
body language

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 7:16 PM

Since most of us are women, I know there are a few dudes up in here, I would like your opinion on something.



This is PETA's new ad.


What do you think of it?


I think it's completely stupid. That we should be ashamed of our body scans because we aren't thin and vegan? Gimme a break, PETA.


Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 7:08 PM


Is FF broken or does my computer just hate me?!

I can open any sight but fanfiction.

(Let it be known that it IS possible that my computer is getting it's revenge for my constant use of it)

By the way, this is my first campfire.  I feel like a tool for always lurking.... Especially since I depend on ya'llz so much.  You all brighten my day!


Happy December

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 6:41 PM

It's the bestest month of the year. It doesn't matter that it's dark and cold because there's magic in the air and Christmas is nearly here.

I give you: SNOW.

Have you got your decs up yet? What do they look like?

What's your favourite Christmas song? Have you got a playlist set up yet?

(Ahem: Clearly the right answer is Fairytale of New York).


Do you celebrate other holidays during the month - Hannukah, Yule, the fact that booze is free and easy?

What's your favourite Christmas food? Favourite tipple?

What do you want Santa to bring you?

And other favourites I've missed or you want to throw in there?

My answers will be in the comments.

Thanks to Capricorn75 for her approval.


Caption this!

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 4:29 PM

One of the new stills from the Eclipse DVD

I am betting we are going to have some fun with this one!

tee hee



Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 4:02 PM

i actually got the idea for this campfire last night, but was too lazy to put it up, but this is perfect... following cappie's campfire about gifts


campers, what do you want for christmas (ff and adf related, please)????

here's mine:

1. I really really want bananapancakes7 to write EPOV of Thirty days. cause omg, can you imagine how hot that'd be???

2. I really really want Failure to Thrive by Julesnerd to update

3. I would like belladonna1472's (it is 1472, right?) Edward from The Cullen Campaign to be my future boyfriend.




Know this Fic?

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 3:27 PM

OK I'm reposting this hoping someone can help. I read this fic awhile ago and can't remember much. What I do remember is it's a B/E AH fic. B and E meet and E asks B out. She already has plans, so E goes to a BBQ at Alice's and Jasper's (I think). E gets there and out on the deck the girls are all huddled together. E realizes the B is in the middle holding a baby. (Rose's maybe). Anyway everyone gets ready to go out to the pool and B goes to use the restroom to get ready but E catches her and they start making out when Alice catches them. Then there is some fun in the pool with I think a kid who is R and Em's I think. Does anyone know this fic?


I don't think Bell was related to anyone and Ang was there I believe. I do remember Jasper taking candid pictures of everyone. Oh I just remembered that Bella would go over and have a tea party with Alice's daughter. And they would wear hats and she would make uncle eddie wear a hat to. And there was something about Jasper showing people pics of E and B on the computer. And a food fight with pies I think. HELP!!!


Edit: Disregard the second half. I'm mixing two stories into one. But I do know that it's not Falling For You. Edward doesn't have any kids.


Show me some funny!

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 2:44 PM

Hello! This is my first time posting. Please be gentle with me.

I'm part of the podcast blog Twificpimps, and am always on the lookout for some great recs. I noticed something that made me a sad panda though: there are never any comedy recs!

I'm looking for some humour (I'm Canadian so please disregard all the extra vowels) recs of anything from crack, dark, to romantic.

Watcha got????


Merry Christmas, baby

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 1:48 PM

Oh Rob, you shouldn't have. Look what that gorgeous man got me for Christmas!


So Campers, now that the season is upon us, what would you give those in the Twi-universe for Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa?

Post what you would gift to another Camper, or a Ranger, or your fave author, or one of the cast, fanfic characters, or actual book characters?


Help Me

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 12:18 PM

I am confused. Have been for a long time. So much so that it is actually becoming a bit maddening...

The issue: BRONZE HAIR.

Bronze as I know it:

Namely, a shiny brownish-blond, if we are referring to hair. 


Why does Edward keep getting referred to as a redhead?? I do not understand. Help me, please.


Posting Etiquette

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 12:01 PM

After lurking here at ADF for almost a year, I only just started posting comments in the last three or four months. I blame AngiJ and her humpday games. Anyhoo, this is the first and really only online community in which I have interacted with other folks. So, I have a few questions about posting etiquette that I hope y'all can help me answer.


1. Should you always make a note in your post that you have edited your comment if you have done so? 

2. If another camper asks you a direct question in response to your post, are you obligated to respond to her/his query? 

3. Is it considered bad form to start chit chatting with another camper on a topic other than the subject of the original post? 




Rec me GOOD!

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 10:38 AM

We've been seeing a lot of 'rec me' campfires lately, maybe more than usual.  I always look at these campfires because I'm always searching for that next GREAT FIC.  The one that I DIE over, that keeps me up all night reading, that I agonize over, waiting for the next update.  I haven't felt that in a while.  There are a lot of GOOD stories out right now.... but I'm missing the GREAT ones.  I feel like I've read everything that's AMAZING.  I'm feeling jaded and I don't like it.

So rec me something good Campers!

