
Do you use an e-reader for fan fiction?

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 3:28 PM

Hey Everyone,

This is my first post.   I'm pretty new to fanfiction but have become quickly obsessed with these stories and spend WAY too much time reading online.  I love the campfires on ADF, especially the fiction recs.  You all have good taste!

Here are my questions for you tonight.  My family has only one computer for 5 people, and my husband and children are beginning to taunt me for hogging it all night long as I read "those weird vampire stories."  I'm thinking about purchasing an e-reader so I can read in peace, and hopefully, with a little privacy.  After researching the options, I'm leaning toward a Kindle3 or an IPad.  Both have pluses and minuses, so I'm curious if any of you read fan fiction on an e-reader or and, if so, do you use the web browser or do you download the fics and read later?   If you have an IPad, do your eyes bother you after you read for a long time since it's backlit like a computer?  Any suggestions or  recommendations for me?

Thanks for your help.


episode 1.10; "nightmares"

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 2:54 PM

Willow: When Buffy was a vampire, you weren't still, like, attracted to her, were you?
Xander: Willow, how can you... I mean, that's really bent! She was... grotesque!
Willow: Still dug her, huh?
Xander: I'm sick, I need help.
Willow: Don't I know it.


discussion topic: what would your worst nightmare be?  i'd probably dream about singing coldplay at my kids' funeral while eating coconut flakes.  god, it makes my teeth hurt thinking about it.  how do people like coconut?  gah i can't even


Pretty, pretty Rob porn?

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 11:56 AM

Hey ya'll!

Okay, so I'm having a rather crappy day. My birthday is tomorrow and one of my best friends is being a total uber b--ch (not sure if I can use that word here? Lol). I need a total pick me up! So please, post your fave pics of Rob, or Kellan, or Taylor...or funny stuff they've said or done, to help a girl out? I need something to make my laugh or smile and distract me from visions of stabbing my friend in the eye with a pencil...:0)

One of my faves to get it started :


New Moon Spoof Part 3!

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 11:20 AM

Just as hilarious as the first two!  Definitely check it out!

Part 3

Part 2

Part 1


Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 11:08 AM

Howdy campers!!!!

So I know that we have had a Tanya discussion on here before, but I feel like I have been out of the forest lately so I decided to start a little campfire.

So we have had this discussion before, who would be a great Tanya for Breaking Dawn?  But I so wanted to share this with you guys. I saw a picture of Rachel Zoe the other day and it was like a boom moment for me. I just saw her as Tanya, she was actually just like I had imagined her and it happens very rarely for me. So I wanted to ask your opinions about it?

Is it a yes or no? If no, then who do you imagine who could play Tanya. Or any other Denali member for that matter?

Here are some pics for you :)

P.S. I know that she isn´t an actress, it´s just how she looks like. I´m not saying that she should play her in the movie.


Cover Boy

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 8:49 AM

He Acts, He Sings, He Plays More Instruments Than I Can List Across The Top Of This Campfire, And Now.....

He is the 1st Cover Boy of a Brand-Spanking(oh the thoughts) New Magazine!! 

Troix Debuted In The Wee Hours Of the A.M.  and  I found this in awaiting me this morning!




Yeah...I need a smoke. Enjoy! There are waaaaay more pictures on the website and the article will make your heart melt if you dont already adore him,(if you dont adore him you probably kick puppies and kittens dont you?), because he is just..mmm mmm mmmm!



NEW! Just wanted to add that this is coming soon as well!!!!



Visions of Our Destiny UPDATED!

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 7:33 AM

Click here --> CHAPTER 10

LJ Summers

Crossover Fics

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 5:26 AM

Harry Potter and Bella Swan

Edward Cullen and Hermione Granger

Anne Shirley and Carlisle Cullen?

Paul Muad'Dib is turned to a sparkling vampire...?



Crossover fics are whispered about as fantasies by some in several fandoms.  On television, writers might mingle their characters once a season or so. It happens in fan fiction, too.  Giving options to the most outrageous or to the sweet and tender, blending universes has an appeal all its own.

What are your favorite crossover fics?

We here at A Different Forest have many that are devoted to their fic and we are compiling many lists to suit every kind of fanficking jones.  Including this list, there are thirty-nine on the MASTER FIC LIST.  Check 'em out if you or someone you know is looking for a certain type of Twilight Fan Fiction!


Today, share any favorite Twilight Crossover Fics you might have heard of and/or read.  I bet there's an audience for them!

My rec will be within.




Thanks for sharing your favorite Crossover Fic around the fire!


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 2:12 AM

It's... Too... Early...







"he's got his hooks in you so deep." by aruxes44 <- the music in this is really chilling, which makes the video as a whole pretty intense!




Paper CutOuts UPDATED!

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 12:21 AM

There has been some drama in the forest over the last few chapters, so I have to ask…

How are you feeling about this one? Happy? Sad? Disappointed? Excited?
-My opinions are inside-

We have discussed this story in the past, so I *think* it’s OK to campfire.

(Another question inside, but I don’t wanna spoil)

Which reminds me… SPOILER ALERT



a music post, dedicated to kimvi

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 6:35 PM

i need some new tunes

your resident music dork ranger is in want of some good, new musics to listen to.  the other resident music dork ranger, emibella, is off being a hippie, daydreaming about the s.avett, and being a professor, so i'm posting on her behalf as well.

give us your favorite thing to listen to right now.  i'm pretty open-minded, so hit me.  my favorite genre is music that doesn't suck.  and even then, i'll probably still be game.

here's what i'm looping today:


The peeps

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 6:01 PM

we came for the story - we stay for the peeps.....

there are some faces missing/quiet lately.  shout it out ...


who do you miss? faces, stories, weekly posts, you name it....mine in the comments....


