
I Need A Story!!

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 11:53 AM

Hello!!!! Im back and wanting more stories and im sure after all the amazing stories you guys already gave me you wont let me down! Soooo...I want a story where Bella is supernatural (espically a witch( I totally spelled that wrong))!! I also love stories where Bella gets with any of the cullen men exept Edward- especially Emmett and Carlisle. I also love it when she gets with Marcus of the Volturi (I have problems)!! So superhero powers, but she can be a witch or a goddess or a werewolf or a mermaid or something mystical!!!

Thanks guys, I totally love you!!!!!!



the bravest and the boldest

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 11:18 AM

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.

Want to Get Sorted?
I'm a Gryffindor!

doy.  i bet many of you'd put me in slytherin, though.

anyway, inspired by my post down there somewhere, let's play a game.

name a fictional character.  we'll sort them for you.

and tell us where you've been sorted; you can use this website.  it's easy to manipulate, but it works for people who've never read HP.  then again, if you haven't read it, you don't care but whatever.

and to start with, let's sort the cullens.  edward = ravenclaw (i said edward, not cedward), bella, jasper and alice are gryffindors, emmett's like the poster child for hufflepuff, and rosalie is soooo the slytherin.


Cullen Careers

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 11:16 AM

So, much like in RL, in fics, we all have to work, so do he Cullens.

I'm interested in knowing what you guys think about what the Cullen would do in RL. The only one we have a real concrete answer to is Carlisle. But what do you think the other guys would do?

Something else I find puzzling....

Why is Edward a doctor in a lot of fics? I don't really get that.


PS....in my mind, I articulated this a lot better than it actually came out.


Can someone help a girl out?

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 10:09 AM

Okay so I ordered Mockingjay on my kindle and wanted to help out some friends and send it to them but I can't figure out how to do that.

Does anyone know how I can email it to them?




LJ Summers

Jasper & Alice Fics

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 5:59 AM

Good morning and welcome to the Daily Fic List, brought to you by A Different Forest and the letters J and A!

Yes, Campers, following our Emmett/Rosalie secondary pairing list of yesterday, today I am asking for your Jasper and Alice stories!  These are stories that feature our favorite empath and his seer, as humans or as vamps, in the primary starring roles in stories of their own.  These are stories in which Jasper and Alice are the romantic pairing, about whom the plot revolves.

And I know there are some terrific stories out there!  AH, AU or Canon.  One-shots or multichapter.  All ratings welcome!

~ ~ ~

If you're looking for GREAT RECS from the Campers of ADF, remember to check the MASTER FIC LIST campfire.  If this is your first time there, remember to punch the pink heart to favorite the campfire so you can find it again.  These rec lists are works in progress, so if you find a fic you want to share, visit the Master Fic List and see if there's a category where it belongs and post the link!

~ ~ ~

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:  Keep it simple. No discussions.

My rec will be within, as always.


Thank you for sharing your favorites around the fire!


Fluffy, Daddy C, OS

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 2:45 AM

So. I'm in the mood for some fluffy, fun, smutty (although that doesn't really matter) One Shot Carlisle fics that I can put on my phone & read when I can't be stuffed jumping on the computer. Do you have a favourite? Can you rec me?

It doesn't matter about the pairings, as long as it's Daddy C :)

To make this interactive. What are your fav pairings? Would you wander out of your comfort zone & read a non B/E fic?



contradiction, thou art fanfictions

Monday August 23, 2010 at 11:54 PM

I write like
James Joyce

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
J. K. Rowling

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!


no wonder i'm so confused/ing

show us who you write like


oh, and james joyce represents the sample i used from twilight fanfiction.  JKR is the analysis of my bones fanfiction.  huh.  idgi either.  but now i'm thinking that booth belongs in gryffindor, and brennan is obvs. a ravenclaw. 


Actor Substitutions for FF

Monday August 23, 2010 at 10:28 PM

First, let me say, I adore, love, fantasize about [insert adoring verb] Robert Pattinson.  Without a doubt, Rob is Edward Cullen and HOT!!!

However . . . I was just thinking about how in certain fics, I imagine a different actor as Edward (gasp, don't kill me - refer back to my first and second statements).  I cannot help it, it just happens.  I do this with some other characters too. 

For example, for me . . .

TNGUS and Edward Wallbanger, Bradley Cooper = Edward. 


I have a few more of mine posted in the comments.

Do you guys have any alternate images of any of the Twi characters in specific fics (or perhaps in general)?  Please share (it will help lessen my guilt over being unfaithful to Rob as EC)!


New Rob Pics

Monday August 23, 2010 at 7:45 PM

I don't see that anyone has added these yet and after wiping away the drooI, I thought of you guys and I wanted to share!!

Now, I'm only going to post a few of these because I figured we all have our favorites and I'd like to see what yours are. Here is mine-


It was really hard to just choose two... obviously I have a thing for "The tossle" and that smile... sigh.


Monday August 23, 2010 at 6:28 PM

Eeeek! I updated Chapter 9 of Visions of Our Destiny! Enjoy!

Click Here


Request Campfire

Monday August 23, 2010 at 5:06 PM


Are you new and need something besides a generic camper icon?

Just ask!

Need a Beta?

Tell us what you write and ask!

Want to read something new?

Tell us what type of fic you are looking for!

Want someone to rec you a good book?

What types of books do you like? Someone will fill your order!

Have questions about making campfires, ADF or the twiverse in general?


Our faithful and wonderful campers are ready and willing to help fill your needs.

Welcome to the Monday Request Campfire!



Monday August 23, 2010 at 4:36 PM

Okay, I don't usually do this but I need a favor....

