
Things That Go Bump In The Night

Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:36 AM


So it's that time of year, the roll up to Halloween, so I wanna know, what scares you the most?

What gives you goosebumps just thinking about it?

What makes your heart rate climb in fear?

What kicks your fight or flight reflex into overdrive?

And what just generally freaks you the hell out?

Also, what are you doing this Halloween? Anything fun?

mine'll be in the comments 


Oddball names

Friday October 8, 2010 at 12:03 AM

Myspace Glitter Graphics - http://www.sparklee.com

I've been wanting to post this all week, but I had decided to just be patient and wait for the FFFA.

I'm writing an original fic and I'm in desperate need of uncommon names for guys. I had a list at one point that had around 150 old fashion and uncommon names for guys, but it is nowhere to be found at the moment and from the small list I have made since then, I have no names left that I could use for this character. I'd just look online, but its like a needle in a haystack looking for odd names via google. :(


Also, if you have any ideas for last names, that would be fantastic, because I've lost that list too.


Thursday October 7, 2010 at 11:29 PM

Yahoo news has posted pics of the Denali clan for Breaking Dawn...I'd post them here but i havent a clue how to do that...the only ladies i approve of are Kate and maybe Carmen.

What are your casting oppinions?

Irina: Maggie Grace

Tanya: MyAnna Buring

Kate: Casey LaBow

Carmen: Mia Maestro


Furry Friends in Fics

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 11:05 PM

Hi there (((waves!)))

Long time lurker, fairly new poster, but this is my first campfire (eek!).

I'm a big animal lover and I'm sure I'm not the only camper who is.  Our pets are like members of the family, right?

Anyways, some of the fics I love have great pets in them.  Wallbanger comes to mind.  Who doesn't love Clive?  I mean, he's like a beloved character in that fic.

I'm always looking for fics to read (or re-read)...So, if you would be so kind, gimmie some fics that make great use of pets.

edited cuz i called clive clyde...omg- you coulda just left that in the comments!  LOL I so wouldn't have gotten offended! xo


Free for all

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 10:40 PM

Make it good this week. Let's go wild. Seriously. Go wild. We are up for it.  Take the fandom by storm. We have your back.



Become a Vamp! :)

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 9:43 PM

So, it's 12:43am here in North Cackalacky, meaning FFAF :)


Well, one of my roommates, Kayleigh and I were fiddling around on the website, Picnik earlier in the week and discovered the most incredible thing:

You can become a Cullen, like me

or a Volturi member, like my roomie.


It's this nifty little program they made specifically for Halloween coming up. Notice how Pocket Edward is in the spirit :)

I've been doing this to almost all my pictures for the past two days and just giggling like a school girl at the completed products.

I knew the moment I found it, I would be sharing here.

So, have any of y'all discovered this little knickknack? If you have, willing to let us see? :)


Time For Some Happeh

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 9:24 PM

There is always a bit of friendly (and sometimes not) comparisons between True Blood, Twilight, and Vampire Diaries.

I found this by accident and wanted to share.





You mission if you choose to accept it?

Find something just as silly.

(but on topic so I don't get scolded by the rangers again...)


Happy Partner Appreciation Day!

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 8:11 PM

It's Partner Appreciation Day here and and I would like to publicly appreciate my great boyfriend here and you should do the same!



Show us some pictures of you significant other! and one thing you

appreciate most about him/her!

Spread the Love guys!

(my pictures will be in comments)

Approved by Tor.


Caius / Actor Casting

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 7:59 PM

Ok please don't bite my head off for this(having someone from the HP mentioned) but after seeing who played Caius in the movie were you also a little disappointed? I pictured someone older although i might be off and he might have been cast appropriately  age wise, to me he looked like a 13year old boy. I don't know why but I honestly felt he was the only one that looked out of place. To be honest I pictured Jason Issac's  especially after seeing him in the H.P movies. I think Jason had that condesending look perfected. Can't you picture him with red eyes dressed in volturi garments. Or am I reaching for stars here?





