Sir Rachel

High Noon!

Monday October 11, 2010 at 4:54 PM

Drop everything and go read...J and J have updated again!

Chapter 16 of High Noon!

Then come panic discuss with me!


Monday Request Campfire

Monday October 11, 2010 at 3:57 PM


Are you new and need something besides a generic camper icon?

Just ask!

Need a Beta?

Tell us what you write and ask!

Want to read something new?

Tell us what type of fic you are looking for!

Want someone to rec you a good book?

What types of books do you like? Someone will fill your order!

Have questions about making campfires, ADF or the twiverse in general?


Our faithful and wonderful campers are ready and willing to help fill your needs.

Welcome to the Monday Request Campfire!

The Hat Does Nothing

One Time in Band Camp...

Monday October 11, 2010 at 3:55 PM

So As Per Usual;
I Just Started Showing My Forest Love Again.
And Now I'll Be M.I.A. For A Bit *pout* 


Yeah, Ive Already Heard The Jokes From My Friends.
I'll Be Gone As Of Tomorrow Until About Dinner Time Thursday.
A Whole Week Away From you Lovely Ladies...
Side Note;
Are There Any Guys On Here? Tell Me! I Wanna Know!

Anyways, But I Honor Of My Adventure,
Does Anyone Have An Band/Music Camp Stories?
High School Trips That Were So Amazing?
Camping With Family Stories They Wanna Share?
Or Better Yet - Any Fanfics That Are Great that Have To Do With
Camping, Band Camp, Or High School Trips?

Do Share! & Dont Forget To Let Me Know About The Gender!
I Wanna Know If The Forest Has Been Visited By Males Yet.

(Oh, For Those Wondering; Yes Im In High School - Senior Year :) )


buffy episode 2.09 "ted"/wtEmoc

Monday October 11, 2010 at 3:45 PM

lol john ritter and also D': john ritter

i know i've been MIA

sorry, busy and i gotta go again, i just wanted to put this up today 'cuz i felt bad

despite the fact that like, 5 of you are actually doing this

you people who don't comment in my buffy threads or who have gone on to watch on your own

thanks a bunch for not commenting in my buffy campfires

brb volterra


Imperfectly Perfect

Monday October 11, 2010 at 1:01 PM

Is it complete?


FF Sneak Peek

Monday October 11, 2010 at 11:20 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~

LJ Summers

Niceward Fics

Monday October 11, 2010 at 8:52 AM

The dangerous guys are exciting, yeah...

But really, the one a lot of girls would rather hang on to is the NICE guy.  The one they trust, who behaves honorably and doesn't mess with their heads or disregard their feelings. 

nice guy

So today, I'm looking for a compilation of NICEWARD fics.  The boy/man you want to bring home to meet the folks. The Edward who is just a darling and someone you can trust without reservation.  Because he's a great guy.

I know one right off the top of my little head and will rec him in just a sec within the fire.  Which stories contain the best Nicewards for you?

Thank you for sharing your favorite Niceward fics around the fire!


P.S. Remember, there are now 53 categories of fics on the MASTER FIC LIST!  If you or someone you know is looking for a particular kind of fic, chances are VERY GOOD we've got a list just for that wish!


Oh, the Horror!

Monday October 11, 2010 at 7:37 AM

Hello Campers!

Lababykarla and I wanted to give one last opportunity for campers who were interested in joining us in the horror movie watchalong. We want anyone and everyone to join in on the fun, and it should also be a great way for everyone to meet new people and bond!

We received a lot of feedback from Friday night's campfire but we are still looking for people who wish to join us, so this campfire is a meeting of sorts to discuss where we should do this (twitter, gchat, ADF)? What movies would you guys would like to watch (please feel free to recommend any horror movies so we can add it to the list)? If we should do it more than once a week and what days should we do it? Also, stating any time discrepancies would help in deciding when we should do this thing....

Feel free to PM lababykarla or I your email address so we can email you more dets later on!



