
The secret to a perfect relationship

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 10:51 PM

The Twilight saga-it's all about relationships or some would say unrealistic/fantasy relationships but still about relationships nonetheless. I just finished watching Julia and Julie for the upteenth time and found this wonderful and chaming relationship advice from Julia Child.  Got any relationship advice/tips obeservations/musings? Put 'em here!

I love this picture-feel free to post some of your own if you want.

Here is Julia's advice:

1. Love is about chemistry, companionship and respect. Everything else is transient, and simply icing on the cake.

2. Bring your love of people, your love of life, your love of travel and your love of cooking to the relationship.

3. There’s no such thing as too much time together.

4. The more strength and self-esteem each person brings with them, the stronger the partnership will be.

5. Snuggle in bed together every morning for 30 minutes after the alarm goes off.

6. It is possible, as I once asked in a post, to have a Modern Day Fairy Tale.

7. It is always “we”.

8. Work towards “that lovely intertwining of life, mind, and soul that a good marriage is.” as Julia was quoted as saying.

9. At the end of the day, have your partner read aloud from The New Yorker while you cook.

10. Life will bring many beginnings, many endings, many challenges and many opportunities for success. Approach them all as a team. No blame, no keeping score and no taking sole credit.

11. Have unwavering faith and trust in your partner.


Felix is a HOTTIE!!

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 10:02 PM

Sooo I was on my twitter and I was recommended to follow Daniel Cudmore, Felix from Twilight series movies.  And when I clicked his name and saw the picture, MY DRAW DROPPED!!! I didn't really find him attractive at all in character as Felix, but HOLY HELL, the man is smokin' hot in my opinion!! Just wondering if anyone else knew or thought this???? He's definitely not one I thought of when I think of the typical Twihunks!!!


More inside, because I can't stand to not share more! LOL


So I also need some Felix fics to ease my new obsession! Anyone have any Felix love for me?? Even slash is welcome :oP lol


Songs from a hat!

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 9:49 PM

You read correctly. The infinitely awesome Jandcoandwtvoc have updated the infinitely awesome songs from a hat




The Roommates

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 9:36 PM

Everyone has roommates. Whether they be strangers, friends, parents/family, spouses/children... Everyone's got 'em. And everyone's got an opinion on 'em.

I'm currently living with my two best friends and a random 27-year-old that you may or may not have heard me bitch about.

I LOVE living with my friends. Haven't fought with them yet, I love spending time with them, it's great.

My random roommate, however, is proving to be awesome, yet a little fwustwating at the same time.

My girl roommate thinks he's hitting on me/has a crush on me, which is so bizarre, because my friend is WAY prettier than me, and she actually talks to the guy. I've JUST started talking to him, and I've been living with him for a month.

But, I won't bitch a bunch on here, unless you want me to go into detail on how my 27-year-old roommate is "attempting to seduce me." ;)

So. Roommates. How do you feel about them?


Totally not Twilight related, but I'd love advice!

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 8:59 PM

So what would you do-


You have a job you love but you get paid barely enough to survive but you have to tap into the savings constantly to stay afloat but it's honestly one of the easiest, funnest jobs you've ever had with some of the funnest people you've ever met. You also get to play online when you aren't working, you are basically your own boss and you don't have to deal with other people's BS most days. And you get to do fun things like dress up, wear heels, go to parties, and travel.

You've been offered a harder job with 6K more in the check yearly with a chance to make more and grow within a national company. You'll travel occassionally but you won't have to dress up as much. You'll have benefits and enough in the check to get your SO benes. It's a relaxed work environment but it's gonna be harder work and you'll have to work on a team with people you may or may not get along with but you'll have a flexible schedule with freetime to use your more pay.



Dear Rangers- I appreciate your advice and thanks in advance!

More Inside!



To Share (Pulled Fics)

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 7:27 PM

Greetings fans of Twilight Fanfiction. I’m writing this post as a way to appeal to everyone who has ever fallen in love or lust with Twilight fanfiction. I for one myself am addicted helplessly as I know a lot of you are as well. Now to the point of this post. As a fan of Twilight and RPatz and anything that has to do with Twilight I get really upset when author’s pull their fics. Although it is their God given right to do whatever with their art work, I get upset when there is a fic that people rec constantly about and you want to read, but can’t locate because the author decided to pull it. Now I love reading fics and have no intentions on harming anyone’s work or plagiarizing as I am a Twilight Fanfiction author myself and that would quite literally(excuse my French) piss me off. Having said that I am a sharing person and I don’t mind sharing what I have (which is a TON) of beautifully written epic fics. Most of which were pulled. If you are interested in locating missing fics please e-mail me@ EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED--PM THE O.P. and remember it’s better to give than receive, but receiving is fun as well.


ranger edit: folks.... it's not wise to put your email addresses on the front page...please utilize our very useful PM feature.  thank you!

Please everyone email me, which is given in one of the comments. I want everyone to email me, its faster since PM is very slow. However, I will PM out emails if they PM me first. It is overwhelming to PM


Gliese 581 g!

