

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 2:09 PM

I want to make a banner for my fic. I was wondering what sites you use, that don't cost money? I need something that isn't TOO complicated. Help!


Also, follow me on twitter!



Where Are You Now?

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 11:00 AM

There have been many campfires in our lovely  Forest  that have discussed both writer's and reader's limits and what lines won't be crossed.

There is a general consensus (that I happen to agree with) that one can or has become desensitized.


I would like to take it a bit further to ask:


 Have you sworn to never, ever write a certain scenario? (pairing, lemons, etc.)



Have you surprised yourself by trying your hand at one of your taboo subjects?





Are you happy that you 'went there?'


Do you think the disillusionment that has crept into the ficdom has had an impact directly affecting your writing style/what you're willing to write to gain readers, etc.?



Where do you think the next trend in fic will take us?  (And I don't mean an influx of BD fics as filming progresses, lol.)


 Where are you now?


The 'Twilight' That Almost Was

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 9:20 AM

Found this today and I'm cracking up with all these different options.Someone please write this fanfics


Yahoo article <<Link

Producer Reveals the 'Twilight' That Almost Was

"Twilight": the story of a young girl, an alluring vampire, and the FBI agent hunting them down.

Sounds a little off, doesn't it? But according to the film's producer, at one point the movie adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's bestselling novel was going to be much different than what ended up on the screen.

In a recent interview with Hollywood Life, producer Mark Morgan opened up about the difficult three-year process he endured to get "Twilight" on the screen. Paramount Pictures originally bought the rights to the novel, but the studio wanted to add in more action movie elements that weren't in the original romantic story.


Rest of story inside!


Nose Dives and Sweet Surprises

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 8:32 AM

Which fics have you started and thought you would end up flouncing, but then ended up getting hooked on the story? 

Which fics have you started out loving, only to be disappointed by the ending or a plot twist?

No fic or author bashing, please.  There will probably be some spoilers inside.



Saturday September 25, 2010 at 7:16 AM

So, there’s this story. I forget what it's called and what it's about for the most part. I do remember that Edward as this vampire disease or something. That isn't the point. My point is: the writer was young, and the story was terribly written. (I’m not trying to bash anybody here). Stuff in her story, nobody would say in real life and nobody would find their self in those types of situations. I thought it was poorly written but every time I got a review alert, I would read it. I have no idea why because when I was done reading it, I was so mad. Anyway, this story had over 1000 reviews.

I've got this story that I started when I first started writing fanfic. I hate it. I hate the plot, and I hate the way I wrote it. Most of it isn't beta'd and I'm probably the worst person with grammar. It's got over 250 reviews, which is more than I've ever got on a story before. I don't even work hard on it. I type it real quick, not giving a crap about anything that I say and post it. And I get over 25 reviews for that chapter. I don't write it anymore, because, like I said. I hate it.
So, my question is. What the hell do you have to do to get reviews?
I have this story that I actually love and care for. And I love writing and every night before bed, I think about what could happen next or what the characters in my story are going to talk about. It has more chapters then the story I mentioned above, and I only got 42 reviews.

It makes me SO frustrated. And I have no idea why this is? Why do people like crap stories that you can barely read and not stories that they actually put an effort into?


Super Bella Rec's

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 5:27 AM

I spend 99% of my time at home taking care of my mother who's had some major health setbacks this year. A good amount of that time, while not watching Bones with her, is spent sitting beside her hospital bed, reading her Twilight fanfic because she's just addicted as I am.

So, I was wondering if I could get some good rec's?

Lately, It's been hard for me to stumble across good gems. All I seem to find is the doormat type Bella's (no offense meant) The Bella who takes back an Edward who beats her/rapes her/cheats on her/ etc. and then they live HEA and blah blah blah. Me and the parental want some Super Bella's who don't take any crap from anyone. She can be paired with either Jasper or Edward:)


What the hell is going on?

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 5:07 AM

FF.net is being R'tarted.

So I'm pretty bored at the moment. And I'm trusting that it is still FFAF. Saturday, 5pm, EDT. Seeing, as it's currently only 12:56pm here in the United Kingdom and you're all behind us and stuffs.

So I propose a game, which would partially amuse me for 3 hours before going to work.

WoRd AsSoCiAtIoN.
I don't know why I did that.

So yeah. This will either be a huge success or a complete and epic fail.

I'll start you off with:



(P.S. I love that you use google ads, 'cause while I'm on the forest I'm being shown property websites, which helps me on my house hunt, kthx)


Fallen Angels

Saturday September 25, 2010 at 4:38 AM

I would like to hear from anyone who has read J. R. Ward's Covet, Fallen Angels Book 1.

Amazon just told me about Crave (Book Two). which is being released soon.

Please tell me:

Did you like it? Why?

