
I want some fiesty rec's

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 10:37 PM

I am looking for everyone's favorite bitchy wolf fics...Leah doesn't necessarily have to be a can be AH also...I am not picky when it comes to this woman!

I have however already read Confessions of a Difficult Woman, Hair of the Dog and Revenge Cake...and a few others..and a bunch of awesome one shots....I would go fic diving myself but that shizz is should never go fic diving alone...always have a buddy...

Anyways give em up

Here is some pretty girl for you!


Where'd it go?

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 10:15 PM

So how bout The University of Edward Masen was completely taken down??


Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 9:06 PM

Just noticed HL5 just updated? Know alot of us are watching out for this one.


omg, please

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 8:42 PM

can someone please get me a gif of hermoine and harry dancing from the new movie? one that'll fit on adf?

i almost peed my pants. too funny.

plz and sanks? :) i'd love you forever.


Give it up

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 8:22 PM

Thanksgiving is upon us.

I'm trying to get in the MOOD.

Tell me what you're thankful for.




besides the obvious (my family my husband my life) I'm thankful for: health insurance, half days, new harry potter movies, and......cheesecake.  oh, and lolcats too.


Definition of Hell

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 8:21 PM

Mother in law a day early....check

Mother in law with a cold coughing on everything...check

Delinquent nephew with new girlfriend coming to dinner...check

Upcoming akward dinner conversation...check

Bottle of wine with my name on it...PRICELESS


Tell me YOUR hell for the holiday!


help me, camper-wan kenobi

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 8:17 PM

i want to read some post-DH harry potter fanfic

i've tried doing a random ficdive, and it's just not a good idea. the harry potter fandom is way bigger than twilight, and i'm overwhelmed.

anyone got any good recs for me?  i'm very much interested in a good post-deathlyhallows fic, but i'll take recs on other stuff with caution.  i think i need to start off in a basic way before i figure out whether i'm a snermione shipper or not. and don't forget to provide links.

also, don't rec me any scabior/hermione fic, please.  i'm not ready for that yet, either.

however.... inexplicably sexy scabior fyt:

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love is all you need

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 7:25 PM

Glitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word GeneratorGlitter Word Generator

let's have a love post! just comment below and your fellow campers will tell us what they love about you! or just tell us what you're loving right now, if you want

it's fun. it's positive. it's a great way to play with your friends and get to make some new ones!

gifs, songs and pics are all welcome too. please join in everyone. i don't want to be lonely here :)


You Dirty Turkey

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 6:14 PM

It's just come to my attention that many, if not most, statements about Thanksgiving and/or the statuses of turkeys can be construed in multiple ways.

I think I am correct in assuming that a good majority of us are pervs.

Give me your WORST dirty sounding Thanksgiving/turkey/poultry sentence/innuendo/whatever.


Examples: "It's too dry."  "Stuff it in more."  "This leg is soooo hot."  


Warning: There will be multiple sexual innuendos and possible swearing within this hot beast... I hope.


Rob acts

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 5:20 PM

To follow the profound and engaging post on racisim below, I bring you a shallow and thought-free campfire.  Pics of Rob emoting.  With a side of smolder.

More outtakes from this photoshoot after the cut.   


Vampella Fics Please...

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 3:10 PM

I'm looking for a really good Vampella fiction to read. The only one I've read so far is Guarding Edward by katmom, and while I think its cute, I'm looking for something more adult.

Here's what I'm looking for:

Vampire Bella is a must.

Mature or Adult rated stories only please.

No Jacob fics...

Angst, smut, and fluff a must.

If you have any suggestions please post them. I'm dying for something new to read.



Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 2:06 PM

So this is my first campfire ever and it's Twi related on FFA, lol. But I feel like celebrating because I just ended a six week long hiatus from updating so humor me!

What do you think of Twilight actor/character look-a-likes/impersonators? Cheesy? Funny? Pathetic? Hot Damn Where Can I Get One?

Have you seen any you thought really looked like the person they think or any who really didn't? Add pics lets be the judge!

