
what's this fic???

Monday November 29, 2010 at 7:54 PM

ExB centric, probably complete.

Edward is famous (I believe, as in moviestar or celeb or something) and this is the one scene I remember, mentioned in passing in the story...

ExB are vacationing (possibly in Italy, not too sure) and E purposely drops down on one knee while tying his shoelace longer than he's supposed to just to fuel rumours about a proposal with him and Bella.  (ya know, from the paps pics and stuff)


anyone remember it?  I remember the story's a cute, fluffy, well-written one, I just don't know which one!



High school fic rec?

Monday November 29, 2010 at 6:49 PM

Hey all! Hope you are all having a great monday! I've just finished reading 'The Hood' and I'm freaking in love with it! I was wondering if anyone might have any recs similiar to it? High school, potward, sweet/funny good fics? I'm sick and am looking to lose myself in another awesome one. Also, any doctor fics are appreciated too-I read 'Doctor's Orders' and docward is just awesome :0) Thanks in advance, lovelies!






Monday November 29, 2010 at 5:04 PM

Procrastionation- The act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.

If this is the definition. Then, I am GUILTY. Are you?

I cannot name the amounts of times I have pulled an all-nighter in order to finish a presentation, paper, project, proposal (huh, p-words much?) that I started at 10 pm.

For example, I have two very important items that need to be written by tomorrow. Have I started? No. Will I? Eventually. When exactly? When inspiration strikes.

I prefer to read ff more than I like to work. Seriously. I will put off work if I have a story to finish. That's how much I love ff. Oh, and let's not get started on my new life love: ADF.

I haven't been on this site for more than a month and its another part of my life that sucks up the majority of my day. Between ff, twitter, fb, my email, cell phone, and ADF I really have no time for work. AM I PURELY ALONE IN THE WORLD. or are there other procrastinators out there. Or... are all of you ocd freaks who finish your work first and then come out to party. If so, share you secrets. how do you stay awayyyy?????? join me inside as we discuss pure laziness.

If you are shaking your head at my ways. Come in. Help me reform.

please, with Ian on top. :)


approved by the lovely, WTVOC.


buffy double header "bad girls" and "consequences"

Monday November 29, 2010 at 3:52 PM

episode 3.14 "bad girls"

Wesley: Buffy, you will go to the Gleave's family crypt tonight and fetch the amulet.
Buffy: I will?
Wesley: Are you not used to being given orders?
Buffy: Whenever Giles sends me on a mission, he always says "please." And afterwards I get a cookie.

episode 3.15 "consequences"

You and me, Faith, we're a lot alike. Time was, I thought humans existed just to hurt each other. But then I came here. And I found out that there are other types of people. People who genuinely wanted to do right. And they make mistakes. And they fall down. You know, but they keep caring. Keep trying. If you can trust us, Faith, this can all change. You don't have to disappear into the darkness.

ahh, the downfall of faith.  i really love all of the faith episodes, especially the ones where... oh, i won't spoil it.  but you'll know, faithful watchers.  you'll know.  

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and now you know where my favorite gif comes from


FF Sneak Peek

Monday November 29, 2010 at 3:44 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Going to Far

Monday November 29, 2010 at 2:57 PM

I am absolutely Disgusted and Horrified right now at what is going on on twitter apparently some Jonas Brother Fans thought it would be okay to tweet some very disrespectful messages about Ashley Greene i think that this is so wrong and i can't understand how people can continue doing things like this to other people this is cyber bullying and i feel sorry that Ashley Greene has to go through this and receive messages like this i know alot of you don't have twitter but there is a link to some of the messages that she is receiving so I'll leave that here if you want to understand better what I'm talking about


There not much you can do on twitter for people who post this kind of thing but you can report it as Spam




Monday November 29, 2010 at 2:55 PM

Has anyone bought the Dreamcatcher replica that Jake made Bella??


Amazon shows $299 and I'm not paying that much.


Why you should be reading BRONZE

Monday November 29, 2010 at 1:42 PM

I'm back from the dead to pimp a ridiculously under-reviewed and high quality fic.  

