Just in time for Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa

Monday September 13, 2010 at 11:20 AM

I am sending two copies to Grown.Ass.Woman, seeing how she loved the movie so much. Just in case she wears one copy out, she'll have a spare to get her through.



Monday September 13, 2010 at 10:23 AM

I've pretty much had a horrid, no-good, terrible September so far, and it extends back into August. To make matters worse, I have given up all forms of sugar except fruit. I'm having to keep myself busy so I don't think about chocolate or cupcakes or anything that would ease my troubles. I've started to go through withdrawals so it's super hard to stay away from the kitchen. (I'm a sugar addict, if it isn't obvious.)

I'm not writing much right now -- with the exception of my FGB one-shot -- but the one thing that I'm always doing is playing in Photoshop or Sony Vegas because I'm a visual animal. While I'm playing around, and trying to keep myself busy (read: out of the pantry), would anyone like a banner for their story or one-shot?


(sorry, they mostly consist of my stuff b/c I haven't made anything for anyone else in a long time)

(I'll post more inside the campfire)


If you would like a banner just leave me a few things to go off of. The following would be great:

--Name of the fic--



--Taglines or an excerpt you would like to see--

If there is anything else that you can think of that isn't written above then feel free to let me know.

I will be posting the finished products in this campfire in replies to your comment so be sure to hit the "notify" option.

**This campfire was so graciously approved by Capricorn75.**


What Will You Be Doing In November?

Monday September 13, 2010 at 6:12 AM

November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

So while I'm back at uni I will spend the whole month also trying to write a 50,000 word novel about anything I want.

The idea is not to edit, or for it to have perfect spelling and punctuation, but to simply flow. Write whatever the hell you want till you reach that 50,000 word total (approx. 1666 words a day) no matter how bad it comes out. Then once the month is over you can edit to your hearts content, and once it's done (as far as I can tell) you send your novel off to some place and get a hard copy back, how cool?

The plan for me is to start the month a pharmacy student who writes fanfiction, to end it a novelist pharmacy student.

Is anyone else doing this? If not, why not? If so is it your first time (it'll be my first) and if you are signed up, will you be my writing buddy =P. And have you signed up with the Twilight Counsel for help and support while doing it?

If you aren't doing it, what will you be doing in November?

OH! and if you are doing it, why don't you pop in your username on the site so people can become writing buddies...spread the love :D

I'm missrebecca if anyone wants to add me as a buddy :)

LJ Summers

Jasper/Bella Fics

Monday September 13, 2010 at 4:59 AM

Good morning and HAPPY MONDAY! [_]D anyone?  

Can you believe that you, Campers of ADF, have been sharing your favorite fics in THIRTY-SEVEN categories for over two months?  It's true!  You can see all these lists (and those categories still to come) on the MASTER FIC LIST.  It's amazing!

One of those that was on the Future Lists List is the JASPER/BELLA pairing.  This is an intriguing and popular pairing in the fandom and I know that it is with many here in the Forest!

So today, bring your favorite Jasper/Bella fics to share around the campfire. AU or AH, ratings G - NC-17, they're all welcome.


My recs will be within, as per usual.


Remember the rules of the campfire: 1) Keep your recommendation simple. Title, author, summary from the site where it is posted.  2) No discussions.  This is just a compilation of fics.  



Thank you for sharing your favorite Jasper/Bella fics around the fire!


Hot band action and paper cutouts

Monday September 13, 2010 at 1:39 AM

Hello dear campers!


So, i'm new at the whole camper thing, but there's one thing i have to say first and foremost : THANK YOU for the fanfic lists. It's a huge relief!

Anyway, this isn't the reason for my campfire.

I'm looking for a fiction, a special fiction. You see, I really loved "the runaways", and I really loved Twilight, and I thought : A fiction where Bella is a hot musician saying dirty things? Yeaaaah. But, eh, coudn't find any. 

So   - if you have some Twilight/runaways crossover,

        - if you have some fiction where Bella and Edward are hot rock musicians in a band, please, please, tell me all about it.


By the way, did anyone read the new chapter of "Paper CutOuts" yet? A-ma-zing. Didn't you want to smack Edward?



Monday September 13, 2010 at 12:23 AM



Sunday September 12, 2010 at 9:44 PM

There are so many birthdays today! First, you should all go over to my other campfire and wish VIP author Lillybellis a happy birthday. BUT IT'S SOMEONE ELSE'S BIRTHDAY, TOO!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone's either on Team Edward or Team Jacob. I'M ON TEAM BELLA.


And not just because she's portrayed by the beautiful and talented Kristen Stewart, but because without Bella, we'd have nothing. She introduced us to Edward, and it's through her mind that we fell in love with this story and its characters. Also, Bella's birthday always sucks, so let's make this a good one.

