
Eclipse Trailer...Toby style

Friday January 7, 2011 at 9:35 AM

So I just came across this while looking for music. I thought it was funny, thought I'd share ;)
Also, I love Toby hard ♥

Let's play a game...

Friday January 7, 2011 at 6:26 AM

... since it's FFAF.

I'm staying home for the second day in a row today, because I slipped on some ice Wednesday morning and my back has been killing me ever since. It's getting better now, but the painkillers I'm taking are making me pretty drowsy, which doesn't go well with work.

Aaanyway... staying home does allow for some good stuff. For one, I finished my entry for the Pick a Pic challenge. Second, I've been able to catch up on updates and might even get to start reading something new off my to read list.

Just now I logged onto Facebook and saw a post by one of my friends. I liked the idea behind it and thought, why not transport it to ADF?

So, here's the deal...

1 - Go to wikipedia and hit random. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”. Third picture no matter what is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.
5 - Post it in the comments.

What I ended up putting together:


I'll tell you what I want...

Friday January 7, 2011 at 6:10 AM

What I really, really want. [Sorry if the song's in your head now. :-p]

Please rec me some good Bella wants Edward but he's too - awesome, hot, out of her league, damaged...WHATEVER...I don't neccessarily want Bella in angst [I'll just read Twilight for that], but remember the good stuff about crushes? The anticipation? The planned coincidental "run ins" [was that my stalker self?]...I want a good chase.

I started the diva diaries [hehehe found a loophole to access FF but don't wanna jinx it so, 'nuff said]...and now, I just want some "Bella wants Edward".


Also, if you wanna tell me the craziest/wackiest things you've done in the name of a crush.


[I looked thru the Master Fic list and couldn't anything specific to this genre]


Some inspiration for you to come up with the good stuff..

[Also, did RPattz really go out with Annelyse Schoenberger...'cause she's like smokin' hot...]



pPROMer's Preemie update

Friday January 7, 2011 at 5:20 AM

Hello! It's been a few weeks since I last posted anything about this- that's because I delivered the day after my last post. Yep. My body tried to sike me out a couple of times, but the 3rd time I went into labor, it was legit. My little Peanut was delivered via emergency c-section at 29 1/2 weeks. Currently, he is still in the NICU (and probably will be for a few more weeks). He is absolutely beautiful.

Thank you to everyone who sent their good thoughts and prayers our way!

Here's a pic of my little munchkin about 3 weeks after birth- snuggling on his Daddy's chest. 


Feeling a Bit Left Out

Friday January 7, 2011 at 4:41 AM

DISCLAIMER:  I'm not whining. Or bitching or complaining, etc. If it sounds that way, it's not. K? k.

I know I've been MIA for a while. I could make excuses but whatever.  I know I've been trying to be more sociable on here but it's really pretty hard when EVERYTHING happens (mostly) on US time and I'm over here, in Germany on German time (now.  There was a couple days where I was in this weird PST/CET limbo, but I think I'm back on CET.) Outside of the 20 days I spent gallivanting throughout California, I've been here for 2+ years.  I've had many discussions about how it sucks that over here we're always at work or asleep or doing God knows what when there's awesome campfires happening (like the TMI one. Not even going there since my interwebz will die if I try) so instead of whining about it, I'm posting my own.

Please, share something funny or awesome or anything really.  I feel like I don't know anyone here (and there's a few others on this side of the globe that feel the same since we all seem to miss things when they happen)


Mine are in the comments. It can be TMI, NSFW, might want to give people a heads up if it is something NSFW though.


I had to

Friday January 7, 2011 at 4:30 AM

I just found this, as I subscribe to this lovely mans channel. He's adorable.

But I thought I'd share it, cause I'm English, and these are words I and my friend from uni use, and our Canadian friend never gets lol.

To make this interactive: Any videos on how to speak from where you are? Slang words no one ever understands that you use? Or just any funny videos you wanna share?

To be honest, I just thought it was adorable and felt like sharing it :)


Do You Love WHO too???

Friday January 7, 2011 at 3:21 AM

So, RL has been kicking my ass, and I haven't been around for awhile, b/c I have this new obsession I've been wanting to post about, but I never remember during FFAF, but this time I did, so here goes!!!



This has to be the single most brilliant television series ever conceived of EVER. I am madly in love. In fact, my love for the show is second ONLY to my newfound love for it's previous star, David Tennant. OMG just SWOON.

The thing is, obviously, being a Twilight loving, card carrying hopeless romantic, I am MOSTLY hung up on the Rose/10 dynamic, and haven't even watched the last season yet...


So tell me campers, Do you love the Doctor?? Are you obsessed with The Doctor and Rose as well? Have you seen the last season, and do you think I will be able to forgive Matt Smith for not being dark eyed and Scottish??


MOST IMPORTANTLY, can you recommend lots of fabulous 10/Rose fanfic, heavy on the romance, and maybe even, dare I say it, a little smutty???

(SRSLY, it's hit or miss out there in the WhoFicWorld, I haven't been able to find a SINGLE review website, HELP!!!)

for your time


OMG not really but a little bit.

