
Harry Potter Shipmates

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 10:54 PM

So, in the twi fandom there are your obvious canon ships (E/B, Em/R, J/A, etc.) and there are those of us that say, "Screw canon!"  And ship Edward/Jasper or Jasper/Bella or Bella/Jake (arguably canon, but let's not go there 'cause that's not what this campfire is about) or any other lovely ship your pretty little mind can come up with.  Harry Potter is similary rife with fans who swear by all things canon and those, like myself, that think the epilogue should be fudged with a little bit.

So... what's your Harry Potter ship and... wait for it.... tell me WHY!!!

My ships will be in the comments.

The Offspring

Young Adult Books

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 10:50 PM

So, about a month ago, I started reading this really great series. About Faeries. Yes, that's how it's spelled. It's the Old English spelling.

Anyhoo, this series is now being turned into a movie. Next Year. YAY!!!! The series is called Wicked Lovely. Here are the book trailers. (Two of them are from the publisher. One of them wasn't there. The other one I thought was cool.)

So tell me your thoughts.

your favourite poem?

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 10:36 PM

the title pretty much says it all.

share it with us? :D


ranger PSAs and you: how to participate, ADF-style

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 10:22 PM

Halloween Logo Maker -


so here's the deal, campers!

every week, we here in the forest encourage you to post whatever the hell you want starting at midnight friday (eastern) and on through saturday, 5pm.  so... make a campfire on any topic you wanna discuss, no ranger permission required!  

for the next 43 hours, you can post anything you want without paging a ranger.  normally, the rule is that you can make a campfire as long as it's something twilight (books, movies, cast, fanfictions, uhh etsy accounts), but we also love harry potter, true blood/SVMbuffy the vampire slayer and all vampires/werewolves/other supes.  if you're unsure, just ask one of us!

any other time, you can ask to post off-topic campfires by paging a ranger- just click on the smokey the bear icon up in your forest taskbar.  message any of the rangers there- wolvesnvamps, jennyfly, tor, jandco, emibella, jennday, grownasswoman, capricornnumbers, littlesecretnumbers, or me, wtvoc.  

 but..... during the free for all, anything's cool.

a few notes: 

-please don't use a naughty word (refer to george carlin's big seven if you don't know what they are, but i'd say "piss" is okay) in your campfire.  cussin' in the comments is fine and dandy, but we'd like to keep it safe for people who may just be innocently clicking on the forest while at work or school or at church or whatever.

-no personal attacks!  please, espouse your opinion freely.  you can start a campfire about how much wtvoc's fanfiction sucks or that you just don't like certain websites.  but don't insult a person in this fandom directly, dude.  not cool.  we've banned for that before, so don't think we're just saying that.  celebs have lawyers and PR specialists to protect their feelings through litigation.  Suzie Q Fanfiction Author does not.

-if you want to link to other twilight universe websites (including blogs and contests), please ask first.  it's in the rules, but people ignore that one all the time.  

-have fun with campfires!  it bums me out when i wake up in the morning and the first campfire i see is the same one i saw when i went to bed the night before.  you don't have to have something that will generate over a hundred comments.  there's always going to be someone who responds to you!

now, on with the freeforall.  we rangers have a pretty special surprise coming up for you guys, and i will say that if more people are participating this weekend that we might roll it out earlier than expected.

suggestions for great topics: new music, harry potter, my hottie is better than your hottie, beauty products/advice, young adult books, what to be for halloween.  what say you create a campfire right now, and make your ole uncle wtvoc happy today?

now, any questions, comments, suggestions, offers of gifts to the wtvoc is broke fund can go in this campfire.

bellatrix and lucius thank you for your time.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


A While Back

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 7:25 PM

I mentioned I'd discovered a good sci fi book and hoped it was going to be made into a movie.

Well guess what?

 It is!

I. Am. Excited.


Here is the trailer:


What are the books would you like to see brought to the big screen? What movies are you looking forward to? (Besides Harry Potter, duh)


(Approved by wtvoc)


Halloween Fun

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 6:06 PM


Mine is pretty bad but you'll need to join sarrahh1 and me in the campfire to see it.

Edit: Come tell us your favorite and least favorite costume...

