
The Jaw

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 8:57 AM

Yay! It’s time for another campfire to honor Rob’s assets. I figured I’d make this a weekly thing, to satisfy my need to drool...

As per request, popular demand and my own slightly obsessed preference... The Jaw.

It’s defined, strong, manly, lickable... and often covered in just the right amount of scruff.

Share your pics and views on this part of our gorgeous man.
Mine are in the comments.


Kellan in a music video

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 7:12 AM

Good morning all!


I found this, and didn't know if it's been posted before, but thought I'd share anyways. 

Apparently, Kellan was in a video for Hilary Duff a while back - looks like before Twilight actually took off. Here's the video if you want to check him out:


And the article to go with it, if you feel like reading:
LJ Summers

Historical Fics

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 6:46 AM

Okay, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of Meet on Holiday fics y'all found yesterday for our list.  I really need to check them out!

I am still getting requests for categories!  It's wonderful that so many of you have so many GREAT fic recommendations. I am keeping ALL the compiled list at the MASTER FIC LIST campfire.  I am also keeping track of the requests I have received since that list was posted last Friday. If you go there, you'll see what list campfires will be on the way. :)

Today, I am not looking to the future... I'm looking to the PAST.  


History, to be precise.   What Twilight fanfics – AH or AU – do you recommend that come from an historical perspective?  There are some awesome ones out there, I know!  Because everyone's concept of "a long time ago" is different (I know we have Campers ranging in age from the early teens out to those who are further than fifty) I'm going to draw a line at World War II.  Stories that are dated during WWII (1937 - 1945 ish) count as HISTORICAL as do all stories that take place before that time.  These stories can take place anywhere in the world!

Remember, Campers!  Keep your rec simple and refrain from discussing the recs.  Let's keep the list looking like, well, a LIST. :)


ETA: Addressing the time constraint.  The reason I put the timeline on it that I did was because many of our campers were BORN during the 50's, 60's and 70's and calling fics that take place during this time "historical" is rather...odd. lol  "Historical? Thanks a lot! I was five years old then..." and so on.  



My first recs will be within.


Thank you for sharing your favorites around the fire!


I'm Wide Awake...

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 8:43 PM

and I may be up for a bit.

I've got my wine and I've got iTunes spinning.

Whatcha up to Campers?

a lot of you PM me with crazy questions (that I love) and some of you enjoy sharing things of the more...personal nature.

So... let it alllll out here.


need advice?

have a secret you wanna share?

need to get something off yer chest?

nothing is off limits..  inside this campfire, there's no such thing as TMI!



FF Sneak Peek

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 5:50 PM

Oooooops! So sorry, I totally forgot to post this yesterday. I have so much craziness going on. My apologies! Better late than never I guess! 

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

And don't forget to include a link!



Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 5:30 PM

The Twilight Big Bang Challenge is an event aimed at generating long fanfics about any characters in the Twilight Saga. The Challenge: All fanfics must be at least 16,000 words long.  Any pairing, rating, kink, etc. As long as one of your main characters appears somewhere in the series (not just in interviews with S.Meyer), you're good to go!

OFFICIAL SIGN-UPS POST are NOW OPEN  and will remain open until August 20, 2010.at , it will close August 20,2010.

We need  authors, artists, and betas.
Please come, join, comment, participate, and help spread the word around.

For rules, timeline and sign up forms, click below.




approved by gaw and wtvoc!



the god of the sea invites you in

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 5:04 PM

discuss your favorite gingers


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Can I just say...

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 4:04 PM

...You know you're a full-fledged-fan-fic reader when you're "Page Down" button on your computer is shiny and worn from use. 


Anyone else have this symptom?

Mrs. Emmett

Teen Choice Awards

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 4:02 PM

Is it just me or did anyone else notice that Nikki Reed looked pissed off during the Teen Choice Awards?  She also seemed to be with Jackson Rathbone, yet not with him.  Just wondering if I was the only one who saw this. 


Need Help

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 3:53 PM

Hi y'all! I am new here. I am *obsessed* with fan-fic. I discovered it last year, and have been hooked ever since. Yesterday, I ventured out and began writing my own story. Here's my dilemma....I don't know how to find a Beta. How do I find one? (Sounds pitiful, I know....LOL!)  Any suggestions you have are appreciated. =)


Keep Me Busy!

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 2:55 PM

Hey Campers!

So, I have some good news and some bad news. 

The good news? I'm going on vacation to beautiful Lake Ouachita!



My family and a few friends are getting a house boat for a whole week. 

That brings me to the bad news. 

Being in the middle of a huge lake, I kinda figured there would be no Wi-Fi. No big deal right? I can save some fics, and catch up on my reading.


My family has decided that I spend too much time on my laptop, and informed me that I was not allowed to bring it. 


Anyway, I've been out voted and guilt-tripped into going without Peach.


What I need from you is any games or group activities that will keep me busy, and keep my mind off my baby. 

Know any card games?


Tell me how to play!


Have any recs for some good board games?


Tell me what's fun!

If you know of any other fun or interesting activities, let me know. 

I'll need all the help I can get!


This campfire had been approved by the amazing GAW.



Prefrence anyone?

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 10:23 AM

Okay, so not much has been going on in the forest lately, aside from the rec campfires, so let's start something that everyone has an opinion on - maybe you'll make a new friend ;D

What character personality do you love reading the most - the ones that make you continue reading a story with a plot you hate because you just can't get enough of your one and only?

