

Friday September 17, 2010 at 8:00 AM

What is your poison of choice?

I'm drunk. I had one of my best friends leave our work today and got pissed with her tonight. I've had about 4 cocktails, 1 shot and 5 voddies. I'm now at home and on my 3rd wine. I like alcomahol.

What I want to know is... what drink do you LURVE that you want to convert everyone to?

I recently discovered this:

Whoever decided to mix coffee and tequila is a foooking genius. Every time I go out now, I make everyone have a shot of this or have it in a martini with Tacua, Grand Marnier and some citris juice.

If you've never had it, run and don't walk to get some and then thank me later.

In the meantime... tell me what your favourite drink is. Make it something different. Give us new ideas.


London Bridge is falling down...

Friday September 17, 2010 at 3:00 AM

Hey! I've just spent the week in London and it's been a bit of a mess/adventure.

Now, I've never ever ever ever seen London before (and I live 2 hours away) so I may have gotten a little too excited.

I really love looking at people's holiday pictures -  partly because I'm nosey, but mostly because I like to see pictures of cities and countries I've never been too (and most likely will never afford to be able to go to).

So this campfire is for you to show me your holiday pictures!


(Bikini shots are welcome, haha)



Some London pictures with commentary are inside. The albums can be found here:


EDIT: Totally forgot about this. I've always said in the forest that if I ever saw Rob I'd act completely dignified and treat him like a normal person. I can now confirm that this is complete and utter bullshit. I saw Hardeep Singh Kohli (he let me hobble past him) in St Pancras when I was waiting for the train home and I was 10 years old again, blushing and giggle and poking Kirsty saying "OMGG! It's a celebrity." And he isn't really. Haha. So I think it's safe to say I'd be a little worse with R-Pattz.



Caption this

Friday September 17, 2010 at 2:57 AM

So.... I saw this earlier in facebook and I couldn't stop giggling for a while, totes looks like she's trying to touch his junk and he's trying to protect the goodies hahahaha.

So help me caption this pic (because even though it's totally taking out of content it's still freaking hilarious)


Do The Happy Dance!

Friday September 17, 2010 at 2:48 AM

I've just discovered that I passed my Chemistry re-sit!! This mean I get to continue into my second year of university!! *Happy Dance*

So Campers, what makes you do a happy dance on this wonderful FFAF :)

Tell the world :D



Thursday September 16, 2010 at 10:27 PM

Not only is September 17th a fabulous day because it's the FFFA, but it's also awesome because...




The TwiSlash Awards

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 8:14 PM



voting closes september 29th!!


Voting is now open at The TwiSlash Awards! Even if you didn't nominate, feel free to vote for the fanfiction, banners, betas, and fanvids that were nomm-ed! Every vote counts!! You do not need to be a member to vote, but you do need a livejournal!

If you do have a livejournal and haven't already, please join The TwiSlash Awards! :)

In an effort to keep this post interactive and, because well, I'm curious...

What are your favorite TwiSlash pairings? Why do you like them? What are some of your favorite fanfictions featuring them? Link us to the fanfics! (EDIT: is down Dx) Mine'll be in the comments!


approved by the ever lovely wtvoc


It's TMI Time...

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 7:57 PM

We all need to purge the embarrassing every once in a while, don't you think?  And since I'm feeling broody and emo at the moment, I could really use the laugh...



Mine will be in the comments...


and thank you to Hot4J for the idea! xo

disclaimer: the topics in this campfire will be of an adult nature.  chances are, there will be something in here that may make the faint of heart a tad squeemish.  if you are under 18 or easily offended by potty words and graphic descriptions of private parts, you may want to ignore this campfire.  js.


Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 5:21 PM

It seems like more and more as of late we hear about our favorite authors "flouncing" the fandom for various reasons. The most common one I've come across, is having their stories ripped off. To be honest, I've had mine ripped off before and posted on sites other than the one I'd originally debuted my work on, but I never thought I'd ever come to the point where I wanted to pull everything I've ever written and disappear.

At least...not until today.

So here I was, just sitting in my comfy recliner, putzing around on the internet in my own little world, when someone sends me the following e-mail regarding one of my stories:

Hi, I'm ****** and I just wanted to say I love Tides of
Fate. I thought that it could be a real book so I edited it inot two
books: Tides of Fate and Waves of Desitny. If you want to read the
edited version email me. The charater's are Logan- Bella, Carmen-
Alice, Emily or Emma- Rosalie, Jay- Edward, Dylan- Emmett, Taylor-
Jasper, Lizzie- Esme, Luke- Carlisle, and Tasha- Tanya. I just thought
maybe you should know. Email me if you want to read the edited

For the last few hours, I've been avoiding logging into Fanfiction because I know that with .053 seconds of opportunity, I'll remove any trace of my presence within the fandom. I write because I enjoy writing, and I enjoy sharing it with people who enjoy reading it, but at what point does it become no longer worth the risk of having someone copy, plagiarize, edit, translate, etc, without my consent...or just outright steal my work in its entirety?