I just wrote my first Twilight one-shot for the Enchantment Challenge and I need a beta for it. It's about 18 pages and a ExB...sad romance I guess you could say.

Any takers, please?


First Love Study

Monday August 23, 2010 at 3:23 PM

This is a topic I’ve been generally interested in for awhile and I’ve searched the internet looking for information and there just isn’t a lot out there, so I’m taking a page out of Dr. Kinsey’s book and who better to poll than folks who are enamored with a fictional story of love between a vampire and a human?

SO.....I want to know all about your first love experiences, I’m talking about that all consuming irrational love. I wanna know about the person you lived and died for..

When did it happen? How old were you?  How old were they?  Was it requited?  Unrequited? How long did the relationship last?  Did it end badly?  Amicably? More importantly, how do you feel about the person/situation now?  Do you still think about them?  Do you still have contact with them? (personal, telephone, social networking)  If so, how do they feel about you?  Have you been able to achieve the same feelings of intensity in your other relationships?  Do you think you could ever be with that person again? Do you think first love fades or does it always hold a special place in your heart/memories?  Why?  Do you think it’s the actual person in your heart, or the nostalgia of the situation?

Anything else you want to share with me on this topic? Advice for those of us who may not be able to let go of our first love?

Come in and discuss!!!! 

(also rec good fic, books, movies, etc having to do with 1rst love)




 the notebook





eta: the purple font avenger approves of the use of this image of being approved by purple font


FF Sneak Peek

Monday August 23, 2010 at 3:06 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!


Let me count the ways...

Monday August 23, 2010 at 11:54 AM

JANDCO!!!!!!!<3 <3 <3

Words cannot express how much your daily updates for Imperfectly Perfect  have brightened up my days!!!!

What a freakin' treat, srsly.   Thank You!


I know we're trying to go off of the "public declaration of love" posts lately, but I just couldn't help myself, SORRY!!


It's just another manic Monday...

Monday August 23, 2010 at 11:14 AM

Happy Monday, campers.  I just wanted to share a funny email I got over the weekend that you, fellow office campers might appreciate.  It will be on the first post as it is image heavy.

To make this interactive - share something funny - an email, joke, pictures etc.  We can all use a good laugh to pass the day away.

*this post was approved by Cappy. :-D

Dear Robert P...

Monday August 23, 2010 at 10:04 AM

Hello to the forest! I'm a new camper here! *looks around and sigh with delight* I love this forest!

I apologize if the following subject has already been discussed!

I wanted to know if:Has anyone here sent a fan letter to a celebrity? Were you lucky enough to get a reply?

The thing is, I'm thinking about sending a letter to Robert Pattinson, but somehow, I'm afraid it will bother him. XD  I don't really know why I feel this way, but every time I sit down and try to think about what I could write, I hesitate and give up . What to do? Does anybody here feel the same way?


She works hard for the money

Monday August 23, 2010 at 9:03 AM

And The Highest-Paid Authors Are…
Filed under: Harry Potter > Twilight

Surprise, surprise!

Twilight's Stephenie Meyer and Harry Potter's J.K. Rowling made it on the Forbes' top 10 list of highest-paid authors, including Stephen King, Danielle Steel, and Nicholas Sparks.

Even though publishers and book sellers are seeing a decline in hard cover sells, e-books show a promising increase in the world of authors as well as highly popular franchises like Twilight and Harry Potter.

The top ten money-maker$ are:

1. James Patterson ($70M)
2. Stephenie Meyer ($40M)
3. Stephen King ($34M)
4. Danielle Steel ($32M)
5. Ken Follett ($20M)
6. Dean Koontz ($18M)
7. Janet Evanovich ($16M)
8. John Grisham ($15M)
9. Nicholas Sparks ($14M)
10. J. K. Rowling ($10M)

taken from Perez.....

So, campers, what do you think? Any surprises? That's a lot of moolah- but in my eyes, totally worth it considering how much joy she's brought to me, whether by her books alone or ROB or leading me to fanfiction or ROB or the creation of sites like ADF and all the cool peeps that come along with it. Oh yeah, and her ringing endorsement of ROB! Um, and also all the kids and non-readers that she got reading and hooked on her books :-)  That's good, too.

eta: this is the list for this year (from last june to this june), not all time.


Dont ask me.

Monday August 23, 2010 at 8:46 AM

Dearest Campers,

I receive PMs from you lovely people on a regular basis. Oftentimes, these are questions about how the site functions, and questions like that are probably somewhat urgent -- I mean, you probably want a quick answer so you can use the feature immediately.

I just need to let you all know: Don't ask me.

I'm not saying I don't know the answer. I probably do. It's just that I'm not very available these days.

You see, I'm helping my family out with some stuff, which has called me away from home, out of my comfort zone, and off my usual schedule. I'm lucky if I'm on my computer enough non-contiguous minutes a day to string together an hour. And sleep is kind of the same way right now.

So please. I don't want to disappoint anyone by being a no-reply, but I can't help it. There are lots of other Rangers to PM.

I love you all. Thank you for keeping the forest warm in my absense.



Interactive part: Who do you go to for help when you need it?

I remember when I was in college I used to call the overnight DJ at the local radio station a lot & talk all night long. He's still a dear friend.


Author Q and A with Sebastien Robichaud

Monday August 23, 2010 at 6:59 AM

Sebastien Robichaud, author of “The University of Edward Masen,” has agreed to do an author Q and A about the story and writing fanfiction. If you would like to submit a question for consideration, please post it here or PM me. I’m putting the questions together and then will forward them to Mr. Robichaud.

I’m not sure yet where the interview will appear, but I will post that information as soon as I know it.

Thank you!

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