

Friday October 15, 2010 at 9:44 AM

Eek! It's my first campfire -- and my first nanowrimo!

National Novel Writing Month starts on November 1st. The mission: write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days.The story about how this amazing program developed is fascinating. It started in San Francisco in 1999 with 21 participants; more than 167,000 wrote their hearts out in 2009, and more than 32,000 of those achieved the 50K goal. (Sara Gruen's Water for Elephants started as a nanowrimo manuscript!)

There was a nanowrimo campfire back in April, when I had no idea whether I'd be able to participate this year. Now I'm signed up, working on my outline, and looking for writing buddies from the Forest.

Are you climbing Mount Nanowrimo this year? Have you participated in the past? Any advice?


ETA: Edited to adhere to ADF policies, with my apologies.


You lika ze International?

Friday October 15, 2010 at 9:18 AM

If you're a movie buff like myself-and tbh, who doesn't love a good movie?- I can't go without learning about new films. If IMDB wasn't around, I have no idea what I would do. And because I study Media Studies at college, film is pretty much my life right now.

However, I want to know your favourite films that aren't in English. I am obsessed with French films atm, and they are my favourite non-english films to watch.

My favourites:


Show me your favourite(s)! Any Country, any language. I wanna watch some more.

Tu comprends? :)


Fine Monkey Lovin

Friday October 15, 2010 at 9:09 AM

Oh yeah, Im at it again. Its time for that weekly update of that darlin lil fella most of you know as "Jasper" but many of us know as the fuel for our(spank banks) imaginations...

Sooo....He has been up to quite a few things this week, an interview with this guy on Canadian TV.


Jackson as a football player? Hmmm 

I could see that...maybe.

But in other news, the movie "Truckstop" is rumored to be up in the air due to funding issues and word is that our favorite young man is looking into making a movie called,"The Amazing Mr. Jones". Now ya'll might want to be sitting down for the next part of this lil bit of news...

The movie is about an older woman looking to change her life by finding her first "O" via placing an ad on Craigslist for a younger man...volia! Jackson....I may or may not have spent the last few days perusing ads shopping for younger men..

Dont know about you guys, but I would damn sure have my butt in a seat to see that one. Rumors are that they are searching for the right actress...I would do that for FREE!

The Monkeys played their last concert of the season in LA at the Roxy on Sunday and word is they rocked the house hard! They are going to be doing a huge to do in Austin for New Years and if I wasnt soo broke, my butt would be there, but alas, I will be sitting in my crappy apartment, lusting from afar. But for those of you lucky enough, go to their website and buy the package, its gonna be a hell of a night!


Here is the improv song from the night at the Roxy...just watch him dance...ahhhh!
The DVD of the concert tour will be out before Christmas according to bandmate Ben Graupner, and the boys will be touring in the South throughout the winter while our favorite fella is busy filming. Enjoy the view Southern gals!
 That is all for this week...but with "The Amazing Mr. Jones" rumors to fuel your imaginations, what more do you need?

Stumped by the Little Blue Birdie

Friday October 15, 2010 at 8:57 AM

Soo...    TWITTER

I have been trying to get the hang of this thing for forever now, but not really succeeding.

So I have questions for you twitter pros:

1) What’s with that “#” hash tag thing?

2) How often is too often to tweet? Is there even such a thing as too often?

3) What do you do when you really want to comment on someone’s tweet but feel creepy doing so?

4) What is this whole #90daycult thing?


Also, if you wanna follow me, I’ll follow you back (same name as my name here).
I am always looking for new people to follow! :)
How cute is this>>>>

FYT (My recent obsession... Cedric):



I'm Liz Parker and five days ago I died.

Friday October 15, 2010 at 8:52 AM

All of us are here because we love fandom.  We read fanfics, we visit websites, heck, we even discuss it in chats.  So, the other night I had the itch to revive some old dvds of mine.  I sat back and re-watched a couple of episodes from season 1 of Roswell.  I had forgotten how good that show was.  It's like Twilight (the first book) but with no Mary Sues.  I loved Liz Parker and Max Evans.  They (and the show) were what led me to start reading fanfiction.

What I want to know from you is what show brought you to fandom/fanfiction?  What show did you think got the short end of the stick and was cancelled/ended prematurely?  If you were to bring back a show, how would you continue it?

p.s. For those who've seen Roswell before, don't you think there are a lot of similarities between the show and Twilight?  Who else thinks SMeyer may have seen the show before?

Max Evans and Liz Parker are too busy making out to thank you for your time.


I'm in love with my professor

Friday October 15, 2010 at 8:10 AM

I'm going to work in 10 minutes so I thought I'd leave you with this little nugget of information.

