Luna StarFire

Pixel Crush Anyone?

Friday August 13, 2010 at 4:56 AM

Okay so I know one way or another we all like somebody from Twiligiht

So here's my FFAF Question - Who is your Pixelated Crush?  

My choices are will be on the inside.



Friday August 13, 2010 at 1:18 AM

okay ladies and (gents?)

i want to know all about your

NON TWILIGHT obsessions.

 my current two are these


im in love with this game:



and this TV show: 







What Are You Obsessed With Besides Twilight and/or fanfiction?



Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:35 AM

I couldn't have handled today at work with these pictures all over the place!!!



In case I need to explain these pictures...that's Robert Pattinson in Montreal on the OTR set coming out of Kristen Stewart's trailer looking all yummi!

And the last picture...well that's the amazing Kristen Stewart in costume being all Marylou on the OTR were taken yesterday 12th of August


For the Summer

Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:20 AM

Let's discuss the awesomeness that is For the Summer by the amazing camoozle.


There's only an epi left, ladies and gents! Who else is on the verge of a breakdown?



Some yummies to keep youmyself from crying myself to sleep tonight...

Rob's sad that it's almost over, too. :(

But, he's happy that he got to spend so many wonderful Friday's reading about the ups and downs in FtS.

Love, love, love for camoozle. xx, darl. You wrote an absolutely amazing story.


Reader LOVE post

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:59 PM

Hola chicos!

Not gonna lie, this whole mess of hiatus authors has p****ed me off. Seriously. And, wait for it, get this I'm a hiatus author. TRUE FACT. If you've been following Stolen Souls, then you know that I've been sitting on my non-updating a** chillaxing.

But the one thing this whole mess has made me realize is that I have the BEST READERS ever. EVER. And I'm so thankful for them. So I thought, that if you're a writer like me who DOES feel like they do owe something to their readers, let's show them the love.

So screencap a review that has meant a lot to you. As you'll see from the review I chose, it doesn't have to be the perfect review or anything but absolute love for the story, but a review that has meant something to you. Not every review needs to be praise to mean something to you. Not every reader needs to agree with everything you write to appreciate your work. So let's show love for our readers who take the time to LOVE what we do so much that they care to be invested in a story.

My love is going to my reader/reviewer Bluecanoe. She's been with my story since the beginning (on Twilighted) and I don't think we've EVER agreed on the characterizations of my story. I'm serious. She hates what I've done with Jasper. If I were a man she would have castrated me when I married Tanya and Edward. And she's never short on her opinions and she's blatantly told me when she thinks I'm doing the wrong thing. We've argued over everything in the story practically and I LOVE HER MADLY. *as you'll see*

SO writers give us a screencap of a review that's meant something to you. Or tell us about it. Readers talk about a review you've left that maybe wasn't perfect praise, or maybe it was, but it moved you to emotion because of the story.



Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:53 PM

I never really look around on   I read MOTU there but thats bout it.   Now that you can change the background so that it doesn't murder the eyes, I thought I poke around there a bit.   What are some of your favorite Twilighted stories to get me started.   I tend to read mostly AH stories.


Is mah birfday :)

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:44 PM

I know this is totally self serving but I'm hoping the rangers will see how hard I am trying to not make typos even though I've been drinking... there is a lot of backspacing going on!!!

I just wanted to say hi and say that I've turned thirty today. Yup... and ya know what??? I'm totally okay with it. Any other over thirties in the forest? Shout it!!!!!

And also, as my gift to you all for me being awesome and thirty:

Here are some of the pics from the 100 Monkeys shows I went to at the Viper Room last weekend :)


Sword fighting

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:22 PM

Dearest campers,


Could you all be dolls and rec me some slash. I don't care if it's male/male or girl/girl. and I don't really care if it's Harry Potter or Twilight. What I do care is that it's not just Jasper/Edward.




I've read a lot of slash, and I really wanna read some Emmett slash or Jacob slash. unggggggggggg




he ate my heart

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 9:41 PM

Remember that free for all goes from 12AM EST to 5PM EST SATURDAY


Alex Day reads Twilight

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 8:13 PM

Yet another chapter commentary of Twilight read by Alex Day!! Check out his YouTube channel for the previous chapters. They are hilarious!

