
With Teeth Final Chapter!

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 7:24 PM

The lovely TalulaBlue updated With Teeth! It's last chapter! *sobs*

Off to read!


Jake & Nessie

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 6:04 PM

I have been on a Jake and Nessie kick today. I have been looking for post BD stories where Ness is all grown up and ready to get lemony.

Any recs?

How do you picture baby ness/ 6 year old nessie?


Dark Nessie video in the comments.


Let's play a game REMIX

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 4:38 PM

On Thursday we played this little game please click HERE to look at the game, anyhoo I was thinking that today we could something similar but instead of using words to describe fics, we'll use words to describe characters in fics, here is where all the (please insert random word)-wards would be useful. I shall start with the first word in the comments.


Calling All Artisans

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 1:32 PM

After FGB and talking to people on twitter, I've come to realize that this fandom's got some pretty crafty people.  Whether you knit, sew, papercraft, bake, take pictures, or make anything handmade, I wanna know about it.  They can be Twilight-related, but don't have to be.  I have a future project in mind, but am not sure if I'm gonna do it.  I'm probably gonna compile a list of people who make stuff for a directory though.  If you make handmade goods, would you please fill out this form for me?  It's only 12 questions :)

Also, if you make stuff and wanna show us pics in the comments, that'd be awesome!

Link to form:

Thank you!

*Posted with Permission of Ranger GrownAssWoman*


Help from the lovely campers

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 1:10 PM

So I am writing my next fic and I am looking for a town that it so different from chicago that Edward would feel a culture shock. It can be in the US or anywhere around the world and if there isn't information about it on the interwebz *gasp* then some basic information and recognizable sights would be greatly appreciated :)


Thank you loves <3





Readers . . . break down by country

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 11:23 AM

I thought we'd try something, because I think it's the coolest thing. It amazes me that even the idea that people all over the world are reading something I've written, let alone having it proven. It's awesome and I LOVE that FFN has those nifty little graphs to show us.

SO writers show us who is reading your story and where they're from!

Writers go to your FFN profile page and look up your story traffic. And let's talk about your August 2010 visitor break down by country. Come in here and post your top 10 countries that are reading your story. We don't need to see how many readers per location, just the top ten locations if you've got them or whatever you've got. For whatever you write, one-shots, other fandoms, anything that shows your words are reaching around the world.

Then tell us how you feel about that. Are there any surprises? What about out of all the countries that show up on your charts, was there any country that shocked you? A country that you were excited to see represented? Or do you remember the first time you saw that country graph, what did you think? Do you remember the first country that made an impression? Maybe if we get enough data we can see if there are some other common places besides the big hitters.

OR if you're a reader and you're not from one of the heavy hitting countries come in here and tell us where you're from!

Come on let's compare all the awesome countries that are reading around fanfic around the world.

Mine are in the comments.


The Hostage Ch.15

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 8:22 AM

by: EBalways

I missed posting last weekend because I was visiting family, but I had to post for this update. I have to say that I loved this update! Now tell me what you think!

More after the jump so I won't give away spoilers :)


A Different Rec Post

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 7:24 AM

Rather than the same old 'rec me what stories you love right now' post, let's do something different.

Rec an author. Doesn't matter if you're their biggest fangirl, a stranger or their frequent collab partner; Rec the writer whose stuff has never failed to amaze you, the author whose writing you'd read if it were a 50-chap fic, a drabble or a grocery list. Share (or link, even better) your favorite pieces by them, whether it's WIP, completed fic, o/s, or even stuff they've written out of the Twifandom (gasp!)

If someone has already chosen your favorite author, just pipe in and share anyway.


Under the Apple Tree update anyone

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 4:30 AM

Edward I most want to spend my forever with: Dr Schullen.  What do you think of the final chapter????  Will anyone else be sent into a tailspin of depression when it is all really over?  Did anyone else feel crazy joy with this update HL5 update and EP all in one day?


