Sunday September 19, 2010 at 11:29 AM

Calling All Artists And Their Victims.


Have any family members or friends been the object of your artwork? 

Have you ever been the subject of artwork?

Was it well received?

Knowing ChildODCrimsonMoon for several years, she's had many many instances to observe the organized chaos and insanity that runs rampant in my life.

We joked a couple of weeks ago about making cartoons.

Lord help me, but I have been immmortalized.

They are inside.

Tee Hee.


Interactive element:

I would love to see your art! Be brave and share!


*Thank you she-who-wields-purple-font-and-writes-awesome-viking-drabbles* for approving this campfire



EDIT: They are all up now. Enjoy! ? Be warned, they are pretty silly!


Weird Obsessions and Pet Peeves

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 11:28 AM

Self explanatory title.

So, don't hold back on the creepiness. Let it all out. Tell me all your weird, crazy obsessions that might not make sense at all to anyone but you, and things that piss you off to no end, even though it might not be so annoying to an outsider. Mine will be in the comments.

And, another question to you:What would our beloved Twilight character's obsessions and pet peeves would be? It doesn't have to make sense, really. For example, I think Alice would love the smell of coffee, even though she can't stand the taste. Does it have something to do with the canon character? Nah, don't think so. BUT I FEEL LIKE IT.

Go ahead, make me feel less like I'm the only weird one :D



(Campfire approved by grown.ass.woman)


Help? - Looking for Pictures

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 10:21 AM

I'm getting some banners made for my awards community on livejournal (you might've heard of it; The TwiSlash Awards) and my banner maker needs a certain type of picture that neither one of us can find. We need pictures of two men (it can be any two men) being sweet towards each other; hugging, kissing, or looking tenderly at each other. Nothing overly passionate or sexual. We want...realistic. If that makes any sense. :)

For you time...

Approved by wtvoc



Am I back?

Sunday September 19, 2010 at 8:56 AM

It's Sunday.

I'm reading fic. I'm telling myself that I'm working up to reading High Noon so I can get back to writing it.

But see, it's a big deal that I'm reading fic after ages of being on the wagon. I didn't go on the wagon for having a problem. I just had other things come up.

So I read one by LJ Summers called Young Man's Fancy and I recommend it. You can find it here in Storytelling. It's main drawback is that it's about a dozen chapters too short.

I also started America's Sweethearts by ciaobella27 (also here in the Forest), and so far I find it completely delightful.

And in order to fend off accusations of "Jenny plays it safe and never leaves the Forest" I got a rec last night for "A Garment of Brightness on ff by miaukuancha and I have to say that so far I am enjoying it well enough.

My criteria for things to read is always the same.

there used to be stories about grown-ups who had THINGS TO DO other than have sex, and as the plot played out the UST fired up but the ADULT characters carried on doing what needed to be done rather than abandon everything else in life to just fuck nonstop

Any reccommendations?


Devil's Pitchfork

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 11:41 PM

So I noticed that Devil's Pitchfork was removed from The reason, I don't know. But anyway, did anyone ever piece together ANY answers to the multiple questions that were left for us to apparently figure out??? This is really bugging me because I know she said she was not adding anymore chapters or writing a sequel so I just want to know what the eff was going on in that story!


ah, ah, ah, ah stayin' alive, stayin' alive

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 8:17 PM

give/get bad advice

share your problems, and we'll give you absolutely horrible solutions and please don't actually do what anyone suggests omg


problem :my back hurts

solution: a punch in the face 'cuz then the back pain won't be so noticeable



Saturday September 18, 2010 at 7:47 PM


After seventeen months, and one hundred and fifty three thousand words, my first fanfic is finished.  I need to relax.  (I need a drink or an aspirin as well)  So, tell me, what do you do to celebrate when you feel like you've had a big accomplishment?


puff puff?

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 6:09 PM

ok so this is my very first campfire- posting my own fires is not really my style, I prefer to lurk other people's fires and shiz but I found this video, and I had to share it.  I posted it on twitter but I think maybe five people besides my parents follow me over there and I really wanted to share this with the masses:



this video also led me to some other awesome ones with pics of kristen allegedly smoking weed on her front porch. SO campers- I know this is soooo last year (or was it sooo two years ago? idk idk.)   but what did you think of the whole Kristen smoking weed incident?   I didn't know Twilight existed until after it came out on DVD so I missed this little gem. 

What do you think of the Twilight stars smoking and drinking publicly/privately?  good, bad, indifferent?  what do you think of Kristen smoking pot? Do you think Rob smokes pot?  I wanna know. No, really- tell me.  


my own opinion will be in the comments even though omg no one listen to me or what I think lol


also, I know it's not FFA (err I think it's no longer FFA) but from what I can gather this is a non-approval needed post, yes/yes?  and I haven't seen anything like this discussed lately but..if this is not campfire worthy feel free to delete this, wise rangers of the forest



Saturday September 18, 2010 at 3:55 PM

okay i know this is my second campfire in the last 24 hours, but i have some questions for everyone.

i know we have had campfires on this before but i cant find them.

Do you ever save fics? if so what program do you use?

also do you think its right to save fics?

i am saving a fic atm, but for some reason i feel a little guilty about it. Im not going to say which fic it is, i just know its almost complete, and i have really enjoyed it and should the author ever choose to take it down i could still re read it.

Help me out folks!<3




6 degrees of Twilight

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 3:46 PM

So tonight I'm going to see the band Phoenix at the Hollywood Bowl and one of the other bands playing is Grizzly Bear who I just realized is on the New Moon Soundtrack.   Last week I did an impromptu vacation/road trip and ended it in Phoenix on Bella's birthday (not for that purpose one of my best friends just moved there and it was in driving distance from Vegas which was my main destination). 

