The Hat Does Nothing

Eclipse Movie Review

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 3:30 PM

So, My friend (I call him the beard and Ive mentioned him here before)
Finally, took my suggestion and reviewed Eclipse.
It's kind of funny. He's not a Twilight fan but he does make it amusing.
I felt like pimping him out (And sharing his review);

He also reviews Shrek the Final Chapter in this video.
But I thought I'd share. If you like his review, check him out. :)


Plot Bunnies

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 2:00 PM

I think this pic is just awesome...

It has sent the plot bunnies a-hopping in my head, and immediately makes me want to write a one-shot or something.

My question to you is, do you have a pic/photo that has inspired you to write a story?  Do you keep visuals by you when you write, like your banner, or a particular photo of your Edward or Bella, or of certain scenery?

Do you have a favourite picture/artist/photo that has nothing to do with Twilight but just inspires you to just write and be creative?  Or if you don't write, do you have a pic that you would love to see a story behind?

I will post another pic inside, that I would love to see a story written about :)




Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 11:19 AM



Write a quick simple recipe (ingredients and instructions) for a particular fanfic (use images if you want).  Be creative - the rest of us will guess which fic your ingredients and instructions cook up!

Example 1:

A lotta’ NewsFox
Add a little Sweetheart
Top off with a pinch of tap dancing
Place ALICE in Switzerland.
Then, swoon until complete!

(Answer:  Breaking News)

Example 2:

1 Geeky, Vampy Edward
1 Geeky, Human Bella
Add in tons of video games, D&D role playing and geeky stuff
Throw them in Japan.
Continue to laugh your ass off until complete.


(Answer:  Falling For the First Time)

My first entry inside.

Thanks to Cappy for caring and finding ME today!  I snooze, I lose, but YOU are so sweet and I luv ya! :)


First attempts

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 10:45 AM

Hello, everybody!

I am coming out of hiding in order to post my very first campfire! Speaking of first times, last night I was surfing through my old files, and I found something very curious - my first try at writing Twific. Before posting the first chapter of my fic "And with Thee Fade Away," I played around with different narrative voices. Of course, the first few attempts never saw the light of day, but it's interesting to go back and look at what the story might have been, had I gone in another direction.

This got me thinking... Do any of you guys have first attempts that got discarded in the creative process? Were they really different from the final version? What made you change your mind? How about stories or one-shots that never made it to the internet?

If you're not too shy, and you've got a first attempt or abandoned story hidden away on your hard drive, post an excerpt here. Mine is in the comments.


Make me feel better campers

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 10:25 AM

Okay, so my cousin is getting married and I'm going to her bachelorette party.  It's at a dueling piano bar.  I've heard people love these; they're great fun, right?  Here's my problem.  Bars are really not my scene.  I don't like to drink.  I'm not a prude, I don't have a problem with other people drinking, I just don't enjoy the taste of alcohol, nor do I want to get drunk. 

So... I'm kind of nervous about this.  I think if I were going with a couple of my best girl friends I'd be fine.  I'd be able to relax and have a good time.  But I'm really only going to know 2 people there, they are both my cousins and while we get along pretty well, it's not a situation where I'd feel comfortable letting my inhibitions go.  I'm just a fairly shy person and I'm afraid I'm going to be that idiot standing off to the side looking terribly uncomfortable.  Okay, hopefully I'll be able to play it off better than that. 

Have any of you been to a piano bar?  What can you tell me about them?  What should I expect?  Also, give me your favorite drink that doesn't taste like alcohol.  I'd like to be able to join in without making that embarassing face. :D

To make this relate, I know I read a fic a while back where Edward works as a piano player at one of these places.  I know James worked there too.  Do any of you remember this story?


EDIT: Thank you so much to everyone who gave me suggestions.  Just to clarify, I'm not asking about alcohol because I want to make everyone else happy.  I'm not one to compromise on something I feel strongly about just so I'll be liked.  Mainly, I'm nervous about the atmosphere and as a side thing, I don't really like the taste of alcohol so I'm just looking for help in drink suggestions should I choose to try something and - no I won't be having more than one.  You guys are all awesome!  Thanks!


Approved by GAW





Get ready....

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 10:23 AM




that is you.






Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 9:41 AM

Today is the 30th anniversary of the legend that was John Lennon.  He was shot and killed outside his apartment in New York, and although gone from the world his influence is still ever present.