What having sex means

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 2:48 AM

Hi there, I have an ongoing debate with my betas about the above and want to share it. I am Italian and I confess I am very surprised to learn (from the stories I read) that blow jobs, hand jobs, finger stimulation and cunnilingus do not count as having sex. Only ‘penis in vagina’ qualifies. I remember that in my country we laughed ourselves silly when Bill Clinton maintained that a bj was not sex. I believe it is the favorite activity of our Prime Minister and he surely thinks he is having sex. If and when we manage to kick him out it will not be for that.

I am convinced that when sexual organs are involved (and more so if orgasms ensue), then the people enjoying those activities are having sex. And, of course, you are being unfaithful to your spouse if you engage in any of the above with somebody else.
But evidently in America things are evaluated differently.

I wonder why it is so. Mine is a (heavily lapsed) Catholic country, so in the past those activities counted as a mortal sin, one that you would have to confess and promise not to repeat, before taking Communion. (Even masturbation was a mortal sin). For the Pope they still are (poor man, he is obsessed), but nobody pays a lot of attention … In any case, since all was sinful, once you were happily sinning there were no limits and you could go all the way as you liked. The myth of female virginity has also gone down the drain (good), so the reason for not having full intercourse could only be to avoid pregnancies, but condoms and the pill entered the game, and now I would say it is only a matter of preference (or of progression in a new relationship).

You can have sex in any way it pleases you and that is that. No distinctions.

Now, I would be interested in hearing from other European campers if this is just an Italian attitude, or it is shared by other Euro-people.
As a personal note I add that before I got together with my (one and only) man I thought that straight intercourse was much less embarrassing than hand and mouth intimacies (What in the US is called third base, I think) … so in fact those were subsequent additions … Go figure, before my time they were even considered possible only with a mistress … too disrespectful for a wife … but that had ended already with WWII ...

Of course the sometimes slow progression of Edward and Bella lovemaking in some AU stories is a completely different matter. The vamp boy has to learn control (swoon). However, it sounds ludicrous to me when they refrain from going all the way only due to the fact that they want to save ‘something’ for the honeymoon. Please dears, go ahead, the only thing you are piling up is frustration …


Plot Beta?!?

Sunday August 22, 2010 at 2:04 AM

K, so it's really not that urgent.


Does anyone know where a girl can find a swell "plot beta"? Is that what you call these things? I've already got a grammar/pacing/style beta, and she's wonderful, but my plot is seriously suffering at the moment.

So? Halp?? Someone to bounce ideas off of? Seriously, though. I don't mean the "oh hey, I'll e-mail you back maybe sometimes if I feel like it" kind of exchange.

If it helps, my fic is about a certain Southern funeral home by the name of Cullen & Sons. Bella + Edward à la Six Feet Under.

Oh, yes, and I'm new, obviously, so HAY EVERYBODY!



I need something positive quickly please.

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 11:53 PM

I just found out that one of my graduates from this June killed one of my dropouts from this year. I am in complete and utter shock and my heart is breaking for this entire situation and their poor families and friends.

I'm just stunned and I can't sleep. I need something positive. Please.


Remember Me...

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 10:01 PM

So...I just watched Remember me & for the LOVE oF BoB sombody come hold me!  I found the ending totally unesessary.  I generally dont do any 9/11 movies because i remember that day all too i say again "SOMEBODY Hold ME/ HUGGGGG ME/ Send me some Happy!!!!"



Saturday August 21, 2010 at 9:11 PM

I'm hyperventilating.


just updated. I don't have time to read it right now, amybe later tonight, I hope, I pray....

lemme know what you all think!!!! I can't wait to come back here and hear about it!!!!!


OT Thread

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 7:22 PM

I can't remember if I have seen this before, but it is something that always bugs me.


I'm always curious about where people get their avatars from and why.

I'll start... Mine is a Photoshop picture of Edward that I did, for a story I have sitting aside.  I plan to more in the future, but I'm happy with that one right now.



There should a picture here of the banner...



Heather C.


