
ATTN Ms. Capricorn

Friday August 27, 2010 at 6:35 PM






Oh, and since it's free for all and whatnot, here's my porn folder.... ;)





(i may be tipsy)


Let's play a different kind of game

Friday August 27, 2010 at 6:35 PM

Last week we played (Link) a game, this game follows the same guidelines but instead of using fics, we'll use movies. A refresher on the game, the basic game is that you use a word and let campers write down what movie they are reminder of because of that word, simple right? (I suck at explaining thing, that's what the link is for) The first word will be in the comments.

Sir Rachel


Friday August 27, 2010 at 3:38 PM

Some things you just want to show off. But normally it can be considered mean to make everyone else jealous.

But here's your opportunity. What's something awesome you're doing this weekend? Any time in the future? Something you've done in the past?

Share it! I'm sure us campers have done some pretty awesome things!

Or if you wanna get silly, we're a creative bunch! Make something up.

For example, I know that on June 10, 2037, I will have created a real, live flying spaghetti monster, which I shall allow to feed on nasty people to teach them a lesson.







Friday August 27, 2010 at 1:45 PM

OK. So I've just been forced out of living room by the biggest spider. Ever. And by giant, I mean it was about this big:


I live in England. There are no poisonous spiders to be scared of. I am well aware that they are more frightened of me. But as soon as I saw the damn thing -  I grabbed my laptop and ran upstairs. I am also well aware that there are probably 100's lurking in my bedroom - but I can't see them. Out of sight/out of mind and all that jazz.

I'm home alone. My list of fears grows substantially when I'm home alone.






(it goes on... and on...)

Okay. So to make this little rant of mine interactive. What are your fears?


Calling All Twi-Fact Checkers!

Friday August 27, 2010 at 1:38 PM

WhereTF did that come from?

Okay, so it has been quite some time since I read the original Twi Saga books, and even when I did read them initially, I may have cursorily skimmed over certain parts.  As such, I am probably not the best resource for Twi-facts.  However, I have noticed several odd (at least to me) character traits or background info in several fics, and I wonder where they originated from because I don't remember them from the original fics. 

I am going to list my weird facts below -- if you have any weird questions, post them here. . . hopefully, we will get some answers!

Calling all Twi-experts and afFICianados - can you help us out please? 

1. Jasper smoking cloves (clove cigarettes) -- I have noticed Jasper smokes these in A LOT of fics.  Did he (as a human) smoke these in the original Twi-saga books?  WhereTF did this come from?

2. Edward and Alice are twins -- Edward and Alice are twins in so many fics.  Where did this start?  I don't think Alice's true age is ever revealed in the original Tw-saga books, and she and Edward were not twins (that much I know).  WhereTF did this come from?

3.  Jasper and Rosalie are blood brother and sister -- this is in several fics.  WhereTF did this come from?

4.  Bella Barbie -- I know Alice and Rosalie help Bella get decked out in the Twi-saga, and Alice shops for her, etc.  Did S.Meyer actually use the term "Bella Barbie" or is that something from fanfic?  WhereTF did that come from?

I know I have other questions like this.  Damn - I should have written them down.  Does anyone else have any questions like this?  Post them here . . .hopefully, the Twi-experts and fact checkers can help us!


Robert Pattinson & Angelina Jolie?

Friday August 27, 2010 at 11:29 AM

So far...this is just RUMOR.

From Lainey-

Yesterday Deadline Hollywood came out with a report that GK Films is developing a project for Angelina Jolie, based on a 2009 BBC miniseries called Unforgiven. It’s about a woman who, after fifteen years in prison for murdering two police officers, attempts to reconnect with her sister only to find herself the target of a revenge plot hatched by the sons of one of the men she killed. GK is already partnered with Angelina to produce her Bosnian War love story, and Unforgiven is being adapted for features by Christopher McQuarrie, one of the writers on Angelina’s upcoming The Tourist. This crowd must really get along.