Has anyone else out there ever felt this way? What would be the drawing line for you between being able to shrug it off or having to full out fandom flounce?


Missed the Amnesia Campfire, but...

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 5:03 PM

I kept meaning to read a story but for the life of me, I can't remember the title (duh, sorry about stating the obvious)!

Okay, the premise is that Bella is a teacher and Edward is a new student except he is just posing as a student? I think he is like undercover law enforcement or something along those lines?  Ring any bells?

Thank you for your help!!!


episode 1.11 "out of mind, out of sight"

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 3:30 PM


A vampire in love with a Slayer. It's rather poetic. In a maudlin sort of way.

clea duvall will always be that jerkface broad in she's all that with the clown face to me


We Come To Life Beneath The Stars

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 3:29 PM

Someone please discuss this update with me!!


COME ONE!! COME ALL!! (With your icons...)

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 11:09 AM

Well I've been wandering around this part of the forest, meeting various interesting creatures and enjoying conversation with them. I've heard awesome stories, some scary, some funny and I've already made friends!


Something has caught my eye more than the posts and stories however and that would be....


Man have I seen some interesting ones.... (Some I'd rather not know the story behind)

...but for most of them, I'm sitting here wondering... "Hoo- WOW! Where'd THAT come from? What's the story there?

I chose mine because I think Jacob and Bella should totally be together. (Yay Team Jacob!)

So tell me, tell me, tell me!

What's your icon all about? Or is there someone's icon you've been dying to know about but have never really asked about it? ASK AWAY!

Enjoy your selves, creatures of the forest! Go play!



Thank you grown.ass.woman for the go-ahead on this post! *hugz*


get in this campfire

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 10:16 AM

where you at, baby?

show us, using pictures/youtubes/gifs/whathaveyou, where you're from.  city, state, country, republic, principality, kingdom, shire, whatever.  we'll guess based off of the images/vids/songs.

i'll make mine easy:




Thursday September 16, 2010 at 10:01 AM

My To Be Read list is ridiculously loooooonnnngggg. I've been trying to find a good read for a while and keep abandoning every new story I pick.


I need someone to make the decision for me, which one should I read next. all of  the below are completed stories.


Maybe it will help to know that the last fic I've read and kicked my ass was "Brown Study". Love love love it.


So, help me out here. put me out of my misery,PLEASE


****** EDIT: I've sorted the list based on the number of votes ********:

 ****** 8TH EDIT  ********


The misaprehension of bella swan - 8 Votes

Major Misconduct - 6 Votes
Shadowboxer - 6 Votes

Library Rendezvous - 5 Votes
The Elite - 5 Votes
Bella and the Billionaire - 5 Votes

Midnight Son of a Bitch - 3 Votes
Help Wanted - 3 Votes

Toye - 3 Votes 


Dirty Dancing with the Devil Herself - 2 Votes
Illegal Contact - 2 Votes
Love Net - 2 Votes
The Daily Grind - 2 Votes

The Girl with the Red Umbrella - 2 Votes
Answering Bell - 2 Votes
The Sacrificial Lamb- 2 Vote


Maybe- 1 Vote
Meyer University - 1 Vote
Readjusted - 1 Vote
Stay - 1 Vote
The Long Walk Home - 1 Vote

Molto Bella- 1 Vote
Not Meant to Be- 1 Vote
Love on the Seine- 1 Vote
Sin City- 1 Vote
Girl Afraid- 1 Vote
Off Limits- 1 Vote
Reel Life- 1 Vote
Secrets Don't Keep Friends- 1 Vote