To me, this guy is NO. Even if he was hired to be a glorified extra body double:

ummmmm, what?:


What about you? Seen any good ones?


Good Girl, Bad Girl

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 1:36 PM

My first campfire in a LONG time....

Soooo, sometimes we, as readers, are good girls.
Angels, if you will.


We want to read something that, maybe, touches our heart. Sure, there may be lemons, but they are secondary to the plot. In these fics, Edward is generally a good guy, sometimes good enough to make a bad girl go good....

What are your good girl/angel fics (old or new, completed or WIP, any rating...just let me hear 'em!)  My choice is in the comments

And then there are those times . . . we fall.


We become bad girls. Let loose our inner perv. lol

Now don't be shy. What are the bad girl/fallen angel fics you read for the LEMONS!?? And a hot, badddddd Edward. *fans self* There may (or may not be) a plot, but it's the hotness that gets you . . . er, going. ;)

(My first choice was 'The Office' ... but since it is pulled, my second choice is in the comments....)

SO POST YOUR GOOD GIRL/BAD GIRL FIC CHOICES .... and to make it more fun, feel free to post an angel/fallen angel pic! -- Susie

PS: There may be spoilers, so tread cautiously.


I have a request...

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 1:14 PM

for some pics of Mr. Lautner

I have a million and one pics of rob and the various other men that have been so graciously posted here

but i feel like taylor doesn't get as much appreciation as he should..

i mean, he worked extremely hard to gain the umm physique *cough* necessary to play the role of jacob

and i think that kind of hard work should be noticed =)


i'll start with one of my favs:

and one more cause hes just so yummy:


so please help me out wonderful ladies!


serious debate time

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 1:10 PM



Christmas trees...

real or fake?


Traditional?  Or Unconventional?


Color lights, or white?

When are you getting yours?  Any family traditions?

Luna StarFire

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 12:19 PM


So my American Peeps - What is going to be on your Turkey Day Menu?

For the rest of the world what is your favorite recipe?  We can make this a recipe exchange if you want also.  


Happy Birthday Spanglemaker9

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 11:45 AM

Hey girly! Hope you have an awesome day. I offer, for your birthday pleah-zhurr, a few indulgences...

Yummy, chocolicious cupcake


MischievousGrinbert, no doubt thinking dirty, dirty thoughts 


Annnnnd this one's more for my benefit, but whatever. ;op



Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 11:29 AM


This week’s game:


 ODE TO FANFIC (Wish your fellow campers a happy thanks-fic-ing)!    

 Write a short poem, just a few lines of poetry (anything goes, haiku, sonnet, limerick, nursery rhyme, anything really) describing a particular fanfic.  Everyone else will try to guess the fic!     

Special thanks to Capricorn75 for dealing with my PMs first thing Wednesday mornings :)    

My first entry inside.


Come on, Get Happy!

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 10:48 AM

Hey Campers - I have a favor to ask.....

I Need Some Happy Tunes!!

Today has been a really hard day for me - and it's only 10:45 am.  I'll spare you all my sob story, but I ask for your help in picking out some Happy Tunes.  I like all different types of music - seriously - anything from some country to metal.

What do you listen to when you need cheering up?  What other things do you do to cheer yourself up on a bad day?

And hooray for an early FFAF!!! =)


And for your time....Some happy Rob -

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And a happy tune -


Make My Decision for Me?

Wednesday November 24, 2010 at 10:21 AM

Hi Everyone!

So right now I'm about halfway through reading This Hungry World and I am looking to choose my next completed fic that I'm going to read.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have a really hard time making decisions on what to read next. 

I've narrowed it down to 5 fics and would like your help.  Please choose ONE of the following five you think I should read:

1. Green

2. Coming Through the Rye

3. The Blessing & The Curse

4. University of Edward Masen

5. The Tutor

Whichever one gets the most votes between here and Twitter will be the winner.  If you vote for more than one I will not count your vote. ;-)



***Edit: I'm not in the mood for any particular kind of story, so that doesn't need to be a factor in your vote. :)***

First --- | >> | 973 | 974 | 975 | 976 | 977 | 978 | 979 | 980 | 981 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