Shameless Plug + Serious Question

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 6:34 PM

So I write this dark comedy/parody of the Twi-Saga, called Cracked! I just updated today (Chapter 6: Family Feud).

I'm finding that since a lot of it is satire, it's not always easy to keep it light and funny. I still like it, but I have no idea how the readers will feel about it until it's already posted, if the humor is balanced enough, if I've crossed over into humor that's so dark it's not even humor anymore, or if I've missed the mark completely and it's just serious.

To make this interactive, I ask you: when you write, how much consideration do you give to what you think your audience will want, and how much to what you want? Do you make sacrifices for one over the other? Does the story suffer for it, or are the results better? Are the rules different for comedy than they are for drama?

For your time:


princess wtvoc needs your help

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 3:36 PM

help me, obi-wan kenobi campers

i am preparing for halloween (yes, already).

i am lazy and do not feel like trolling, so do me a solid, yes?

i'm making witchy potion bottles. i need names to put on the labels. i've got amortentia, bezoars (using dried prunes. how creative am i?), felix felicis, draught of living death.

yes, i yoinked those from harry potter. i could use ingredients, though. the cleverer, the better. so list potential ingredients from HP, borrowed, made up, googled, what have you. i've appropriated labels i found while trolling the internet, but now i'm creating my own using good ole ingenuity and even gooder, older photoshop.

or talk halloween and why it might be better than christmas. it's not, but there's definite potential.

alternately, discuss harry potter, list good HP fic recs, talk about whose death will be more upsetting (obvious answer being fred weasley) (uhh spoiler alert) post pics of hot gingers, discuss HP: the musical, etc etc etc

and if you have halloween decoratin' ideas, by all means- show us pics and yes, i'll post pics of my project when i'm done.

eta: amortentia and some of the bottles i have.  i buy them cheap at thrift stores.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


The 3 letter word: SEX

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 1:41 PM



BUT FIRSTLY-and i'm sorry for being blunt because...that's just how I am when it comes to sex- I WOULD LIKE SOME ADVICE.


they shall be in the comments because some people might get offended about sex. not sure why, but hey ho.


Am I Funny Yet?

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 11:39 AM

I had this idea for a post back on Monday. It was even all approved by GAW. Then I actually thought about it and I got all self-conscious. So I scrapped it and got a new idea. ^_^ 

And since it's still FFAF, I'm gonna take full advantage of it. 

I need some good LOLZ. So tell me silly things about yourself. The more creative you get and the harder you make me laugh the more points you score. 

Here's some of mine:

I literally spent 15 minutes in my kitchen with a pen and a pad of yellow accordion post-it notes just so I could do this. 


I also...


...reenact battles with dollar store figures. 

 and I haven't swept the floor in a while

Obviously this is the The Peloponnesian War.


Well, at least I reenact historic battles until my cat comes along and pretends to be God-freaking-zilla. (I'm a little bitter, can you tell?)



So Campers, do your worst. Make me laugh 'till I pee myself.

Pictures are nice, although not necessary. 

Just know that anything posted here can and will be used against you for future blackmail ;) 


I hope this will be a good discussion

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 10:31 AM

but I could just be opening myself a can o' worms/whoopass. A little bit of a deep convo for 10am but here goes.

I was just going through a new follower's fave stories. She faved my Slash/Backslash 2.0 piece, Unsportsmanlike Conduct, which usually means she'll have a lot of good lemony, smutty stuff. But as I was parusing, I noticed something other than smut.

She seemed to have a lot of fics that had rape warnings. This got me thinking.... can rape be a main plot device?
Obviously someone thought yes, lots of someones since there was more than one story but more than one author.
I've seen some, but not many. I never read them (Except for Just Wait which is beyond amazing and it's not a plot device as more of an integral part of the main rising action), too close to a sensitive subject for me, but I was wondering if any of you read them or have read them and like the story you read.

If you did, was the attack used as a plot device throughout the story or as a catalyst? Is it "Bella needs saving" kind of plot lines?

Just curious. I'd love to hear your opinions on this. Authors especially, but fans of fic too!

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