

Friday October 22, 2010 at 7:56 PM


is jacob a bad word in the forest??


i want to let you all know that i am co-hosting contest for jake/vamp bella fics! i swear im an edward/bella shipper, however there was a scene in the eclipse movie that got me to thinking...

Bella-"You know I love you."

Jacob-"You know how much I wish it was enough."

Bella-"Should I come back?"

Jacob-"I need some time... but I'll always be waiting."

Bella- *laughs quietly and whispers* "Until my heart stops beating."

Jacob- *Pauses* "Maybe even then."


MAYBE EVEN THEN!!! you know that got to you too right?! right?

so anyway, enter my contest and make me happy. 

oh and can someone tell me why all the jake hate?? i mean it's one thing to love edward but why does 3/4 of the fandom want to stab jake in the heart with a spoon??


i'm drunk

Friday October 22, 2010 at 7:25 PM

i fell down the stairs, jacked my back, am watching EVIL DEAD, eating pizza, and boozing.




Mirror, Mirror...

Friday October 22, 2010 at 7:13 PM

Isn't there usually a skincare and make-up thread up in here every Friday? Well, I'm starting one. Find out why in the comments.

FYT, see? Even Rob needs a little product to look like The Pretty.

I know that's Jimmy Fallon. I like to kid.


cherry poppin'

Friday October 22, 2010 at 5:21 PM


alright forest dwellers, i need help.  a friend of mine finally jumped on the book wagon and read all the paper books i devoured after the twi-saga.  now she is open to trying fanfiction.  <<<this is major. when we get together all her sister and i do is chat about what we are currently reading and what's going on with our favorite fics. she tunes us out and thinks we are crazy. lol.

  her sister and i have probably read over 800 or so stories and we want to get her addicted too.  ;)  that way she can come be a camper as well.

so my questions for you all are:

Which fandom story popped your fanfic cherry?

which fandom story would you reccommend to pop her fandom cherry?

i do have some in mind.  but after almost 2 years of fics, i'm kinda lost and jumbled.  plus, soooo many have been pulled. 

help!  please and thank you.




Friday October 22, 2010 at 5:14 PM


Disclaimer: Be nice, 'kay?


Bones Spinoff

Friday October 22, 2010 at 4:50 PM

Happy Friday!

I just saw this on a gossip page

Looks like Fox is moving forward with plans for a Bones spinoff. They'll start casting for the series shortly!

If they find the right actor, they'll premiere the new show's lead character, Walter Sherman, on the December 6 episode of Bones.

The Bones creator/executive is basing the new show off a series of books called The Locator.

The story revolves around Walter Sherman, an "eccentric, obstreperous and amusing reclusive man in his late 20s-30s with highly sought after abilities to find anything."

Sherman is connected to the Bones characters because he served in Iraq with David Boreanaz' Agent Booth. As for Emily Deschanel's Dr. Brennan…she finds him "very intriguing."

I love Bones and would love to see more Booth but why bring in a new character? I want to see Zack Addy get a spin off, or Booth during his time away. How about one of the many interns they had.


... who would you like to see get a spinoff? Would you watch a spinoff? Can anything do the origional justice?


Any fics like this?

Friday October 22, 2010 at 4:36 PM

Hello Ladies,

First of all, I should probably officially introduce a nutshell, I hail from a small town in northern Alberta, Canada, have three little ones and a wonderful hubby, am crazy over the Twilight series, and have been reading FanFic for a very long time.....I'm just now jumping in and trying to meet some people...I know, I'm slow...I've just been too shy to jump in! =P

Getting to the point of this....Can anyone rec any good western/ranch life/country/cowboy type fics?  It's not at all what I'd go for irl, but I had a steamy dream  the other night about a cowboy Edward...shit you not....and I can't get the idea out of my head.  I'd write my own if I had a milli-second of free time to spare, but it would most definitely suck compared to all the awesome stuff already out there! 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Come one, come all

Friday October 22, 2010 at 4:09 PM

Welcome all to Karaoke. Just like last week, I'm too lazy to write up a whole speel, So

Here is Vocaroo, ewes it to record the lovely voices. Let's try something. Don't add a link, I've found, that if you click on the vocaroo button (not the play button) it takes you to the site where you can hear the recordings.