The cuteness continues

Monday October 11, 2010 at 12:54 AM

She looks pretty adorable here.  Aw, look:  handsies.


FFn Fail

Sunday October 10, 2010 at 8:24 PM

So, it looks like FFn has crashed on us again. Why can't it ever do this when I am asleep and don't care? How am I supposed to get through the day without my fix?

Ok, let's keep ourselves entertained whilst the monkeys at FFn are fixing it.

Shoot, shag or marry, Twilight style:

Paul, Sam, Embry

Carlisle, Charlie, Billy

Edward, Emmett, Jasper

Ben, Mike, Tyler

Aro, Caius, Marcus



*edit* WOOHOO, FFn is back online. Regardless, this is fun - keep playing!


find my campfires?

Sunday October 10, 2010 at 6:59 PM

Is there a way for me to find the campfires that I have started?  I had a campfire with suggestions for a Bite Me playlist.  It was before you could "favorite" a campfire.  Anyway, I copied and pasted all the awesome suggestions and then what happens?  My freaking computer crashed!

please, please, rangers!  can someone help me?  for old times sake? : )


for your trouble.......



Avatar...not the movie

Sunday October 10, 2010 at 5:23 PM

Hi All- Happy Sunday!

Am all over the place these days with my avi. At first I had a delightful gif of Mr. Pattinson on Ellen gesturing as only Rob can. Then like a kid in a candy store, became obsessed with finding other ones, because there is just too much pretty out there, and have been changing mine every few days since... 

So am curious campers- what makes you stick with your avatar? Was it a long search or did you just know when you found it? And are you all gif savvy, or is there some avi angel out there that makes yours for you? I ask because, seriously some of these avatars are ridonkulously entertaining and often distract me from the topic at hand (is that...who...what pic of Rob is that?! That gif is moving too fast!). 

And, of course, the big question- what prompts a change???? Loving WTVOC's Edmund avi -yesssssssss!  How is Rob even hot in cartoon form?! And on the topic of holidays, is there any kind soul out there, more tech savvy then I, willing to halloween pimp an avi- maybe add a pumpkin or spiders to a gif for your fellow campers? Or give us the heads up on how to do just that. Lettuce discuss inside.

By the by, for those new to the forest, if you want to change your avi, head on over to the control panel (icon with the check marks) and upload your fav pic- if you google 100x100 twilight avi's, like I have a million times this last week, there are tons of great pics out there.

For your time...



Thank you WTVOC!!!!!!!!!


TMI / Chat Campfire!

Sunday October 10, 2010 at 5:11 PM

Hey Campers!

Omg I'm so tired I feel kinda loopy and no it's not the wine, it's the result of an all too busy weekend (tho the wine probably isn't helping).

But... I have stuff on my mind so let's chat before I pass out fall asleep.

It's TMI time!

No judgment

No holding back

Nothing is too personal


Fluent in Sarcasm

LOST: My Mind... joking, looking for Fic

Sunday October 10, 2010 at 1:35 PM

Ok Guys and Gals, this is my very first campfire so be NICE!

I would like to pick all of your minds to try and find this story, i find it only appropriate to ask permission first....


Ok so Bella is married to James, who was oh so charming whilst dating, but as soon as he had a ring on her finger turned into a possessive and abusive husband, isolating her, keeping tabs on her, expecting receipts and library tickets to account for any time she is not with him or in the house, keeping it and herself immaculate. weighing her and dictating what she wears to ensure that she is how he wants her to be.

Bella feels repressed, but fears him too much to leave and James  wants baby, Bella doesn't want any ties to him more than there is so goes and get birth control shots on the sly, nurse sees bruises, informs Dr, Dr is Carlise, he says that he will support her to escape Bella, so they plan a Sleeping with the Enemy escape via death faking, with the help of Esme, Carlise and their nephews Emmett and Edward.

 Bella is nursed back to health by Esme and Carlise, she fleas across country, and live in the house next door to Edward, although they don't recognize each other at first.