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 6:50 PM


I'm ALL a buzz over the new discovery of this new Earth-like planet.

Apparently it's like Earth in the sense that it's in the "Goldilocks/habitable  Zone". You know that "not too hot, not too cold" area where life can grow. Not too close to their "sun" and not too far away that's it's freezing. So what happens is it works the same as our solar system. There is a star that's center and the planets rotate around it. Now scientists have discovered hundreds (about 200-ish) planets in the vast universe already, but what makes this one SO special is that it's the first that seems like it will actually be able to support life. Because of that whole "Goldilocks Zone" thing. Every other planet that they've discovered were either too far or too close to their star.

So anyway the star that makes up this system was named Gliese 581 and the planets in it are given the letter denotation. So they've already discovered planets b-f ("a" is considered the star, but it's not called "a"). And now this Earth-like one is called "g".

Hopefully referring to the graph will help. It doesn't list the recent planet "g" discovery, but imagine it in the "habitable zone"!

Anyway I'm SUPER excited about the discovery. What about you guys? Have you heard the news? What are your thoughts?

AND to take it ONE step further, most of us are writers around these parts OR clever girls with wild imaginations. And I can assure you my imagination is going wild right now with the sci-fi/fantasy nut in me. 

SO let your imaginations go CRAZY! Let's hear some ideas . . . what's going on on Gliese 581 g?!!?!?!


Links: (also you can google Gliese 581 g since the interwebz all a buzz about it right now)



(p.s. don't quote me on my "space" knowledge, I'm not qualified just explaining it how I understand it.)


**Approved by WTVOC!***


We Come to Life Beneath the Stars

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 5:39 PM

Lettuce discuss the update




My Own Fic List

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 5:16 PM

So I keep seeing these awesome posts about compiling a master fic list, and I thought that was so great, organizing everything like that, that I decided to do something like that on my own.

What resulted is a 5700 word document with brief summaries of about SIXTY DIFFERENT FREAKING fics I have saved on my conputer right now in various stages of completion... This does not include the oneshots that are already finished. No wonder I never complete chapters to anything in a timely manner.

But really. I think I multitask too much, and have too much creativity floating around in my head. In other words...

I want to give some of it away!!!!!

Anyone in the mood to write but don't want to come up with an idea? Someone want to bum a few of my ideas off of me so I can narrow down the list some? Anyone want to just take an idea and stew over it for several months, like I've been doing with a few?

To make it interactive, anyone else have a plot going on in their head that they want to--or don't have time to--write into a fic themselves?

Tell me your thoughts, or compare your horror stories of too much fic on the brain.


Humble Requests...

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 5:03 PM

So, ages ago I saw something somewhere... helpful I know.... about fics getting turned into audio fics. Does anyone know if this ever came to fruition? If I could do dishes and "read" at the same time, maybe my house would be more... liveable??

second, Greeen Goldfish is gone??? WTF? I sort of get it... I mean, I don't, 'cause if I was that awesome, I'd tattoo a link to that shit on my forehead, but anyway, my soul is bleeding!!!

would anyone be so kind as to PM me her fics, b/c I LOVE LOVE LOVE them all, and I hear she doesn't mind....

that's about it. Thanks so much for any and all help!!!


Your favourite .......wards

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 4:54 PM

I want to know which Edwards you love and why?

Is it Daddyward? Darkward? Domward? Doctorward? (Yeah I know that alliteration was shit hot!!!)

I've just discovered my new favourite whilst reading Shadowboxer........... Longschlongward not because of how he acts, but because I'm a pervert

So come and tell me which is your favourite and your favourite fic that he's in!!!



Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 3:38 PM

hello forest!

this is my first campfire! I'm kinda nervous... haha. I've lurked for a while, but recently thought of something I wanted to discuss. so here it is...

in AH fics, it's pretty rare to have the Cullens be a "clan". Normally you see Emmett-Edward-Alice Cullen, Rosalie-Jasper Hale, and Bella all by herself. Another common one is to have Bella and Emmett be siblings. What are some out of the box arrangements of these characters? Or of secondary characters? The one i found the most interesting was Rhapsody in B when Victoria was B's stepmom and James was her stepbrother. I think it's cool to read all the different arrangements, but what about you? Are you partial to the classic families or do you like to see it mixed up? What's your favorite combination of primary and secondary characters?

I don't think I need approval for this...


episodes 2.06 and 2.07- "halloween" & "lie to me"

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 3:05 PM


it's not only pertinent to your seasonal interests, but it's one of my fave eps and includes ethan rayne, a villain you love to hate.

Private Harris reporting for... Buffy! Lady of Buffdom, Duchess of Buffonia, I am in awe! I completely renounce spandex!

"lie to me"-

if you were a fan of roswell, you're a fan of jason behr, and correct me if i'm wrong, sasha, but i'm pretty sure this was pre-roswell.  also, it's one of the best "monster of the week" episodes in the entire show.

Giles: You mean life?
Buffy: Yeah. Does it get easy?
Giles: What do you want me to say?
Buffy: Lie to me.
Giles: Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after.
Buffy: Liar.