Sometimes I feel like everything I do can be related to some sort of Twilight connection.  That's when I realize I totally have a problem some how my world revolves around Twilight.  Maybe (hopefully)it doesn't but I am feeling introspective and listening to emo music.


Does anyone else find that sometimes the road in their life leads to some obscure Twilight reference?

And if it does to you take it as a sign you are on the right path?

When you get to a fork in the road do you take the one that leads to:



FYT an oldie but to be in those pockets:





Saturday September 18, 2010 at 1:58 PM

Omg. I'm about to break down in tears.

I was mid reading The Lost Boys, but my laptop died and I hadn't been on Twilighted for a bit, AND ITS GONE!

I'm hoping it's just me, and there's something wrong with my computer. Or eyes.

Help a sistuuuh out. Gimme info, tell me where I can read it. SOMEONE JUST HELP ME.

If it's gone forever I will be very sad. If you've read it you can just tell me what happene in the end.



Looking for a recipe

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 12:33 PM

Ok, so this isn't the most exciting campfire but I'm hoping someone can help me.  We are going to a brunch tomorrow and I signed up to bring a breakfast casserole.  Here's the thing, I need a recipe. :)  I forgot to get one before going to the grocery store yesterday and remembered while I was there and so I bought a few things I know have gone into casseroles I've made in the past but have since lost the recipe to.  I have plenty of eggs, some turkey sausage, cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, bread, and I do have some potatoes I could shred up.  Anyway, I don't have to use all the ingredients but that's what I have available.  Anyone have a really good one they can share? 

In lieu of breakfast casserole recipes share your favorite cookie or brownie recipe.  Thanks!!!

I've never seen this before and it kind of makes me giggle.  What kind of recipes are in it?  Does anyone own it?


Rob sightings in Nola?

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 11:57 AM

Okay lovelies, I am in Nola with friends for the weekend...not trying to rob stalk but we got a lead on a bar he was at with Kristen several days ago here. We are going to drop by for a few tonight. Anyone even know if he is still here? To make this interactive, give me ideas on what to say if I do run into him...or...what drink he likes...etc!!!


I Cried Over the Ending

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 10:37 AM

Alright fanfic fans. I just read Afterlife by this_ismy_story and when it ended, I cried. It was a great story with a great ending! BUT IT FRICKING ENDED!!! So I cried.

It was a Jasper/Bella romance fic and just beautifully done. (BTW Thank you calamityme99 for the fic suggestion. I want more...)

So I wanna know....

What Twilight fanfic was so awesome you cried when it was over! (Hint: This is your opportunity to ask that certain author for a SEQUAL!)


Find that fic.

Saturday September 18, 2010 at 7:29 AM

I can’t remember its name or author, but it happens in NM when Edward went to the Volturi to die but one of their members wiped his memory and he reverted back to his newborn state. The next part of my memory is a little fuzzy on, but then Bella is in Italy and Jane is taking her to the chamber Edward is in. Edward is all angry and growl-y at Bella, because she smells soo good, he’s stalking around the room and then pounces on her, but he somehow can’t bring himself to kill her, instead he holds her to himself and is wondering why he can’t hurt her. That’s all I can remember, I think it might have been posted on Twilighted, not sure. Help?



Friday September 17, 2010 at 11:24 PM

my itunes is in dire need of new music! 

Send me reccomendations.

i like current music. 

im pretty eclectic when it comes to music taste.




Friday September 17, 2010 at 10:55 PM

Hey, Twitter folk! I've rejoined Twitter because I'm tired of not being able to communicate with people quickly. I'm also really, really depressed because my Youtube account, AngryChckProductions, was suspended indefinitely. I don't know if I'll be able to get it back. I've been on there for two or three years, so when I logged on there a few minutes ago, it was gone. Super. Bummed. I was a vidder before I was a writer. Worst month ever.

So get in here and give me your Twitter names so I can follow you!!!


Pretty please?

Some pretty for your time.

Oh, and my new twitter is HERE.


I need your opinions, please.

Friday September 17, 2010 at 10:35 PM

Hello all. I need some help.

Recently I have been wearing a WWDD (What would Dennis do?--And yes, that is a joke.) bracelet, better known as a black rubber band. I kind of like the way it looks, so it got me thinking about getting an actual bracelet. However, I don't want to look like an idiot, tool, douche, etc. 

So, I need the lovely ladies--and if there are any other guys that post--here at ADF to voice their opinion on this (pictures included) and other fashion questions inside. Don't be afraid to be critical. I want the truth.


fun with friends

Friday September 17, 2010 at 9:18 PM


So tonight the best friend and i went out to the movies (like almost every Friday night) and before we went there we stopped at Walmart (yet again like almost every Friday that we go out). We had fun trying to waste time before we went to the theater. I will post pictures of our little adventure inside and explain more.

I was wondering... what is the one thing you have done lately that was just for the fun of it... not to make anyone else happy but yourself?

Was it adventures in Walmart? getting lost on a road trip with your friends? I want to know! 


FFA Friday Pimpage

Friday September 17, 2010 at 8:40 PM

SO one of the coolest and maybe most devoted person in the fandom that I have met created a website dedicated to Twilight Fanfiction called THE LIT OF TWI.  Her website is strictly about reccing and gushing about fics for the most part and is newly up, as in like today.  So it still a work in progress.

She is very "detail oriented" and I think her site is good for those just dipping their feet into fan fiction (she explains all the lingo as if I wasn't born knowing what AU/AH/NM B &E meant) and those veterans who want the recs without the fluff, and by fluff, I mean she is not into play by plays on writing style and themes and what not. We did a podcast for it and I felt it was more Reading Rainbow style recommendations, you remember those right?

Anyway here is to my friend Deb!



Unicorns and Glitter!

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