Hand Model Rears Ugly Head (AKA, I lololol'd.)

Monday October 4, 2010 at 3:20 AM


The iconic cover of the Twilight books features a woman holding an apple, and that woman wants you to know who she is: Kimbra Hickey, a Greenwich Village–based 40-year-old model and massage therapist. She doesn't understand why she isn't more famous. It's cute at first, and then you realize she's not kidding about this.

"I see people reading it on the subway, and I say, 'Those are my hands! I'm a hand model!' she explained ... Hickey sometimes hangs out near the cash register at the Barnes & Noble near her apartment to spread the word ... She even carries around a Gala apple in her purse at times so she can recreate the pose for people ... Lately, she's been going to "Twilight" fan conventions where she sells apple-scented hand lotion ... "It was too big of a deal just to let it be," she said.

Now she's angling for a part in the next Twilight movie, even if it's only a shot of her hands, she says. But a mere taste of fame has driven this woman to accost strangers at Barnes & Noble. Imagine what real celebrity would do to her? Careful what you wish for, Hickey.


I reckon she should be allowed in the franchise's spin-off, Love Spelled Backwards Is Love. Y/Y?


Halloween Countdown

Monday October 4, 2010 at 3:00 AM

The second annual FFn Halloween Countdown is underway.  Each Halloween, 31+ fanfic authors join together to celebrate this spooky time of year, by using their talent to entertain us.

Each author writes a Halloween inspired one shot.  Everyday, one of the 31 O/S's is posted anonymously at Countdown to Halloween II One Haunted Hallows Eve and we get to see if we can successfully guess the author.  On Halloween night, each of these O/S's will post to the correct author's account, to give us our answers.

Also, each corresponding author will be writing a single piece to a large collaborative O/S that will post on Halloween night at the link listed above.

This is a great way to enjoy some of your favorite authors and even discover a few new ones. For more information and list of participating authors, check out the links below.

Twitter: @ffncountdown

FFN Link: Countdown to Halloween II One Haunted Hallows Eve

Website: Halloween Countdown



Sunday October 3, 2010 at 11:26 PM

So, this post is for all you Whedonites out there.

(Or, if you're not as dorky as I am, I mean fans of BUFFY, ANGEL, FIREFLY, SERENITY, DR. HORRIBLE'S and/or DOLLHOUSE).

I just stumbled upon THIS VERY VERY STIMULATING SPEECH (and following Q&A) from when Joss Whedon was awarded the 2009 Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Cultural Humanism at Harvard U.

It is 1:30 minutes long, but seeing as there have been loads of popular, debate-sparking, Buffy-related posts lately, I figured I would post it in case anyone else might be interested. In my opinion, it's well worth your time and would be a good alternative to almost anything else you could be spending an hour and a half watching.

**MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have a question for you all. During the Q&A, someone asks Joss about his couplings in Buffy. Joss remarks (and I'm paraphrasing here) that Buffy and Angel had a very immature, Romeo & Juliet-esque relationship. He then makes a very light-hearted but somewhat derogatory comparison to a certain (my eyebrows are waggling at this point) relationship in Twilight. Then, (and herein lies my victory as a Spuffy fan), Joss alludes to the fact that Spike provided a more mature relationship option for Buffy. (Hallelujah, Joss!)

JESUS, I'm gonna get to the question. I swear.

It is this:

Do any other fans out there find themselves very confused by their devotion to both the Buffy and Twilight universes? These stories are obviously not only VERY different, but they also seem to directly contradict each other in terms of the themes of love, death, identity, etc. etc., as well as in story-arc, character growth, etc., etc. Sometimes I wonder WHY it is that I can be so attracted to both sides of the spectrum. It should be known that I'm a much bigger Buffy fan than I will ever be of Twilight... but I digress. Any takers???


[I'd also like to include the fact that Joss's acceptance speech *obviously* deals with the subject of Cultural Humanism, so if you find this idea offensive, don't watch. However, there is an extremely enlightening Q&A sesh following his speech that was particularly interesting to me as a fan of the Buffyverse (well, and the entire Whedonverse, really).]



The 80's Fics

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 8:16 PM

First time campfire starter long time listener. eh this seemed like a good way to start an 80's campfire which I apparently didn't start very well to being with. I'm learning I guess. LOL So I've been reading this FANTASTIC fic called "The Brat Pack" and you guessed it its about the 80's....or at least and Bella that is obsessed with the 80's. And an Edward that is obsessed with Kelly LeBrock ala "Weird Science". Its VERY funny and a FANTASTIC Bella and slightly geeky Edward. So campers any fics you loved based on the 80's?


Saving Old/Deleted Fics

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 7:09 PM

I'm a long time reader/first time campfire starter(?), anyway I'm hoping some of the more experienced computer experts can help out...

When I first discovered fanfiction, I limited my scope to stories that were lengthy and boasted high reviews. Thanks to ADF, I have definitely expanded my horizons and have quite honestly found numerous "diamonds in the rough" that don't have the high reviews, but pack a punch none the less. That being said, my profile boasts more than 750 stories. (Sad I know). 