Is it as addictive as the Black Dagger Brotherhood series?

Will my husband Rhage get a new nickname if I read this series?


I have a hankering....

Friday September 24, 2010 at 11:10 PM

for an Edward gets turned human fic. Or lots of them, preferably completed..... It may be an old fic device, but I love it, and have trouble finding them.... i loved the antidote, and just read the fine print, which hasn't updated in a million years...:) but if anyone is up, and wants to rec me some, I'd LOVE it!


Looking for a GWtW crossover fic

Friday September 24, 2010 at 8:29 PM

Has anyone written a 'Gone With the Wind' crossover fic yet?  If so, please reply.  If not... maybe someone in the future will try it? 




Happy Campers

Friday September 24, 2010 at 6:25 PM

Disclaimer: Eh, just be happy, k?


Short Film Plot Bunny

Friday September 24, 2010 at 6:12 PM

Hi everyone, I'm trying to help a friend out with her screenwriting class and I could use some help of my own.  She's writing a script for a short film; it needs to have a beginning, middle, and end; and the film will end up being three to five minutes long.

Her bunny is this: a guy falls for a girl he sees every day through the window of her ballet studio.

So, any suggestions on fleshing this out?  We're welcoming all ideas!

Thanks :)


Erm... How about a game?!?

Friday September 24, 2010 at 5:57 PM

So I have no idea if people actually want to play this but I'm bored and it's ffa and I seriously need something to do that isn't listening to the beastie boys.

So will somebody play a word association game with me? I'll start it off by posting a music video, then you take a word out of the song title and post another song with the same word in it... etc...


Friday September 24, 2010 at 5:40 PM



I waited all goddamn month for this. Wai, Shyamalan? You made me CRY, it was so BAD!

And for the love of God, WAI AREN'T THE REVIEWS CALLING FOR HIS BLOOD? "Better than Failbender" =/= "GOOD"!



i don't know what it is for you mac people

Friday September 24, 2010 at 5:11 PM

ctrl + v

show us what you're been copypasting lately


Image and video hosting by TinyPic



Friday September 24, 2010 at 5:04 PM










Wait, that's not right... 





Non BxE Recs.

Friday September 24, 2010 at 5:03 PM

I was reading through some of the recomendations and it seem like everyone is Bella and Edward. I want some besides Edward. Like Bella/Jacob,Bella/OC ec. I would definately love some femmeslash with Bella being dominant.


FFN bites back.Or something!

Friday September 24, 2010 at 3:54 PM

My fanfiction downloader thing stopped working on ffn. I am guessing they might have changed something again....I have a really bad cold and just wanted to find a couple fics to read while I wallow on the couch- and I am cranky sick!!! <- not relevant but adds to my irritation of the matter.... (sorry for whining)

Has anyone else had problems with this today?

Also any recs for a good downloader? I had been using graffer....


 HOPE this is an okay topic!?!


A Hilarious Awkward Moment

Friday September 24, 2010 at 3:19 PM

So, I just got back from a gig where I saw my favourite comdian, Mr Ross Noble. It was epic. Absolutely EPIC. He talked to me (As I was sat in the front row) and I needed to share this story.

Basically, his style is randomism. He'll start telling a story, which will lead onto a tangent, which will then cause him to ask someone in the audience a question, where he will then begin another story/tangent and make surreal observations. It's incredible to watch.

Tonight, leading on from a tangent, he looked down at me, when he could have asked ANYONE and says...

"Have you read Twilight?"

At this point, I panicked and shrugged non-comittally, not wanting to get into just how deep my internet obsession goes...

He then went on to say "For anyone who hasn't seen it, here's a basic re-enactment. Ooh, I'm a sexy vampire, so sexy, with my sexy hair, so sexy, 200 hundred years old and still go to high school, which isn't weird at all." "Ooh, I'm a new girl at school, I want to touch you, so sexy." "You can't touch" "I want to touch" "You can't touch" "I want to touch" "You can't touch" "I want to touch"


Only, imagine it in a strong geordie accent, as exampled belowl

So, here are some interactive questions:
Ever had an awkward RL twilight moment?
Who is your favourite comedian and have you seen them live?
Have you heard of any other comedians taking the pee out of Twilight?


Friday September 24, 2010 at 2:58 PM

Hello Campers, Happy Friday!! :)

This weekend I am going to go apple picking. I can't wait I am super excited. But I am having trouble finding good apple recipes. I was wondering if you could please share your favorite recipes with apples. It can be dessert, entree, breakfast...whatever, I am not picky. Oh if you don't have an apple recipe to share, then share your favorite cupcake recipe. I am in the middle of reading The Diner and her cupcaking baking is making me crave some cupcakes. YUM!

Thank you all and I hope you have an enjoyable weekend!!

Pretty pic for you all too.


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