Approved by jennyfly


STRIKE! YOU'RE OUT! (of fic diving)

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 5:07 PM

So, as some of you are probably aware, it's playoff season for baseball! And my team is still in it (GO GIANTS!). Annnyyyywaaayyyy...

All this baseball excitement lately has got me a little riled up for the boys in the tight pants with long bats, playing with balls, hitting home runs... (I meant that all strictly baseball-speaking... right?).

I've tried fic diving a little for some BaseballWards, but, uh, that just kind of made me want to throw up or laugh until my spleen burst. So, I need a little help. Rec me your Catcherwards and Pitcherwards, your Rounding-Third-BaseWards, your Team-Managerwards.

Any -Wards with any baseball affilliation! I know there are Hockeywards (I've loved on them), Tenniswards, QBwards... but where are the BaseballWards?!

And, in the meantime, a little playoff fever, perhaps--who's your team? Are they in the playoffs, did they get there, or were they knocked out? Who are you rooting for now?


*first campfire, but I think since it's Twi/fic related I'm okay posting, right?*

*I'd post a little something FYT, but I'm techno-challenged about finding links and stuff, especially from my folders*


Backin' up

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 4:06 PM

Post me some funny. We've seen tattoos, we've seen things that make us want to run and hide. Now share your funny or your what the*$%# pics, videos, or stories.

Here's my contribution.  This lady is too funny.  I think she'd be a hoot to be friends with.  In fact, I feel like I know someone like her already.

approved by the lovely and talented wtvoc and gaw - yeah I was impatient. :)



episode 2.15 "phases"

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 3:02 PM

Well, I like you. You're nice, and you're funny, and you don't smoke. Yeah, okay, werewolf, but that's not all the time. I mean, three days out of the month I'm not much fun to be around either.


Fics by Oohlalaaa

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 1:41 PM

I have a question regarding the fics written by Oohlalaaa.Up until recently I thought she only didn't finish the last two fics she had pulled "Bloodlines" and "Time and Again",but I just read "While we drifted we were one" by her and either my copy is incomplete-I got it from someone- or it wasn't completed.So if it was completed it would be nice if anybody could tell me the end,I've read it up intil chapter 14,if it wasn't completed I I like to have a confirmation.


My High Anxiety...

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 1:23 PM

I am anxious to start High Anxiety....

You ask why, it's because of the high word count. 528,596 Words to be exact...

You see, I've been burned before, way too many time to count by loooooooooong fics, they all start on a high note to end up flat and disappointing around Chapter +50

So, I need some encouragement, tell me I should start reading it. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Twilight Tattoos

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 12:01 PM

So, I've seen Twilight tattoos all over the place...but I was just on CNN and I must say, this is a first:


An Edward Cullen quote on a guy in the military? WOW. Does this make him a unicorn? What's the craziest display of Twilight Fandemonium you've ever seen?


*Note...just because he has an Edward Cullen quote tattooed on his back, I shouldn't automatically assume he's a Twilight fan...but it is curious.


**Edit: Sorry about the pic, not sure why the link broke.

LJ Summers

Outcast Fics

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 9:45 AM

Not the shy kid or the geek, but the OUTCAST. The one who is perceived to be beyond the pale.  The person who is or has done or is BELIEVED to be someone who merits the kind of ostracism some of us know only too well.

In fan fiction, hope springs eternal for these characters.  Where do you find it?

Perhaps it's Bella...or Edward...or maybe Jasper (a favorite problem child)?

I have one on the tip of my tongue that I will share within.  


Thank YOU for sharing your favorite OUTCAST fics around the fire!