Do you remember where you were when you heard the news?  Does his music still touch you?

He achieved such greatness when he was alive that you can't help but wonder what he could have done if his life wasn't cut short.

Campfire approved by the fantabulous Capricorn75


Would you rather....

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 9:29 AM

Alright campers.....

Who's up for a little game of "Would You Rather...."?

The rules are simple....Pose a situation such as, "Would you rather spend a day shopping with Alice or decorating with Esme?"

(that one is lame, but I'm keepin' it "G" on the frontpage)

Simply answer other campers questions, then post one of your own.  And don't forget to give your reasons why you chose what you did!  It doesn't have to be all Twilight stuff, either.  Whatever you come up with!

Lets make this a day for forest games...pop in here, then jump in on the Hump Day Games once they're underway! Yay for games!

To get things underway, lets start with a simple one....Would you rather be stuck on a island for a month with Rosalie (and she hates you) or Alice (and she doesn't shut up)?


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Approved by the wonderful grownasswoman

Anne Shirley Cullen

In the Dog House...

Wednesday December 8, 2010 at 9:14 AM

Just wanted to share the laugh, this is what greeted me in my work email this morning from a friend of mine.

Talk about starting your day off right. :)

This may have been posted last week, but if it did I missed it, and this just cannot be missed...

Have a great rest of the week everyone!


Ranger approved by wvoc... Thanks!


Beside Still Waters update

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 11:02 PM

Find story here

Chapter 7


Come discuss it with me!!!!


Fanfic Question

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 10:33 PM

Does anyone remember what that story was where bella walks up to edward and is talking to him but doesn't realize he is blind. They are in college I think  or highschool and he is kinda mean but then they end up close.

I just found this story called Cullen Island OMG! yeah teen mode but whatever, I LOVE this freakin awesome story. I don't know how I didn't find it sooner. I haven't finished it yet I feel like I am always soo late finding fics  over half of my favorite stories have disappeared on WTF?. anyway back to reading.


P.S. story found.


What it means to be a Twihard

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 9:25 PM

Hey, Everyone! I've been trying to come around more lately, but lately it's been hard to be here 24/7 like I used to.

Anyway, I could really use all of your help! I'm writing an essay for AP English, and I have to "redefine" a word, differently than how it's usually perceived.

I chose Twihard.

Inside this campfire, you'll fine my essay so far (warning: it's extremely sarcastic, a tad inappropriate, and just barely manages to pass for a formal essay apparently).

I'd really love you guys' input, what you think is good, what needs to go, what should be longer, what I could add.

Most importantly, I need some quotes! Just basically what you guys think about the subject.

When it's finalized next week, I'll ask for permission to post it in its complete form.

Thanks! (approved by Emibella)


Update: No Choice!

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 8:50 PM

That's right, glasscannon has finally - FINALLY - updated No Choice!!

And as her loving beta, I can tell you - yall are gonna like this one. Really, really like it ;D (no spoilers tho, lol)

We've been through so much with this fic, angst and heartache like no other...and maybe, just maybe, there's a light at the end of the tunnel...tho it's possible it's just a train, coming to smack us down with more heartfail...ya never know... So come on - I wanna hear all yall's thoughts before, during, and after reading. Let's show glasscannon some love!!


Chapter 20: My Love Has Concrete Feet



New and Improved for the Holidays!

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 6:15 PM

and because one cheesy, garish graphic is NEVER enough:


That's right! It's Back and Ready for your 


This is a VERY SPECIAL HOLIDAY EDITION of the Pimp Campfire

What does this mean, Emibella?


Pimp yourself! Your friends! Your significant others! 

Let us know what sets these fanfictions apart and why we need to be reading them! 


and please, don't forget to LINK THEM!!

ETA: We do not judge you for pimping. That is what this thread is for. So you are not allowed to be shy. If you contribute, you are doing what we asked!


When I grow up I want to be a...

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 5:27 PM

Hello Campers, I come to you today with a plea for help. I'm at the point in my education, where it's time for me to buckle down and choose a major. In my quest, I have been assigned to interview people with careers of interest, this is where you come in. I need to know:

1)What degrees and or certifation you have under your belt.

2)How long it took for you to complete them.

3)What Job(s) you have acquired after you graduated/became certified.

4) Did/Do you enjoy said job(s).

5)How difficult or easy was the journey toward your career.

