
New Rob Pics

Monday November 1, 2010 at 12:57 PM

I just came across these and wanted to share.  They are yummy!!


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


ADF/NaNoWriMo Support Group

Monday November 1, 2010 at 12:41 PM

There have been quite a few campfires recently about NaNoWriMo, but what I want to do in this campfire is organize a support group for all of us who are participating.

For those of you who don't know what NaNo is, it's a global event that happens every November. The goal is for people to write a novel (50,000 words) in 30 days.  

I hope that in this group, we'll encourage/challenge each other to reach our goal. Each week, I'll post a new "support group" campfire, and we can share how far we've gotten.

So let's begin with a few questions. I'll start:

1) Do you want a writing buddy? Provide the link to your NaNo page.

My NaNo name is K_S_S.

2) Let's tweet NaNo!

My Twitter Account (My account is set to private, but I'll accept you. If I don't recognize your name, I might not follow you back. If you want me to, let me know.)  :D

3) Are you doing an original story or a fan fiction?


4) Have you started? What's your current word count?

I actually started my story two months ago, but stopped after two chapters because I didn't have time to work on it. I also didn't like the direction it went in, so I've redone my outline and now I'm starting over.

Current word count: Big Fat 0.

Now it's your turn!

(All my ADF/NaNo Support Group campfires have been approved by G.A.W.)


Reading "The Elite"

Monday November 1, 2010 at 12:19 PM

Just started actually. I have to say I like it so far , which is not much, just finished chapter 2 ;-)

I've heard so much about this fic. and I am finally giving it a shot. Hope it is worth the  hype


Doing what rich people do is easy." Same old story, Twilight twist. St. Olaf's is a prestigious boarding school, dripping with money, sex, and social hierarchy. But there's only one question to ask yourself: are you one of Them or one or The Elite?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 31 - Words: 152,856 - Reviews: 1059 - Updated: 5-23-09 - Published: 11-12-08 - Alice & Emmett - Complete



Monday November 1, 2010 at 10:40 AM


so yeah here it is my very first campfire :)

first, hello campers!!

second, i didn't get approved but it's a happy campfire so it's an ok campfire right??

third, I remember people asking before but wtf happened to Expectations and Other Moving Pieces??? I started reading like a year ago and there has been no update for a veryveryvery long while*sad*sad* even for the one shot! Anyone has news about the author? I heard she might have a lot of RL crap to deal with ...


But anyway come say hi! and tell me where are my updates!!

same goes for hydraulic lvl 5! I miss it so much :(


PS: Very sorry for the grammar mistakes or any other mistakes, foreign camper here ^^


What are the chances?

Monday November 1, 2010 at 10:02 AM

So, my mind was wandering while I was cooking (because apparently I can never, ever escape Twilight) and I started thinking about what the actors in the Twilight movies careers are going to be like when the movies are over.

Will they make it to the A list permanently?  B list?  C list?  End up in porn or panto?

What would a 'Where are they now?' show say in 20 years time?

Come share your theories, whether serious or silly.  Mine will be in the comments.

Oscar Rob FYT:

LJ Summers

Pre-Twilight AU Fics

Monday November 1, 2010 at 9:20 AM

This week (today and for the next five days), I am wrapping up the current run of Recommendation Compilations.  We began on July 12 and have had, for four and five days a week since then, the CAMPERS OF ADF sharing the best of what they read in what is (with this list) 66 lists on the MASTER FIC LIST.

Camper solareclipses made a point that I thought was valid.  Other sites have fics categorized by the books, but the organization is based solely upon what the author has determined.  Our lists are REC LISTS -- lists of what we as Campers think are the best in these categories.  Pre-Twilight, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and Post-Breaking Dawn AU fics.  Because sometimes, people want these things specifically and right now, we don't have them broken down in quite this way.

That will change by the end of the week!

Today, please share with us the best you know of Pre-Twilight AU Fics.  These are stories that take place before Bella meets Edward. They incorporate vampires and/or werewolves.  Carlisle's life as Jack the Ripper would be a Pre-Twilight AU story.  Edward losing his virginity before his change in 1918 or after at, say, Woodstock (why not?).  All AU. All before the timeline of Twilight.


As a note:  I am not at all averse to Canon fics of the Pre-Twilight timeline to go in here as well. These lists are meant to HELP not HINDER.  If you want to include CANON (that is, compliant in all particulars with what Meyer has as pre-Twilight details in the Saga and Midnight Sun) that is completely okay.


With me?  Remember, please, that THIS IS A LIST. Keep your recommendations to title, author and summary.  

Unless, of course, you're a Ranger.  You KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

And Capricorn75? I have CHANGED MY AVATAR AGAIN.  There, you've been informed.


My recs for Pre-Twilight fics will be inside.

Thank YOU for sharing your favorites around the fire!



Monday November 1, 2010 at 7:36 AM

Is anyone reading Conversations with my Killer by Oracle Vas?


This writer OWNS me



Is anyone out there?

Monday November 1, 2010 at 2:07 AM

So, it's 7pm in my part of the world. My kids are about to go to bed. I'm bored & searching for some good tunes while sipping on some wine...... Won't you join me?

