

Friday December 17, 2010 at 1:32 PM

Ahh! What happened to Revolve? It's been on my list to read and now that I finally want to read it, it's gone! Does anyone know what happened to it? 

ETA: It was a one-shot entry into the Age of Edward Contest with a 1690's Pirateward.


So Wild Swan updated

Friday December 17, 2010 at 12:47 PM

And I was like, "What."

Read it folks.

It's been so long that I need to re-read it from the beginning, again.

She was on a hiatus, I believe.

Wild Swan by ScarlettLetters

Rating: Rated: M
Summary: Bella decides that it's time to find out who she really is and that
means stepping out of her privileged life as a Cullen and taking flight on her
own. Can different paths lead two people to the same destination? AH


Rec me a cross dressing Bella fic....

Friday December 17, 2010 at 12:31 PM

I read Just One of the Boys by TKegl the other day and now I am hankering for some more fics where Bella is pretending to be a dude. I just love my Edward confused and questioning his sexuality what can i say! I've already read Portrait of a Girl by Zors (is this on hiatus?). Which, by the way, totally reminds me of the ill fated WB show Young Americans.why oh why did this show get cancelled?! it has a young pre-vampiric Ian Somerhalder!

watch from 6:23.....sigh Jake and Hamilton.
Ryan Ninea

Catch Me Up

Friday December 17, 2010 at 12:30 PM

Sooooo, I feel off the face of the earth and havn't been frolicking in the forest (or anywhere else online) since Chapter 10 of Bratty Vamp's Green was posted. I remeber because I was reading it when my computer bit the dust. So I am very much out of the loop, and am working with a broken laptop screen here, so really don't wanna sift through hundreds of old campfires, so could somebody give me some highlites please???

What fics should I be reading? I'm not reading any at the moment. What is going on in the fandom in general. I feel like I have been gone 5 years, not a couple months.

Please bring me up to speed. I don't even know what's going on with movie BD movie production.

Thank you Thank you!!

And for your time:


Going down to Chi-Town.

Friday December 17, 2010 at 12:09 PM

/I am super excited for the extended FFAF...I'm doing nothing this holiday, no family and not particularly interested in "friends", so I will be on ADF a LOT...yay..\

Right so, I may [God willing] be moving to Chicago next fall. So far - no prospective job, no prospective place to live [Wicker park seems nice], absolutely no knowledge of Chicago [except that it has had an alarming number of serial killers *ahem weirdchicago.com ahem*.] and no immigration filed for my British hubby - I am ready to get back home. Haven't lived in the US [born n raised] for four years and I'm originally a Jersey girl.

OK, long story short...I badly want to move to Chicago [or subarbs] to be closer to my parents and I ask you, campers of ADF, about your knowledge of Chicago.

..yes, I know Edward's orginally from there and that has no influence on my desire to move there...


OK, maybe it's kinda cool.


Geeking out over trailers

Friday December 17, 2010 at 11:55 AM



Okay, so I caught the trailer for Tree of Life today, I'd been waiting on it for a while (I maybe, kinda, sorta, obsessively follow movie news) and God it is so damned beautiful looking...


(I hope this link is right, I can't embed youtube at wrk)

Sooo, since it's that time of year when all good movies are at least limited released for award purposes: Post some of the trailers you're geeking over, think we all should see, or think Ryan Gosling looks hot in...idk it's happening a lot lately.


Mad at Bella Mad at Edward

Friday December 17, 2010 at 11:50 AM

So occasionally a chapter of my fic receives some strong reactions -- in opposite directions.  

Some of them say:  OMG how can you let Bella be so awful to him and then others say Poor Bella Edward needs to get a grip on modern times.

I enjoy these responses, some are even long and angry -- occasionally readers even flounce because of it and I wonder if I pushed them too far.  Edward's in the lead for sympathy in my latest chapter, but at other times it was Bella.

Anyhow, is there a story where you couldn't stand Bella or Edward drove you nuts 
but you stuck with it and they either grew on you, or they changed in the course of the story and you realized 'Aha, that's was the author's intent'.  Mine is in the comments.

For your time.  He looks so.... undressable



Ooooo, naughty!

Friday December 17, 2010 at 11:45 AM

So that title was basically to get your attention.

So are these bright colors.


