
. . . GREAT NEWS?!?!?

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 1:23 AM

The super talented and ALL together freaking awesome BeanFlikn24/7 made this banner today after a LONG conversation over what would be the PERFECT banner for "I Wanna Eff You Like a Masochistic Lion . . . "

And this is what she came up with. SO this is a shameless pimp because I'm SO excited words just can't contain me. And I wanted to share this masterpiece with the world (or all of ADF as the case may be). But I think it is the MOST hilarious banner and I just need EVERYONE to see it and fangirl over it with me.


This talent was all BeanFlikn24/7 but I was totally the artisitic supervisor. My Parade NO RAIN!

And of course read the fic!!!


sad news

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 11:51 PM

Mens Rea: A Guilty Mind is on an indefinite hiatus.






MOTU sequel!!

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 8:23 PM

I know there are people out in the fandom who hate this story but for those of us who are addicted... THERE'S GONNA BE A SEQUEL!

(I know...was there really any doubt)

Icy has posted a snippet from the sequel on her blog.    I just saw the post on Facebook.


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 7:52 PM

I know this is really late - sorry guise!







"Soulless Monster" by verotruth


Pimp Your Stuff

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 5:43 PM

Tell Us What You WRITE or CREATE in the Twiverse

If you have nothing to pimp of your own, tell us what your friends WRITE or CREATE that you LOVE

Remember to include links


Is Jacob YOUR sun?

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 3:11 PM

I've been meaning to start this campfire all day but have been swamped at work.  So let's get to business.  In honor of Wolfpack Wednesday, I want to talk about it's main man, JACOB.  More specifically, I have a question for the Bella/Jacob shippers, but i need to give a bit of background.  I adored Jacob when i read New Moon.  The descriptions about his warm skin and dark eyes always made me want my very own Jake.  And even tho the Jacob in Eclipse was unrecognizable to the one in NM, his actions and manipulations were understandable (at least to me). 

BUT i never bought that Jacob and Bella belonged together.  For all their faults and ugliness, and maybe because of them, Bella and Edward had more chemistry for me than Bella and Jacob.  (I live in alternate universe land and prefer Jasper for Bella than Edward but for purposes of this campfire, i'm trying to remain in canon)

Bella was too selfish for Jake, IMO.  I never thought she understood what he needed because she always put herself first, whereas it was the opposite when it came to Edward.  Either way, my question for you is WHY you believe Bella deserves Jacob, WHY do you believe they belong together, WHY Bella?  and as an offshoot, how would you deal with the issue of impriting?

i know there are plenty of Team Jacob peeps out there so i want to hear from you!

LJ Summers

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 11:35 AM

From Camper twideb ~

From the PM she sent, I give you her request:

"I read a story on FF and can't remember the name of it. It's a B/E in college story. Bella and Alice are roomates. Edward and Jazz are to. Rose is their floor advisor. Bella first sees Edward at a floor meeting. I can't remember much else except that Bella has a class late at night and one night she gets attacked from some drunk frat guys. Any help you could give me I'd really appreciate it."


Apparently, there's an advertisement that is causing issues with the starting of a new campfire?  This is not an issue limited to twideb, because I've heard it elsewhere.  Does anyone have any assists with this? Is it a browser issue or...?


come dance with me & wolvesnvamps!

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 10:31 AM


(with KStew)

GossipCop (uch) just confirmed that Tom has been cast in "On the Road"! He'll be joining Kristen, Garrett Hedlund, and Sam Riley, as well as LOTS OF OTHER AWESOME PEOPLE. AND IT'S SOOOOO EXCITING!

I can't stand the book, but I was going to see the movie because Kris is playing Marylou, but now omg omg omg TOM!

Come celebrate with us! Ranger Wolvesnvamps & I are DANCING!!!!!

Share your favorite pics/gifs/TomStu stories/interviews! YAY!


That Shade of Envy

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 9:54 AM

Notes From the Department of Professional Envy

So, I'm reading this book right now that my husband bought for me a few weeks ago because he knows I frequently come to a point where I get blocked on a story I'm working on. It's called The Pocket Muse (ideas & inspirations for writers). Contained within the pages of this book are wonderful pictures and short ramblings from the author, Monica Wood.

These photos and ideas are meant to bring inspiration (hence the title) but it is so much more than that. I just read something that reminded me of a campfire in The Forest sometime back. I thought I would share with you. It's not short, but it is very insightful.

The excerpt will be in the comments.

*~This campfire was approved by the wonderful and fun Grown.Ass.Woman!~*


The Jaw

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 8:57 AM

Yay! It’s time for another campfire to honor Rob’s assets. I figured I’d make this a weekly thing, to satisfy my need to drool...

As per request, popular demand and my own slightly obsessed preference... The Jaw.

It’s defined, strong, manly, lickable... and often covered in just the right amount of scruff.