Now to my dilemma (And other readers', I am sure)....

Quite often I see requests for old fics or fics that have been taken down. Does anyone know if there is a way to retrieve and save these old fics? If there is a way, how do I set aside my favorites on their own so that the increasing risk of losing them forever does not happen? (My frustration over the loss of "The University of Edward Masen" being foremost in my mind.) Does anyone know if it is possible to store them away for posterity?


What was the name/author of that fic??

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 7:00 PM


I have been hunting for a fic I read a couple of months ago and have been totally unable to locate it again.  Any help would be appreciated!

Synopsis: AH, Bella is a grad student in California who waits until the last minute to book travel home to Forks for Christmas, knowing that she cannot miss her family's Christmas party (Charlie and Renee are still together in this one).  She flies to Seattle, but is unable to travel farther by plane due to a snowstorm.  Trains are shut down, so she is stuck carpooling with a stranger to Forks who turns out to be Edward Cullen.  They make the trip together, stopping at a gas station where Bella trips and injures herself and Edward takes care of her.  

I don't want to give away the rest of the's a fun, quick read.  Might even be a one-shot?

This is my first campfire, so I apologize if I did this completely wrong!  

Thank you SO much!

Sir Rachel

Love and Bonding

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 6:47 PM

What do you love?

I love:

- Mocha frapps

-New nail polish

-Clear blue skies

-Saints wins




Make a list, share it, and bond with people who love similar things!

Everyone loves something, so come and share!

Disclaimer: try to make this about what, not who, please. I know we all love each each other, but people are always inevitably left out. This is a happy fun campfire.

Also, approved by the fantabulous G.A.W. and collaborated with sssssarrrrahhhh.


The past lovers boomerang

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 5:17 PM

I read a lot of fics and more often than not I come across the past lovers boomerang.

Edward has had a not so pure past (manwhore or just had a few partners) and then all of a sudden the parade of women come back to haunt him. Bella in a graduate class will meet a nice girl named Tanya and they get together for a study group and low and behold she was once a long term buddy of Edward's. They go to a party at the Cullen's and Edward's former perfect for him in every socioeconomic status way and physical features way waltzed across the lawn in her pearls and Chanel etc.

Then they just keep on coming - Jessica, Lauren, Heidi, Jane, Gianna, Irina, Kate (every name mentioned in the series).

How come we never have Edward running into Bella's past men, boyfriends, one night stands, etc? Okay, sometimes an ex boyfriend will come out of the woodworks but it'll just be one while he has a whole tango line of women.

Is it because Edward can handle it and there's not really much for him to feel inferior over as much as Bella looking these statuesque women up who look like Miss Universe pageant contests up and down so she has to sulk for a number of chapters to bring some drama?


Why do the women always come back to bite you in the butt and never the men?


The Cheat Fic

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 4:21 PM

Cheating is probably the toughest thing for a relationship to bounce back from. Most people don't think it's possible. I can't really say, I've never been in the situation. But fic isn't RL.

So, sometimes, not usually but sometimes, I get in the mood for a fic about a cheater. Not just "Bella has an affair WITH Edward". One where Bella or Edward cheats on the other. Unfortunately, I can never really read the ones that are out there.

Because I don't want to read about Edward being the cheater. It doesn't fit the image I have of Edward in my mind. Most out there say that he always ends up the bad guy because he's a man. We relate to Bella, therefore it has to be done. I personally don't like that much.

The only person who honestly had someone else at any point was Bella. In a cheatfic, she'd be the only one who would make sense to me as a cheater. But she never is. I've only ever seen it in Comeuppance by goldenmeadow (and I loved the hell out of it).

Anyone else have the guilty pleasure? Have any rec's for me with a Bella who gets her hand caught in the cookie jar? Where Edward's not the automatic bad guy?


....don't judge....


To read or not to read...

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 3:09 PM

Ok, I know we have had this discussion in the forest before, but I had not had reason to venture in to those fires, until now...

So I was reading a fic, it was going along pretty well.  I thought the writing was fine, not terrific, but not the worst I've read.  The story was moving along at a fast clip, then we get to the lemons.  They were fine, if not a bit over the top.  After it got to be a little excessive, I went to read up on the author...and found out she was a, younger, teenager (who states, in her bio, that she is, in fact...uh, a virgin).  I was mortified.  I don't know if I've read any other smut by an underage author (certainly not intentionally), but this makes me very uncomfortable. 

What do you, ladies do?  Do you immediatly flounce?  Do you give it a chance?  Do you review and explain to the author your issues?  I don't know...I think I am too uncomfortable to continue reading, but I wanted to ask my girls for advice! 


< I just discovered the plethora of pics of this man God...yum yum yum  :)


I like it, I love it, I want some more of it

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 2:13 PM

/Billy Ray. 

Somehow, someway, sometime, we all made our way here. Here, being the Twilight world and the Twilight fandom. Some of us have been here years, some days, and some somewhere in between. Friends rec'd it, we saw the movie(s), we stumbled upon it in Barnes and Noble, either way, we here.

