
Thank You.

Saturday September 11, 2010 at 8:50 AM

In some way or another  we are all affected by the events that took place nine years ago today. This isn't about remembering, this is about thanking.  So many of our lives are different because of family or friends or simple acquaintances in the military. Take this as an opportunity to remember a person, close friend or not and say thank you. 

Thank you to my friends here on ADF and Twitter who have loved ones serving, actively or not. I can't imagine your sacrifice. 


I'm curious....

Saturday September 11, 2010 at 6:50 AM

Where are you?

What Time is it there?


What are you doing on this lovely Saturday?

I'm in London, it's 2.45pm and I'm working up the energy to clean my flat so I can go out tonight with a clean conscience (and flat!)



Have you forgotten...

Saturday September 11, 2010 at 12:56 AM

*ranger edit: this thread has veered into conversation regarding religion and things got a bit intense, as these are sensitive, emotional subjects for many.  If you choose to participate in this thread, please do so with great regard for the feelings of your fellow campers.

In remembrance to 9/11...we recently listened a song from the past....Have you forgotten by Darryl Worley.


Where were you when 9/11 happened?


I was a sophomore in High school.  We were sitting in our homeroom, waiting for the bell to ring.  Our teachers were scrambling to get the tv on even though none of us were really paying attention.  What we didn't seem real.  Sure, we've heard over the years about the Columbine shootings and the Oklahoma bombings, but nothing ever hit us so close to home.  I lived in Upstate NY at the time.

The news really didn't kick in until more news was advertised and we saw more of the damage that was done, the repetitive pictures of people scrambling for their lives with no hopes of being saved.  It still depresses me today, as I'm sure it does anyone.  I'm never been able to bring myself to watch any of the movies that were based on the events...I don't think I could make it through.  


That is why I'm so opposed to have a Muslim temple being built so close to the fallen has nothing to do with their religion...I don't' care what they practice or who they believe it...but it was their counterparts in the unknown worlds that crashed into ours.  It's sad that we still can't find peace in our worlds, even though we are considerable least more free than others in different countries... (I couldn't do white...)


So, in remembrance to 9/11.....


I hear people sayin'. We Don't need this war.
I say there's some things worth fightin' for.
What about our freedom, and this piece of ground?
We didn't get to keep 'em by backin' down.
They say we don't realize the mess we're gettin' in
Before you start preachin' let me ask you this my friend.

Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten, when those towers fell
We had neighbors still inside goin through a livin hell
And you say we shouldn't worry bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

You took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it's too disturbin for you and me
It'll just breed anger is what the experts say
If it was up to me I'd show it everyday
Some say this country just out lookin' for a fight
Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say right.

Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten when those towers fell
We had neighbors still inside goin' through a livin' hell
And we vow to get the ones behind Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

I've been there with the soldiers
Who've gone away to war
you can bet they remember just what they're fightin' for

Have you forgotten
All the people killed
Yes some went down like heroes
In that Pennsylvania field
Have you forgotten
About our Pentagon
All the loved ones that we lost
And those left to carry on
Don't you tell me not to worry 'bout Bin Laden

Have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten?!


The Mom Song.

Saturday September 11, 2010 at 12:53 AM


*Trust Me*







*Ducks back to lurk mode*


I'm Hyperventilating Right Now

Friday September 10, 2010 at 9:58 PM

There's a festival coming up in the beginning of October called The New Yorker Festival (as in the New Yorker magazine) and one of the many events they are having is a vampire panel.  Wait.  This gets better.  Panelists include Stephen King, Matt Reeves (director of Cloverfield and Let Me In), and...wait for it...MELISSA ROSENBERG which in case you've been living under a rock is the screenwriter for all of the Twilight movies (and oddly enough some of the episodes of Dexter)!!!

I want to go.  I WANT TO GO.  But I'd rather not go by myself so I'm wondering if anyone here would be interested?  It's on Saturday October 2nd at 1:00pm.  It's at the Acura Stage on West 37th Street.

Details on the festival can be found here:

I'm honestly surprised this event hasn't sold out yet.  I would say tickets should be bought soon.


The Young Folks blog

Friday September 10, 2010 at 9:36 PM

Hey fellow campers! Since its FFAF I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to tell you guys about my recently launched website called The Young Folks.

We are a blog in which we review movies, music and books and give them a young perspective. Me and my friend Gaby came out with this idea because we noticed how there wasn't a website in which reviews were made for young people and by young people {including the young heart}.

So yeah guys you can go visit our website

We so far have reviews for "The Social Network", "Mockingjay", "Jack Goes Boating" and hold it... "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1"  and more!

Later on we are going to have giveaways like Hunger Games books autographed by Suzanne Collins, Twilight goodies, CD copies and screening tickets!

You can follow us on twitter @TYFofficial and you can "Like" us on Facebook too

So go ahead check out the site and leave comments!



Glee Performance Appreciation Post

Friday September 10, 2010 at 8:07 PM

In honor of the new season of

starting on Tuesday, September 21st, I'm making a...

Glee Performance Appreciation Post!

Mention THREE (3) of your most favorite performances ever,

and if you can, post the video to share! 

There are SO many amazing moments... some that make you cry, some that make you laugh, some that make you want to jump up and dance and sing along...

So come inside and get your GLEEK on! Share your favorite moments!!!!

Mine are in the comments...



Friday September 10, 2010 at 6:44 PM

This fantastic woman died today.