Some call him master, Some call him a mess

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 7:27 PM






wolvesnvamps chiming in


god i know

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 7:13 PM

im totally overloading on campfires and i swear dis is the last one til you beg ...


but i found this pic and there´s a girl here who´s always posting it and here´s a different view on it for yo pleasure ...



Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Life As We Know It

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 6:32 PM

Pardon if this was already a campfire...you ladies are uber fast and i am uber slow at catching up hahhah!


Well the movie coming out with the beautiful Josh Duhamel and Katherine Heigl, in case anyone already hasn't seen the previews, is about two people who come together after they're made guardians of their friend's kid after they die in a car crash(?).  Anyway with the fun-ness (yes i made up that word) of the plot, I wanted to know is there a fic in our twi-world like this? Please leave links to stories if they're around, I'd love to read them. And if not, you noble authors out there, can you please write it cuz i wanna read it, LOL!! I ask with the kindness of my heart :)

And for your time....i give you some hottness from Mr. Duhamel


Banner Designer

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 6:30 PM

Hey campers,

I'm looking for a new banner and haven't been able to reach my go to gal, Danny, at Twispired blog design.  Do you have a favorite designer you've always admired or someone you'd like to reccomend?



Many thanks,


(hoping this is ok to post)


yo kiddos

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 6:09 PM

does anyone remember the name of a oneshot that contained the game happy happy hippos (or at least a sentence that contained happy happy hippo and em and rose in the background) where bella and edward are dating and bella is wondering if he´s really as posh as he seems or if its an act for her to seem more mature.  something about black and white movies. its cute as bunnies and if it´s by americnxidiot' i´ll freakin cry cos she hates me and pulled her fics before I could evily dl them on my computer for airplane rides ...


need happy fic recs pls

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 5:30 PM

i am hunt peck typing b/c i fractured both my wrists and can't type well. i wld appreciate happy fluffy sexy fun fics that will help me keep my mind off of not bein able to write or update my fic.

this was me yest. on happy pills. at lst it matched.

i feel awful that i can't and i am getting depressed just sittin her hurting. any ideas?



Back from a Holiday

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 4:44 PM

Some how during the start of this year I just stopped reading Fanfic altogether, not because I was bored with it, not because I was overly busy, nothing, I just stopped reading called turkey. I just kept on visiting ADF, weird right?

Anywhoo, I would like to get back on the FanFic bandwagon but I need a little kick start!

What would you say are the biggest and greatest fics in the last 6 months?

I know It's a big ask, but I would love the help!


omnnomnom Michael Pitt


Spammy music campfire

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 2:11 PM

Havent done one of this in ages...

Hi, this is a spammy music campfire. Post any music you like here, whether it be the song you've had in you head all day, the musician you're obsessed with or an old classic you love :D

 I've had this in my head all day
 and yeah love this sfm

approved by wolvesnvamps


University of Edward Masen?

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 1:52 PM

So I was minding my own business, browsing through my favorites list on ff.n when I came across SR's University of Edward Masen, which now has only 3 chapters... the first 2 and the epilogue.   Does anyone know what happened to it or if it can be accessed in full anywhere else?


The General-Writerly-Advice Campfire

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 12:14 PM

Since we have so many talented writers around here...

Today when I was finishing the newest chapter of my story, I ran into this one annoying thing that I couldn't quite get right and I thought, "Hey, I have access to a ton of awesome writers here. I should ask them how to fix this."

Is there something you always have trouble with? Something you don't ever feel like you can get just right? Some part of the writing process that's really hard for you, but shouldn't be? Ask about it here.

Writers, come share your advice!

(Mine's in the comments).


Hi! It's Autumn

Thursday October 7, 2010 at 10:56 AM

Hello lovely fabby campers!

It is AUTUMN! I love love love AUTUMN! We need a nice new background that shows off some incredible fall foliage. Got any ideas for us? Put 'em in the comments. Thank you in advance-MWAH!

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