Ooooh, first campfire for me... so nervous. Anway, I'm logging out of my Yahoo e-mail account yesterday and see this on Yahoo's main page:
If I were super cool and knew how to put the trailer for the movie here, I would. But I'm not, so I didn't (super cool rangers, feel free). The trailer is in the article.
So the article begins: "The trailer for "Red Riding Hood" makes it seem the classic fairy tale has received the "Twilight" treatment.
This isn't surprising. The director of "Red Riding Hood" -- Catherine Hardwicke -- also shot the first installment of the world's most profitable sparkly vampire franchise. What might be surprising, though, it is that the idea for an amped-up fairy tale bursting with adolescent angst didn't come from her.
Instead, it came from Leonardo DiCaprio."
I haven't paid any attention whatsoever to what Catherine Hardwicke is doing these days, so this was news to me. Interesting news, I thought, because a) Movies are now being seen as given the "Twilight treatment?", b) Leonardo DiCaprio likes werewolves — is he Team Jacob?, and c) kinda hot werewolf dude in the trailer totally has Edward-like hair. Did Hardwicke use the same hairstylist?
EDIT: OK, so I was just trying (and failing) to be witty/irreverent with B and C, but I also want to know if d) does anyone around here think they'll go see this movie? AKA did twilightifying the trailer make it appealing to you?