Are you a fan of Darkward, Tormentward, Stalkerella, Emoward, Dadward, Momella, Darksper?  Rant about what you prefer!

Mine's in the comments ^^


The gift that keeps on giving...

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 9:09 AM

... KStew's bitchface.

Okay, so I was going through my Kristen pictures this morning, thinking I'd have HUNDREDS of bitchface pics to share. THIS WAS NOT THE CASE. In fact, homegirl smiles A LOT. But the ones we do have??? Epic. They never get old. I love her bitchface so, so much. I know everyone has a fave, so SHARE THEM WITH ME and your fellow campers. Also, feel free to share pics of her looking badass. Also, any awesome quotes that make you want to hug her until she gives YOU the bitchface.


Pics are in the comments. Play nice. You guys rock.

patent peekaboo poses


Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 8:40 AM

Anyone know some good AwkWard fics? I read the contest ones, and loved them.


I just need a laugh atm. It's one of those days..

LJ Summers

Meet on Holiday Fic List

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 6:59 AM

Those were some amazing Daddyward fics yesterday!  I am loving how great everyone is about participating in these rec lists!  You Campers are AMAZING!

I got a specific request last week for a certain kind of fic.  I perused my lists and do NOT have one of these marked – I do not believe I've read one! So I will leave this up to those of you who have:

Fics where Edward and Bella meet while on vacation/holiday!


(FYI: Above pic taken on a webcam at Fort Myers Beach, FL during spring break a couple of years ago.)

All ratings apply here. :) 

To refresh your memory:  The Master Fic List is here ---->  CLICK!  I am keeping it updated with the links to ALL THE REC LISTS, so if you haven't been keeping each one favorited (by punching the heart at the top of the campfire) please refer to the Master List to find what you want. :)

Again, I haven't read any like this that I can recall so I don't have a rec to leave in the comments. Those, I leave to YOU!


Thank you so much for sharing your Meet on Holiday recs around the fire!

Baruka Athena

WANTED: grammar/spelling nazi

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 6:53 AM

Hello lovely campers!

I was writing on my fic yesterday and I realized something when I had no idea whether to use lay, laid, lie whatever. I NEED A GRAMMAR NAZI. So I was wondering if somebody would help me out. 

I already have a beta who is helping me with the flow of the story and minor spelling/grammar checking. But since neither of us is a native English speaker, I need some more help. Basically, I need someone who is willing to read a finished chapter and correct it before I post it on FF.net. 

The story is called Who Are You? and it's a Darksper story with a feisty Bella, also starring Peter and Charlotte. There quite some smut and minor foul language. It's 8 chapters in for the moment and the next chapter is almost finished. 

To make this a little more interactive: If you are in need of a service of any of the campers, just ask. I feel like a nice footrub myself, so if anyone is offering?




Idk if I'm dreaming/making this up

Monday August 9, 2010 at 10:38 PM

Someone tweeted these tonight.

I can't be bothered to go back and find the source, it's some kid who says he saw Kristen (and she's 'perfect') in Montreal tonight.


or 'tomstew' as ranger tor just called them.


(p.s. garrett looks hot. don't hate. i'm js)



Monday August 9, 2010 at 10:38 PM

so summer days seem to be too long without school, and i need something to keep me entertained.

can anyone reccomend me some really CAPTIVATING fics?

like fics that keep you reading, and pull you in?

AH and preferrabley ExB but i can read others too.

i just got up to date with secrets lies and family ties, and Just Wait, and both of those are the kind of stories im looking for

something that completely sucks you in.

for your time:

IDK if this is fake or not but i thought it was funny.



Monday August 9, 2010 at 10:32 PM

 Nope, not this



nor him

Though for some reason this picture kills me in a way to which I would love to become accustomed

Rob + Obsession - we'd need a new word for Obsession.

I digress (who wouldn't?), well actually many, but IDC, it's my fantasy.

No I'm not talking about our Twilight obsessions, but I am talking about the obsession one gets when one has updated a fic, or, gasp, posted a completely, brand spanking sparkly new one. I'm talking about the obsession we authors have with our stat counters over in ff.net.

It's affecting my life. Now, I've heard that once an obsession spills out over into your life one should seek immediate help - but I don't want to let go of mine.

Watching that little graph with it's blue and yellow towers (or building blocks in my case) indicating that someone out there is reading my work is something I wholly enjoy. I love it. I do. It's the first thing I'll do in the morning after the night before (you know, the night before when you went all the way and posted that chapter that had YOU on the edge of your seat - and you know what's going to happen after the little cliffhanger you've just left your readers tiptoeing along)

I was supposed to have written at least 2k today - I was doing swimmingly - until I posted the chapter-to-end-all-chapters and the prologue-to-end-all-prologues.

Please, tell me I'm not alone in this colossal waste of time, watching little numbers change on a computer screen?

Does anyone else do it?

Sir Rachel

You know the drill.

Monday August 9, 2010 at 8:13 PM

No, not this High Noon:


The one by J and J, of course!

Then come discuss with me! Cause I owe J and J about 5000 words in reviews.

First --- | >> | 1058 | 1059 | 1060 | 1061 | 1062 | 1063 | 1064 | 1065 | 1066 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
