Sweeney Todd

Saturday November 20, 2010 at 8:00 PM

Welcome to the uber, super, duper late horror watchalong!


Today's feature is dedicated to a very special man in all our hearts.

Mr. Johnny Depp!


Today's movie:


*You can PM us your email to make sure you join us in the conversations, or to ask for links!

However if you choose to do neither, you can still comment here on the campfire.


The watchalong will start at 10:10 PM Eastern time (9:10 Central Time) on gmail.


Special thanks go to BeanFlikn247 for making our awesome banner!


GAW for the permission!


ETA: The watchalong will be cancel on Saturday November 27th!


Carlisle & Esme

Saturday November 20, 2010 at 4:14 PM

I've noticed that there aren't that many Carlisle and Esme fics. I can find stories about Edward and Bella in any category or bella and jacob or bella and jasper, or rose and Emmett,  the volturi get the point. But why is it that there are hardly any stories about the beautiful compassionate doctor who I wouldn't mind recieving a check up from. I've found I think maybe 3 stories about carlisle's history but i'm talking about fics where its love stories between Carlisle and Esme. Don't you want to read about those two making love, or just experiencing life together? Possibly all human or vamps, whatever I just feel like there is little appreciation for the head of the cullen family. Or am I the only one?


Repost: Cien Anos de Soledad

Saturday November 20, 2010 at 12:33 PM

FINALLY. Happy in Love is reposting her completed fic Cien Anos de Soledad

There is a Girl, there is a Boy. There is a Kid. There are feelings. That's about it, really. But what else is there?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 5 - Words: 20,984 - Reviews: 31 - Updated: 11-20-10 - Published: 11-18-10 - Bella & Edward


 I am happily rereading as she posts it chapter by chapter. She is averging 1-2 chapters per day.

If you have not read it, then this is you chance to enjoy this gem. and don't let the summary fool you, there is more , so so much more into the story than it says.


Update: 9  11 chapters have been posted in This is a good time to start reading this story. I've read the readers' reviews and this story is a BIG hit.

Just read the first chapter. It will suck you in. TRUST.


What If...

Saturday November 20, 2010 at 11:13 AM

There are quite a few AU stories out there. Even stories where Bella is a shape-shifter. I think it might be an interesting read if it's well written.


So what's your favorite AU story? If you know more than one, fantastic! I especially want to know if there's an interesting story where Bella is part of the Quileute pack and along comes the Cullens.


Thank you! :)




Saturday November 20, 2010 at 9:20 AM

How are you?


Don't cheat.

What's on your desktop? Be honest ladies and gents. We are just having fun and I'm trying to get active again.

I miss you guys. Really.



Go to your desktop. Click the print screen button then click ctrl+V on Paint or any picture editor. Then upload to Photobooth or any photo uploader. Then paste here.

Just wanna see your desktop and what's making you smile when opening your computer companion.



Mine's in the comment.

Just want to say belated and advance Happy Birthday to JandCo and Emibella again. You guys are always loved.

I know this campfire is lame. Well, it's a FREE FOR ALL FRIDAY anyways.


Have you watched HP7? Is it good or you'll pick the book and start reading it again. Does it overpower the other HP movies?


Twitter and Tumblr user?

Add me. Just look for "taciturnsblood" always. In google or yahoo. :)


with teeth

Saturday November 20, 2010 at 9:05 AM

is with teeth really that good?  what's it about? why should I read it?  pimp it out to me and a link would be good too.  :)

and it's complete right? 


i wanna try something

Saturday November 20, 2010 at 12:40 AM

unsolicited life advice


for example:


-mac lip glass is unnecessarily sticky and you pay 15 bucks for the privilege of getting your hair stuck to your mouth

-peanut butter really does get gum (and pretty much anything else that's stuck) out of your hair

-nail polish remover will take that sharpie right offa your forehead; apply it to a cotton swab first, though, and dab.  it stings/possibly blinds you if you get it in your eyes.

-target's rule on coupons is that if it scans, they have to accept it- apply this to using both a target coupon AND the manufacturer's coupon... for the exact same item! (example: i have a target coupon for 1.50 off 2 m&ms and a 1.00 off 2 m&ms from the sunday paper.  voila... 2.50 off, making one of them free!)

-potential employers check your facebook accounts before hiring now, so remove any incriminating/topless/drunk/questionable photos you have

-1 cup of white vinegar in your dishwasher with each wash will make your glass sparkle like no cleaning product ever made will

-never, ever use wikipedia as a "works cited" source for your paper.  in fact, unless specified to do so (or you have access to a professional database of research-based periodicals), you probably shouldn't use the internet as a source at all; quick, handy reference guide, yes.  source.... no.

okay, your turn


rah rah like a dungeon dragon

Friday November 19, 2010 at 9:15 PM




Spoil me!

Friday November 19, 2010 at 9:08 PM

Let me preface this by saying that this campfire is all about spoilers...If you do not like them, DO NOT OPEN!!!


There are several fics that I loved but abandoned because they were too long. I have the attention span of a 4 yr old and if a fic gets too long I lose interest. It's nothing against the writer or writing, I just can't commit past 20-30 chapters.


So I'm looking for spoilers to these fics:

Master of the Universe- how did it end? The last thing I remember reading was Bella finally meeting Irina.

Hit By Destiny-I see it's still going but, I left off when Bella was living with Kate (I think) and she was about to get emancipated. You would think that would be it. What's going on now?