Are you getting crunk? (ignore this question. I suck at timezones) What's your poison of choice? Lets share some music. What have you been listening to all day? Whats your fav song of all time?

Oh all these questions, lucky I have wine :D

I of course will answer these question..... Inside


Happy Birthday

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 10:18 PM

Today is my favorite Russian's birthday!



So if you'd all be so kind as to get in here and wish her a happy birthday and spam her with pictures/gifs of Robbie Pattz and Jake Gyllenhaal. Some steamy male on male pics. OR give her some GREAT slash recs, I'd greatly appreciate it.



Sunday October 31, 2010 at 10:06 PM

allright, let's have it.  your cute kids, your cute selves.  i wanna see 'em.

2 harry potters, a werewolf, and a lumberjack for your time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

i'd like to point out that i made that axe using nothing but 2 paint stirrers, cardboard, masking tape, papier mache and paint, thankyouverymuch

Sugar Britches

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 9:34 PM

My Bloody Halloween Pics!


The party was a success! Here are some pics:

My friends Jacob & Matthew came as the nanny from the muppet babies movie,
PhotobucketThe death of disco...
PhotobucketThere was a little "incident" in the bathroom
PhotobucketHey, evil clowns are people too.
More pics inside...

It's mah birthday!

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 9:13 PM

It's officially my 19th birthday on the east coast!

I'm Canadian, so this birthday is a HUGE deal for me! I'm so stoked to be able to go to the bar without having an internal panic attack about getting ID'ed!

So spam me with delicious drink recipes, sexy Rob/Kellan pics, SIDNEY CROSBY, The Lonely Island music, dirty jokes, and...yeah. Maybe I'll come back to this campfire on Tuesday night when I make my debut as a 19-year-old (I have a stupid midterm on Tuesday...) and declare my drunken love for all of you.

I'm also going to request Belmet OR Roseward fics. I need a little spice in my life. :)



Sunday October 31, 2010 at 8:52 PM

NANOWRIMO STARTS IN ~10 MINUTES [for all those on the east coast of US].


are you doing it this year?

this is my first year and i'm anxious!! tell me your story of last year's :)



Thank you present ->


Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 8:46 PM

There are lots of things to celebrate sometimes. We can celebrate life, celebrate Samhain, celebrate family and love and friends and dreams. We can celebrate because the Giants are one win away from winning the World Series...

I wanna know what makes you giddy and cheerful and full of excitement and love. I want to know why you celebrate, how you celebrate, when you celebrate, where you celebrate, who you celebrate with.

Let's throw a celebratory party! We can celebrate the Forest, or friendships, or great fics, or baseball, or that new RobPorn will be available when BD starts filming soon.

Just bring your party hats and your smiles and your alcohol.

To get the party started...



Online Dating

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 8:12 PM

Have any of you tried it? I’ve been kicking around the idea of signing up with an online dating service. Have any of you had any luck with finding someone online? Do you recommend a certain dating site? Match? Eharmony? Any words of advice?


Question about adult toys

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 6:03 PM

ok so this might be a TMI post and It has nothing to do with Twilight or fanfiction. But I have a few questions about adult toys, any answers would be appreciated. thanks. Questions posted in this campire.


I know you have pictures now...

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 5:28 PM

SHOW ME COSTUMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you make one or snag a picture of something really awesome last night.  I want to see I want to see!  

This guys's costume scared me last night:

It was the back of his head!

Any favorite hit or misses celebrity wise you have seen?

I  don't likey this Iron Man Heidi, I think its the colors:

Can you guess these costumed celebs:

For all you Rob Lovers rumor has it he is throwing a huge Halloween Party the cast this year.  Props if you can land those pictures!



Sunday October 31, 2010 at 4:27 PM

Since it's Halloween. I thought I'd pay special tribute to the books that got ME to read and like it.

Or Escalofrios, if you've read them in Spanish. I'm a total pus when it comes to scary things, and so I find it funny that the books I loved of my very young days used to scare the hell out of me. And thanks to the Night of the Living Dummy series I'll NEVER be able to get over my "doll" issues.


What I can't believe is that these books are STILL going strong with new ones published all the time. I wonder if they're as good as I remember them. I mean, it's no Twilight, but . . . hehe. *snort*

So get in here and talk Goosebumps with me. Did you love these books as much as I did when you were younger? Did you start your reading love obsession on the same books that I did? What was your favorite? What scared you like no other? Or even, hat DID start your love of reading?


American Teens

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 4:26 PM

Hey all, I want to know what you American Teens do on Halloween and what your naughty peers do.  Do you say you're going trick or treating and then pull pranks?  Are there parties with drinking?  Do you dress up?  Please enlighten me in the name of research for my current project.  

Old folks like me, reminisce about your High School Halloweens.  I know I threw up one Halloween drinking vodka, sleeping over at a friends.  But I was a developing alcoholic so I can't really go by my own experience and do not recommend it.   

I 'll try to add some pretty for your time!





Ghost hunters live

Sunday October 31, 2010 at 4:10 PM

I was wondering if i'm the only one watching it. i don't think i missed a year in the last three years since i've been watching Ghost hunters.

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