As Deadline points out, Angelina doesn’t commit until she has a script in hand, but this project is supposedly fast-tracked, so it’s feasible it could be all systems go next spring or so. You don’t fast-track stuff you’re not willing to spend money on. And yeah, sure, I’d buy it. I like Angelina, I think she’s a good actress, and it sounds more Changeling than Beyond Borders. And there’s a twist.

There’s speculation in the wind that Robert Pattinson has been tapped for this project (I would assume as one of the vengeful sons). He had a meeting late last year with Angelina’s lawyer, Robert Offer--and a “celebratory” dinner, too--so his recent trip to see Salt with his agent is suddenly rife with new possibility. You know what? I like this, too. Pattinson needs a non-romantical role. He needs something that has nothing to do with how pretty he is and would actively work against his appeal. As Fight Club turned Brad Pitt from pretty boy to man’s man, so could a violent, explosive role transform Pattinson.



Friday August 27, 2010 at 11:16 AM

if i hosted an epic buffy watchalong starting in september and provided links to watch it, would you do it?  i'm hoping to snag some people new to all things whedon as well as veteran "been there since the pilot aired in january of 1997" scoobs.

anyone?  we can discuss things, share gifs, talk about how current david boreanaz is hotter than 1997 david boreanaz.  you can find out what the fuss is about, get a new obsession, etc etc etc

Luna StarFire


Friday August 27, 2010 at 11:13 AM

Okay ladies.  Not too sure how many of you know about a 90's Cartoon called 'Hey Arnold'.  

Anywho long story short Helga had a crush on Arnold but wanted no one to know about it so she created a statue, made out of bubble gum, in the back of her closet:


So tell me ADF, who is your bubble gum shine in the shape of?


Twitter & Facebook

Friday August 27, 2010 at 11:03 AM

Wonderwall (who is undoubtedly not a fan of Twitter) has finally broke me down and I now have a Facebook page. So, are there other people out there that don't like Twitter? Wanna be my Facebook friend?

I have a total of 2 friends at the moment. I am that cool.




Hello, Mr. JKras


I'm still on Twitter: @ssarrahh1

INTERACTIVE: Tell us either your Twitter or Facebook. If you don't have either, then just come in and introduce yourself. Talk about anything and everything! Discuss and interact :)


Dead on My Feet updated

Friday August 27, 2010 at 10:42 AM

I love this story. 

Linkety Link:  HERE.

I think the author's profile has offended some campers here, but I decided to overlook that for a great story.

Has anyone gone off an author because of their profile or their twitter posts?  Enough to flounce a story?


Um, don't say who.  Just IF and why.


Throw Back

Friday August 27, 2010 at 9:46 AM


So it's a free for all?

Friday August 27, 2010 at 8:36 AM

I need some advice...I think or something.

In 5 days I have to do a resit exam so I can continue to my second year of university studying pharmacy, this is fine it'll go good hopefully.

However on the same day I move in with my boyfriend of 3 years Mr Robert Paylor.

I love him with everything I am, don't get me wrong, we're complete 'highschool sweethearts'  and two halves of the same person, it's crazy. But I'm so scared we're going to end up fighting over ridiculous things, or he'll get annoyed because of my closeness with my family, and the fact that I'm scared to move out.

So I wanna know if any of you have felt this way, what was it like moving in with your first boyfriend? Were you as scared as I am? What would be your advice to me? I don't really wanna talk to him about this (which is crazy 'cause we talk about EVERYTHING together - seriously) but yeah...halp?


A Baby Mirror on the way?

Friday August 27, 2010 at 8:19 AM

Me and my husband might have gotten ourselves knocked up.  This was not planned, although now that it's a possibility we're like, hell yes : ) and if we're not....I'm pretty sure we're going to try and remedy that real quick.  I've got babies on the brain.  Suddenly, Breaking Dawn is not the strangest book ever written....

Tell me your baby story, forest mothers, mothers-to-be, and wannabe mothers:  did you plan it out, was it a surprise, did your desire for children just turn on like someone flicked a switch, do you have any regrets about your timing, what is the thing about having children you love the most, what is it that you're hoping for?  

