i was just reminded of this, and i'm sharing it here because i haven't laughed this hard in a looooooong time.
back in the dark ages when twilighted was the only twilight forum worth a damn, i had this idea where i wrote a fic based off of a challenge. a dare, if you will. someone would come up with a prompt and i'd hafta write for 20 minutes and post. no editing, no betas. just write and post, lickety split.
the first challenge was from my darling upthedownslide.
i just.... i don't.... i can't even...
(ps- no, you are not allowed to post any sort of fics as a campfire)
(and i'd give this a t-rating. no profanity or graphic stuff, but if it bothers you, lemme know. i won't remove it, but i'll take your complaints under advisement.)
and side note- this fic was removed from ff.net due to violation of the terms. lol forever
come inside, campers, and join me on the viking king carlisle's funeral pyre...