Share your pics and views on this part of our gorgeous man.
Mine are in the comments.


Kellan in a music video

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 7:12 AM

Good morning all!


I found this, and didn't know if it's been posted before, but thought I'd share anyways. 

Apparently, Kellan was in a video for Hilary Duff a while back - looks like before Twilight actually took off. Here's the video if you want to check him out:


And the article to go with it, if you feel like reading:
LJ Summers

Historical Fics

Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 6:46 AM

Okay, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of Meet on Holiday fics y'all found yesterday for our list.  I really need to check them out!

I am still getting requests for categories!  It's wonderful that so many of you have so many GREAT fic recommendations. I am keeping ALL the compiled list at the MASTER FIC LIST campfire.  I am also keeping track of the requests I have received since that list was posted last Friday. If you go there, you'll see what list campfires will be on the way. :)

Today, I am not looking to the future... I'm looking to the PAST.  


History, to be precise.   What Twilight fanfics – AH or AU – do you recommend that come from an historical perspective?  There are some awesome ones out there, I know!  Because everyone's concept of "a long time ago" is different (I know we have Campers ranging in age from the early teens out to those who are further than fifty) I'm going to draw a line at World War II.  Stories that are dated during WWII (1937 - 1945 ish) count as HISTORICAL as do all stories that take place before that time.  These stories can take place anywhere in the world!

Remember, Campers!  Keep your rec simple and refrain from discussing the recs.  Let's keep the list looking like, well, a LIST. :)


ETA: Addressing the time constraint.  The reason I put the timeline on it that I did was because many of our campers were BORN during the 50's, 60's and 70's and calling fics that take place during this time "historical" is rather...odd. lol  "Historical? Thanks a lot! I was five years old then..." and so on.  



My first recs will be within.


Thank you for sharing your favorites around the fire!


I'm Wide Awake...

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 8:43 PM

and I may be up for a bit.

I've got my wine and I've got iTunes spinning.

Whatcha up to Campers?

a lot of you PM me with crazy questions (that I love) and some of you enjoy sharing things of the more...personal nature.

So... let it alllll out here.


need advice?

have a secret you wanna share?

need to get something off yer chest?

nothing is off limits..  inside this campfire, there's no such thing as TMI!



FF Sneak Peek

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 5:50 PM

Oooooops! So sorry, I totally forgot to post this yesterday. I have so much craziness going on. My apologies! Better late than never I guess! 

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

And don't forget to include a link!



Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 5:30 PM

The Twilight Big Bang Challenge is an event aimed at generating long fanfics about any characters in the Twilight Saga. The Challenge: All fanfics must be at least 16,000 words long.  Any pairing, rating, kink, etc. As long as one of your main characters appears somewhere in the series (not just in interviews with S.Meyer), you're good to go!

OFFICIAL SIGN-UPS POST are NOW OPEN  and will remain open until August 20, , it will close August 20,2010.

We need  authors, artists, and betas.
Please come, join, comment, participate, and help spread the word around.

For rules, timeline and sign up forms, click below.




approved by gaw and wtvoc!



the god of the sea invites you in

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 5:04 PM

discuss your favorite gingers


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Can I just say...

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 4:04 PM

...You know you're a full-fledged-fan-fic reader when you're "Page Down" button on your computer is shiny and worn from use. 


Anyone else have this symptom?

Mrs. Emmett

Teen Choice Awards

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 4:02 PM

Is it just me or did anyone else notice that Nikki Reed looked pissed off during the Teen Choice Awards?  She also seemed to be with Jackson Rathbone, yet not with him.  Just wondering if I was the only one who saw this. 


Need Help

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 3:53 PM

Hi y'all! I am new here. I am *obsessed* with fan-fic. I discovered it last year, and have been hooked ever since. Yesterday, I ventured out and began writing my own story. Here's my dilemma....I don't know how to find a Beta. How do I find one? (Sounds pitiful, I know....LOL!)  Any suggestions you have are appreciated. =)


Keep Me Busy!

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 2:55 PM

Hey Campers!

So, I have some good news and some bad news. 

The good news? I'm going on vacation to beautiful Lake Ouachita!



My family and a few friends are getting a house boat for a whole week. 

That brings me to the bad news. 

Being in the middle of a huge lake, I kinda figured there would be no Wi-Fi. No big deal right? I can save some fics, and catch up on my reading.


My family has decided that I spend too much time on my laptop, and informed me that I was not allowed to bring it. 


Anyway, I've been out voted and guilt-tripped into going without Peach.


What I need from you is any games or group activities that will keep me busy, and keep my mind off my baby. 

Know any card games?


Tell me how to play!


Have any recs for some good board games?


Tell me what's fun!

If you know of any other fun or interesting activities, let me know. 

I'll need all the help I can get!


This campfire had been approved by the amazing GAW.


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