
Help finding a fic

Monday September 6, 2010 at 1:39 PM

Hey all, it's been awhile since I've been here, so sorry if this is now not the thing to do...apologies in advance.

Anyway, I've been racking my brain for over a week now trying to find a fic.  B&E are married and Bella finds out Edward is cheating on her with Tanya.  Bella asks Edward if he loves T and he says he does.  In Chapter 2, she runs into both of them in the grocery store, but in the end B&E find their way back to each other.  The author did have some notes where she said some of this was based on a real life experience.

I cannot remember the name of it. Any help? Thanks so much!! :) 


It's the end of the world...

Monday September 6, 2010 at 1:05 PM

I love me a good apocalyptic story.

The Stand is my favorite book ever.

Every time the mini-series comes on I get hooked back in.

I have read some apocalyptic fics like-

The Fallout

Goodnight, Noises Everywhere

(I actually made Feisty this banner b/c I lurved her story so much)

Rec me some more! <3

Feed my love of end of the world dramatics.

You know you imagine you and Edward all holed up in a bunker...of love.



Monday September 6, 2010 at 10:16 AM

Hello, campers. :)

So. I started High School a few days back. And it's BRUTAL.

I do have a few friends, but there are some annoying people. People who judge. Terribly.

So needless to say, I'm scared shitless. Because I do give a damn what people think of me. Everyone does, at least in High School. How else do I survive it?

And there's this one girl - let's call her 'Ak' -and this other girl -let's call her 'Pri' . Pri is in all my classes, so that works out really well for me. Anyway, Ak keeps telling Pri to come hang out with her. Right in front of me. And, she ignores me while doing this. Also, Ak literally forces Pri to sit with her posse at lunch, in classes, etc.

Pretty bitchy, yeah. So I'm depressed. Like, really. All my awesome friends are in another school. I'm lonely. :(

So, tell me about your High School experiences. Did you suffer? Were you the Prom Queen/ King? Were you the social leper? Were you the wallflower whom no one noticed?


Let's reminisce. Or, you know, you reminisce. I'll just feed off of your terrible experiences and make myself feel better. Please?



Of course it's Rob. :)


And here's some Kellan.



Is it just me, or does Kellan's head look slightly small compared to his body? Just seems misproportionate, is all I'm sayin'.

approved by the purple font ranger albeit after the fact

LJ Summers

Carlisle/Bella Fics

Monday September 6, 2010 at 5:11 AM

Brought to you by the numbers 16 and 33, and by the the color #990000, today's list is all about CARLISLE and BELLA!   

For many, the emotion provided by the scene in the New Moon movie where Carlisle removes the glass from Bella's arm while she holds on to his shirt was inspirational. For others, the fascination started long before.  But however it happened, there is a growing list of fics featuring the romantic pairing of Carlisle and Bella.

Which ones do YOU recommend?  Historical or contemporary, AH or AU, all ratings allowed, we'd like you to share your favorite Carlisle/Bella stories with the Forest.  

This list and thirty-two others can be found on our MASTER FIC LIST here at ADF.  This is a list compiled by YOU, the CAMPERS and it is meant to give all of us a reference point.  If someone you know asks, "Hey, I'd really like to read a _____________ kind of fic. What's out there?" then you can probably find a fic to suit in one of our lists!


Remember the rules of the campfire: Keep your rec simple. No discussions.

My recs will be within.


Thank you so much for sharing your favorite Carlisle/Bella fics around the fire!



Sunday September 5, 2010 at 11:14 PM

For the summer, I've been a nanny to a two year old girl who believes she is a princess. She even has her very own princess gown that she never takes off. 

Yesterday, we watched Sleeping Beauty FOUR TIMES before her parents came home and I was allowed to leave. 

My boyfriend has whisked me away for a weekend by the lake... but I can't sleep.


I'm craving a romantic princess story. 


(Preferably CanonPairings, but I'm flexible. )

I would be grateful. 


Let's Talk~

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 6:13 PM

Life has been busy for a lot of us.

It's back to school time...

-for our kids

-for us personally

Some of us are moving...

Some of us are busy with family obligations...

Some of us busy with work, or looking for a new job.

Life is full of ups and downs and curvy roads that take us to new and interesting places.

Isn't it nice to know that there's one place where we can just come...relax, be ourselves.....

Where we're free of judgement or expectation....

Where there are no whiny kids or demanding spouses, bosses or parents...

Where the scenery is always pretty and the company is always friendly?

This is why I love the Forest.

Let's Chat, Campers. Tell me what's going on in your lives....


I know Campers would rather not...

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 4:31 PM

....see, or read, any more of these questions BUT I need the name of a multi-chap fic about a Bella on the down and out in Forks, that gets a crappy little job as a pharmacy assistant and so happens to assist an awkward, anti-social Edward with so many nervous ticks it's...yeah i can't even sum it up. Since I've had to send my lappytop to get some work I don't have any of my stories bookmarked, so alas I couldn't keep track of this fic I was reading.


I'd appreciate anything! Thanks yall!


