
Teasers Unplugged

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Announcing a New Kind of Teaser!



We know that you love teasers, whether they’re snippets from the upcoming chapter or visually stimulating pictures. Now we want to give you a new way to appeal to your readers (and to find great new fics to read): Music Teasers.

We know lots of authors have awesome songs to go with each of their chapters, and we want to hear them. Every Thursday, we’ll post your music teasers on TwificNews. We’ll post the name of your story (with a link), your banner, summary, and of course the video!

This is a great way for readers to get the tone of the next chapter!

This week we have teasers from: 

A Whole Lotta Trouble by jacndaniel – Chapter 6

All That Jazz by javamomma0921 – Chapter 14

Secret Life by MandyLeigh87 – Chapter 17

Teenage Kicks by missrebecca – Chapter 18

The Man in Black by prettykittyartist – Chapter 12

Check out our first post.


Back to School.

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 12:37 PM

Hello ladies [and gents, if you're around],

I wanted some advice from all of you awesome, highly qualified, hard-working campers. You see, I've been contemplating returning to school and I've just been putting it off and I realized that it's not cause of the cost. I want to do something else. I've never had any ambition, growing up. Nor do I have any special interests or talents. I just want an interesting career with good money.

I would love to be a wedding planner, fashion merchandiser, lawyer [that's my fall-back] and I want to know what you're DOING...what you've learned, what you wished you'd known...

...Also, I don't know whether I'd be in the US or UK...but, if I find a program that is affordable and amazing in either place - well, that'll be a deciding factor!

I wish more than anything right now that I was a Cullen. I would love to have a couple of medical degrees. Except, I hate blood.

Allow me to digress, help me. I am lost.

Let ME be inspired by YOU.

I am so Rob...


*Approved by the lovely, effervescent, intelligent and hilarious, Jandco*

A thousand pardons.


The many faces of Rob

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 11:09 AM

I'll keep the introduction short.

This week, let's discuss the many faces of Rob, and in particular

Rob being goofy

So witout further delay, jump right in and enjoy!



some funny for your Thursday

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 10:56 AM

The cast of Harry Potter learns to talk "American".  It's the freedom language after all, lol.

"Justin Bieber is the man!"

"Boo yah!"

Fluent in Sarcasm

Be my superheros...

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 9:03 AM

OK guys and dolls...

I need some cheering up!

I have a jaw infection due to my wisdom teeth! gona have to have them whipped out, YAY ME!

Someone recently posted a CF saying they were gona have theirs out, and i can now truly empathize...

I am feeling SOOO *insert swear word here*

So i need something that will keep my mind of the pain, and make me belly laugh, cry with laughter, gasp for air!

So please pick out your best fics/clips/books and let me have them!


Be my Superheros...

Rec me some funny!

Thank you

FinS x


I'm a Firestarter..

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 8:40 AM

Twisted Firestarter...(Paraphrasing Prodigy)


Anyhoo- Thanks Rangers for the Vamp is GREAT fire, 'cuz I didn't know all Vamps are good vamps.

So here is my question about Vamp books...

Has anyone read The Vampire Academy books?? If yes- what did you think? Bella (stepdaughter) and I are looking for a series we can share... as she is 12, I think BDB is a little out of her league...





The Plan.

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 4:39 AM

There is this fic that I'm reading and loving called The Plan.

It's HILARIOUS and well written and all that good stuff...but.

it's also way different.

The author is updating in real time.  Which means...she updates several times throughout the day (and omg middle of the night) according to the time in her fic.

It's a fun idea and the story is fun.

Has anyone ever heard of such a thing as this Real Time updating??  And also, is anyone else reading this? 


Please no poking with the pitchforks...

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 11:47 PM

I know campers aren't too fond of "help I can't find this fic" posts, but I am a girl in need that's starting her Christmast break and needs to get back in touch with her fanfic.

So, please kind campers, does anyone know the name of a fic about a free-spirited country girl Bella who gets her job back as a nurse for city boy Edward? And Jessica is Edward's (or was) city-girl girlfriend. And I clearly remember pie. Yes, there was pie.


Thanks so much, dearies!



Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 11:07 PM

I was reading a story on ffnet and then my Internet crashed. I have no idea what the name of it was so I'm hoping that someone can help me.

It's set in the wild west and Edward is half native American. Bella's father is a drunk and beats her and she's promised to Mike Newton. Edward wins Bella's hand in marriage during a card with Charlie. That's about as far as I gotten.