It's one of the best AUs I've ever read, but it only has 63 reviews.  And not only is it sure to be finished, but the author has also promised a chapter every few days until around New Years, when she expects to complete.   

You want more? Mothlights takes all the characteristics that make canon Bella so damn annoying and transforms them into one of the most interesting characters in the fandom: an ancient vampire with a mysterious and terrifying gift, a fascinating mind, and a quiet that reflects more wisdom than blandness.  The writing is spare and powerful, the plot is enthralling, and Mothlights' revisions to canon are wholly unique.  A must-read.  Seriously.  

So come inside, talk about your love of this story, and convince your fellow campers to give it a try!

BRONZE » reviews
Edward is a rebellious newborn lashing out at those who try to help him. At his wit's end, Carlisle asks Isabella, the woman who was once his mentor, to take Edward in until his bloodlust cools. ExB Very AU Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 30,475 - Reviews: 63 - Updated: 11-29-10 - Published: 10-11-10 - Bella & Edward


ranger edit: we could read the fic if you'd include a link, sillykins!  click to read bronze by mothlights


So Now What?

Monday November 29, 2010 at 11:26 AM

Okay ya'll, I have finally caved and done it. I have sat down and started writing a fic. I just started last night and I am at 6700 words. Its an unrequited love story and it spans close to 12 years and its based on some true events, so its got the potential to go long. I have done some character manipulation to protect identities,(so I don't get my ass sued), so its J/E and its slash mostly canon with a few changes. 

So what I need to know, is how do I stop myself from editing it to death? Where do I get a beta that wont piss me the hell off? Where do I post it and how do I go about it? How long do folks prefer chapters to be? I swap perspective around a bit, so that might be an issue, but its key to the story. Who makes banners and what do you bribe them with to get one?

Im a noob when it comes to sharing my bits and pieces and this one  would be my first. Its prompted off a song and it will be mature but there wont be sex in every chapter.

The song that kicked it loose, so yeah its got angst to spare:



How I see my characters....FYT


Need your help please!

Monday November 29, 2010 at 9:35 AM

So I just finished Emancipation Proclamation (LOVED IT, but this campfire is NOT about that story), those of you that have read it know that it was complex, long, angsty, and emotional. 

So I need to read something to get me out of the mindset that story put me in. Something a little more lighthearted, sexy, are my choices (not sure what all of these have in terms of what i'm looking for):

1. The Hood
2. The Longest Summer (started it, not sure i'm feeling the writing)
3. Green (might not be smutty enough for me just yet lol)
4. If It's The Beaches
5. Take The Ice
6. The Wedding Party
7. The Confidence Man
8. Of Kith and Kin



I'm a newbie!

Monday November 29, 2010 at 9:12 AM

Ok, it's not all about me, but I've been trying for months to sign up for this site...and finally succeeded! VERY excited here. VERY. I'd love to hear, from anyone who wants to share, the one story you'd recommend above all others (if you can choose!). I like anything having to do with E and B, canon or human.


It's Monday! Let's Cyber!

Monday November 29, 2010 at 9:11 AM

omg please tell me I'm not the oldest one in the room who gets the above joke!

Hello?! *tap tap* Is this thing on?

Surely I can not be the only relic from 1999, 2000 aol chat room days who'd get the creepy IMs saying "hey wanna cyber?"  Because of that, Cyber Monday makes me giggle like a 12 yr old and a fart joke.


Are you doing yer online shopping today?

Interestingly enough, Cyber Monday isn't the biggest online shopping day of the year.  It's December 15th, the last day that most online retailers can guarantee shipping and delivery by Christmas.

So... if yer like me, you have your email window CLOSED for the day because you don't want to be bothered with all of the ads piling up inside.

Or maybe yer not like me, and you're excited with your CC # ready and you're taking advantage of the many FREE SHIPPING deals today.

If you know of some super great deals today, let the rest of us know! 

I'm shopping for an iPod, some Uggs, maybe a netbook (idk yet), some new bedding for my girls, and books...always books.