And on a side note, I have to mention that I LOVE the fact that he enjoyed The Hunger Games!! :D


Tik Tok Twilight

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 5:50 PM

My friend's future sister in law made this video and I just had to share. She and her friend wrote their own lyrics to Ke$ha's Tik Tok.

To make this interactive. Do you know anymore parodies of songs to go with Twilight? If so post them.


Your Favorite Piece of Fic

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 4:52 PM

A couple of weeks ago Whatsmynom posted a campfire that I thought was a great idea, asking to post a favorite piece of writing.  I know people posted all sorts of things, which was awesome.  In this one I was thinking we could post our favorite thing we've written in one of our fics.  Might be a way to get some new readers.  I haven't been reading lately and I really need to get started.  Tempt me with something you've written?  Mine will be in the comments.


I'm Not Witty Enough For Titles

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 4:15 PM

So, first campfire...I feel awkward. Anyone else? 


The reason I'm even posting is because I can't contain my excitement. Last year, a couple local guys had the absolutely BRILLIANT idea to start a massive music festival (different from our annual Folk Festival). This is only the second year but they've been able to snag some pretty big names. And by big names I mean B.o.B and OKGO and Biz Markie (though I don't actually plan on seeing him because he kinda creeps me out). 

It's a week long festival featuring movies and documentaries(Wo Ai  Ni Mommy looks good but it clashes with a band I wanna see). And to top it off they have a massive two-day concert at the end (this will be happening tomorrow and Saturday). 

I bought my tickets back in July.


I've made my schedule.



Now my question's to you campers: have you seen OkGo live? Are they any good? Who would you like to see live? Who have you seen live? Who should people avoid seeing live? And most importantly, WHERE DO I HAVE TO GO FOR MORE AWESOME MUSIC FESTIVALS? 

You can find the entire KahBang festival schedule HERE and tell me who you'd like to see. 


Over and out! 



This post approved by the lovely grown.ass.woman. who very graciously put up with my newbie campfire questions. 


Bloody hell...

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 2:53 PM

I hadn't seen these pics of Kellan in the forest yet, and yeah... I'm just a huge ass Kellan/Emmett fan. Emmett's probs my favourite character in the whole Twilight series (Garrett's a close second, though. Does anyone know who's playing Garrett in BD?), and I've loved Kellan since Stick It. Ugh, him in makeup... Too cute.

Anyone else got some badwordhot pics of Kellan (and possibly Garrett?) for me? I need to start my porn folder on my new laptop. :)


No HEA??!! Say it isn't so?!

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 2:32 PM

**first campfire don't kill me if this topic has surfaced recently**

So, as I finished reading a delightfully amazing Wallbanger chapter last night I read feathers_mmmm's A/N and like how she always lists fics recs for everyone.  Now I've followed up on her tweets and A/N rec's so I trust her judgement, but I saw one that I haven't read yet, so don't kill me when i pose this question.  

She mentioned a story called Paper Heart ( and I started reading the A/N in the beginning of that story and it said Bella and Edward don't end up together.

 I mean, i've read a decent amount of fics...I guess I search or get rec'd stories where there's a HEA or they work it out together, so that would explain why this seems so foreign to me.  So I pose the questions: is anyone reading this?  Anyone read stories where they didn't up together...did you like it?  Did it make sense? LOL I know these seem like ridic questions but if it's a fic that's about ExB i want them together, is that so wrong?  If its a JxB story, obviously it will just make sense they're together, but to me it's always gotta be ExB....i don't stray very far from this.

i'd really like to know your thoughts, especially since the story seems very angsty...I of course HATE angsty but i still fucking read it anyway cuz I apparently secretly love it.  This also makes me wonder if EP will also end up falling under this category.


The Reader & Writer - A Relationship

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 11:36 AM

We've had a lot of conversations about fics being pulled, abandoned, etc.  It happens for a lot of reasons - and there isn't a one size fits all answer.

So let's boil it down to the simplest form, the relationship between a reader and a writer.


1. What are you expectations of a writer? Do you have update frequency needs, Author Note quirks or other things that you take into consideration?