Thanks in advance. :)


Ranger Post

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 9:33 PM


Whoa. We have had a huge amount of new campers come and join us over the last month or so. WELCOME! We are thrilled to have you here. The Rangers have been getting a lot of questions about what can and can't be done here in the forest and we decided to do this post to make things clear for everyone.

A Different Forest is NOT just a Twilight website. Yes-it's true! Our main focus is Twilight but we are VAMPIRE friendly at all times. This means that we encourage and want you to make campfires about ALL THINGS VAMP! (Vampire Diaries (including the cast members), True Blood (including the cast members), The Black Dagger Brotherhood, The Vampire Chronicles, etc). We are in discussions and hope to add some other vamp fic as well. Please feel free to post anything related to vampires at any time.

If the Twilight cast is in it, then we want you to post about it. Water for Elephants? YES! Welcome to the Rileys? Absolutely. And well-you get the idea. Whatever the entire Twilight cast is doing on that particular day, feel free to shout it out!

Harry Potter. We can't compete with the mega-sites in that fandom nor do we want to. But Robert was Cedric and that makes anything HP fair game here so post away.

Be a fire-starter-we encourage off-topic posts! If you have an off-topic idea, please just email, PM, tweet, or gchat a Ranger about it. We are very accessible and want the best conversations here in the forest so don't be shy!

Free for All begins on Thursday night at midnight (technically Friday morning) and runs through Saturdays at 5 p.m. EST. You can post about anything and everything without getting Ranger approval during this time.

A Different Forest is YOUR community and it will be what you make it. Don't like a post? Start another one. Have an idea for a debate? Speak up. Want to get to know people better? Comment more. We are here to work with you on making ADF a thriving, vibrant community full of conversations and discourse (and of course eye-candy).

If you have any questions, please put them in the comments. Thank you all for being here.



Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 7:48 PM

We're dreamimg of a CANON CHRISTMAS

and we want you to write it for us.


Here's the deal: Write 500 to 1000 words about the Twilight characters of your choice ( and I mean the BOOK CHARACTERS: vampires or werewolves or highschoolers (i.e. Angela, Lauren, Jessica, Mike, etc.) or parents (i.e. Renee, Sue, Billy, Phil) or police (i.e. Charlie, Mark), but if you pick humans you HAVE to include at least one significant supernatural character in the story) at Christmas.

Here's the detail:  The story can be jolly, violent, romantic, angsty, sappy, fluffy, smutty (but please keep it PG13), or impossible, as long as the CHARACTERS are Canon (LIKE THEY ARE IN THE BOOKS).

If you have romance of any kind or RELATIONSHIPS OF ANY KIND, we want CANON COUPLES and CANON RELATIONSHIPS only. Thank you.

And in case you missed it up there, THE STORIES MUST HAVE A CHRISTMAS THEME and again-THIS IS CANON.

This contest is looking for the best story, so it will be judged MAINLY on the storytelling and plot, BUT things like grammar and spelling are contributing factors, so don't enter something that you haven't even proofread.

Here're the rules:  Each entrant is allowed only one entry, and no collaborative efforts can be acknowledged due to the fact that the winner will be the one Camper who posted the winning entry.

Entries under 500 words or over 1000 words will be disqualified.

Entries must be posted IN THIS CAMPFIRE.  Campers, feel free to comment on the entries as you read them here. These extra little holiday themed stories are supposed to fun for everyone and our special Forest treat to all.

Rangers are ineligible. Don't even try to fool me.


Tick tock:  And finally, as with all our 12 days of Christmas games, the competition is open for 24 hours from the time this is posted, and the winner will be announced on FRIDAY NIGHT about 48 hours from the opening of this competition, in order to give the judges (the entire Ranger staff) ample time to read all entries and vote. See the above map of timezones so you can calculate the open hours of competition wherever you are in the world.

Oh, and you want a prize?

Since participants of this game enjoy reading, how about a $100 Amazon gift card?


Ho ho ho.





Help a Girl Out...

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 7:36 PM

Of all the Twilight Saga books, I loved the first one best. And unlike MOST, I don't mind the fade to blacks, and overall chasteness found in the series. Because what enraptured me so, was the way E and B loved one another in that all-encompassing, "we've created our own world that no one can enter" kind of way. It was so intense to me and it sucked me in in such a way that I might have neglected my kids for a week straight just to finish the books. 