Take a moment to think about the women who've shaped your life.

Say something about her/them.


Happy times call for happy measures...

Friday September 10, 2010 at 6:02 PM



Disclaimer: We really shouldn't have to remind you.


Make me giggle and smile

Friday September 10, 2010 at 5:45 PM

Tomorrow is always a rough day-let's tell each other funny/endearing/cute things from our lives. It could have been recently or something from your past but let's make each other giggle and smile.




Friday September 10, 2010 at 5:36 PM

Tonight the best friend and i are driving an hour away from where we live just to see a movie (the theaters around here are not cool enough to have it =p)

This is the movie:


Is there any movie that would drive far away to see?

Rob the Guitar Man

Friday September 10, 2010 at 4:23 PM

Road trip, In Houston, same night as pic in campfire below.  Rob playing with a guitar he borrowed.
Erica says: 

"i meant to post THIS pic with my Takamine guitar. It's just nice...i guess for a cell phone."

"Hey, that was MY GUITAR he was playin'! He's super laid back and cool, you guys need to give him an eff load of credit for that."




Friday September 10, 2010 at 4:10 PM

I'm going to be incredibly lame and ask for cheering up.


I just found out I have pink eye in BOTH EYES.


gifs, pics, fun websites, good movies.


Lets make this a





Or just come talk to me? How was your day? What's your weekend like?

Today was my last day of work. I'm now unemployed and in massive pain. Yay.


Trick or Treat: Candy Exchange!

Friday September 10, 2010 at 3:44 PM

Leaves are beginning to turn and Halloween will be here before you know it. The stores are already stocking up on choice treats. What better way to celebrate Autumn & Halloween in the Forest than by having a Candy Exchange!

Radar123, Ibeesavamp, and I had a ball purchasing and shipping candy to one another. I can’t tell you what a difference it made in my hectic day to open a box of yummies from Canada! We had so much fun that we’d like to share the experience with you.

If you’d like to participate, please comment below. You can pair up with someone by commenting on their post. Radar123 and I were thinking that it would be nice for people to pair up with campers that they haven’t really spoken with before. That way you get to meet someone new.

How much candy should you purchase for your partner? Between $10 - $15 worth (unless you are rolling in the dough and want to spend more).

Once you have a partner, please PM one another to exchange addresses. Candy packages should be shipped before the end of September.


ETA: Please post your general location for shipping cost purposes.



Help me stay sane!

Friday September 10, 2010 at 3:35 PM

Okay basically my house doesn't have the internet, right now I'm at my mum's but tomorrow I'm heading back to mine ready for the year of uni and I KNOW I'm going to go crazy for those 9 days, so I was wondering if anyone knew something that would help me save fics to my computer that's easier than copy and pasting the entire thing? Socialising with real life people can only go so far in maintaining my sanity, I'll need fic and I know it. I'm also going to miss my online friends way more than a person should.

Also any tips for having fun away from a computer? It's been so long....

If this question is asked all the time I'm sorry and also if this question isn't allowed I'm sorry.... but I fear for my sanity omg I'm lame



The Blessing and the Curse

Friday September 10, 2010 at 1:57 PM

The Blessing and the Curse is now complete!  Ahh!  And I'm too busy to read it right now (omigosh have company coming and I have to clean the toilets and make dinner!)  But go - read!


Harry Potter and the Outcasts of Hogwarts

Friday September 10, 2010 at 1:27 PM

I've been meaning to post these videos for so long, and now I finally remembered it! Basically, two guys from Norway put themselves in the HP videos, and I have to say that they've made a very good job! They call themselves PistolShrimps on Youtube and you find their page here.



To make this interactive, show me your favourite funny Youtube videos!



Houston girl permanently dazzled

Friday September 10, 2010 at 11:17 AM

FFAF and I am posting another photo of the Rob road trip, can't help myself.

So cute.  THIS is what I would look like too.


rec me something where someone dies!!!!!!!!1

Friday September 10, 2010 at 11:04 AM

so hey, it's Friday, everybody's out partying and getting drunk - there's even a small party going on in our house! - but I'm staying in my room, because I'm sick. Mope.

Therefore, I would like to ask you dear campers, if you can rec me some fics of the mystery genre or horror genre.

For example, And With Thee Fade Away and Mens Rea: A Guilty Mind for mystery, and Lions Eat Lambs for horror.

It probably won't make me any better, but at least I'll be in a better mood :)


For your time:


Loving on Twific Artists

Friday September 10, 2010 at 10:38 AM

Hi, I'm working on the Fandom People Awards and I was wondering if y'all can help me out with something.


There's a whole section of categories for Twific artists. We're asking people to nominate their favorite banner, blinkie, manip, and fanvid-makers. There are also a BUNCH of categories that ask people to nominate their favorite banners. For example:

Most Creative Banner
Most Visually Stunning Banner
Banner That Makes You Purr
Banner that Most Captures the Vibe & Characters of the Story 


We'd like to encourage people to seek out some of the lesser known artists in the community. But I'm not sure where to tell people to go so they can check out what's out there. I LOVE what ADF has done here with the artist cabins, a chance to showcase each artist's work! Do you have any ideas for people who are not members of ADF? Are there places they can check out that similarly showcase Twific artists' work?


Much love, Althea
p.s. Also, go nominate the people in the fandom that make our community as awesome as it is :) It's a chance to show love to people who are often overlooked so DEW EET!

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