I'm not, y'know, actually in love with him. But... I do sit on the front row every week so I can get a good look at what he's packing in the downstairs department. *cough*

And I do hang onto every word he says.

And when he says stupid jokes I gigglesnort so loudly and people look at me so strangely.

I don't know how I'm going to cope next week, when we have a seminar together and there'll only be 10 people buffering us, instead of the usual 160. I might.. you know, spontaneously combust with lust.

There is evidence of my obsession within the campfire, because there are words on it that aren't suitable for the front page...

Please note: I feel like I should add that I... wouldn't... y'know, actually do anything with the man. I can look and not touch, right?

Now, I know this is a strange campfire. But I'm a strange person. I want to know who you stalk in the name of love? Or... you know, just someone that you really really really like... Which, y'know, is inappropriate.



Friday October 15, 2010 at 7:23 AM

When you put your iPod on shuffle you should really want to listen to every song, right?  Because it's supposed to be compiled of all the songs you like.  Lately, I find myself skipping songs like crazy.  So, what's some of your favorite songs to listen to?  I like pretty much all genres I just need some new stuff.


Big up the fics!

Friday October 15, 2010 at 7:09 AM

I'ma be honest and say I've started this campfire for me...yup I know, selfish to the max.



I want you to tell me about your latest story, or maybe your favourite one, that YOU write.

I want you to tell me why I, and every one else, should read YOUR story over every one elses.

Be shameless, be ruthless (but not mean, come on guys) and pimp it like it's going out of fashion.

It can be Twilight fanfiction or HP or Mortal Instruments or anything else you want. Hell it can be original fiction if you're so inclined.

So long as it's yours, and you love it.

Mine will be in the comments :)

also I just found this: and it made me all sorts of 'cited for this film :)



Friday October 15, 2010 at 6:42 AM

Soo, i was given three days off this week (in addition to the weeken) yay! 

alas, i have run out of things to do. and im bored!

so to cure this boredom, i turn to my old faithful, Cullen's Island, but find its not on! the shock, the horror! but, luckily, i find it on here! yayyy! but yet more shock, its not the whole story! WHYYY ISNT IT THERE?! I NEEEEED IT. and jandco, if you're reading this, i adore this story with a fiery passion, and would love it if you could put the ending up? please and thankyou :D

but yeahh, to open this up a bit, and make it slightly less selfish, what do you guys do when youre bored? dyou have a fic thats guranteed to cheer you up? or one that just occupies you enough not to be bored anymore.. or is there a tv show, or movie you always watch? tell me anything and everything!


I didn't know....

Friday October 15, 2010 at 6:09 AM

That humans actually peel bananas incorrectly.  If you watch primates (which are gorillas, chimps, and orangs, for those of you not up on the biological anthropology lingo) they peel from the "bottom" up to the stem so the top doesn't get all mushy.  Wonder why we started doing it backwards?

Please share with me any random information you have--I love learning new things!!!

I'm awesome at Pub Quiz, as long as the Blue Moon isn't flowing...



Friday October 15, 2010 at 6:06 AM

Just a quick little campfire on FFA, I am going through who I am following and getting rid of the peeps that I do not talk to personally or don't really know.

If I have accidently removed any forest dwellers please let me know, either here or @ me. I am @jennydemons4eva on twitter.


101 reasons why I heart him

Friday October 15, 2010 at 4:24 AM

Ok, so I know that we are allowed to post whatever we want, but...

I'm a devoted member of The Forest because I love Edward Cullen. He is beautiful and makes me ******* swoon. I could watch Robward play the piano all day, but would probably end up as a puddle on the floor. Thank Summit for DVD extras.

Of course, the boy is flawed. He is controlling and holier-than-thou and impulsive.


What I want to know is... what do you love most about Edward? If you like, an alternative Q is who is your favourite AH Edward?

It's an EC love-in, people. Get to it.



Friday October 15, 2010 at 4:15 AM

There's nothing wrong with taking yourself less seriously!!!  And this is not a campfire to come fish for compliments.  While I don't think that people should beat themselves up, or think badly of themselves... I also don't think that there is a darn thing wrong with just fessing up to the things we suck at.


Please do NOT come in and insult others. 


What do YOU suck at?  (Mine will be in the first comment.)




Parenting Advice

Friday October 15, 2010 at 3:56 AM

I have seen a few campfires where the campers have mentioned their kids. I was surprised by how many mommies there are on here.

Parenting isn't easy as I think all of us know and sometimes we get lost and don't know how to handle certain situations that arise with our kids.

This is an Advice Campfire- For those seeking advice and those willing to give it.

Post your questions/ concerns in the comments and let's see what kind of advice we get.

I'll start with mine.