I has been wondering...

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 5:12 PM

I have a few questions related to the smut in fanfiction, but to keep the home page PG-13 it's going to go in the comments :).

Some back porn for your time: 


episode 1.09 "the puppet show"

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 3:26 PM

There are things I will not tolerate: students loitering on campus after school, horrible murders with hearts being removed... and also smoking.




this is my fave episode from this season, yo.  discuss dirty old man puppets in this campfire.


If the World Didn't Know About the Twilight World

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 12:55 PM

Well of course almost the whole world knows about Twilight and it's awesome characters in real life, but what if no one new about Twilight?

Imagine a world where you were the only one who knew about the Cullens (whether your world involves real existing vampires and such, or its all just fiction, is up to you), Bella Swan, Jacob Black, and the entire world of Twilight. A blissfully unknowing citizen comes along your path, you tell them you had a great day with ( your choice of Twilight character here ), and their response is, "Whose that? What's Twilight?"

How would you respond? How would you explain who Jasper Hale, Chief Swan or Edward Cullen were? How would you open a persons eyes to the world of Twilight? Or would you tell them at all? If the Cullen's secret was safe with you, maybe you would have never spoken about vampires at all. Would you tell the world about Twilight if the world never knew about it?


Rob Sightings or Meetings?

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 12:54 PM

Hey everyone! I'm wondering if we have come across any more sightings or pics of Rob and the Brit pack's now infamous road trip? Did our boys make it to Nola safely? I'm heading down there thursday for the weekend, so I'll be keeping an eye out just in case :0)

What I really want to know is if any of ya'll have ever met Rob, or seen him in person at least, and if so, what happened, did you get a pic, hug, etc? Was he shy? Sweet? Scared? LOL!

And what do you think your reaction would be if you just happened to run into him somewhere? Squealing? Fainting? Jumping him?! I for one would probably be speechless, turn bright red and embarass myself lol :0)

What would you do?



Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 11:40 AM

So I'm not big on using Twilighted.  The only reason I use it is if there is a story I want to read that only exists there.  I don't know why, I find the search engine difficult to use (I almost always have it come up saying that a certain story doesn't exist even though I know full well that it does and I enter the title exactly right, I've tried it surrounded with quotes and everything) and ff.net is just simpler and an easier search for me. Plus you don't HAVE to log in to read stories there whereas if the story is more than T rated on Twilighted you have to log in (although I understand this requirement as their attempt to keep minors from reading stories with mature content).

Anyway, I noticed in the Pimp yourself campfire earlier on that several people like to use Twilighted to find stories.  I'm thinking of posting my story over there and am wondering about a few things.  For readers and authors, how many of you like Twilighted?  What aspects of it do you like?  And for authors, what are the reasons you choose to post on Twilighted? Any tips or insights?  Thanks!

EDIT: Tell me about The Writers Coffee Shop and any other sites you may use too.  I keep hearing about TWCS but when I visit I'm a bit at a loss. lol :)

FYT: Rob is curious too...


There Fell a Stillness

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 9:47 AM

It's back! Just got the alerts from FF.net

There Fell a Stillness        http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6324021/1/There_Fell_a_Stillness
A man who doesn't believe in faith. A woman who may be losing hers. Two lost souls collide in the stillness between hope lost and found. "I think you need this more than I do. Everyone needs a little something to believe in sometimes."

I know a lot of us were enjoying this before it was pulled...


I'd watch Kristen in anything

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 9:40 AM

Okay, so I was going to make this a "GOODBYE BLONDE HAIR" campfire, since BD starts shooting in November, or whenever, and Kristen will have to dye her pretty Marylou hair back to Bella brown (andIwillcryhugetears), but I decided there's plenty of time for that. Birthday Girl Scarletoctopus suggested a DakotaStew campfire, which gave me the idea of a Runaways campfire, which made me think 'let's just go big and make this a WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE KRISTEN ROLE campfire'.

Now, I love her in everything, and she'll always be my Bella (shutupyesIknowI'msortaquotingthemovie), but I think my favorites are Kristen as Joan Jett in The Runaways,




and Kristen as Em, in Adventureland.


So come share your favorites. Why did you love/hate Kristen in a particular role? What are you excited about? Vamp Bella? Marylou? Mallory? (omgIgettoseeWttRnextTuesdayomg) Show me your favorite pics. Share your favorite Kristen quotes about various roles. Wish Scarletoctopus a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. This campfire is dedicated to her. OH, AND TO BELLA, WHOSE BIRTHDAY WAS YESTERDAY.


Self P-I-M-P?

Tuesday September 14, 2010 at 8:58 AM

We all know there are thousands of us out there in this fandom, spread across tons of sites and communities, reading a wide range of genres. So how does a newbie get their fic recognized?

I've seen a lot of lamenting on twitter about how the same fics get recced over and over again. People have mixed feelings about "Big Name Authors" (so-called BNAs) getting so much attention while other well written fic falls by the wayside. What (or who) decides when a fic will rocket to stardom a la "Swirl and Daisy"? Where do you find new fics?

I was very lucky in this respect. When I started publishing my first fic, I collected a nice base of readers right at the start, many who have followed me through all my posted fics since then. I did very little in the way of promoting past posting announcements on a couple of boards that I had updated.

I'm betaing a post-BD story for a new writer (Already Gone by FigSk8ingAngel). She's said that so far, all she's done for promoting is talking with other authors about her story. I know there are a lot of helpful sites out there, but I'm not sure how much traffic they get. So here's my question to you, campers.

Where do you go to find out about new stories? Who do you ask? Are there web sites you prefer over others? And for you authors, how do you promote your stories? I'm not asking how to get people to review your story, I'm asking how you get people reading in the first place.

Thanks in advance!

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