
Youtube? Why, Yes, I do.

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 11:39 PM

Ah, the wonder that is youtube. 

Two things:

Firstly, anybody ever hear of "The Room," aka THE Worst Movie Ever Made? No? Well, check this out:

"The Room" excerpt

Second-of-ly, anyone remember when Summit subjected RPattz and the Gang to the horror of shopping mall meet-n-greets? Well we totally went to one and documented (what we could of) our journeys. I submit this footage to you:

Dreamers Dreaming Dreams: Our Quest to Meet Robert Pattinson

I sincerely hope you enjoy at least one of these.

Happy Friday!


how to make friends!

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 10:07 PM

Hey everyone, so I recently moved to vancouver( from dubai) to study for uni, and today was my 1st orientation, I did make a few friends, but I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on how to open up conversations and how. To keep a conversation flowing, because I suck at this, I don't knw how I made friends back home:D Thank you!! PS I knw this kinda like FFFA material but I couldn't wait till tmrw

It IS Friday, right?

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 9:44 PM

It's Friday Free For All, if I'm not mistaken!

So, I'm one of those lucky mofo's that gets to grow up and go to college. I've been here for a flippin' week already! The work is easy (omg, thank God I decided to go to tech school!) and I LOVE my roommates (two of them are my bff's since forever, the other one is a 27-year-old guy that's soo nice, but still, like, eight years older than me, lol).

But, in all honesty, I'd lovelovelove to just be a bum.

Who else wants to be a bum with me?


I'm Back!

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 9:16 PM

Of course, you probably didn't even notice I was gone.  That's okay. :)  So what's going on?  The Forest looks rather quiet and off topic lately.  (I haven't had internet access for almost two weeks in case you were wondering).  Despite not having internet access I've been rather busy.  I've been working on a LOT of writing related stuff.  It's amazing how much time the internet sucks from your life so I may try a little experiment and give myself scheduled 'off' days.  I've started working on my next anthology.  It's called Like Myth Made Flesh and is an erotic collection featuring mythical beings.  I'm currently looking for cover art for it so if you're interested or know a good artist let me know.

I wrote a story.  Original fiction not fanfic.  And I've submitted it to an anthology so wish me luck.  I've also done a lot of work to one of my existing stories which I plan to submit to another anthology.  And I did write a teeny tiny bit of fic. :)  It's the student/teacher fic I promised Jennyfly but I don't want to post it anywhere unless she says it's okay.  And man, can I just say how hard research is without the net?  I felt like I was thrown back into the dark ages.

To make this more Twilight related I also did some organizing on my computer and finally caved and made a fanfiction folder and a Twilight photo folder.  This shit really is taking over my life but I say that with fondness.  And to make this interactive...what's going on in the fandom?  How are you?  How is your writing going?  How many Twilight folders do you have on your computer?

Here, have some pics:






Also, I'm still looking for a good Midnight Sun wallpaper.  I like this one but it's in Portuguese(I think?):



Anyone know of a good one?  Maybe similar to this?


Skill Swap

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 8:36 PM

Hey All! *waves*

So, lately I've had an idea for a cool gif/video avi thing, but I don't have the program/info to make them. SO, I thought I would offer a skill swap, of sorts. I do story banners (and the alike - link to the banners I've done will be inside), and would love to swap a banner for an avi, if anyone would be willing to do so!

Anyone else have a skill they'd like to swap for something they're looking for? Story Beta extraordinaire? Fic ideas up the wazoo? Virtual woodworking? Post it here and see if you can work something out!

(Side Note: I know there is a similar campfire on Mondays called the Monday Request Campfire... if I need to wait till then to post my request, let me know!)


Fic Diving is NOT working

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 5:33 PM

In the past, I have been able to just search for a pairing that I wanted to read and find a good story that holds my interest, whether it's a one shot or a multichapter doesn't really matter. But tonight my trusted method is not working.

I am looking for something well written that I will definitely get into within the first couple of chapters/ the first paragraph, and I would like it to be JasperxBella but I am definitely open to any pairing.

I will even include a list of the fics I have read recently (in the comments)  to make it easier (I think) for you guys to recommend me something to read. Thanks lovely campers :)


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


the harvest

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 2:44 PM

day 2 as the buffy watchalong continues

with the conclusion of "welcome to the hellmouth"- "the harvest". 

yesterday's watchalong was a total success!  thanks for all who participated.  except tkmoon, she can go check out the softer side of sears or something.  except omg sasha i'm making baked snack mix and it smells so good

do a spoiler warning if you're discussing future stuff, or make your text white so we can just highlight it

and if you know of good, solid links for watching buffy without having to buy/download anything, please let me know via PM.  also, if you're not from the america and cannot see this vid, please let me know.  i'm trying to make it so that everyone can watch with us!

if you have netflix: watch it here

if you want to use hulu: watch it here (US only)

if all else fails:

if you have netflix: watch it here

if you want to use hulu: watch it here (US only)

if all else fails: try this link here

and seriously, if you come up with an alternative, let me know!

i may or may not have alternatives coming up in the future.

now get in this campfire and discuss my favorite tv show of all time, please.

first impressions, bad 90s fashion, horrible acting, giles' hotness from the get-go.

eta: if your name is patsyrobinson, make gifs from this episode!  or, you know.  even if you're not patsyrobinson.