Some Holiday Season Facts:

-Each year, Florida Christmas tree growers produce over 120,000 freshly cut quality trees for the holiday season.
-Hershey's started wrapping their Kisses in red, green, and silver foil for the first time in 1962.
-In 1949, the tree at Rockefeller Center was strung with 7,500 bulbs. Now more than 25,000 bulbs are strung on the tree - that's more than 5 miles of lights!
-The city of Boston, MA in the US actually outlawed Christmas from 1659 to 1681.
-This might surprise you--- The average amount consumers planned to spend for gifts this year is $688.87, which is up from last year's $681.83. (who really stays on budget?)
-Germany made the first artificial Christmas trees. They were made of goose feathers and dyed green.
-In Mexico, wearing red underwear on New Year's Eve is said to bring new love in the upcoming year.
-"The Nutcracker" is the most famous Christmas ballet. (and my daughter is the Sugar Plum Fairy this year--- girlfriend is AMAZING)


How was your weekend?

Whats on your Holiday shopping list this year?

What fun traditions do you have?

Happy Monday Campers!!

and some pretty...

oh Bobby!

Fluent in Sarcasm

Anyone reading...

Monday November 29, 2010 at 8:34 AM


The Muse in the Attic by hidemyhead?

(used to be Clearlyambiguous)


If so... come discuss,

                                      If not... you really should!


Beside Still Waters

Monday November 29, 2010 at 8:06 AM


Let me count the ways

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 10:53 PM

I hate Breaking Dawn.

Hate it.

Despise it.

Now that we got that out of the way, I want you to share with me all the ways you hate Breaking Dawn. I hate it so much that I think I missed things to hate. This makes me angry. I want MORE to hate. So make me happy and give me some of your best hate.

Here are a few of mine:

The little house on the prairie wedding dress

The snooze-fest wedding with the predictable Jacob/Bella gone wrong reunion

Fade to Black (yea I know that one is universal)

The utter destruction of my beloved Edward  (SM-I will never forgive you)

10,000 random vampires who mean nothing to the plot (whoa wait, what plot?)

Bella as a boring vampire (but then I should have expected this because she was the most boring human ever)

A syringe? Seriously?

THAT THING THAT JACOB IMPRINTED ON (I refuse to utter it's name)


I love you all.



Surely You Can't Be Serious

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 10:04 PM

Leslie Nielsen, the funniest dude ever, in my opinion, died today :( He was 84.

A hiliarious actor, he was known best for his roles in the Airplane! movies.

I loved him in everything he did, but the Mel Brooks movie "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" was a favorite of mine.

Read the full Yahoo! article here.

To make this interactive, please tell me your favorite Nielsen movie and/or quote.

And remember, don't call him Shirley.



Sudden notice of Twi-characters in other movies...

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 9:24 PM

My hubby and I had a Mummy marathon this weekend, only to end it with the Scorpion king...


Image my surprise when this man:


Showed up as a bad boy!!



I love him as Sweet, Dr. Carlisle Cullen but I love him even more as the rugged, hot bad boy Takmet.


Who else is surprise to find one of your twi-obsessions in other movies??


Removal of wisdom teeth.

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 9:18 PM

Yesterday I woke up with part of a broken tooth in my mouth. 

$400 and five hours of not being able to feel my face later, I have a surgical appointment scheduled.  I apparently have one broken and three impacted wisdom teeth(one pretty bad, not sure if they can surgically remove it.)   I have an appointment in a weeks time to have all four removed and I am TERRIFIED.

Has anyone had their wisdom teeth taken out? How was the pain? The recovery?

I'm having visions of the Marathon Man scene.




Sir Rachel

Nail Polish!

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 7:28 PM

Because who doesn't love it?!

What is your favorite polish color?

What do your nails look like RIGHT NOW?


Push me please...

Sunday November 28, 2010 at 7:26 PM

I usually stick to my own guns when it comes to certain fics but some I really want to read but I just need a push because I'm nervous.

Push me into reading Beyond Time. Now that it's finish (I've been waiting for that) I just can't push myself to leap over the edge and into it.

Spoilers maybe....I don't mind being spoiled.

First --- | >> | 967 | 968 | 969 | 970 | 971 | 972 | 973 | 974 | 975 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
