
Let's Play a Game

Sunday October 17, 2010 at 2:26 AM

It's Sunday. I'm bored and supposed to be doing an assingment but really don't want to so instead....

Let's Play a Game!

For nearly every letter of the alphabet about one name of a character from Twilight Series starts with that letter. I don't think I explained it well but here is the game and an example.

For every letter of the alphabet think of as many names as you can of Twilight character that start with that letter.


B- Bella OR

E - Edward

I - Isabella

Set it out in alphabetical order


A -


C -


And we will see who can get the most and who can beat my score! So far I have 85 names! Try beat it. You can include names that were only mentioned within the Saga but had no role.

Make sense?


EDIT: A couple of things that have been brought to my attention.

First: for people like bella/isabella and renesme/nessie only choose ONE of their names (either birth name or nick name) NOT both.

Second: You can add people with last names eg Mr Banner as they have no first name in the book.

Third: For the Jenks guy as he has many names just put him under Jenks.

Ohh and I also now have 94 names :)


Separation Anxiety

Sunday October 17, 2010 at 1:06 AM

So. I just finished my first fic. It isn't the first one I've ever written but it is the first one I've finished (besides a TT25) and I'm just kind of... sad? 


It's weird to me to be done with something and know that there are no outtakes and nothing else to write to it. 

Do other writers ever feel that way? 


FYI: I just got home and I'm a bit drunk. It's probably self pity I'm feeling right now.


Missing fic?

Saturday October 16, 2010 at 9:49 PM

I had the link somewhere and it got deleted or so. I don't remember the title at all or if it was completed and I never got around to reading it.

The Cullens left it it was 6-7 years later and they found a book where Bella wrote a their story and the Volturi. They didn't realize it was Bella because of a pin name but she called them Guardians I think? Each chapter was an except from the books and each Cullen read a piece I think. Definitely something about them being Guardians or Shadow Guardians. If it was pulled hopefully someone has a copy.

It's not Stranger than Fiction I know that for sure. It was older early 2010 or late 2009 maybe.


Pimp, Rec, Request!

Saturday October 16, 2010 at 5:51 PM

Emibella is so much better at this than I am... but while she's busy taking care of're stuck with me :)


Do you write something?


Have you read something AMAZING?


Do you need something?  Anything-- a beta, pre-reader, a banner or icon, a book request, or just someone to chit chat with...



New BD Cast decided...

Saturday October 16, 2010 at 4:06 PM


Here's the link for Yahoo...what does everyone think?  There are a few I totally agree with, like the EGYPTIAN COVEN, but the rest are weird (although Siobhan is very pretty).



Saturday October 16, 2010 at 2:42 PM

It seems that I am suffering from CRAFT lately, and it's really starting to get to me. I read a B/E AH fic awhile back. The only thing I seem to be able to remember is that Edward went back home to visit his parents for some reason. Alice lives near by to. Anyway while he was there Bella called his phone and Tanya answered and let on that they had slept together. Bella then calls Alice and tells her what happened. Alice flips and calls Esme. Turns out Tanya spills water on Edward's phone and Esme tells Tanya and her mom Carmen about this girl that won't give up on pursuing Edward even though she knows he has a girlfriend. Which pisses Tanya off.

This is all I can remember, so if anyone can help me out I'd love it.

Craft = can't remember a f#@$ing thing


And... We're Back...

Saturday October 16, 2010 at 2:08 PM


Wow this was fun!

We'll do it again next week!

But now we are back to our regularly scheduled programming, which means all OFF-TOPIC campfires MUST have RANGER approval.

Topics related to TWILIGHT books or movies, the actors, Fan-Fiction, NaNoWriMo, Buffy, Bones, Harry Potter, True Blood... anything like that are all good.  Post as much as you like...we like to talk about this stuff.  If you are unsure about something, just PAGE A RANGER!

Wtvoc, Jandco, Emibella, Jennyfly, Littlesecret84, Capricorn75, Tor, Wolvesnvamps, Jennday and Grownasswoman are always available.


So it's Saturday, ya'll....

Tell me something good! 
~Chat with me in here~
I've been running around all day and I'm exhausted...
  Let's have fun tonight!

Fic Amnesia

Saturday October 16, 2010 at 12:29 PM

Hey Camprers!

I read a great one-shot a while back and for the life of me, I can't remember the title. It's driving me crazy, so I thought I'd ask for your help!

It's written in a series of tweets. The entire Cullen family on Twitter! Even Renesme. The plot centers around Carlisle, working late and forgetting about an important occasion - either Esme's birthday or their anniversary.

The entire family starts tweeting back and forth about their day and Bella ends up DM'ing Carlisle about Esme. They all have funny pennames. I think Edward's was VampireDad1918 or something similar. The story is adorable and pretty hilarious!

Does it ring a bell for anyone?

For your trouble...


Question of the writers

Saturday October 16, 2010 at 10:49 AM

I have been reading a lot of fic lately, more than I probably should be since school is supposed to be my priority, and I was wondering...where did Peter'sYoda-like power come from? Was it in the series? Did Stephenie tells us and I missed the memo? or did an author come up with the idea?


Photobucket Photobucket


Are you ready for some football?

Saturday October 16, 2010 at 9:57 AM

Today is a very big day for my favorite college football team, the Nebraksa Cornhuskers, as they play their home conference opener against the University of Texas Longhorns.  It's going to be a grudge match, as Nebraska has a score to settle after the 'Horns won the Big 12 championship by two points after a ~controversial call put one second back on the clock at the end of the game last year, and Texas wants to tell Nebraska "good riddance" as they play their final season in the Big 12.

So I want to talk about college football.  What's your favorite team and why?  What's your most-anticipated game?  Your biggest rivalry?