The Top 10 Most Reviewed Twilight FF's

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 2:15 PM


This idea started in my head the other day when I logged on to FF and saw that Hydraulic Level 5 had 12,345 reviews. This sends my numbers- OCD into a tailspin, I swear.

Let's get down to the nitty gritty here. The top 10 most reviewed fanfics are not necessarily what you would expect. Let's compile the list. I'm aware I haven't read everything out there, so I'm going to put in the top 10 from my favourites, then feel free to come in and slot other fics in according to their magic number until we've come up with the definative list. As a forest we've done lists of our top 10 favourite, infamous and best fics before, now lets crunch some numbers.


 1. Master of the Universe, by SnowQueensIceDragon 56,134

2. The University of Edward Masen by SebastienRobichaud 26,707

3. Edward Wallbanger, by feathersmmm 19,825

4. Poughkeepsie, by MrsTheKing 18,901

5. Holding Out For You by ObsessingOverEdward 18,404

5. Tropic of Virgo, by In.a.blue.bathrobe 17,824

6. The Dominant, by tara sue me 17,760

7. High Anxiety by EdwardsBloodType 17,269

8. The Red Line, by WinndSinger 16,935

9. Wide Awake, by AngstGoddess003 16,825

10. Just Wait, by InstantKarmaGirl 15,587

Honourable mentions (approximate numbers before they were pulled):

Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, by hunterhunting 27,190

Emancipation Proclamation, by kharizzmatik 26,079



The rules: Fics can be WIPs or complete, but we're only going by numbers on FF.net. Must be able to go to FF.net and verify the figures, so, fics that have been pulled from the site no longer count. I think that's all. I wonder why italics make this feel more official. Psychoanalysis welcomed. Discussion of OCD's also welcomed.


ADF's Fan Video Post

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 2:06 PM






"Ice || Edward & Bella" by YOURS TRULY :)


"there's only you, you know that." by aruxes44




Is it working??

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 2:03 PM

Is anyone else having problems seeing the ff.net page?? Or any fics??


Fic speculation and write offs?

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 1:06 PM

Authors: how do you deal with speculation about your fics, assumptions, general write offs before someone even reads it?

Readers: do you do this? I know I'm not the only one and I'm not really ashamed. I do this with TV shows and movies. So no discrimination here.

I got a email today from a friend asking me if I'd read a fic. It has a good number of reviews and she wanted my opinion. I said no I hadn't and went to search for the fic.Looking at it, I had heard of it but I hadn't read it. In fact, when I first found it I wrote it off completely.

Why? Because of how I assume the fic will turn out based on the description. I've read where some people think it's unfair to just assume something without trying it. Don't say you hate sushi unless you've tried it? But people can know if they're not going to like something and that's okay right? They know it's going to be gross so they say so and be done with it and that's okay right?

In a way, yes with outside world things but no so much with fics.

I've read a LOT of fics so I've been openminded with pretty much everything but in doing so, at this point with some things I'm gonna speculate and there's nothing to be done. Sometimes I wish I didn't but I can't help it. It's an unconscious fic reaction now.


Readers? Authors? Opinions? Am I the only one? Authors do you not care and just hope people will read your stuff?

LJ Summers

Doctorward Fics

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 9:51 AM

Yesterday, being decaffeinated was NOT a good thing, since I apparently forgot utterly that Vigilanteward and I WERE OLD FRIENDS. At least I can refer to the MASTER FIC LIST when I need to find him again!

Today, it's almost one in the afternoon and I am more than caffeinated, more than awake and more than rational as I begin this list.

Which is good, because being a doctor requires a certain degree of alertness, no?


DOCTORWARD knows all about this.  We had a request for DOCTORWARD. He might be in med school or a fully fledged practicing physician, but he does dangerous things to a girl's (or maybe a guy's!) bloodpressure!

So bring on Doctorward!  And do it STAT. I've got the speech therapist and autism specialist coming this afternoon... I'll try to get my rec in though...as soon as I can. :)


Thanks for sharing your favorite Doctorward fics around the fire.


Humpday Games

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 7:45 AM



                                                                                                                                                                                            This week's game: 

                                                                                                                                                                        FIGURE THE FIC OUT!


List three clues about a fic, and let's see if the rest of us can guess which fic it is. Keep an eye out and if someone get's it right, or if nobody's getting it right, let us know the correct fic after a few tries!

Some basic parameters: (A) Each clue must be a word, phrase or image. (B) Clues cannot be author names or fic titles. (C) When you enter your guess, you must leave clues for your Figure the Fic Out entry!


1. Insomnia



(answer: Wide Awake)

My first entry will be in the comments . . .


Many thanks to Ranger Capricorn75 (aka Mrs. Beard-O) for approving this campfire, and sticking it to for me!


He ain't heavy, he's my hobo

Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 5:25 AM

My lovah arrived back in the States. Sorry, haven't been able to convince him to shave yet. The insides of my thighs are practically bleeding at this point.

First --- | >> | 1019 | 1020 | 1021 | 1022 | 1023 | 1024 | 1025 | 1026 | 1027 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