Remember those BIG BEAUTIFUL LETTERS for any requests. Here's another task for you, throw requests at me all night. I always run out of songs to sing & that makes me sad panda.


Luna StarFire

What say you?

Friday October 22, 2010 at 3:49 PM






Come on in and play!  


any crafters out there?

Friday October 22, 2010 at 3:25 PM

I have a serious case of startitis.  I have a few weeks off before I start my new job and I thought it would be a good time to find a cure.  I'm a sometime knitter, though I would like to be a steady knitter, and right now I have several projects in the works: 3 unfinished sweaters (one with no sleeves, one with no sleeves and no fronts, and one that needs to have one more seam); one pair of gloves (one glove is finished); one hat (that just needs a button sewn on); a baby dress (that I'm going to rip out because it's too small for the baby); and a baby sweater that's half way done.

So, my question is do any of you have this problem?  What are your secrets for focusing?  In my work life, I have laser like focus (maybe it's because I'm being paid), but I just can't seem to finish any of these projects.  I've made deadlines for my self.  Told my self that I can't start any new projects until I'm done with these (but I've just been rotating around these projects and still not finsihing them). 




Friday October 22, 2010 at 3:04 PM

Now, I may have done this before. Though, I can't remember and search isn't bringing anything up. If I have done this before and you do remember, feel free to flame me.

So the subject is... Doppelgangers. As google define will tell you: A doppelganger is a ghostly double of a living person that haunts its living counterpart. Or, y'know... someone that looks identical to someone else.

This is relevant in a few ways.

One, because of this picture:

Whilst holidaying in France, we saw this poster. This is my little brother:

*brain explodes* - He looks even more similar when he's skipping down the street imititating Michael McIntyre.

Reason number two why I'm posting this today:

I SERVED CHANNING TATUM AT THE CHECKOUTS. It wasn't actually Channing Tatum, but this guy was his twin. No shit. And I was just staring and thinking "Oh.. my... God.." It was unnatural how much this guy looked like him. And then I think my staring really freaked him out because he gave me a funny look and suddenly started packing his bags much more quickly. Hahaha.

So my question to you is: Do you look like someone famous? Do you know someone who looks like someone famous? Or any celebrities which are the spitting image of another celebrity?

Oh, and P.S. I have a microphone, tonight would be a good night to do a karaoke campfire. Just saying.


Special Topics: Twilight

Friday October 22, 2010 at 2:23 PM

 I just saw this over at Feministe. Apparently this is a course at California State University’s women’s studies program:

Topics in Women’s Studies: Twilight: The Text and the Fandom
Examines the Twilight saga and the resulting fandom. Explores Twlight in relation to the social and cultural construction of gender and gendered identities in contemporary U.S. culture. Using an intersectional lens emphasizing gender, race, class, sexuality, and belief, provides students with the conceptual and analytical foundations to think more deeply about popular culture and its impact. Covers vampire lore, the romantic core of the series, female characters and fans, the depiction of men and masculinity, religious contexts, race and white privilege, the franchising of Twilight, and various cultural contexts such as abstinence only education and the rise of internet fandoms.


Dude, you guys! Do you know what this means? We're being studied! Look lively!!


No, really-- Would you take this class? Because I feel like we all deserve at least 2 hours academic credit for some of the discussions we've had around here.


Pointless Fun

Friday October 22, 2010 at 1:44 PM

Made these just for kicks. Check them out. They're a riot. 


Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Scream Fan?

Friday October 22, 2010 at 1:26 PM

Is anyone else a Scream fan?

If so, they have announced that Scream 4 will be in our theaters in April!!



I almost didn't recognize Campbell, as the last time I saw her was on Medium.  I, for one, can't wait...even though I'm not so sure this will be good (tooooooo many known faces in the movie for me...and some of the girls aren't even that good!)


ok so...