Sure, there's stuff we don't like, stuff we'd change, and stuff we're all WTF about.

But we're here because we like it. Something drew us and kept us.

And I want to hear about what you like - what you still like. I don't want to hear about what you don't like - we can do a new campfire for that if you want.

So, for now, tell me what you love...


About Twilight? Why do you love it?

About Fan Fic? Why do you love it?

About the Fandom? Why do you love it?


I'll answer mine inside :D


Desperately Searching For A Fic

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 1:51 PM

I'm looking for a fic called "Fix It" that I read a very long time ago that has been gone from FFnet for a while. Here is a summary of the story (contains some spoilers) that someone wrote up a while ago.

Edward and Bella have been married since they graduated high school. B got pregnant w/twins right away. She stays at home, doesn't go to college. E goes to med school, meets Tanya while working at the hospital. T and E have a six month affair. E tries to break it off with T since he wants to work on his marriage to B. T shows up at E's and tells the kids she's going to be their new mommy in front of B. B throws E and T out. E goes to Em's and breaks down, confesses to the affair to his family. Alice beats down E. B files for divorce and kisses her neighbor. E flips out and beats down the neighbor. Etc, etc. Very angsty.

If you have any idea what the authors name is or if it was reposted elsewhere or if you saved it I'd really appreciate it. It was one of my favorite fics, so I'll do just about anything for it.

edit: A lot of people in the comments wanted to know how the story ended, so I'm making a comment in the thread with that. :)


Rec Me A Riddle

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 1:51 PM

Since I miss our Saturday rec campfires, I decided to host one myself!


And if you have your favorites posted, include a link to your profile page so we can stalk take a look at your general preferences.


Also looking for a fic :)

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 1:43 PM

Seems like a lot of us are in the same boat LOL!

I was updating my bookmarks the other day on my RIL list ...I ended up deleteing more than 100 fics either because the link showed they had been pulled from FFnet or because they hadn't been updated in nearly a year or more. It's so sad really... Although it is nce to see my RIL fics down to under 350 fics to read rather than the over 500 I had there recently!

Anyway I noticed there was no longer a fic on my list that I had been waiting to read - Sanctuary (Priestward). I cannot for the life of me remember who wrote it. I cannot find it on FFnet and I search twilighted when someone told me they thought it was over there, but no luck - not even on the forums.  (And it's not easy to search on twilighted!)

Can anyone help me out? Is it still posted somewhere? Does anyone remember who the author was? Was it ever completed?

FOund It - Thank you!


WIP just completed

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 10:19 AM

I just got to know that both Osa Bella and High Anxiety are now COMPLETE, except for the Epilogue.

Also The Wedding Party final chapter has been written pending posting...


Suddenly I have plenty of fics to read. YAY!


What other fics you know have recently completed? Sharing is caring ...


Another Pulled Fic?

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 9:56 AM

I went looking for La Serenade's fic 'Where Poppies Grow' today, and it's gone. Anyone know if it was posted elsewhere, or any information regarding this? And so we're clear, i'm not criticizing the author, i'm just surprised as i heard no mention of this.


To jog memories:


Summary: During World War II, Bella is a British spy in Paris, where she plays the part of a rich man's fiancee. Edward is a pianist living in France. Love strikes, but will Bella choose her love, or her duty? 


Thanks Guys!


Just F*cking Around

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 9:32 AM

Just censored Around is a new Twilight One Shot written by DreamsOfEdward1

Link: Just censored Around

Summary: In a world where social networks invade our daily lives, what happens when our daily lives invade our social networks? Edward will soon find out that answer when his favorite tweep becomes a reality. Features Mariamaral & Sparklingwand.

Characters: Edward/Bella

Rated: M

Catagories: Romance/Humor


Banner created by: LunaVengeance

ranger edit: please stop using "big 7" curse words on the front page!


Lazy Day Desktop Post

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 9:06 AM

This is easy. Show me yours.

Here's mine:


Looking for a fic!

Sunday October 3, 2010 at 8:09 AM

My first post here....


I'm looking for one fic for  few month, and I hadn't found it.

Chaostic summary (I wrote it a few months ago):


Vampires are hunting humans at day I think…, Bella and Edward are the best friends, at Charlie’s home they make love. Bella sees him as a vampire she runs to the church and Rose wants to kill E, but Bella stops her. E looks at her with confusion. He has golden eyes not red like other vampires. This story is written with two time lines one the past: E&B as friends, having sex, E is later dead. And present vampires are hunting humans.


Thanks for help! (If anyone knows this story).


Pre-Reader/Beta/Special Support Friend?

Saturday October 2, 2010 at 11:24 PM

Hey everyone. I don't post new campfires very much but here goes...


I already have a beta but I'm also looking for one or two people to pre-read chapters for me and give me some general feedback/support. Of course it has to be someone who actually likes the fic - I wouldn't want it to be horrific for you.

Anyways, if you're up for it just post in the campfire or PM me or something or other :)

~ Melie.

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