I want to discuss your guilty pleasures in the form of song.


What songs do y'all listen to that you hide whenever someone else is listening?

Any artists that you pretend you don't like, but really you crank it in the car and jam along?

I'll go first:

If anyone asks, I've never heard this song in my life.

but really I listen to it like, twice a day


Katy can't sing live worth anything, but her songs are so catchy. I also kinda admire her willingness to be turned into a caricature. She looks like she's having a great time wherever she goes.




yes, you read that right

Friday December 17, 2010 at 11:09 AM

Snow Text - http://www.christmastext.com



thank you for reminding me, wolvesnvamps

so, as part of the 12 days (give or take) of ADF christmas extravaganza, we rangers want you all to GO TO TOWN.

free for all.  lasts until the sunday before everyone returns to work (january 2nd), midnight-ish.

so, post every day, and don't forget- there are more contests coming!

we'll be announcing the winner of the oneshot canon contest this evening.  the rangers are doing an epic chain-mail as we speak, grousing about only getting to pick one.

we're very excited about this!

also, why the eff is everyone writing such depressing stories omg brb volterra

anyway, carry on.  and post away!


Is it worth it??

Friday December 17, 2010 at 10:14 AM

So since it's FFAF I figured I could use the wisdom of the campers here!

I just graduated undergrad this semester and I have decided to sign myself up for a life of poverty in exchange for a fulfilling career. I will be going to get my Masters in Social Work next fall in hopes of eventually getting my L.I.C.S.W

Anyway, what I would like to know is in regards to Graduate School. I have heard people say they regret going to an expensive private school as opposed to a state school and people who have said they don't regret the money spent on a private education. The state school has a really good program and will only cost me about $17,400 for the two years while the private college will cost about $61,500. (I should mention that I don't know if/what i will get for financial aid and my parents paid for undergrad so i currently have no loans in my name). It is known that the private college had more resources available, will have more connection opportunities and comes with the prestige but is it worth it for a job that only makes like $25,000-$30,000 a year?

What would you do? What did you do? Would you do things differently if you could? I feel so conflicted, help please!


help an invalid....

Friday December 17, 2010 at 10:03 AM

Hi fellow Forest lovers!

I am recovering from a hysterectomy on Monday......I know.  Sucky time of year for surgery, no?  Anyways, I need some help.  I love, love, love fics with tons of UST and I also love geeky Edward.  I'm looking for your recs with fics that I may have missed featuring either of those 2 things.

Oh!  I also love snarky humor fics.  And The Plan, recommended by the beautiful jandco, is totally owning me right now!

So have some pity on my percocet-filled brain and rec me some fics!  Thanks and I love you all!!!


Aren't we smart....

Friday December 17, 2010 at 7:24 AM

to be so ahead of the curve



(hopefully the link works - links are often a bafflement to me, I'll post copy of article inside just in case)


What do you think - will this happen, will this be THE movie that puts him on his way - be someone other than the 'star of Twilight', will he be overshadowed by two Oscar winners - do you care - or will you continue to love/hate/be indifferent to him either way?


for your time - the lovely RP/Jacob

Photobucket Photobucket


Civil War

Friday December 17, 2010 at 4:38 AM

hey guys! this is my first campfire, hi!

i have a strange request: i am learning about the Civil War in my American History class, and i am so fascinated!

Has anyone seen any E/B civil war era fics?


i would post some pretty pictures of Rob, Jackson, etc.... but I don't quite know how :)


Post a Playa

Friday December 17, 2010 at 12:23 AM


Post a Picture of Your Favourite, Hot and Yummy Athlete.

NHLers, NFLers, NBAers, MLBers, Soccer/Footballers, Figure Skaters, Golfers, Swimmers...You catch my drift ;) 

Come on and Post a Player!



No love for femme-slash? MAJOR love of male slash?

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 11:32 PM

I've always been curious about this. I'm not a slash reader, male or female but the very real lack of femme slash in the fandom has always puzzled me because the interest in male slash, especially Edward and Jasper seems REALLY high.

So the curiousity has finally bubbled over by seeing a femme slash contest. I don't think I've EVER seen one yet there seems to be quite a few wolf slash or vamp slash, or AH slash contests around.

1. Why do you prefer male slash?

It it similar to the perception that women tend to be being more turned on by gay male porn over lesbian porn? Thus, male slash over femme slash?