Friday October 22, 2010 at 1:10 PM

there was a book discussed on here a while back... and i can't remember the name of it, or the author. there was a picture of the cover in the campfire and everything...

it was something like "fireling", but i can't remember. i even looked back a couple of months and couldn't find it. if there is anyone here that can help me, i would be forever thankful.


Can We Discuss Twilight Convention (again)

Friday October 22, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Can you help a camper out?!

The date is quickly approaching and I'm running out of time to prepare for my trip!  So here are my questions:

1.  What he hell am I supposed to wear to a Volturi Ball? I'm not a costume kind of gal...
2.  We need to make a centerpiece for the contest and my brain is mush when it comes to this! Any ideas???!
3.  Anyone here going to the Dallas convention? 


And I'll invite you all to my pity party that I've been having for myself.  I realized, much too late, that Sam Bradley is playing in Dallas the same weekend.  (Nov 12th).  Of course it's already sold out.  I am totally beating myself up for not checking into that sooner.  Apparently there's a couple restaurants close to House of Blues where he's playing, I guess we're going to stalk  from there. :(


Happy to be seeing him there





Wishing I was seeing HIM there




Hi Ho Everyone!

Friday October 22, 2010 at 12:01 PM

I am having an interesting day so far.

The Westboro Baptist Church descended on my little Idaho town because our college is showing a production of "The Laramie Project" regarding incidents surrounding the death of Matthew Shepherd.


They screwed up  my schedule and traffic had to be rerouted.  What I found interesting is that we have quite the radical little campus for being in the land of rednecks and potatoes.  (The rednecks part is tongue in cheek of course)

This group travelled to the local high schools with their very unpalatable message.

The police were all over the place, although they were not as visible as you would have thought.  I have posted a link to my Photobucket album that contains the photos I took this morning.  I think what bothered me the most are the faces of the younger Phelps children.  They looked so miserable. But nobody got hurt.  No one got arrested.  A few people from the Aryan Nations did show up, but were kind of a non-presence.

And because of our college showing this production, the WBC will be back on October 30.

The reason I am posting this? To show there are peaceful ways to stand up for what you believe in.

Some have said that not showing up is the best answer.  I respect that.  I personally wanted to be there just as someone standing up for MY rights.  They are legally within their First Amendment rights, even if it's horrible material.  They recently argued their defense before the Supreme Court, which is expected to make a ruling in Spring of 2011. (A family of a deceased soldier sued the WBC for protesting at said son's funeral)

We may not agree with each other in many things, I bet we can agree that the hate needs to stop!


NOTE: If you do look at he photos, please be aware that there are signs with disturbing messages on them.

(Link to my album inside.)


Last review you left.

Friday October 22, 2010 at 11:42 AM

Since I started writing I've cut way back on my reading.  I am, however, always looking for great stories to add to my TBR list.

What was the name of the fic that you left your last review for?  Maybe we can find a gem of a story that we haven't read yet.  Feel free to include the review if you want.

Mine will be in the comments.


New kid in town

Friday October 22, 2010 at 11:24 AM

Hi forest!

Im a lurker. But I found this new story that Im totally interested in so far and it just started and its really good. Maybe you guys will like it too.

Judging the Merits

Since the second Isabella Swan set her sights on Seattle's most eligible,enigmatic, and elusive bachelor her life has flipped upside down. But now it's come time to make her choice, the ultimate commitment: to live in his world, and play by his rules.

Muah! SA


Wow. It's Friday

Friday October 22, 2010 at 10:52 AM

Seriously where the hell did this week go?

I measure my life by Saturdays, when I come home from university spend the nights away from my boyfriend and work at Specsavers opticians. This week was epic.

I've posted my new story;  A Love Story For The Ages. I finally finished the chemistry report that was kicking my arse all week. I had every single one of my labs at uni this week too, so I had not a lot of free time. And I started watching Bones which is seriously awesome!!

So I want to know about your weeks.

What have you done at school? At work? Anything amazing happened? Anything really crap happened?

Let me know

oh and feel free to plug any new stories you've written seen as I've already shamelessly done it :D

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