To gChat or not?...

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 1:39 PM

So I semi-recently broke down a made a Twitter - something I swore that I would never do, because I didn't really like the idea of it.  Well, turns out I LOVE it!  I've gotten to know many people from our forest on a more personal level, and basically just made some great people I consider friends ^^ 

Well, one thing I've heard mentioned on Twitter is gChat.  Now i have gMail - for my blog and other crap - but should I really get the whole gChat thing?  Do you consider it better than Twitter - especially since there are no 140 char. limitations? Or is just Twitter enough for you?

Give me your opinions people ^^

As a thanks for reading/replying:


Oh, that SMeyer...

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 1:23 PM

I don't know what this is from, but I saw this on tumblr, and thought it was pretty hilarious I suppose it's from an interview with Stephenie Meyer:

Q.) If Harry and Edward had to duel against each other using their own abilities, who do you think would win?

Meyer: A.) Oh gosh, don’t get mad at me but I don’t know what a wizard fight looks like in her (JKRowling’s) head. I know what it looks like in the movies so I have to go on what it looks like in the movies. But here is the thing, if it’s possible for a human to duck a wand being shot at them; a vampire is not going to have a problem. The fight would be over in .01 seconds because Edward would be across the room snapping his (Harry’s) neck. He would be done. He wouldn’t even have time to say his spell word. I’m sorry but Edward would win that one

First of all, can I just express myself in gifs?

Okay? Okay.


Stephenie, you know nothing about Harry Potter.

"He wouldn’t even have time to say his spell word."


Spell word? SPELL WORD?

"But here is the thing, if it’s possible for a human to duck a wand being shot at them; a vampire is not going to have a problem."


SMeyer, I don't know what you think happens in magic duels, but people don't throw wands, honey. The cast spells. Very quick spells.

"The fight would be over in .01 seconds because Edward would be across the room snapping his (Harry’s) neck."


One word: Impedimenta. (That's really nerdy of me, omg.) Harry could cast that and slow Eddie down. The casting one of the unfrogivable curses, probably Avada Kedavra, and win. But if Eddie-boy does manage to "snap Harry's neck", there's a certain someone called Madame Pomfrey who could fix that right up.

So, Stephenie, I say you should go and read the books and you will see how wrong you are.


I think I've said my peace.


Facebook Fail!

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 10:19 AM

I love my fanfiction. I love reading it. I love writing it. I profess my love for all this Twilight from the rooftops. What I don't want though, is for my Dad to know that I read and lust after 50 shades.

So, please, all you Facebook aficionados, help a girl out.

I tried to make a Facebook page so that I could add all my Twilight infatuations without my public sphere meshing with my twiporn obsession, but Facebook rejected my screen name. *gasp* What to do?? I couldn't found a way around this. If you know a way, coooooould you let me know? XD

So, can we talk about this? How do you follow all you favorite authors on Facebook without implied embarrassment? How do I make an account using my Fanfic screenname??




The Beautiful Edward Challenge

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 5:22 AM

approved by wtvoc

Hi guys!

CandyTwi and I are hosting a one-shot contest!!!! We are accepting entries from August 30 until September 25, 2010. Go and check out the contest page at

Here are the details!


Calling all Edward lovers!

The Beautiful Edward One-Shot Challenge opens 30 August, closes September 25

Voting 27 September – 11 October

Winners announced 13 October


For all you visual voyeurs, how about an Edward story, human or vampire, that focuses on Edward’s gorgeous beauty?

We want thigh crossing, panty dropping, heart singing descriptions! We want to celebrate the delicious Edward who has inspired us ever since Twilight!

If other contests have been too narrow in their criteria for your story ideas, this will be the writing challenge for you. Don’t we all have a Beautiful Edward image to share?

We want more than just a description however; we want a short story, a stand alone one-shot of 2000-7000 words. Get creative...



Plus there will be a Hottest Edward Host’s Award for our standout favourite.

General information:

We will be accepting entries from 30 August to 25 September, 2010.Entries must be emailed to in Word doc. format.

You cannot post to your own FF account until after winners are announced on October 13. This is an anonymous challenge!

Multiple entries are allowed – we can’t have too much of Beautiful Edward!


All entries must be between 2000 and 7000 words in length, excluding header info and author note.

Lemons optional (but oh so encouraged).

No paedophilia, incest, rape, violence, you know the drill.

Get a Beta! Badly written, uncorrected grammar etc will be disqualified. Edward deserves the best!

All entries must be stand alone one-shots, no continuations or excerpts from current stories ALTHOUGH your one-shot may become the inspiration for a longer story after the challenge. This contest is anonymous. Entrants, please do not reveal your identity. If we become aware that you have promoted your entry you will be disqualified.

Please include the following header information with your submission:

Story title:

Pen name:


Word count:


Your penname will be removed before we post entries to the challenge page. All entries will be put up to public vote and the top three will be the winners, plus there will be a special Hosts’ Award.