">try this link for episode 1.02 here 


and seriously, if you come up with an alternative, let me know!

i may or may not have alternatives coming up in the future.

now get in this campfire and discuss my favorite tv show of all time, please.

first impressions, bad 90s fashion, horrible acting, giles' hotness from the get-go.

eta: if your name is patsyrobinson, make gifs from this episode!  or, you know.  even if you're not patsyrobinson.


Twilight is Taking Over the World...

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 1:04 PM

Obviously we all know that and it's not that wild of a statement, but I'm wondering how you guys have run into random Twilight references in your everyday life.  For example, my husband is a veterinarian.  He works very closely with a rescue group and each time this group receives new animals they have to name them.  The most recent litter of puppies all received Twilight names, so he takes a lot of guffaw-inducing (for me) phone calls about 'Jasper's ringworm' or 'Rosalie's bloody diarrhea' (sadly I'm not kidding about the last one!).  But today takes the cake: When I went to visit his clinic at lunch, he walked out of the surgery room and declared, "Well, Team Edward is going to be pretty pissed because I just neutered Edward today."  I about died.

So where does the world of Twilight intersect with your real-life world? 

Disclaimer: I'm NOT judging naming your pets after book/movie characters!  We have a Ginny (for Ginny Weasely) and a Jack Ryan (from the Tom Clancy novels) so the tradition is clearly alive and well in our family!


Bloody birth

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 11:41 AM

Rewrite! Now Fans WILL See The Gruesome Birth Of Renesmee In Breaking Dawn!

Read More: Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton http://perezhilton.com/#ixzz0yOnfQWzG
Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

C'mon! Twilight screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg also writes for Dexter in her spare time. You think she would steer you wrong?

Twi-Hards have continued to voice their concern that the next flick to come out of the Twiverse, Breaking Dawn- Part 1, will be too toned down from its literary counterpart as to remain appropriate for mixed ages audiences.

That's why, according to Melissa, she and director Bill Condon have been hard at work on rewrites to make sure that the movie is pleasing to fans.

During a recent interview, Melissa echoed back to her sentiment that the infamous vampire birthing scene won't be the blood bath some fans are looking for, but that it will be much more gruesome than first believed. She says:

"We're working on it. And we're working on it to be as intense as it is in the book. I don't think it's about the amount of blood you show. It's on their faces. It's all from Bella's point of view when you're seeing what's going [on]. It should feel visceral. I think it's going to be pretty intense."

Oh no.

I did not copypasta the last few sentences where he rags on Stew. I don't care for the girl, but I care for Perez's opinion even less.


My parents love me...right?

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 8:12 AM

I've noticed something in a lot of fics I've been reading.  It seems in a lot of stories when things start to go south for our dear Bella and Edward everyone turns against Edward.  Even his own parents.  What is that about?  I understand being disappointed in your child for making poor decisions.  But to not speak to him or force him to fix things with Bella before you'll start acting decent to him again, seriously, what is that about? 

(breaking up a family is different, I will admit)

Is this sort of situation true for anyone out there?  I can't imagine my parents disowning me because I made my boyfriend cry (they just love him that much?).  In my mind this is sort of acting out a fantasy where you are loved by everyone so much that if you are wronged everyone will fight for you.  So what say you?  Am I missing something here?  Am I just that spoiled?

LJ Summers

Sportsward Fics

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 4:34 AM

Good morning! Having had my coffee [_]D and about to take off for another fun-filled day on Sesame Street (hey, a girl can dream) I wanted to get today's list up before the rest of my day demanded my brain.  (Yep, gonna be one of those days.)

I had an amazing night-into-the-morning experience reading an athletic Edward and was so happy that -- upon reviewing the MASTER FIC LIST – I decided that today's compilation would be for SPORTSWARD fics!  Looking for stories today in which Edward is an athlete.  Which sport is not important.  Tennis pro, Olympic curler, high school soccer star... Bring on Sportsward!  These stories will probably be in the AH category BUT I am not ruling AU out of the list!  


Remember the rules of the campfire:  1. Keep it simple.  2. No discussions.   Thank you!

My rec will be within, as is my normative behavior.


Thank you for sharing your favorite Sportswards around the fire!


All That Jazz

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 4:00 AM


The lovely @AmelieGee is hosting a readalong today via The Fic Bridge for this excellent story I beta called "All That Jazz" written by javamomma0921. The story is set in 1919. Bella & Alice are orphans who have let a completely sheltered life until they are adopted by their aunt Esme Cullen. If you are remotely interested in historical fiction, and even if you are not, please come check out this story or join us in the readalong tonight.  It is a beatifully written fic with a touch of feminism, a shy and reclusive Bella, and a swoon worthy Edward. 