And look...I'm a self-proclaimed FIC SNOB.  I know what I like.  I know what I hate.  I want PLOT, not porn.  I want INSPIRED writing...not just something mediocre.  I want that story that makes you say "THIS SHOULD BE A PUBLISHED BOOK IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD!!"

I want the next WITH TEETH, or SANCTUARY, or VOLITION.

Here's my list of requirements:

AH (i'll read AU too, but non-canon only)

E/B only, please and thank you

ABSOLUTELY NO Pixies, shopping sprees, electric shock at first touch, contrived angst (I like angst---just none thats there just for the sake of it), Emmett that eats everything, NO CLICHES


No "omg I can see the brilliant green of his eyes a mile away"  No you can't Bella, if you can you must be Hawk.  With feathers.

If the author's note says OMG THIS WILL MAKE YOU CRY---uhh no it won't, especially now that you said it will.

Nothing with 65725682 reviews.... if it's that popular, chances are I've either read it and loved it or flounced it because it's overrated.


Rec me something, and please tell me WHY I should read it...sell it to me.  I know there have to be some incredible stories out there that I just haven't found yet!


Craving for the Edward

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 9:53 AM

I don't roast many marshmellows on here, i'm more of a lurker/commenter, but i'm feeling pretty desperate because fanfic is not my strong point and you guys know more than I do about it.

I remember reading The Blessing and the Curse a while ago, and not long re-read it. Now guess what? I have a total CRAVING for this type of story. A fic where Edward is possessive and where he and Bella were childhood sweethearts (and pretty much always have been).

I've looked on the Master fic list, but I can't spot anything that is close to this type of fic. There's no doubt one out there, but because I haven't read much fic, can anybody help me?


i'd like to roast some marshmellows with you all


Breaking Dawn

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 8:38 AM

ETA: I'm like a week late with this as usual, how do I miss everything?




First Image Released From Breaking Dawn!

Well, this isn't much of anything, but we're sure it's just enough to get the Twi-Hards all worked up into a sparkly vampire frenzy!

Check out the first official image released from the upcoming Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (above)!

What a delicate hand surrounded by feathers! We imagine that this was taken from the scene in which (SPOILER ALERT) RPatz and KStew first consumate their eternal and completely healthy love - and in the process he bruises her entire body!

But that's okay, folks! Because she says that she wants it!

Which is a totally appropriate and acceptable message to send to impressionable young women about romance!


Ugh.. he does annoy me

Do you think it's real? come discuss 



Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 8:36 AM

I want to shop on Etsy but everytime I try, I get overwhelmed and run away. There is too much stuff! Too many icky, scary stores! But I keep hearing about the "finds!" and the "deals!" and then I get grumpy because I am missing out on the "deals!" and the "finds!"

Can you help me? What are your favorite stores on Etsy and how do I find them? Share some pics of your "deals!" and "finds!"



The Cherry Exchange

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 8:07 AM

Attention authors!  Today is the last day to get your entries in for the Cherry Exchange Contest.  Any stories submitted after 12AM PST will not be accepted.  This also means that all stories submitted before then must be in acceptable form--if a validator returns an entry to you for corrections, these corrections must also be submitted and accepted before 12AM PST.  We won't accept any late entries!!!

For more information, check out the website:

And for some reading, check out the entries:


Fluent in Sarcasm

Ok Guys and Gals...

Tuesday November 30, 2010 at 4:12 AM

It's a bit slow this morn, so I am gonna try and fill with a little somethin somethin,

OK, sooooo,

I'm gonna be mean and ask you to choose THREE, yes only three! of you favorite WIP at the moment, I was gonna say five but yeah I'm mean...

So go get to choosing, no over flowing allowed!


I'm in the mood for...

Monday November 29, 2010 at 9:39 PM

Some really good EPOV. 

Does anyone have a rec for a phenominally well written, cannon or close to cannon fic that completes Midnight Sun?  



Monday November 29, 2010 at 8:22 PM

Trippin, Slippin, Stumbletumblin update....WOW!


I believe there are other campers who read this story. And those of you who don't well do it! Its fantastic! So I'm curious what other's are thinking about the update. My first thought.....well I'll post it in the thread.



Monday November 29, 2010 at 8:16 PM

Let's get to know each other

Cut and paste this into the comments and let's get to know each other around the campfire! (my answers will be in the comments)

How long have you been in the fandom?

What do you hate about the fandom?

What do you love about the fandom?

Are you "out" in your RL about your fandom life?

Do you have a Twitter?

Favorite Twilight character and why:

Least favorite Twight character:

Favorite Twilight book:

Least favorite Twilight book:

What do you hate the most about the Twilight books:

Favorite fanfiction author (only ONE):

Favorite fanfiction story (only ONE):

Favorite dessert:

Favorite drinks (non and alcoholic):

What are you thinking about right now?

What are you doing right now?

and no-that isn't MY back-yeesh. Don't you know me at all?


i need your help.

Monday November 29, 2010 at 7:58 PM

campers, it's time for some serious business.

an issue has been plaguing me for quite some time, and i've been in deliberation on it for ages.  

i figured i could turn to you guys for reasoned arguments, lucid cogitations, and well-thought out arguments.

the quandary is inside, and i thank you for your time.

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