2. When you feel a writer has not met those expectations, what do you do?

3. Are you a reviewer? A pimper? Or do you read and enjoy in stealth mode?  What are your thoughts on reviews as a whole?

4. Have your expectations changed during your time in the fandom?

If you are a writer:

1. What would you hope for from your readers? What are the things that thrill you or frustrate you?

2. How do you feel about the current trend toward reading Completed only fics? 

3. What are your personal experiences with reviews, pm's and other form on concrit? What have you learned from it?

4. Have your expectations changed during your time in the fandom?

Here's your chance to have an honest dialogue about what your ideals...let's get it out on the table (respectfully) and see how this relationship balance is.



Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:37 AM

tby789?  this is your fangirl calling.  my invite to your fkcawesome site seems to be missing ..


faithfully yours


also i really want to find awesome 3personpov stories .. know what i mean?


don't tread on me

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:11 AM

forest freecycling campfire

what is freecycling, you ask?

it's when you give stuff away instead of tossing it without the exchange of goods or services.  nice little way to keep landfills less filled, and it adds credence to the old statement "one man's trash is another man's treasure".  also, you get the satisfaction of doing a potentially good deed by making someone's day.

so, offer what you no longer want but don't necessarily want to throw away in this campfire.  you take care of shipping unless the exchangee offers.  (it goes without saying that you have to be okay with giving a total stranger your address)  no money is to be exchanged, no tradesies offered.  just give it up already, sheesh.

and don't be greedy and just start claiming ish all over the place.  take what you'd really use, please. 

i've got some more stuff, but here, off the top of my head, i offer to the first person to respond:

-a copy of harry potter and the goblet of fire on DVD (yes, that's the cedric pattinson movie)

-an xbox with controllers and power cord.  no, gents, not an xbox 360.  the first one.  the original.  i have 2 for some reason.  i'll probably throw in some old football games, too. and yes, i'm serious.  free of charge.  i don't need it.

-a deluxe mini sample of CK euphoria. i love it, but it's making me sneeze.

-2 mini OPI for sephora nail polishes that have been used once- one in "iris i was thinner" and one in "it's bouquet with me" (link to see the colors here). 

-camper and bones fan Alanna1231 gave me paid time on my LJ account, so i'd like to pay that forward.  if anyone else wants to offer that, well.  wouldn't that be swell?  so, i offer one person 6 months of paid time for their LJ.  :D

okay, what've you got?

oh, and once you've claimed your goodie, PM the person and take care of address details privately.  have fun, everyone!

LJ Summers

Completed AU Fics

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 6:11 AM

Last List of the Week! 

There is a large (and growing) population in the fandom that prefers only to read COMPLETED fan fiction.  (There are a variety of reasons for this, and this campfire is not the place to go into them.)  In light of this, when I was requested to solicit a compilation of completed-only fics, it made good sense to me.

This list in particular should be constantly growing as authors finish your favorite WIPs.  For those of us who read WIPs, anyway. ;-)  For our fellow Campers who prefer to read a completed story, keep this campfire in your favorites list for easy accessibility by punching that heart up there at the top.  Then, as the stories you read conclude you can add them here!

For this campfire, let's keep the fics Complete Multi-chapter Alternative Universe only.  Scan your favorites listings.  Check your e-readers, maybe. Share the best with us!

All ratings for this campfire are allowed and encouraged.

If you're looking for ALL the lists of ALL the great recs in ADF, please check the MASTER FIC LIST.  I am keeping it updated with the latest lists and the latest requests for lists.  I do check it pretty much every day, so if you want to add a request there, go right ahead. Or, you can PM me. :)

Remember to keep the recs simple and try to refrain from discussion.  Let's let this list be a list that keeps on growing!


My first recs will be within, as always.


Thank you for sharing your favorite completed AU fics around the fire!



Thursday August 12, 2010 at 5:06 AM

I'm always reading fanfic's where Bella's always helpless and pathetic! I'm looking for a fanfic were Bella can actually take care of herself, a real smoking, druggie bad Bella. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY REC'S FOR A BAD ASS BELLA SWAN?!

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