I'm mostly looking for people who have careers in Art, Broadcast Journalism, and Publishing but everyone should come in and answer. Share your wisdom for those of us who have yet to find our paths in life!



Approved by wtvoc! Thanks!


buffy episode 3.18 "earshot"

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 5:20 PM

I am my thoughts. If they exist in her, Buffy contains everything that is me and she becomes me. I cease to exist.  Huh.


heyyyy remember when they dropped this episode because it was going to air right after columbine, and they thought that it would freak everyone out?  it's funny now, you know.  ten years later and all.  it's just so tame by today's TV standards.  :/

also, this episode is high-larious.  and kind of reverse twilight-y, when you think about it.  


Did anyone save Lolashoes' stories?

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 4:27 PM

Hello Campers,

I'm in the mood for re-reading my favorite Lolashoes stories and discovered they were removed from the web last month.  On her FF page, she says she doesn't mind if we save and pass them around, so if anyone has downloaded any of these little gems, I'd love to have a copy.  She wrote a series of three stories:  Let Your Light Shine, A Life Extraordinary, This Hungry World.  There is also "My Yes, My No" which I haven't read but know it must be good.

Thank you!


Which Forest Fics are you reading?

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 1:14 PM

Title says it all.

Tell me what and why I may be missing in the Forest?

[Lovin' On grey mornings, Starry Eyed]


3rd Person

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 9:14 AM

I believe most fics are written in 1st person, either Bella's POV or Edward's.

Sometimes I love me some 3rd person! Like The Tutor or Tips for Better Living. But there's no way to search for that!

Recc me some GOOD, COMPLETED 3rd person fics please!


A moment for pause~

Tuesday December 7, 2010 at 8:24 AM

sorry - i'm wordy today...

In 1937 my grandmother sent my father to seminary in Florida. She wanted him to study the Bible and have a career in the Church. For a woman who operated a brothel in post-Depression era Harlem, this was a lofty goal for her only son. He attended for one year and hated it. He wanted to become an engineer and go to college in New York City, but my grandmother refused to pay for it. So my father did what many other young men would do for generations to follow, he joined the Army to pay for college. This was before the GI Bill, so there were no tuition benefits, but my father thought he’d just save his pennies, then return to school after a three year enlistment. His ETS date, the date his enlistment was supposed to be over, was December 8, 1941.

On December 7th, Pearl Harbor was bombed, thrusting the United States into the Second World War. My father’s ETS was suspended, and he was shipped off to the Philippines where he fought with the 3rd Armored Division for three years.

After the War, my father found that he enjoyed military life so he reenlisted, again and again. He traveled the world and later fought in the Korean War. He saw the segregated Army integrate. He helped make history, he lived history.

Eventually, he was sent to Europe where he met and married my mother, who was born in Nazi Germany, who’s father was a Nazi and who lived through the War and had her own (often terrible) stories to tell. He retired in 1964, after serving in the US Army for 26 years. Several years later, my parents and their brood of children moved to the United States, where I was later born.

I grew up with the benefit of having older parents who lived during a very tumultuous time in American and World history. The Great Depression, segregation and the era of Jim Crow, World War Two—from different perspectives, post-War Germany reconstruction, the Korean War, the Civil Rights Movement, the Cold War. My parents lived this history, the good, the crazy, the tragic.

Today is the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. You learned about it in school, it’s written about in history books and there are documentaries on television you can watch. But there’s nothing quite like learning about major historical events from people who’ve lived through them.

Of the 60,000 American soldiers, sailors and airmen at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, only about 3,000 are still active enough to be able to travel and share their stories. Next year it will be even fewer.

The bombing of Pear Harbor was a major event that affected the entire planet, and effectively altered the trajectory of the Second World War. Who knows what the outcome would have been if the reluctant United States hadn’t been forced into the War.

But also, if my father had been allowed to ETS on December 8, 1941, he would have eventually gone back to college and it’s likely he would have lived his life in New York, as he planned. He wouldn’t have met my mother and I never would have been born.

When you think about it, the world isn’t so big, and we’re all connected in ways that we wouldn’t ordinarily think. Call it the Butterfly Effect, or Six Degrees or whatever. Somehow, something and or someone on the other side of the planet, either today or tomorrow or sixty-nine years ago, has directly touched your life, and you’re probably not even aware of it.

What major world or historic event has directly affected your life?

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