LJ Summers

Age of Edward Contest

Saturday October 9, 2010 at 5:56 AM

Okay, so I am being obnoxious, but I don't tweet Twilight so I don't pimp this stuff anywhere else and it's Free For All Friday even on Saturday morning.  

And I'm not just pimping my own entry, but also those of other Campers...some I cannot even name because they're anonymous! 


The Age of Edward contest is in the voting round right now.  In the story division – for which voting ends tomorrow – there are forty-four stories entered.  The top ten in each category (Young Adult and Literotica) will proceed to the Judges' Choice round.  For the banner contest, the voting continues until 10/16.  

We have Campers entered in each division, I know for a certain fact, and if you are not averse to voting in such contests, it'd be super if you would come read and admire and vote. :)  (And if you are averse to voting, reading and admiring is still appreciated. :) )

In the interests of Interactivity, if you could make a contest, what kind would you sponsor? 

And if you're entered into the story division of AoE, which story is yours?  

I just checked the rules and the banner artists are not going to be revealed until AFTER the contest. If you did a banner...are you allowed to say you did but not which one (like the anonymous story contests? If any of the AoE admins are about, maybe you could let us know. :) )


Kristen on The Tonight Show

Saturday October 9, 2010 at 5:50 AM

Kristen was on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night to promote Welcome to the Rileys, looking all sorts of fabulous...

here's a picture and a gif...the rest will be in the comments :)

Pictures in HQ thanks to http://Kris-stewart.org


Halloweentime : Show me the Decorations

Friday October 8, 2010 at 7:30 PM

I am a Halloween FANATIC!

Today I started my Dining Room decorations for the TWO Halloween Parties I am having, cause why just have one?  I'm doing a classic haunted mansion type theme but with emphasis on Skulls, Owls, and Lincoln, three scary things that I love (yes Lincoln in scary he hunted vampires and took down the South)..



Have you ever designed/decorated some cool rooms for Halloween?  What's your favorite theme?  Show me some pictures people. 

Years back I built a Giant Flux Capacitor:




And I did a Bat Cave back in 07, I wish i would have taken a picture of the 5 TVs I had stacked up but you can see my poster where I drew a map of gotham City and posted wanted posters of Gothams worse Criminals and put comic book panels.


Friday Night TMI Campfire

Friday October 8, 2010 at 7:24 PM

I want the most hilarious of your TMI stories. Like, bust a gut laughing.
(Possibly inspired from my recent discovery of Texts From Last Nite)

I'm going to share something from my husband's twitter in this campfire. Yup, he really wrote that.


This campfire is not starting 18+ but I'm kinda hoping it gets there really fast...



Friday October 8, 2010 at 7:18 PM



Disclaimer: You know the drill. Eternity with Aro. Touching you. Always touching you. 


The Hour

Friday October 8, 2010 at 7:08 PM

For all you Canadians out there, Jackson is on The Hour with George Strombolopolous tonight. As in right now, if you live on the east coast. That's right, Rathbone AND Strombo. You're welcome.


Story Idea

Friday October 8, 2010 at 6:52 PM

Ok i've had this great story idea and if i had the time or the talent to write it i would . So i'm leaving it here for you guys. I know they have the plot bunny Website for stuff like this but honestly i felt like ADF is my home base and i can't think of a better place to share this. but if none of you guys want it I'll give this little bunny up for adoption. So if you're interested I'll leave the idea inside in a comment. Some pretty for your time.

For the Kellan Lover's

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

For the Jayboner Lover's Image and video hosting by TinyPic For the Rob Lover's Image and video hosting by TinyPic



Friday October 8, 2010 at 6:18 PM

Ever heard of Steampunk? Chances are, even if you are currently scratching your heard in bewilderment, you have seen examples of it or at least its aesthetic.

I am not brave enough or knowledgeable enough to come up with my own definition, but instead provide a lovely one from http://TheClockworkCentury.com.

"Steampunk: An aesthetic movement based around the science fiction of a future that never happened. Recall, if you will, visions of the future that were written a hundred years ago or more. Think Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Mary Shelley, and the like — telling stories featuring technology that didn’t exist at the time, but might someday. Remember that they were writing with no idea of the microchip, or the internet, or (in some cases) the internal combustion engine. Therefore, in their versions of the future, the technology upon which society would eventually come to depend is driven largely by steam power or clockwork. Sometimes electricity is likewise invoked, but it’s often treated as quasi-magical due to the contemporary lack of understanding about how it behaved and what it could do.

 Steampunk could be considered a retro-futuristic neo-Victorian sensibility that is being embraced by fiction, music, games, and fashion. It is ornate and vibrant, and intricate. It believes that functional items can and should be beautiful."

I have always loved Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. Imagine my excitement when I discovered there was a whole subculture founded on celebrating them.

And the clothes and gadgets!

Fun times.

Recently (aka today) I found out that the next episode of Castle with my dearly beloved Nathan Fillion will feature steampunks and I am so pumped!