2. Do people just really dislike Bella, Esme, Rose and Alice that much to where they don't feel the need to pair them together and explore that?

I remember an episode of Twigasm way back (don't remember the author) but whoever it was said something along the lines of them really not liking any of the female characters in the books.

I want to say they said the female characters were weak (but don't quote me on that) because I don't remember but I do remember the author saying they disliked the female characters and that was one of the reasons they wrote male slash. Is that the same for avid slash readers and sometimes writers? Do you agree with that?

3. Did people really see a potential attraction between Edward and Jasper that strongly in the books and that translated into slash? 

Edward/Em, Edward/Jacob and Edward/Carlisle is kind of like digging in the bargain DVD bin, you MIGHT find a copy if you dig deep.

4. Does it really come that easy to write one slash over the other?

This one I'm really curious about because I don't think it would be too difficult BUT just based on the body parts I have, I would think femme slash lemons would be easier to write rather than getting into the minds of two males in a little bit of a different type of sexual situation.

5. If you don't read slash, IF you did which would you read - male or femme or both? What would be the reason for one over the other?


ETA: I don't know how interactive I'll be in this because this is more like a survey because I'm just curious on the answers.


Newly Discovered Classic Fic

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 9:15 PM

I mostly lurk these days but I just had to come out of lurkdom to rec a older fic.  

Blind by jayeliwood

AU,OOC, All human. Disability doesn't mean you're not able. Can Edward get over his disability and himself to find true happiness with someone who cares deeply for him. Will he do anything to become whole for her? Winner of 3 Twilightawards best author!


It's 48 lovely chapters and it's complete...with a sequel....which is complete.  

It's owned me for 2 days.   I've just started the sequel and it seems like it's gonna be as good as Blind.    If you haven't read it, follow  that link.   It's a great story!!!!



Thursday December 16, 2010 at 8:58 PM

That guy I live with pointed out something VERY interesting to me while we watched Eclipse the other night, and now I can't un-see it...



Jasper and Gavin Rossdale look a LOT alike - a little freaky, no?


I've been cheating...

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 3:35 PM

And I do feel strangely guilty!

I've never read anything but Twilight fanfic but for some mad reason I have become obsessed with Harry Potter Next Generation fics. Now maybe its that HP fandom is more about quantity than quality but I haven't found anything satisfying from my random searches. Can anyone rec me any fics or even suggest sites to check out?

I have found a few one shots and a great fic where Rose gets knocked up by Scorpius but in general the quality of the writing is far beneath what I have come to expect and enjoy from Twi fics. Is there really any point cheating if you get a lower quality experience:)

Thanks for your help

(and btw it's Friday in NZ so I'm assuming I can post this under FFAF)


The Underappreciated Fic Fire

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 2:27 PM

Are you the author of an awesome fic who "flies under the radar" and just can't seem to get noticed in the fandom?

Are you a popular writer with a soft spot for some of your less well-known but amazing stuff, and you wish people would look at?

Have you read an incredible but obscure story that more people need to know about?

Here's your chance to tell us all about it. I, at least, am going to check them all out (unless this campfire goes totally nuts and I can't finish), so come in and share!


Let me tell you a story.

Thursday December 16, 2010 at 2:19 PM

About a crazy old lady that lives in North Idaho.

She spent her life as an outcast(by choice-sort of); a rebel and free-spirited  gypsy, roaming from place to place as the wind took her.

Whose children were brought up to be independent thinkers and speak their minds. (Often placing said old lady in precarious positions, but that's for another story.)

This unique individual eventually had said children and settled down into a fairly comfortable life. Eventually, she realized that something was missing.  She wanted to provide more for her children and provide an example that opportunities always exist if you want to look hard enough.

The old lady went back to college.

The old lady's love of tie dye was re-awakened and she wore it almost daily.

She withdrew from the human race, focused on her pursuit of a degree. Her friends thought she was gone forever, until....


Oh Hades bells, I'll get to the point of the campfire.

Take a look inside.


 ***Congrats to those finishing their semesters everywhere. 

Come inside and share. '

How was it?

How far do you have to go?***

And yes, I wish I had the memory of a vampire.  It would have come in handy for finals, which nearly killed me.


*approved by gwa

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