Bobby Long omg

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 8:01 AM last night, InTheCorner83, Cullengirl07 and I went to see Bobby Long!  It was nothing short of amazing.  I actually have to review the show and some other stuff for another website, and I'll post that here next week once it's complete.  But that review is gonna be all well-written, professional, and normal sounding...

Here, you guys get the REAL REVIEW!


First... we were right up against the stage so I got some really great pics:

see more here.

And someone already put a song from last night up on Youtube:

More inside the comments....

Breaking Dawn - Possible Footage?

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 6:19 AM


I'm not sure if this video have already been shown, but I want to post it because it is soooo funny!

I came home from the pub last night to have my boyfriend show me this...



It's the first time for me to share a video... so I hope it works...

Not only is it funny, but the sexy Peter Facinelli is in it.

Sorry if this is a repeated post... I just had to show you all!


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday October 20, 2010 at 2:11 AM

Another early morning post...







I only have ONE video rec this week, and it's one that will not be forgotten.  This is soupshop's last Twilight fan video.  She is one of the most ingenious of the fan vidders out there and her Twilight vids were absolutely stunning.  This one is certainly no exception.  It's truly brilliant.  Even if you're someone who skims past these posts that I make, I ask you to pause and watch this video. 

"xxvi | lost in a forest" by soupshop


Clay Cullen!

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 9:34 PM

I gotta say, I'm impressed.

In case you don't watch One Tree Hill, I'll catch you up to speed:

One of the characters on the TV show, One Tree Hill, dressed up as Edward Cullen in the Halloween episode.

That isn't the greatest picture, but still. Check it out. Kudos, Clay. Great costume. Minus the fangs.


Fic nostalgia

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 6:49 PM

I was bored earlier and talking to punk (as always) and I decided to go find out when I added her fic, Stripped, to my faves on and afterwards I came up with the idea to copy and paste the top of my list of faves after putting them in the order I added them :) I'm going to assume though that a ton have been pulled since back then, but still there has to be some nostalgia to be had here right?

incase that's gone all squashy here

I have to be honest.... I can barely remember half of those lol and some I don't remember at all!

This is about fic so I didn't need permission right? =s

Soooo show me yours! 


forest games with wtvoc

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 6:34 PM

let's play either/or

1. post a comment with a choice between either ________ or __________

2. respond with which you'd rather; defend your choices vociferously

3. argue with people who have different opinions

4. profit

brought to you by the movie i'm watching right now, and i just can't decide if i like the original or the sequel better (it's gonna be the first comment)


It's my party

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 5:51 PM



I got a year older; I think I found a few more grey hairs this morning and I'm convinced I see the beginnings of an age spot on my cheek (thank the stars for medical grade lasers)


So, you all need to make me cheer up and help me re-live my misspent youth. I want music from the 80's 90's and early 2000's. Now,  bear in mind, I'm British, I'm the queen of cheese and I love to dance and then get all maudlin, and then dance again for a while. I'm also very partial to pub quizzes so if anyone feels like teasing me with a name that tune snippet I'm game. Fan videos with 80's 90's music and beautiful montages of Edward/Bella are also most welcome.



Approved by the lovely Ranger Jandco.


Cullens a fightin'

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 4:25 PM


Some extra's from the Eclipse DVD.
Jackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horseJackson on a horse

The Cabins are Infested!

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 4:07 PM

K.  So I was pouting over the fact that my cabin just doesn't get very many visitors here at the forest.  Only not really.  And I figured that maybe there is a perfectly good reason to explain why people don't stop by.


I finally figured it out!




Play a game with me, people.  It's kinda like hide-and-seek.  Here's how it goes:

Imma hide a bug in one of the cabins here at the forest.  (I'll post a picture of it, in the first comment here.)  YOU go look for it.  *RULE-  YOU CAN'T 'FIND' IT IF ITS IN YOUR CABIN*.  

If you find it, just post a quick "I FOUND IT" in a reply directly under the bug.  (An "I KILLED IT"  or "I SQUASHED THE HELL OUT OF IT" will also work.)  Then bring yourself back here to this campfire.  The first person to squish that bug, and ONLY the first person will then post a picture of the NEXT bug to look for. They'll hide it in a different cabin, and the game will continue.  (Unless I suck.  Then I'll end up playing all by my onsie.)


Hit refresh often.  Only the first person to find the bug gets to hide  the next.


Let's go!!! 




The lovely and powerful Jennyfly  encourages my randomness.


buffy episode 2.17 "passion"

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 4:04 PM

Buffy: It's so weird... Every time something like this happens, my first instinct is still to run to Angel. I can't believe it's the same person. He's completely different from the guy that I knew.
Willow: Well, sort of, except...
Buffy: Except what?
Willow: You're still the only thing he thinks about.


the angst and pain in this episode is beautifully terrible.  poor giles.  poor miss calendar.  poor, poor buffy.  the setup for the two-parter finale is just so awful.

tomorrow's is a decent episode, but i absolutely adore the one after it called "i only have eyes for you".  i think every seasoned buffy vet knows the great one-liner from that one, but in the meantime, i'll just post this video here:



Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 3:29 PM

Tom Felton just tweeted this. I'll leave it here since obviously all those TV spots weren't enough to get us all riled up.



Rescue Remedy

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 1:39 PM

The ever-fabulous happymelt is in need of our help.