Winners will be announced on 13th October.The top three entries will be awarded banners:

1st Place: Dazzle Award

2nd Place: Divine Award

3rd Place: Delectable Award

Hottest Edward Host’s Award

The overall winner of the voters poll (The Dazzle Award winner), will have their one-shot featured and be interviewed as a feature on the TwiFic Hall of Fame blog -

New writers are encouraged to enter!

If you have any questions, concerns, comments send an email to

Important Dates:

Entries accepted from 30 August to September 25, 2010

Public voting from 27 September to 11 October, 2010

Beautiful Edward Challenge Awards announced 13 October, 2010


Hosted by:

BoydBlog - Author of Episode -


CandyTwi - Author of Belladonna



The Hidden Star Awards

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 1:58 AM

Hi, am so flattered that somebody (thank you dear!) nominated The Parachutist for the Hidden Star Awards as Best Canon (couple). There is no AU category, which would be the best fit. I went there and I even suggested some nominations myself. Well, at least I’ll get more readers, hopefully. To be read (and possibly reviewed) is even better than winning. I poured my soul in my story.
There are some good stories in the competition and in other categories, and you can vote for your favorite author and banner too, so maybe you want to have a look.

And, if you can retrieve that sad, sad story where Carlisle does everything wrong, defies fate, does not change the members of his canon family and eventually ends up alone, getting only the occasional unsentimental physical release from Tanya, you should nominate it for Best Tear Jerker. I can’t find it again and I am about to leave for 10 days.


A "Ringing" Question

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 1:26 AM

Hi everybody! It's 1AM, I'm at work (as always) and thinking deep thoughts. Like about Bella's epic fail engagement ring.  If she has to wear that until the end of time, where will her wedding ring go?  Is there ring protocol for this cockroach shaped dilemma?  I just have a wedding ring myself, so I'm ignorant of such things.  But it's keeping me awake!  (probably a good thing, being at work & all!)  Help? TIA!


lettuce play a game

Saturday September 4, 2010 at 5:37 PM

i'm bored.

take off your clothes.



then let's play a game.


one of those 'when i think about ______ you i touch myself,  i  think of____.' games

so just post something in the comments

a canon character, a fic character, a story,  an actor, even yourself

and people can reply with what they associate with person/thing

gifs, videos, pictures, words whatever are all welcome

eg, someone  posts  Bella Swan. we reply with mushroom ravioli, khaki skirts and cliff-diving

but you know, hopefully more fun



The Hostage Ch. 16

Saturday September 4, 2010 at 11:31 AM

by: EBalways


After a week without The Hostage, it's back!

Come on in and share theories, favorite lines, or whatever else you'd like!


I so sad!

Saturday September 4, 2010 at 10:48 AM

Today is my graduation! D: I officially graduated in June, like the rest of the normal population, but my school doesn't do the ceremonies until September long. Don't ask me why, it's always been like that. My parents had a fall grad, too. 

ANYWAY, I've been listening to sentimental music all damn day. I know for a *badword* fact, that I'm going to bawl my *badword* eyes out tonight, especially when I watch the slideshow that got put together for all of us 2010-er's to watch.

Here's my sentimental music:


Do you have sentimental music for a very sad girl? SHARE.
ALSO. If you'd like to see some drunk tweets tonight, follow me: @maryinblue6
Seriously. I'm gunna drunk tweet like my life depends on it tonight.


Saturday September 4, 2010 at 7:15 AM

Saturday is pretty much the bane of my existence. My kids are home (and will be out of school for three days because of Labor Day), my hubs is at work, and I don't have anything to do. All the laundry is folded, the house is picked up, the kitchen is clean since I do everything during the week.

It's going to be a loooong day.

So, I've declared it movie day at my house! I want some movie recs. I really don't have any preferences, but I really love psych-thrillers and movies that inspire hope.

I watched this yesterday:

(I had the hardest time trying to find an image that would work.)

It's probably one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. I'm not gonna lie, I cried, but it's amazing.

I had never heard of it until yesterday when I was reading up on this:

(I'll post the trailer in the comments because it's not suitable for the front page.)

I think I have a new director crush. (He directed both of these movies.)

So give 'em to me. Give me your favorites, the scariest, the most insane, messed up, or sweetest movies you have ever seen.

You will be loved for it.


MotU continued??

Saturday September 4, 2010 at 7:12 AM

Am I the only one that did not know that Icy has continued this delicious fic on her own blog??


If not then here is the link


Stop the World

Saturday September 4, 2010 at 4:51 AM

I want to get off.


This is a FANTASY campfire....please, list your ultimate human or otherworldly limitations withstanding

Mine is in the comments



Edward Cullen - domestic abuse?

Friday September 3, 2010 at 10:12 PM

I can certainly understand why people make the argument that Bella is the victim of domestic abuse; the best article i have found for making this case is thus:

If anyone has read this, or has taken the time to read this blog, I would love to hear your thoughts. Do you agree or disagree? After reading this blog and really thinking about the series certain aspects of domestic abuse really do pop out.

What do YOU think? Is Bella the victim? Is Edward really that bad? Did SMeyer do this on purpose?

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