a grace period before the screen goes from pink to red and then 


The music starts. And its not NICE music either, its like an alarm you just want to smack away.


I fear the red, for after the red comes the LOUD NOISES.


Anyhoo, I just figured seeing as Cam and I are loving and using it virtually ALL THE TIME I should share

Now for the fun part of this campfire - what programs and or goals/presents do you give yourself for completing a chapter or writing task in a timely fashion? 

Me - I get to actually open the folder in my gdcos labelled To Read.  I love that.


What Are You Wearing Today?

Wednesday August 4, 2010 at 10:24 PM

Pictures are encouraged!

I am still undecided. I stand in my closet every morning and mumble. I can never pick something out the night before.



Rob sangin'

Wednesday August 4, 2010 at 8:41 PM

An exclusive new series of pop-up concerts taking place in living rooms across London is generating buzz for featuring new acts and surprise guests including actor Robert Pattinson.

Beta Etiquette

Wednesday August 4, 2010 at 8:03 PM


I'm brand spankin' new here. I've been out of the twific loop for a long while because I have a two year-old and a new baby who hates to sleep.

As a result of being out of touch I haven't updated one of my fics in... forever. I've lost touch with my beta. I don't even know if she's an active part of the fandom anymore or if she's moved on or lost interest or changed email.

I'm wondering how long I should wait for a response before I start looking for a new beta. I don't want to because she was so awesome. And I don't know where to look, because my betas have always come to me.

My story is a challenge to beta because it's a twific, but it's also a Jane Austen period piece, so I don't think finding a new beta would be very easy.

I appreciate beyond measure her help, and I would hate to offend her because she's fantastic for my story. However, it's been ages since my last update and I'm anxious to get the ball rolling again.

What should I do?

And if anyone sees RosieWilde or knows where she's hiding, please tell her Jaxidy is looking for her and I have an Austen's Twilight update ready.



Wednesday August 4, 2010 at 5:24 PM



Then of course, come back here and talk to me!


what? You're still here.?


I said.. go!


come judge me by what i read

Wednesday August 4, 2010 at 5:23 PM

lettuce be friends

goodreads, anyone?

post links to your profile, make friends based on something as superficial as whether or not you've read all of christopher pike's delicious books, profit

or post links to your facebook, your (lol) myspace, your tumblr, your livejournal, your profile page, your twitter, whatever you've got

and i do hope you follow the forest as well as the rangers:












omg i had to check the ranger list and i totally forgot someone, but i'll never say who

for a good time, click here lol i put 90210 for my zip code.  i'm hiLARious


What are your fanfic gripes?

Wednesday August 4, 2010 at 5:02 PM

So, as a fanfic writer and reader, I know I have my own criteria of what I want to read/write AND what irks the hell out of me, as well.


Edward always plays a piano.
The Cullens are always rich.
Edward is either a doctor or actor.
Bella is weak.

Personally, my biggest pet peeve are stories that go on and on and on, long after all conflict has been resolved.


Tell me yours!

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