I am about to be off work for a full week and need some reading material. Since I finished the Twi-books so long ago, I have not been able to find another book or series in which the main characters share that kind of "thing" that E and B shared. Can anyone rec me something that comes even close?


beautiful boy...& WfE

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 6:15 PM

i'm just gonna leave this right here.....



the full HD trailer can be found on iTunes

gif made by oscar519.


oops. forgot to add GAW approved this. 


gift ideas

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 5:12 PM

Christmas Generator -

omg that font turned out amazingly

so, i'm still stuck for ideas for a couple of people.  let's make this a GIMME IDEAS campfire.  you post the people you still need gifts for (and the max you're willing to spend), we respond with what to buy.  

inspired by the fact that nayarit and anne shirley cullen sent me my gift-giving campfire gifts today (thanks, guys!), and i'm totally jazzed about embossing stuff and ogling nude penis sculpture!  

gimme ideas for:

-a 31-year old single straight male with great fashion sense and impeccable taste who buys himself whatever he wants (we end up getting him expensive booze every year); will spend up to a hundred bucks

-a 3-year-old girl who loves cinderella.  i was thinking about sqwinkies, but i don't know if that's appropriate for the 3-y-o kids?  will spend up to 20 bucks.


non-autoplay for your time:


Bow Chica Wow Wow

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 2:37 PM

When Edward and Bella grace the screen in the Massengill Douche Meadow in Eclipse, all I hear are corny harps and genital-less angels singing. But when Bella and the good doctor get a little alone time? I hear total 70's porn music:

"Bella, there are other things I will mend since my p-- of a son refuses to...."

Which folks onscreen in the twilight franchise show the most heat to you?

A little "Bella and Carlisle" lullaby for your time:




Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 1:36 PM

Between my little burg in North Idaho and Seattle is a tiny town called Leavenworth.  It's known as 'Little Bavaria' and is a quaint and fun place to visit.

This is the latest tourism ad:


We all know Forks has Twilight and that it saved their area's economy.  They also have this:


Leavenworth has Woody

Forks has loggers.

Tell me, campers, what silliness does your town have? 




*Approved by wolvesnvamps

Edited to add:  Miss Jennyfly is a ship sailing quickly to her demise. Quote "I will miss the Forest," she said during an interview earlier today.

I think she needs tequila. Lots and lots of tequila.  :)


EDIT of the Edit: Ok, she doesn't need tequila. But I refuse to let her die. 

*closes eyes in concentration*

"I do believe in Jennyfly....."


BETA fishing

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 12:16 PM

(Not gonna lie, I came up with the title of this post and kinda gave myself a pat in the back)


A lot of the BETA sites are "full" if you will at this time, so I thought I'd ask the forest.  If you consider yourself a grammer/spelling nazi, but are equally good at spouting encouraging little nuggets, I not only want you...I kinda need you!

More on the story and what I need inside...


Happy Birthday!

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 10:36 AM

Today is my favorite Argentinian's birthday, which is a HUGE feat cause they birthed Maradona AND Messi . . . but everyone please get in here and show some love to our fellow camper.

She loves futbol, all things Robbie Pattz, NON metrosexual men--so if your Edward describes the cross-stich hem on Bella's dress she's gonna scream, cats, and being a general sunshine for everyone! Oh, and bring the funny too! She's amazingly sweet, genuine and caring, and a real treasure to know. And since this is like her second home, please come and wish her an AMAZING day. Happy Birtday bb!



Robert or Jackson?

Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 10:00 AM

I know there are many Robert admiirers here.. and I know a lot of you enjoy Jackson. So, I give you the best of both worlds-

This video is crazy hot. You are warned-




Wednesday December 15, 2010 at 9:47 AM


 This Week's Game:  (RE)NAME THAT FIC! 

(suggested by the wonderful, cookie bakin’ and steamin’ hot Jazzy-Cullen)


1.   Post an alternate title to a fic.

2.   Leave guesses for other people's renamed fics.

Maybe someone else has another alternate title? Maybe you'll stump everyone with your mad renaming skillz? Let’s see if a fic by any other name can be just as lemony, angsty, etc. You get the gist?

Example 1:
Fifty Shades        (Answer: Master of the Universe)

Example 2:
The Land of Cookies and Unicorns    
(Answer: Wide Awake)

Special thanks to Capricorn75 for dealing with my PMs first thing Wednesday mornings!

My first entry inside.

First --- | >> | 953 | 954 | 955 | 956 | 957 | 958 | 959 | 960 | 961 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
