Brought to you from The Twilight Zone...
C'mon, I've been dying to do that!
The world of FAN FICTION is a many-faceted place. One of these facets seems to go beyond fantasy and extends into science-fiction. What stories do YOU know that go there?
I will scour my lists, you scour yours and I bet that there are fics out there that belong in the land of Sci-Fi. Or maybe even The Twilight Zone.
Remember the Rules: Keep it simple and No discussions (unless of course you're a RANGER and can't HELP YOURSELF). ;-) (ETA: Took less than an hour for that to happen, lol).
I'll bring my findings inside...
Thank you for sharing YOUR favorite Sci-Fi Fics around the fire. Truly, I am so blown away by your daily recs! :)
Remember, the MASTER FIC LIST and its 58 categories of Fan Fiction are here for all your Fic-rec'ing needs!