So, this post is for all you Whedonites out there.
(Or, if you're not as dorky as I am, I mean fans of BUFFY, ANGEL, FIREFLY, SERENITY, DR. HORRIBLE'S and/or DOLLHOUSE).
I just stumbled upon THIS VERY VERY STIMULATING SPEECH (and following Q&A) from when Joss Whedon was awarded the 2009 Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Cultural Humanism at Harvard U.
It is 1:30 minutes long, but seeing as there have been loads of popular, debate-sparking, Buffy-related posts lately, I figured I would post it in case anyone else might be interested. In my opinion, it's well worth your time and would be a good alternative to almost anything else you could be spending an hour and a half watching.
**MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have a question for you all. During the Q&A, someone asks Joss about his couplings in Buffy. Joss remarks (and I'm paraphrasing here) that Buffy and Angel had a very immature, Romeo & Juliet-esque relationship. He then makes a very light-hearted but somewhat derogatory comparison to a certain (my eyebrows are waggling at this point) relationship in Twilight. Then, (and herein lies my victory as a Spuffy fan), Joss alludes to the fact that Spike provided a more mature relationship option for Buffy. (Hallelujah, Joss!)
JESUS, I'm gonna get to the question. I swear.
It is this:
Do any other fans out there find themselves very confused by their devotion to both the Buffy and Twilight universes? These stories are obviously not only VERY different, but they also seem to directly contradict each other in terms of the themes of love, death, identity, etc. etc., as well as in story-arc, character growth, etc., etc. Sometimes I wonder WHY it is that I can be so attracted to both sides of the spectrum. It should be known that I'm a much bigger Buffy fan than I will ever be of Twilight... but I digress. Any takers???
[I'd also like to include the fact that Joss's acceptance speech *obviously* deals with the subject of Cultural Humanism, so if you find this idea offensive, don't watch. However, there is an extremely enlightening Q&A sesh following his speech that was particularly interesting to me as a fan of the Buffyverse (well, and the entire Whedonverse, really).]