As Bella's body is not found, James isn't convinced of her death, so hires P.I., who finds Bella, and tells James, James comes after etc. Cant remember what happens in the end. I do remember that James always played a certain song when he expects Bella to sleep with him, something with monster in the title?!?

Wow that was long, sorry for rambling on, I'm hoping that this rings bells with someone, it is a completed fic which was on, hope this makes sense to most of you! Those of you who miss their minds the most as I do.

OK, am going to go hide behind something now..... even though you cant actually see me anyway... still.


Thanks to LJ Summers and Jennyfly  for their help and guidence x


Anna Kendrick

Sunday October 10, 2010 at 12:13 PM

So i was doing a little cleaning today and found some old tapes of mine and i stumbled across a favorite movie of mine called Camp. it's basically like camp Rock but less fluffy and so much better and it was made first any way I started to watch it and what do you know Anna Kendrick is in it I've never really paid attention but i haven't actually seen this movie since twilight so i may have forgot about some of the Characters any way there a scene in here where she sings and man i didn't know Anna was a little power house that being said i just wanted to share this LOL


Tell me what you lurve

Sunday October 10, 2010 at 10:30 AM

I was wondering, when you read a fic, what makes you sigh and say "now *this* is why I read fanfiction"? Tell me what makes you weak in the knees, on the edge of your seat, makes your heart pitter-pat, or just tickles your fancy in general.

Is it a particular type of genre? Maybe you love a good action story, or a tear-jerking romance, or a suspenseful mystery. Sometimes you just need a good laugh with something completely crackfic. 

How about lemons? Does the citrusy goodness make you happy? Do you love the way the UST teases you?

Come on in, rest a spell, and tell me what you love. I will start the love-fest. 


amnesia post!

Sunday October 10, 2010 at 9:02 AM

hola - im lookin for a oneshot!  Bella just moved to Forks and wants for the first time a normal high shool experience.  she has a crush on Eddieboy who has ag girlfriend in port angeles named Heidi.  There´s prom, mike getting drunk and throwing up and corsages being thrown and stomped on.  Then knight in shining armour beind Edward and he saves the night and they´ve spent the semester talking about Boston .. ring anybells?


Alternate Twilight Castings

Sunday October 10, 2010 at 8:54 AM

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the casting as it is.

But it doesn't hurt to think 'what if', right? So please share your suggestions. It can be 'The Cullen family and The Pack', or characters that come'n go. (Victoria, Emily, etc...) Or you can just say you're not happy with one particular actor and not give a replacement suggestion, that's OK too. And also, you can praise someone you thought was casted good. 

Me? Oh, alright, I'll start.

I think she would have made a good Esme. I mean, I know she is redhead, and her... eyes are a bit too pretty, but she's just how I'd imagine Esme. I think Elizabeth Reaser is doing a good job though. (I'm just jealous of Hendricks' body. I'm a bit too small and Brazilian to have those... arms. You perv.)


Another thing:I thought I was gonna hate Maria no matter what. Really. But I'm quite happy with the casting now. I mean, Catalina is just so... babyfaced. She makes me wanna ruffle her hair more than yelling "HANDS OFF MY MAN, BITCH."



Sunday October 10, 2010 at 2:41 AM

Ok, so I signed into Tumblr for the first time today. I am planning on a no-holds-barred, this is me kinda deal. I'm not telling anyone I know in real life about it. If no-one follows it, I don't really care. It's just nice to put that stuff out there.

It got me thinking, whilst having a glass of wine on this lovely Sunday night, what would be the first thing each of the Twilight characters would post on their personal blog/tumblr?



Sunday October 10, 2010 at 2:13 AM

Does anyone know the status of Behind Enemy Lines?  I remember it was pulled for editing a long while back, and I've been hoping for some kind of sign ever since.  I can't even express how much I loved that fic. 

First --- | >> | 1008 | 1009 | 1010 | 1011 | 1012 | 1013 | 1014 | 1015 | 1016 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