The readalong will start today at 8pm I believe.

Here's a link to the story:


Rose Arcadia has also rec'd this fic on her blog. So for a more complete review, check out her blog:






Vampire abilities....all human fic?

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 2:01 AM

I'm not a huge fan of AU stories. I like them human because the possibilities are endless for character development. I like the vampires and their abilities in the books but prefer to take them and run with them human. Some fics though, straddle the line of AU and AH by combining the two.

All human characters with vampire traits.

Human, 25 year old Edward who literally can hear people's thoughts

Human, 30 year old Jasper who can hypnotize or something and change your mood.

I can roll with Alice because people really DO claim to psychic, possess precognition, etc and people either take them or leave them but it's a legitimate one that's been around since ancient times and beyond. Oracles, seers, etc. So I can see a human Alice who randomly blanks then tells Rosalie she'll be meeting the beefy man of her dreams driving a gas guzzler next Friday at 2:pm. 

Mind reading Edward though? Borders on being 3 steps from Jedi Master Cullen. Or some subhuman species sometimes.

Thoughts? Creepy? Depends on the fic? Take you out of the human realm where you say "they may as well be vamps." Do you love it because it combines the best of both? A lot of people say they don't like AH fics but what if they have vampire traits/abilities? Does that make a world of a difference and make you a reader because it's more canon? Etc.


Yay or nay?


Hilarious New Moon Spoof! (Parts 1&2)

Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 8:07 PM

You might remember their Bella's Eighty-Eighth Birthday spoof from earlier this winter.  These sisters are back and they've really stepped it up!  Not only are their costumes and sets believable enough to get you lost in the "Twilight" of it all, but their impersonations are impressive and hilariously over-exaggerated.  Definitely check it out! = )
Part 1
Part 2

Wedding and Tattoos...

Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 8:00 PM

As promised, I'm posting some pictures of my tattoo and my hubby's.

Also, I noticed awile back how some was posting pics of old photos.  Well, I came across my wedding pics and though "Why not? Let's see how many write".


So here they are!


Is it ok to look now...

Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 7:08 PM

So there's my inbox staring at me and usually I'm psyched when I see updates (Hello- imperfectly perfect- I'm looking at you- thanks for the double update Jandco!) but Paper Cutouts (which owns me) and Just Wait are in there and I can't do it...I am nervous to turn down angst lane. So tell me campers - are there stories you are waiting to read till the angst has hopefully passed, do you hold off on a few chapters or only read completed works?

I love angsty stories and will most likely be up reading both, but had to ask cuz lately I have been stressed reading some of these fics. What are your thoughts?!

For your time, some images that come to mind when I read the angst/heartfail...





It hurt 4 lyk a milisecnd but then i was in heaven

Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 4:56 PM

RAWR. It really pisses me off when all these fics have Bella losing her virginity and half the time it doesn't even hurt at all and she's orgasmin' in a minute. Or she has one brief thought about how it stings a bit but then-- OMG! This is the most incredible feeling! Oh my Edddwaaarrrrrrrdddddddd....

Ok, so I may have written one where the character (Ness) wasn't in too much pain, but I was 14 at the time. These people aren't as naive as I was. And yes I realize that all cases are different and in some rare cases it doesn't hurt the first time, but when 97% of the fics have it being this incredibly euphoric experience, it just kinda makes me rage. I've flounced sooo many stories because the way they portray it is so cavalier and made to seem like a fairytale.

Anyone agree? Anyone actually have a perfect experience? Anyone have any fic recs where it's realistic?



Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 4:21 PM

Some good news.... I gave blood for the first time today!!

Go me!

The only thing I have is a sore arm and a little headache but I braved the needle and got it done!


welcome to the hellmouth

Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 2:55 PM

welcome to the hellmouth/the buffy watchalong/wtvoc's good graces

let it begin.

watchalong rules and regulations are inside.



from here on out, do NOT spoil future episodes for the sad sacks campers who are buffy virgins, please.  and when you do, at least try to post a spoiler warning.  i know, i know.  it's been out for over a decade.  still, let's try to be effin' classy, eh?

and if you know of good, solid links for watching buffy without having to buy/download anything, please let me know via PM.  also, if you're not from the america and cannot see this vid, please let me know.  i'm trying to make it so that everyone can watch with us!

if you have netflix: watch it here

if you want to use hulu: watch it here (US only)

if all else fails: try this link here

and seriously, if you come up with an alternative, let me know!

i may or may not have alternatives coming up in the future.

now get in this campfire and discuss my favorite tv show of all time, please.

first impressions, bad 90s fashion, horrible acting, giles' hotness from the get-go.

eta: if your name is patsyrobinson, make gifs from this episode!  or, you know.  even if you're not patsyrobinson.

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