Let's discuss Bella, post our favorite Bella pics/gifs/videos/quotes/whatever, let's talk about favorite fic Bellas, or let's just hang out and have a good time.


Happy Birthday Lillybellis!

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 9:19 PM


She loves many things... Bunnies, Nick Jonas, the tall Volturi dude, Rpattz. Let's spam her with such wonderful things!

I'll start:



Non E/B fics? Canon and Non!

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 9:12 PM

Hopefully it's okay to post this- I'm see where others have asked for fic recs. I'm looking for anything not E/B that's well written and a decent length (eight to ten chapters at least). In particular I like Em/Rose, Em/Bella or Jasper/Bella. I've not tried Alice/Jasper, but am not opposed to it. I love, love, love All Human stories, but will read twi-verse fic as well. So hit me with your best shot!

And do any of the rest of ya'll feel a little dirty reading anything besides E/B? It kinda feels wrong and naughty, but I like it :0) What's your favorite canon or non canon pairing? Anyone have any unusual pairings they like (Charlie/Esme, maybe? Lol!)

For your trouble, a little eye candy, perhaps? :0)


True Blood Finale

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 7:19 PM anyone else as confused as I am?

Come in here and share your thoughts on the Season Three Finale.


Mine will be in the comments.



And most likely filled with spoilers....


It's my Twi-niversary!!!

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 5:00 PM

3 years ago, my daughter was in the hospital with crazy stomach issues. I went to the bookstore, looking for a book to help keep her occupied. I headed straight to the YA section, looking for the sequel to a book she had previously read and enjoyed. I searched the counters high and low but could not find it. I stood in the store for almost 40-freaking minutes trying to find something else for her. Finally, the store was getting ready to close and I needed to head back to the hospital. I had looked at this 'Twilight' book several times. It was decent sized, sounded halfway interesting, and figured I could read it when she was done.

Went back to the hospital and my girl was still pretty out of it from all the pain meds she was on after her surgery. I settled in to read.

And could. NOT. STOP.

The nurses came in and out all night to check on things and they found me wide awake and still reading each time.

I was worried something was wrong with me. Like I said, I couldn't stop reading. My heart was fluttering, I was blushing, and the feeling in my stomach as certain parts of the story were similar to those I got during my first kiss, or when you first start crushing on the cute boy in class. Weird, yeah?

I finally fell asleep on the uncomfortable fold out bed in the room, but as soon as the docs started making their rounds in the morning, I was back at it. I told my daughter how wonderful the book was, and how much she was going to love it. I even offered to let her start it but she declined. I devoured it...but still did not understand what the pull was that it had over me. Why did I keep going back and re-reading certain passages and dialogue? Why did I steal a highlighter from the nurse's station and highlight said passages and dialogue? Why was I breathless and stuttering when I tried to tell my best friend about it?

At one point when my daughter was asleep I went to the lounge to use their computer, and found Stephenie's website and learned that there were two more books out there. I thought the wait til payday was going to kill me, but when it finally came I went straight to Borders when they opened and bought the other two. Stephenie had also sold the movie rights to Twilight, but at that time MTV had the rights and were working on a script.

And that was the start of my Twilight obsession. It was late October '07 when I finally found fanfiction, and January '08 when I found my true love, Robert T. Pattinson. I never would have thought 3 years ago that Twilight would have such an impact on my life. From the book itself that I've had to replace twice because it was so raggedy and falling apart to the friends and bonds I've made in the community, I just have to say THANKS to Stephenie and HAPPY TWI-NIVERSARY!!!!!

Now, let's hear your stories!

Majesta Moniet

Mortal Instruments Com

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 2:14 PM


I've seen the Mortal Instruments discussed in numerous campfires here in the Forest, so I thought some of you may be interested in knowing that thankthatstar and I have just opened a new TMI fanfiction com over on LJ called tmi_fic! The purpose of the site is to encourage more TMI fans to get involved with writing and reading in the fandom.  There'll be a weekly rec post along with a monthly drabble challenge, and, of course, writers can post links to their fic any time they like.

It would pretty awesome if some Twific writers were willing to try their hand at writing in this fandom (and I think they'd find rather adoring readers), so we're offering an opportunity for you to get your feet wet. In the very near future tmi_fic is going to be starting a fic exchange, where you can sign up to participate in writing a prompted one-shot for a fellow writer. Fic exchanges are fun and challenging and have a rep of turning out some pretty amazing stories.

So head over to the site and join up so that you can stay in the loop. We'd love to see you over there!

post approved by grown.ass.woman

ETA - While I'm here, I guess I should go ahead and ask...tmi fanfic recs anyone???


Can you help???

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 2:07 PM

Hi ladies (and gents)

I'm trying to find a fic but can't remember the name and I figured if anyone would know from my rubbish description one of you guys would.