The University of Edward Masen- I know it's been pulled, but did it ever complete? If so, how did it end?


Are there any fics, movies, or books you want spoilers for?


Hotness Personified

Friday November 19, 2010 at 8:26 PM

The Hottest Man on Earth otherwise known as Johnny Depp.

Lettuce discuss the hotness of this man.

His eyes.

His mouth.

His arms.

His..... you get the idea.

Feel free to talk about his awesome movies, show us some awesome youtube videos and share your favorite Johnny Depp pictures.

This campfire is in honor of tomorrow's horror watchalong which is dedicated to Mr. Depp.

Who else is going to need a cold shower after this?



Friday November 19, 2010 at 8:02 PM

Hey everyone!  I wanna know your ABSOLUTE FAVORITE fic!  Mine personally would have to be, Under the Apple Tree.  So beautifully written :)



Friday November 19, 2010 at 7:22 PM


let's tumble

Friday November 19, 2010 at 7:10 PM


If you have a tumblr?  what's your address?

Do you have a favorite tumblr?  Let us know :)


(this looks delicious)


Lost Fic.. I think!

Friday November 19, 2010 at 6:23 PM

Hey guys.. the other night while laying in bed I started thinking about this fic that I read quite awhile ago. The more I thought about it the more I honestly couldn't remember if it was an actual fic or if I was blending two different fics into one-- so hopefully you all can help me sort this mess!

What I'm remembering  is that Edward is human and has a kid (I think its a daughter) & I believe he is famous-- for some reason he has to hire a bodyguard and Bella works for the company that he hires or she IS the bodyguard he hires (or maybe she is somehow connected in another way to the company/person edward hires as a bodyguard) I think somewhere in the fic Bella attends a birthday party that Edward has for the daughter?

I know this is all a huge mess but I have been waiting for days to post this on free for all! HUGE thanks to anyone who can solve this mystery!


What is Sexy?

Friday November 19, 2010 at 6:22 PM

So, like a lot of you, I'm reading several FF stories at the same time.  They all have different Edwards (and Carlisles, because yeah, yum).  We've got possessive, geeky, charming, shy, and on and on.  Anyway, it got me thinking about how despite the many different types we have, there are a lot of things that are universally attractive.  So, my question is -

How do you like your men?  What is it that makes a man sexy to you?

And yeah, pictures are highly, highly encouraged.

Mine will be in the comments.


Help finding stories.

Friday November 19, 2010 at 5:41 PM

TGIF!! so I'm looking for imprinting fics,(for my road trip) not necessarily wolfpack imprinting but it could be all human, human vamp.. and also any fics where humans have special abilities, I read this one story called Gifted by NoFangsAllowed(it's no longer on, and it kinda reminded me of X-men except there were vamps in it.


I just finished the last updated chapter of an imprinting story Called Elemental. I wish it were completed but its not. Anyway i loved how the imprinting was in the story. freaking brilliant so if anyone knows of any fics similar or just great imprinting fics and please NO imprinting on Babies. I'm not trying to offend people but I just think of Pedophilia and that Pervert who just published a book on Amazon

I checked out the Master fic list and I seriously must not have the correct link because I can never find anything maybe im not looking at the completed list, Or i'm just doing something wrong yet again.


P.S. Also any Good lovin fics that are E/B that you  know of would be greatly appreciated. I have a friend who is now interested in fanfiction and she just read a story called Bonne Foi and she wanted to know if any of you ladies knew of any fics that had great and generous lovin scenes like that story did.


Another Weekend Another Question-Waxing this time!

Friday November 19, 2010 at 5:23 PM

For my fic.  Do high school girls wax their ho-ha's these days?? Only the sexually active ones?  Do they  just shave?  Inquiring middle aged Young Adult writers want to know.  Also, what is a derogatory thing that a Brazilian mama might call her son's white girlfriend?  Oh the inappropriate questions!  I'll post some pretty for your time.  





First Loves

Friday November 19, 2010 at 5:00 PM

Now, I'm not talking about a flesh-and-blood boyfriend - I'm talking about your first fictional love.  After I moved on from my 7 year old crush on Prince Eric from the little mermaid, my first experience with going steady was Gilbert Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables series.  Oh man - I was so over the moon for that boy, and frankly still am. 

So, this campfire is twofold:

Firstly, who was your first fictional crush?  Is that love still going strong, or have you moved on?  Do share!

Secondly, does anyone know any good Anne of Green Gables fanfiction.  (There's very little on and what is there is sort of...out of character, I guess.  For example, there's a lot of anne slash, which sort of squicks me out!)  Or if you're not into Anne and Gil, what other classic lit fandom do you enjoy reading fic?

So, lettuce discuss!


Your First Time

Friday November 19, 2010 at 4:08 PM

No not THAT first time.





THIS first time:


Come inside and tell me about your first time.

 PLEASE DO NOT POST SPOILERS-I want everyone to come in and play!




Friday November 19, 2010 at 3:39 PM

so... I'm participating in the 30 days of Emmett challenge.

and, I wrote my oneshot.I

I would, however, enjoy having a prereader just to take a look at it and tell me their thoughts on how to improve it or whatever.  so... leave a comment if you're interested?

it's about 2000 words, so not too long. thankyou

First --- | >> | 975 | 976 | 977 | 978 | 979 | 980 | 981 | 982 | 983 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