Saturday October 16, 2010 at 9:44 AM

Hey Campers!

Welcome to the first horror watchalong!!!

In Today's presentation:

Made by the mastermind Alfred Hitchcock.

Fun Facts About Psycho:

♥ One of the reasons Alfred Hitchcock shot the movie in black and white was he thought it would be too gory in color. But the main reason was that he wanted to make the film as inexpensively as possible (under $1 million). He also wondered if so many bad, inexpensively made, b/w "B" movies did so well at the box office, what would happen if a really good, inexpensively made, b/w movie was made.

♥First American film ever to show a toilet flushing on screen.

♥This was voted the seventh scariest film of all time by Entertainment Weekly.

♥Ranked #1 on the AFI 100 Years... 100 Thrills film series.

♥The Bates house was largely modeled on an oil painting at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The canvas is called "House by the Railroad" and was painted in 1925 by American iconic artist Edward Hopper. The architectural details, viewpoint and austere sky is almost identical as seen in the film.

Karla will host a gchat and msn messenger watchalong From 1:30 PM To 3:30 PM (Eastern time)

Sarah will host a gchat and twitter watchalong from 4 PM to 6 PM (Eastern Time)

*You can PM us your email to make sure we join you in the conversations. (Please don't hesitate to make suggestions regarding anything, it would be more than appreciated.)

However if you choose to do neither, you can still comment here on the campfire.

(Look in the comments for links!)

This is our first watchalong so there is a lot of trial and error going on. Testing ….123 Testing.....123.

Special thanks go to BeanFlikn247 for making our awesome banner!


How to be <3

Saturday October 16, 2010 at 6:29 AM

I just watched this movie (I don't know if it's weird I haven't seen it earlier)

And I must say it was hilarious!!!! I loved it!!!! Art is just... Love that character!! :P

My question: Has anyone of you seen it? If so, what did you think? 


My fav scene.... 

Advice Please

Friday October 15, 2010 at 11:39 PM

I am in need of some advice! Please.

So I have this problem where I never finish what I start. I have about 5 nonfanfic stories that i have started and, depending on my mood, I write more for them at random. The longest one I have is the first one I started and it is 5 chapters but instead of finishing it I got a better idea. And this cycle goes through with all my stories.

I have now started writing fanfiction and I was finding it easier to stay on task. My story, Green Eyes, is now 7 chapters long but while I was on holiday I got a new fanfiction story idea. I really want to post it to but I feel if i do I'll desert Green Eyes. So my question is...

Do any of you find yourself with this problem and how do you over come it? Do you have an inspiration to keep you writing that one story? 


Controversy, here I come.

Friday October 15, 2010 at 11:08 PM

I'm a huge fan of debating. I'm opinionated, but open to other people's opinions as well.

So, before I open up a controversial topic, I'd like to establish a few rules.

1. Express your opinion, but keep in mind that the forest is full of diversity. Just because it's your opinion doesn't mean everyone is going to agree with you.

2. No personal attacks, please.

3. Feel free to ask people why they feel the way they do. But, please, be polite.

4. Again, please, please, PLEASE remain civil and polite.

So, here we go. I'm about to open a can of controversy.


What're your opinions on it?

What religion, if any, do you practice?

Do you agree with organized religion?

I'll start off with my opinion in the comments.


Completed Fics

Friday October 15, 2010 at 9:46 PM

Hi  -- does anyone know if La canzone della Bella Cigna is completed?  It's not marked as such and before I start reading it, I wanted to make sure. 

Does anyone have any other recs of really good COMPLETED fics?  I love HL5, TNGUS, Falling for the First Time, The Cube (and its progeny), AWTFA, Type O Negative, The Locker Next Door . . . any other really good fics I should read?  I have time tonight and want to really get into something that will make me laugh, cry, smile or any/all of these . . .


Cinematic Masterpiece

Friday October 15, 2010 at 9:36 PM

Bella's daddy is in a movie with Nic Cage


Favorite, scary movie....

Friday October 15, 2010 at 9:26 PM

I can't remember if this has been done, but in honor of Halloween I want to know what scares  you!!! (or doesn't but you like it anyway)

List your favorite scary movie!!






P.s.  I hope this is what jennyfly is talking about....

Sir Rachel

Weekly Highs.

Friday October 15, 2010 at 9:24 PM

No, I don't mean to talk about getting high this week.

Jennyfly had to put on her ranger hat, so I think a nice little happy-making would be nice for this evening (night now, I suppose).

What was the high of your week?

That moment or happening that made you the happiest out of these past 7 days?

Share 'em here and let's be happy together, so we can all scroll down and then post in the Happy Campers fire that we've found our good moods again!


My high: Getting my English midterm back and finding out I rocked a 95.



Friday October 15, 2010 at 8:56 PM

HEY!! Sooo im popping my campfire cherry right now...please be gentle :)

anyways. I hope im not breaking any rules by asking for recs? i dont think so. if i AM i swear to Edward Cullen im sorry :(

SOO as a university student...who just finished watching old school, i am in the mood for some sorority/fraternity fics!

yup. i went there.

I really like stuff thats kinda top secret clubs and such? Ive already read "The Coven" and "Empires of the Mind"

i really Really REALLY enjoyed both of these, and hoped you guys could use your awsomeness to give me some completed recs? or even something long as its updated regualrly!!

Thanks guys :)

I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.


Hit By Destiny Ch.51

Friday October 15, 2010 at 8:15 PM

I'm in need of people who are freaking out like me over the new chapter.


There was so much info in this one.


*Warning Spoilers in this campfire*

First --- | >> | 1003 | 1004 | 1005 | 1006 | 1007 | 1008 | 1009 | 1010 | 1011 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