Remember the MASTER FIC LIST for all your fanficking needs!


mawwaige is what bwings us togevahhhhhh today

Thursday October 14, 2010 at 8:04 AM

i wanna talk about wedding related stuff

so a friend of mine is getting married on a boat, and since my husband doesn't think it's appropriate to make a mix tape featuring the andy samberg song and other slow jamz, i need to buy a gift.

the thing is this- i don't like either store she's registered at.  i wanna ~go rogue~ with the gift.

here's my question:

is it considered a breach of etiquette these days to buy something off the registry?  are people cool with this?

and more importantly, do you have any good suggestions on what i should buy that won't put me in the poor house?

anyway, let's discuss the institution of marriage in general.  did you have a ~shotgun wedding~ like i did?  you ever been on a boat for a wedding?  (that's what i'm doing to for this one- a cruise through the harbor.  how cool is that?)  how great is an open bar reception?  let's just talk about gettin' hitched.  your plans, your ideal dress, etc.

the HBIC bride fyt:

kill bill Pictures, Images and Photos


Pre-game rituals (or how you write)

Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 10:05 PM

Fully charged computer?  Check.  Comfy spot to write?  Check.  Mr. Darcy mug filled with Earl Grey tea?  Check. Cinnamon sugar kettle corn? Check and check.  <----These are my key elements to be fully prepared to sit down and bust out a chapter of my fic.  If I'm not all settled in, chances are I won't get a whole lot pounded out in terms of word count. 

What I want to know is... what are your pre-writing rituals?  Do write in any particular spot?  When do you tend to do your best writing?  We writers can be a finicky bunch and I'm just curious about other people's writing quirks (and I might be procrastinating a little).

My Darcy mug:

My inspiration:


FF Story Alerts

Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 9:53 PM

Let's see what everyone is reading! What are your 5 most recent "story alerts" added on


Here's mine:

Starry Eyed Inside- Rochelle Allison 

Your Biggest Fan- OfTheDamned 

We Come to Life Beneath the Stars- Lillybellis 

Secrets and Lies- OCDJen

Away From The Sun- butterflybetty 



Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 8:45 PM

I don't even know what to say right now really...I'm still in complete shock.

I just found out that someone i graduated with was killed tonight, he was only 21... he was the one guy that would be friends with EVERYONE. The things I'm hearing don't even make sense but there is nothing else to go on.

so please... can you give me something to try and get my mind off of this? i was all ready to go to bed before i found out and now i can't sleep =(

Also if there is anything that you want to vent about please share!


Thank You G.A.W. for approving this!



Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 8:44 PM


It's me.

I need amusement.

Come inside and ask me things.

This is your chance to KNOW STUFF that I know.

Tempting, right?


We Come to Life Beneath the Stars

Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 5:57 PM

UPDATE!! Chapter 11



Weirdo-rama day

Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 5:44 PM

So my day started out with terrifying pictures of full-back Twilight tattoos and now this:

NY Daily News

Mystery shiny objects floating over Manhattan spark UFO frenzy

A mysterious shiny object floating high over Manhattan's West Side set off a flurry of reports and wild speculation Wednesday that a UFO was flying over the city.

Police and the FAA said they began getting flooded with calls starting at 1:30 p.m. from people reporting a silvery object hovering high over Chelsea.

Law enforcement sources said they believed the object was likely some sort of balloon, but as of late Wednesday they had not confirmed exactly what it is.

A Daily News reporter could see a tiny, silver dot floating approximately 5,000 feet above 23th St. and Eighth Ave., where dozens of people gathered late in the afternoon to catch a glimpse.

"It's been hovering there for a while. I'm just kind of baffled," said Joseph Torres, 49, of Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, who spotted the object after leaving a movie. "How can it be ordinary? There is something going on."

Despite clear skies, it was not easy to make out the tiny object shimmering overhead.

"You really have to look up to see it," said one witness, who gave only his first name, Rico. "It's a little crazy. I guess that's why they call it an unidentified flying object because they don't know what it is."

Not long after the first sightings, messages began appearing on Twitter linking to a month-old press release announcing the publication of a book by a retired NORAD officer predicting that UFOs would buzz the earth's major cities on Oct. 13.

The Federal Aviation Administration said it received several calls to its operations center but after reviewing radar data, the agency could not find anything out of the ordinary.

"We re-ran radar to see if there was anything there that we can't account for but there is nothing in the area," said spokesman Jim Peters. "There was some helicopter traffic over the river at that time and we checked with LaGuardia Tower. And they said they had nothing going low at that time."

"Nothing that we can account for would prompt this kind of response," he said.

Peters said if it was a weather balloon or any kind of organized balloon release, authorities should have been notified in advance. Police officials said they had received no notification


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