We want it, real bad.  But at the same time it's freaking my twinkies.  Is there ever a time when you really feel "ready"?  Or is parenthood pretty much scary and scarier?  

Also, was your decision to have or start trying to have kids something you talked about with your friends and family?  We're not feeling like it's a topic we want to share.....maybe because we hang out with a bunch of other DINC couples (dual income no children) who aren't quite ready to settle down.  I'm almost afraid of the day when we announce it. lol.

I just wanna chat, and hear what you ladies (and gents if you're out there) have to say.  

This is what my baby with Robert Pattinson would look like, lol:


ETA:  literally, all you mommy's are fantastic.  I can't reply to everybody fast enough, but I can tell each of you just loves your little ones so very much and it really is making my day.  THANK YOU!

Luna StarFire

Umm...Excuss Me?

Friday August 27, 2010 at 8:17 AM


I want to make a post for things that make you go:


Mine will be in comments.


Since it's Friday

Friday August 27, 2010 at 7:40 AM

And from what I see it's a free for all, I thought I'd post this to introduce myself and say howdy since I'm brand new here. I kept seeing ADF talked about on twitter so I came for a look see. Pretty cool set up you've got going :)

So hi, I'm Birdie. Nice to meet y'all. <waves emphatically>

What are your weekend plans? Doing anything fun?


I need your Twitter Expertise...

Friday August 27, 2010 at 7:00 AM

Hi Forest Dwellers! Happy Friday!!

I need some help please!!

My best friend convinced me it would be fun to sign up to Twitter so we can follow people whose lives are more exciting than our own and I finally gave in and did it!

The only problem is I haven't got the foggiest clue how to work it?!

Can anyone offer me a quick fire guide on how to use Twitter? What are the basic  things I need to know?!

Any advice would be muchly appreciated!

Jaw porn for your time....


Vampires Suck Movie!

Friday August 27, 2010 at 5:48 AM

I know its wrong and Im sorry, but.........This movie is hilarious!!!!!!!! Watch trailer below!!!!







Friday August 27, 2010 at 5:37 AM

 What did you think of the latest tearjerker update?

I get so caught up in this fic, i have to keep reminding myself its only fiction.

If you haven't read it you should check it out but if you have a problem with rough sex, drug use, crude language, cutting, death, or step moms fucking their step sons.. then its not for you.


AH,OOC, LEMONS He is always aware of where she is and what she is doing. Bella makes sure that Edward's eyes are only on her...grabbing his attention every chance she can. She is in need of constant allegiance...its fucked but works for them.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort


This song is perfect for this fic


I Need A Story!!!!!!

Friday August 27, 2010 at 5:24 AM

Hello!!!!! Thank You everyone who wrote down a suggestion fo a story, your awsome!!!!! I read all of the stories you guys threw at me and I cant say i was dissapointed. All of them were amazing especially Broken Doll and Elemental! But it is now time for more, give me more, I need more!!!!!!!!! Wow i have a serious problem. Maybe I should go fanfictioners anonymous. Anyhoo, I want stories were Bella has powers, or is some sort of mythical creature. It can be anything from a mermaid and a goddess, I dont know amaze me. Something like Broken Doll or Elemetal for example, if you know those stories.

Thank You guys so much!!!!!!!!

                                                                  Your annoying Emmett addict,



youtube junkie

Friday August 27, 2010 at 5:15 AM

Yes I will admit it I am a youtube junkie.... seriously my time is spent either here in the forest, on facebook, reading fic, or on youtube.

I have this weird obsession with listening to covers that people do of songs that I like. There have been more than a few that I like but there is one that I am in LOVE with... I could go to his channel page and listen to every cover that he has done over and over not that I have or anything

here's one of them


So is there anything that you obsess over on youtube?
I don't care what it is...... especially if it's funny (it's only 8:15am here and I'm already close to crawling back in bed for the day)
First --- | >> | 1045 | 1046 | 1047 | 1048 | 1049 | 1050 | 1051 | 1052 | 1053 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