Because not all in-laws are this fabulous



She urgently needs fluffy,funny, lemony one-shots to help her survive this difficult time with her sanity, such as it is, intact   :^)


30 Days of Emmett

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 11:28 AM



No one would be surprised to hear me say that I love a well written Em. Acciobourbon and theheartoflife do too. But we have an issue - like that commercial where the guy reaches the end of the internet, it seems we've maxed out most of the stories on FF (which, to be honest, isn't a whole lot).

There is so much potential for the big guy, and we know that some writers out there might be kicking around ideas, but lack the forum or motivation to dig in. That's why we are kicking off Debunking the Myth - 30 Days of Emmett - a 30 day challenge of drabbles and one shots that will run 11/15 to 12/15. 


Not a contest - 30 Days of Emmett will exist similar to multi chaptered story on  Each day, a new one shot or drabble will be posted - the authors will run the gamut, and there are only a few hard and fast rules:
- Em must be the main character or part of the main pairing
- No cliches - that means dumb jocks and oafs need not apply.
- All entries MUST be beta'd.  If you don't have one, let us know, we'll see how we can help.

You read right - pairings are open, genres and universes too.  AH, AU, Canon, Angst, Drama, Comedy - it's all wide open to explore.

What do you think, are you up to the challenge? If so, sign up here and name your poison - a one shot, a drabble (or maybe both!?!) we'll be in touch re days open and to answer any questions you might have.

Come on peeps, bring out your Em - let the big guy free!
LJ Summers

Sci-Fi Fics

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 10:18 AM

Brought to you from The Twilight Zone...


C'mon, I've been dying to do that!

The world of FAN FICTION is a many-faceted place.  One of these facets seems to go beyond fantasy and extends into science-fiction.  What stories do YOU know that go there? 

I will scour my lists, you scour yours and I bet that there are fics out there that belong in the land of Sci-Fi.  Or maybe even The Twilight Zone.

Remember the Rules:  Keep it simple and No discussions (unless of course you're a RANGER and can't HELP YOURSELF). ;-) (ETA: Took less than an hour for that to happen, lol).

I'll bring my findings inside...

Thank you for sharing YOUR favorite Sci-Fi Fics around the fire. Truly, I am so blown away by your daily recs! :)




Remember, the MASTER FIC LIST and its 58 categories of Fan Fiction are here for all your Fic-rec'ing needs!


Bobby Long deserves his own holiday.

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 7:48 AM

Hello Campers!

I have declared today to be


Why, you ask?


He is amazing.

He's adorable.

He's hobo.

He's poetic.

He's probably drunk...



We are veryyyy excited! We can't contain ourselves!

Come inside and share your BOBBY-LOVE with us!  And if you're in the Columbus area.... come out with us tonight it's going to be amazing!!  Just PM me and we'll make plans.



Bear with me, it is Twilight related!

Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 6:10 AM

Hi everyone! This is Twilight related so I hope I am ok to post!

I came across this is my magazine and wondered what everyones thoughts were on it! You need to read it to the end though to get to the Twilight connection. Hopefully its scanned ok and is reasonable to read!




Tuesday October 19, 2010 at 5:26 AM

mtv interview...she discusses WttR, OTR, BD, the kid who plays Renesmee, a bit about this Pattinson fellow...

and then something interesting happens.  What in the heck is meant by the term Krisbian?  I assume it's a cross between Kristen and lesbian, but I've yet to hear of this.


My first post

Monday October 18, 2010 at 10:42 PM

Okay this is my first post and for it i have decided do a request because it just won't leave my mind.

So every once in a while I dust off those wonderful twi-saga books and immerse myself into Ms. Meyer's world. Anyway so, reading Eclipse the other night and words sparked an interest in my mind. I was reading the part where Bella and Edward were discussing the wolf pack after that first night in the clearing. The paternity of Embry came up and I'd wondered if there was any fic that addressed this.

I'd really be interested in any pack fic, but especially those pertaining to imprinting and Quil and Embry.

Please & Thanks in advance. Any input would be appreciated!


Beta vs. Pre-reader vs. Fic Wife

Monday October 18, 2010 at 9:16 PM

Some of you may know that I'm new to the writing side of fanfic.  I have the art of lurking down, but this whole writing world is kind of a scary place.  All the brilliant writers on here often talk about their betas, pre-readers and/or fic wives, so, uh, could someone kindly explain the difference between these three 'jobs' to me??

Do you have a pre-reader and a beta?  Is your fic wife your beta, too?  Was the ceremony legally binding? 

Also, if you just want to share your love of your beta/pre-reder/fic wife, that's cool too.  We could always use more love, right?

Bookward/Tyler Hawkins thanks you for your time:


Some people crave chocolate....

Monday October 18, 2010 at 8:26 PM

A friend of mine is pregnant and shes got a craving, a craving for COMPLETE Pregnant Bella fics!  

She has strict rules against any pairing other then Bella/ Edward and she prefers no cheating or harmed babies (because shes preggers and doesn't need the negativity).  I wanna make the momma happy and be a good friend and fill her craving.  She's read UTAP and BSK is also a favorite (though shes not exactly preggers in that story but you know its great and all).  She's also read Workshop of Edible Delights and Ex-Factor (I pretty much know all the ones she read because I'm her fic pimp, and I currently feel like a dealer who lost my supply because i haven't found any good happy ones lately).

Please send recs to feel her craving.

Also have you ever had a craving for a specific type of fic that you just OD'd on? 

Since my mind is on hookin up with my own personal legal of age Harry Potter on Saturday this oldie that made me feel naughty for looking at once upon a time is for your time, its ok because he is legal now, right:

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