A Matter of Time- 0 Vote
Bad Habit- 0 Vote
Burning the Edges - 0 Vote
Devil's Pitchfork- 0 Vote
Fate Worse Than Death- 0 Vote
Femme Docs and Kevlar Knights - 0 Vote
Forbidden Desires- 0 Vote
Guns and Roses- 0 Vote
Ice Makes Passion- 0 Vote
Inked- 0 Vote
Left Holding the Bag- 0 Vote
Memento Mori- 0 Vote
Morning Star- 0 Vote
Music Lessons- 0 Vote
My Escort- 0 Vote
My Life to Be- 0 Vote
Prayer of the Damned- 0 Vote
Red Strings of Fate- 0 Vote
Same Time Next Year- 0 Vote
seducing ms swan- 0 Vote
Serendipity- 0 Vote
Seventeen Cakes- 0 Vote
Sonata No. 3 in E- 0 Vote
The Colony- 0 Vote
The Fan- 0 Vote
The Fates- 0 Vote
The Hills of Twilight- 0 Vote
There's Something I've Been Meaning To Tell You- 0 Vote
Those Eyes- 0 Vote
Waiting for Dr. Right- 0 Vote

LJ Summers

Subward Fics

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 5:33 AM

He wants to relinquish control.  

He's not a weak man (or vampire) by any means, but he has his reasons.

He wants to be a submissive and he's seeking dominance.  He may prefer a Master or a Mistress or both.  He may be the only sub or there might be more.  

Have you seen AH or AU SUBWARD?


I have, and I'll show you where in the campfire. ;-)


This makes the fortieth category on the MASTER FIC LIST. Remember, these lists are here for you! So go check it out and favorite that fire if you haven't already. And please, continue adding to the Completed Fic lists or any OTHERS that you fancy.  


Remember the RULES of the FIRE:   

1.  Keep it Simple.  Title, author, site summary.  No pimping.

2.  No discussions.  This is a list, not a red carpet experience. :D


Thank you for sharing your favorite Subward Fic around the fire!


When I look into your eyes...

Thursday September 16, 2010 at 2:13 AM

We’ve been treated to Rathgasm AND RobP0rn yesterday. Wow, we’ve been busy, campers!

To Mischiefmaker17: happy birthday! I hope this campfire, in addition to your own, will make you feel better. Take the following as my birthday gift.

This week, let’s return to that lovely head and focus on those amazing


As Edward, they range from golden brown to black, but naturally, they’re more blueish. Mesmerizing, how they can change color with the way the light hits them.
Then, the expressions conveyed with them; wicked, cocky, shy, silly... but my favorite: 'come hither'  *scrambles to her feet to comply*

Share your favorites!


Need Help in the Highest Degree

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 10:22 PM

Hello all!

I'm Starry and I run a little thing called The TwiSlash Awards and we're currently in our voting round. *claps* That's not why I'm making the campfire, no, you see our banner maker (the one that makes the banners for the winners) recently got SWAMPED by school. It's kicking his ass and, well, he had to drop out.

That leaves me in a very nasty position indeed. You see, little ole me, SUCKS at graphics. It's sad. x.x;; T-T So I was wondering if any of you awesome, great, talented graphic makers could help a girl out?

I don't need much...

Just a simple background that I could go back and add text to (because winners like to see their names and fanfictions). There are several examples of graphics around the community...

*runs off to get them*

Here, here, and here.

As you can see...we love apples and we love rainbows, and well, raindow apples. xP we also love half naked men in various positions...but, who's keeping track? o.o;;

If you need more information or can help, let me know? :D?

Thanks in advance. You guys/girls ROCK!! ♥


approved by the awesome wtvoc; thanks for saving my butt, doll!


So yeah...trying to find a fic

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 10:08 PM

Here we go again with trying to find a fic! Tonight over ontwitter Gondolier1 was trying to find a fic. I know I've read it, but I didn't favorite it or anything. Hope someone here has read it :)

The premise is Bella and Edward are in High School, maybe a tad bit competitive with each other and tend to play practical jokes on one another. The most notable scene is Edward waking up handcuffed in bed - naked and Bella is taking pics of him.

Does this ring a bell with anyone?


Life SUX

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 8:20 PM

It all started when I got out of bed tired.
I feel so selfish right now.
I am totally throwing a temper tantrum.   

I can't have coffee because for some reason, my body crashes and I wanna puke in the afternoon, so I either have to keep drinking it all day and never sleep at night, or never have ANY.


I home school my 3 kids, right? Well, they WHINED and threw tantrums all friggin' day!
My 9yo son decided he'd rather go to his BED than listen to me encourage him about writing!
Then I kicked them out after we got finished with school and they continued to pick on my 7 yo, son who made that SOUND...

you know the one...

Next, I have to do this outline for my class and I apparently (according to my dh) cannot repeat a topic from week to week, adjusting my essay type from analysis to argument, making less work for me so I can actually get him READY for his trip on Monday (apparently he can't get it done on his OWN-


So, specifically I am struggling with the fact that not only do I have to submit a four-page argument essay for my "Academic Writing" class Saturday, but I have to turn in an outline for said paper tomorrow night!