To make it fun and not as serious, we could also add a picture of the child we are talking about. It would be cool to see what everyones kids look like.


***I am starting this for purely selfish reasons. I need help!! Unfortunately, I have to work today from 9am to 9pm and I can't get on the forest at work. :( I will be unable to answer any comments until then, but I am hoping other campers will join in to help out.


Beauty Product Advice

Friday October 15, 2010 at 2:22 AM

Hey Campers! Happy free for all!

This is a beauty product advice campfire!

I am a complete product-a-holic! I have exploding bathroom cupboards full of all sorts of stuff I buy, if I see it in a magazine and it is going to make me prettier, skinnier, make my hair shiny, make my eyes sparkle, I will buy it! You get the picture! However the problem is that loads of stuff I buy just gets wasted because it just doesn't work!

Since there is nothing better than personal recommendations, come on in to this campfire and tell everyone if there are any products you would strongly recommend that you have found do exactly what they are supposed to do!

Likewise, if you have any beauty problems, post them in here and hopefully someone will be able to recommend something to help you out!


"Always remember that true beauty comes from within — from within bottles, jars, compacts, and tubes"


Help me !!

Friday October 15, 2010 at 2:21 AM

Hello girls happy friday !! I'm technically challenged so need your help ! pretty please? the problem is I have just noticed that the images on every websites that I'm visiting  are of low quality ! I was going through my  and my friends facebook photo albums ,same problem !  all the images are blurry ! I don't know what to do..first I thought it's my browser (firefox) but then I tried chrome/opera but to nothing please lovelies help me? Thanks so much in advance! 

Sir Rachel

Night Owl Chat

Friday October 15, 2010 at 1:17 AM

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center?

What is the meaning of life?

What is your quest?

What is your favorite color?


Come chat with me. Here in the central time zone it's 3:00

Pi time at the precise moment I type this, actually. 3:14

Are you up late? Is it morning for you?

What're you up to?

I personally just painted my fingernails black and am sitting watching the Fellowship of the Ring.

Drop by and say hi!


Contractions in fics

Friday October 15, 2010 at 12:40 AM

Do you use them, avoid them, cringe when you read them, point them out when you see then or tsk when you see them? Betas anyone?

 I read a lot of fics and I do have to say that I get turned off a lot when I see an absence of contractions. Especially in dialogue because I'm a read out loud person sometimes and it has to flow and contractions make it flow. Everyone uses them. I see them in books all the time but I see them misisng in a lot of fics. I don't think it sounds trashy or uneducated (heck best sellers have them so something is right about them. Right?) So what's the deal in fics? Is it a personal thing? A quirk you do but your beta makes you get rid of for a fan fic?  I doubt most speak that formally in conversation and I definitely know my thoughts aren't that formal.

I see dialogue where a character goes:

"I do not know where she went and I can not understand how she could not tell us where she was going" Edward referring  to Bella.

Please tell me I just have really bad grammar because I'm cringing like nails on a chalkboard and thinking that should have been caught by someone and changed to "don't, can't and couldn't" so it flows better and so Edward doesn't sound so robotic.

I mean writing is honing your skills but it's not academia writing so why are so many fics somehow above contractions and lose them? Does it just depend on the author - if they don't want to or is it the beta who says no and they change it?

Grammar rules aside it's suppose to be similar to real life right? Normal conversation right? I can't imagine even the most upper crusty person not thinking in contractions or busting out a few verbally. No matter what sort of intellectual topic you are discussing some contractions are going to fly so if that conversation was transcribed why wouldn't the contractions be there? Except okay in a formal setting but sitting around the kitchen table talking shop and politics contractions right?


Original Fiction

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 11:11 PM

I love my forest.

      You all keep me in stitches and I enjoy the thought provoking insanity that runs rampant.

             I was wondering if you can rec me some original fic stories.

                   I believe there is a site for that-has anyone gone there? 

                          I have visited the writers' coffee shop but don't know what to look for. 

                                 I am willing to give anything a peek with a rec. 

                                       I am looking to branch out.

                                                Where should I start?

                                                          Have any of you  posted in the original fic world?


Thank You campfire

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 11:00 PM

I have been waiting several days to make this campfire. I'm to lazy to ask for permission so... yeah


Today I checked the mail to find not one but two packages for moi.

1. A very cute/sexy costume from the lovely glasscannon


2. Beautiful gold flats from shc92

So I wanted to say thank you ladies for the amazing gifts.

And to all the other beauties who have participated in freecycling. Kindness knows no bounds here in the forest.

So thank you all, for the laughs and love.


Use this post to thank the people of the forest for whatever you want.


ETA: edwardsmyangel, thank you for being so patient with me. I have NOT forgotten about you. You will get your gift soon. I promise.

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