Ergo, this post.

So please, if you are a steampunk (in heart, in mind, or in practice) come inside. If you are curious but have no idea where to begin, come inside and ask. If you read the definition or watched the teaser and think I'm as mad as a hatter, please come in and enjoy a cup of tea. I promise it's not poisoned (much). Everyone is welcome.


I just don't get it...

Friday October 8, 2010 at 6:07 PM

So I would like to start off by saying that this is an ADULTS ONLY campfire!

Now, that I have laid that down, I have a question/confusion to present to the forest...

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of PORN?

Now, I love reading the smut as much as the next girl, and I can definitely appreciate the sexy and sensual pictures that pop up here in the forest and in the banners on Twilighted.  So I went on a fact-finding mission of sorts into the world of internet porn. 

Frankly, I just don't get it... Most of what I watched was the opposite of arousing (to me at least) and pretty boring!  What am I missing here?  I even went to the sites that supposedly cater to women instead of men.

So ladies (and men if you care speak up!), what is your opinion of porn?  What am i missing?  I just don't GET it!


Say hi!!

Friday October 8, 2010 at 4:19 PM

So i figure we always have the picture campfires or the vocaroo campfires.... so i decided to go one step further and do a video one! i hope this idea doesn't fail too hard     

Basically get your webcam or your mobile phone or whatever and say hi and stuff... show us your room and tell us some crap about yourself :) We want to see your face AND hear your voice! Punkfarie has promised me a video too so yay :) lol


Now it's your turn! please play with me so i don't look really lame and stuff

Attention Horror Fans!

Friday October 8, 2010 at 3:33 PM

Hey Campers!

The wonderful Ssarrahh1 and I are starting watchalongs of........

you guessed it horror movies.

We are looking for people who wish to join us, so this campfire is a meeting of sorts to discuss where we should do this (twitter, gchat, ADF)? What movies you guys would like to watch (please feel free to recommend any horror movies so we can add it to the list)? If we should do it more than once a week and what days should we do it?

Feel free to PM your email address so I can email you more details later on!


jack o lanterns

Friday October 8, 2010 at 2:50 PM


and something relatively easy as I am not a master of knives. but the easiness is not important.

but ideas, really.

backstory: you see I am entering a contest for carving pumpkins and with my team of 6, WE WANNA WIN.  the prize is having our pumpkin being showcased at a mall, which isn't really a big deal, but we're in it for bragging rights anyway!!! end of backstory

please and thankyou.

questions to get it started:

what was a really creative idea that you've really liked?

alright, never mind, i can't think of anymore questions.

i want epicness!!!


The hotness that is Rob

Friday October 8, 2010 at 1:53 PM

No words necessary.

More at Pattinsonlife (you have to be a member... and it's worth it).


Pumpkins Please!

Friday October 8, 2010 at 1:46 PM

We all know it is that time of year and we have chatted about Halloween costumes, music, movies and fics. I think it is time we talked Recipes.

Particularly pumpkin recipes.

Everywhere I look I see pumpkin this pumpkin that. I heard even Starbucks has a pumpkin latte.

I give you how pumpkin pies are made.

Sir Rachel


Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:28 PM

Duuuuuuude...how long has it been? I'm out of practice on making giant gushing campfires for it!


That's right. The fantabulous Jennyfly and Jandco updated



Go read and come back to discuss/panic with me!


dis iz a poast

Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:12 PM

I am bored and when I'm bored, I open up Paint (well, the mac equivalent....)


So, I challenge you all to

draw something




Chumbawumba, soundtrack to my life!

Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:07 PM

Make the soundtrack to your life in this campfire!

What is the song you wake up to in the morning?
What's the song you sing in the shower?
What's the song that gets you through a long day?
What song do you use to get ready to go out?
What song do you listen to while you're getting your drink on?
What song do you HAVE TO dance to?
What song puts you to sleep?

Mine'll be in the comments. :)



Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:01 PM




It's FRIDAY and I'm feeling a bit cheeky. 

         I wanna see the faces of all you lovely campers!

To make this fun, show me some different expressions.

They can be funny, cute, pretty... you decide!

If you don't wanna show your face, post a picture of your fave celeb making a funny face... like our dear Rob here

Mine are in the comments

Happy friday peoples!!!


Household Essentials

Friday October 8, 2010 at 11:18 AM

I'm being a bit cheeky here... And this is a pretty boring campfire, but if you could help me out - that'd be great.

I'm moving out on Monday. Now I like to think I've got everything I need to set up my new flat... but I've just got this niggling feeling that I've forgotten something major.

What are your essentials? What could you not live without?

Luna StarFire

Happy Horror Flicks

Friday October 8, 2010 at 11:08 AM

So I just watched this movie:


It was okay, 3 out of 5 stars I gave it on Netflicks.  
Show me trailers of your favorite horror/scary movies.  Mine will be in comments.
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