I have to figure out what the H I am "passionate about" so I can persuade my prof and not p-her off like I apparently did on my first paper (it was on discipline-my definition of it) which she completely nitpicked to DEATH (and ok, not to offend those here who ARE profs, but omg, what do you DO when someone says something that completely gets your GOAT?  You get p-ed off like anyone else would, right?  Well...we were told it was to be personal and from her comments, I honestly think she was mad.)

I am NOT enjoying all this writing. I need the practice, I know I do!  But 7 papers in 8 weeks is a lot when you haven't been in school in 13 years.  I did an analytical essay for last Saturday when dh decided that we HAD to go to his parents house to help them MOVE (got nothing done really except canning pears-which was completely ridiculous!) and never even got started until Thursday night; on top of it all, this week we began homeschooling. Plus, I still have to do supper and general chores around the house.  (poor me, I know so many have it worse, and I want hear all about it-I DO!)

I wanted to recycle my topic of Square Foot Gardening since I know the most and very passionate about it, but dh said it would affect my grade since my analysis was on Mel Bartholomew's book, Square Foot Gardening last week. Then, I was gunna do it on why homeschoolers end up with more opportunities than public schoolers, but she is a public school teacher!!!!! I really do not want to offend this woman!  Then I was going to do it on breastfeeding, and dh said that that wasn't APPROPRIATE!!! I mean, WTH does HE KNOW!!!!??? (he said, "What if a guy reads your paper?  That would be bad!") 

>:(  Well too bad!

I mean, I don't really believe that PUBLIC school kids get less opportunities, but I was going to try to argue about it, kwim?



To make this interactive, I suppose you could offer opinions, though, I don't feel super generous right now. My attitude STINKS!!! I'd rather just go screw around with dh and forget about the whole smelly topic!


Now tell me why YOUR life SUX?

(Thank you to the Ranger who approved of this campfire and listened preemptively to my diatribe of selfishness-you know who you are and how wonderfully you rock it.)


Real Life Horror Story

Wednesday September 15, 2010 at 4:20 PM

A few years ago, I was sleeping very soundly in my bed and having rather peaceful dreams as I recall... Nothing was out of the ordinary but something had stirred me from my dreams. I was very tired and decided to try going back to sleep. Since I was only in a half-wake state, I figured I should fall back to sleep fairly easily.

That's not what happened.

I felt something pulling on my sheets and a small familiar voice calling to me. The voice was that of a little boy I knew. I'd been babysitting him for about a year until that point. At two years old, he was the cutest little boy I ever had the privilege of knowing besides his one year old baby brother. I'd do anything for him.

In my half awakened state, I started to wake up fully. The little boy was calling my name, "Sarah.... Sarah. Wake up Sarah...." I had to get to him and help him. He needed me.

But then as the subconscious state of my mind started to clear, I realized that there was no way the little boy could be in my room in the middle of the night. He would have been a city away from me, asleep in his bed. Why would he be in my room?

But even as I realized this, I continued to hear his voice, but it was raising in volume. "Sarah! Wake up! Play with me!"

I shut my eyes tight and refused to open them! I don't know what it was, but that was no little boy.

"Sarah!" The voice grew harsh now, almost to the point of growling. "I said, get up! Now!" And then the pulling on my sheets turned to clawing. I prayed for my life! I was scared.

I felt I weight bend down the side of my mattress and then something small but weighty was sitting on my chest. I nearly cried from panic, but then as soon as the weight had been on my chest, it disappeared.

The next morning I woke up and went out to the kitchen for breakfast. I told my parents as soon as I saw them, what had happened the night before. My mother believed me right away, but my dad was a little more hesitant and asked me if I was sure I was sleeping and just had a nightmare. His doubt made me angry because I knew what I'd heard! I knew what I felt and that was no dream.

After that I think he took me seriously, but in order to lighten the mood around the breakfast table he joked and said, "Hey, at least you didn't open your eyes! What if the little boy had rows of razor sharp teeth, ready to tear you to shreds."

My mom and I didn't find it funny.


Funny or actually horrifying, your pick. But have any of you actually experienced a real life horror story? Did something really terrifying happen to you in real life? Was a prank played on you or did you see something you wish you hadn't? What's your terrifying tale?




Edit: Got the idea for this campfire from wtvoc who recently posted a cf based on nightmares. Good post btw.

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