Ok so It's A/H Bella is the daughter of a rich politician or businessman can't remember. Anyway Bella is in Italy and gets kidnapped by Edward (I think James and Jacob are his accomplices) and after much bickering and sexual tension they end up falling in love..

Obviously there is more to it but that's the bare bones. Does it ring a bell with anyone??????


Best Fanfiction...names!

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 1:26 PM

So, inspired by m81170's post about pennames, I was wondering...are there any story titles that you love, find awesome, get pulled in by?

My answer is inside...


Love this - I hope you do too.

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 12:17 PM

 Love this - I hope you do too. (It's been okayed by a ranger)
>>>> An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends
>>>> of a pole which she carried across her neck.
>>>> One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect
>>>> and always delivered a full portion of water.
>>>> At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the
>>>> cracked pot arrived only half full.
>>>> For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing
>>>> home only one and a half pots of water.
>>>> Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments.
>>>> But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and
>>>> miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to
>>>> do.
>>>> After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke
>>>> to the woman one day by the stream.
>>>> 'I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water
>>>> to leak out all the way back to your house.'
>>>> The old woman smiled, 'Did you notice that there are flowers on
>>>> your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?'
>>>> 'That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted
>>>> flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk
>>>> back, you water them.'
>>>> For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to
>>>> decorate the table.
>>>> Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this
>>>> beauty to grace the house.'
>>>> Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws
>>>> we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and
>>>> rewarding.
>>>> You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for
>>>> the good in them.
>>>> SO, to all of my cracked pot friends, have a great day and remember
>>>> to smell the flowers on your side of the path!



And now, to leave a beautiful pic (which doesn't really have anything to do with the post, but thought it'd be nice.)


Your picsession?

Sunday September 12, 2010 at 11:52 AM

So a little while ago there was a Robert porn collection sharing of sorts.  It was fun, I found some new pics, talked to some lurkers (you know who you are ;D), and got to squeal withouth being looked at like a loon :D

Well a little ways down you'll see grown.ass.woman stating the rules that keep our neck of the woods happy ^^ And one of said rules is, BE MORE INTERACTIVE!  Make campfires that other's can join.

So SHOW YOUR TWILIGHT PIC COLLECTION (or porn, however you like to call it ;D)  Is it the rugged delicious Robert, crazy goofy Kellan, stoic and lovable Jackson, mature Peter?  Hey, maybe you like some of the Twigirls ;D Whatever collection you got and want to boast about do it here!  Maybe you'll find a fellow stalker or some new pics :) 

Just have fun with it!

**Mine's in the comments!



Sunday September 12, 2010 at 6:57 AM

I hate my penname with the fiery, burning passion of 1,000 suns. It's boring and stupid and there's too many numbers.

I would love to hear about your penname. How you came up with it and why. Was this a penname you had before you got into Twilight? Is it Twilight related? Do you use it in other fandoms? Does it reveal a secret part of your soul?

My absolute favorite penname is "The Hat Does Nothing." Do you have one?




Saturday September 11, 2010 at 10:17 PM

I'm going insane looking for a story- I'm so sorry if I'm not posting this right. It's about Bella- who owns a bakery? Alice helps her out, and Alice will write a quote of the day that's funny and witty Bella will bake something to match up with it. Edward comes in, snags a book from the shelf, and it's all HEA. Does anyone remember? Like I said- so sorry if I'm in the wrong place. :(


Saturday September 11, 2010 at 7:32 PM

I feel like Agnes in Despicable Me (If you've not seen it - get your ass out to a theater now - omg &hearts)

I've been in this fandom for going on 2 years...and I've met some lovely women (and Dennis who is fab and amazing and I want to give him knuckles)

As I joked on twitter tonight - I came to purge my disappointment in BD, I stayed for the friends.

I've made so many lovely friends, and found out so many amazing things about myself in the process.  Who would have thunk 4 books would bring me people that I will carry with me forever, and that is just the start....

So tell me've gotten enjoyment out of this fandom, but I am willing to bet you have learned something about yourself too. Let's hear it - what makes you get all happy like Agnes does over big stuffed Unicorns?  What makes you so fluffy you want to die????


My Different Edwars

Saturday September 11, 2010 at 6:44 PM

Okay, so I totally imagine different Rob pics to go along with my fanfiction Edwards.

I've actually started a few campfires requesting a fic based on a picture reference (don't know if anyone remembers this, I got a lot of good responses!) are my top stories with my Edwards that go along with them.



1. The Submissive/Dominant/Training:


2. Sanctuary


3. Master of the Universe

4. The Misapprehenision of Bella Swan

5. Teenage Angst Brigade

6. Wide Awake

7. The Office

8. Tropic of Virgo

9. For The Summer

10. Art After Five/Counterpoint and Age of Consent


First --- | >> | 1033 | 1034 | 1035 | 1036 | 1037 | 1038 | 1039 | 1040 | 1041 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