Friday January 7, 2011 at 1:30 AM

So yes that will more than likely be title to every thing i ever post on a friday although if ipost another day i will be astounded.


I have a new obsession

drarry - secret Pictures, Images and Photos



So bad, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy fic, right now i just can get enough, at all.


i just wanted to say how much i loved it,  and if you have any recs sent them my way.



OR if you have any new obsessions let me hear about them i love learning about our campers.



Thursday January 6, 2011 at 10:32 PM

hello everyone, I am having a major issue with my roomate and really need advice

I just moved in with one of my bffls of the past six years  (and I am almost 22 so that's a large portion of my life lol)   I have been away at school for four years now but she just now moved out of our home town and up here to orlando with me. Before she moved, I asked her to be honest about how much time she would be spending with her bf (he lives here)  and specifically how often he would be hanging at the apartment ( I lived with a couple at my last residence, and I got sick of feeling like the third wheel and dealing with their PDA)   She assured me she was moving up here to get "the real college experience"  and would NOT be attached at the hip with him.

I have been back from my parents for four days:  he has been here the entire time. has been sleeping here. eating here. bathing here.  sitting on MY couch and making out with her and watching Judge Judy at all hours of the day. I'm not sure he's even ever left.

I am NOT ok with it...espesh since he's living here rent free.  well  guess what: roomate approached me a couple hours ago and wants to know if he can move in, for realzies.

I AM TORN:  we would be splitting rent three ways and utilities, so it would save me two hundred dollars a month...but seriously...I don't know if I can handle it. I am sick of being the single girl watching people dry hump all over my furniture. however, if I say no...he will probably still be here anyways. I mean I can't say, "no, you aren't allowed to have your bf over" (can I????)  I mean I'm not her mom.  and it would make things very, very awkward between everyone...

so...  yes I should let him live here...or no?


omg HELP me wise forest campers.  ugh

or just come kill her and live with me...I have lots of rob porn ;)


TMI~~ omg!

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 9:59 PM

We haven't done this in a while...

It's time for TMI!

Look....some of us just have stuff we need to get off our chests.  I, at least, feel compelled to discuss certain lady bsns and body parts on a regular basis.

You too?

I thought so.

So get in here..... don't be shy!!

ANYTHING GOES here...and ther's no judgement!

Wanna talk about sex?


Do you have a question you're too embarassed to ask RL peeps?


Do you have a weird itch you're concerned about?


Just wanna tell us how pretty your vajayjay is?



and just one housekeeping note~~ it is now officially FFFA! Feel free to post whatever the heck you like....keep it clean, keep it friendly...have fun!!  FFFA ends at 5pm EST Saturday!!


edit: I expect some major TMI from Shiznox and Montannaleigh! get in here ladies!!

Sir Rachel


Thursday January 6, 2011 at 7:54 PM

This is always quite an iffy topic, one which has been brought to the forefront yet again due to the new edition of Huckleberry Finn.

(see THIS in the offchance you don't know of what I am speaking.)

So I want to have a bit of a discussion here.

What is your opinion, whether on this specific case or on censorship in general?

Does it affect the integrity of Twain's story to change the "N word" to slave? A word which is used over 200 times in the novel, for any who haven't read it.

Not as publicly mentioned, but they're also changing "Injun" to "Indian."

Personally, we had an entire class period of discussion on the implications of the "N word" in my High School American literature class.

Come discuss and debate here.

A reminder: Like any hot debate issue, things can get heated. No personal attacks please.

This post semi-approved by Emibella. I may have bashed your Packers, but look - good discussion topic!


A Different Rec

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 6:53 PM

This evening at A Different Forest I would like to try a Different type of Recommendation Campfire. No, this is not because I am woefully behind on my required reading list and I fear more fics would overwhelm my poor brain, it is because I thought it would be fun to find out about what YOU are passionate about. 

So I would like you to recommend to your fellow campers


Yes, that is right


The only 'rule' is that you must be PASSIONATE about your recommendation.

For example:

You could recommend that your fellow campers follow someone on twitter (tell us why!!!)

You could recommend a story from another fandom (with passion!)

You could recommend a recipe that you tried over the holidays that knocked your pants off (include it)

You could recommend a website you visit daily (don't be shy!)

You could recommend and IDEA that you had (sell us, baby!)

You could recommend we take a look at your favorite picture (it better be hot)

or you could do ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Just do it! Be passionate! Make us AWARE! Enlighten your fellow camper! Rec more than one thing!



Songs that remind me of fics:

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 6:31 PM

I'm sure this has been discussed before but I don't hang out here often so I'd like to try it out.

There are certain songs that remind me of fics that I have read.  Not because the author mentioned it in the actual fic but just because the words or the essence of the song reminds me of something from a fic. 

And since I'd love to hear some new songs, I thought I would ask if anyone has any recs of songs. 

My favorites will be inside....

(Sorry, I'm not good with all the pretty visuals!) 


A Bittersweet Little Rec.

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 5:23 PM

Hello everyone, I have a nice little recommendation for you. 

The Holy Dark- KayRayLovesLove He's in the atmosphere, Protecting the other half of his elysian Soul from the danger her divinity attracts. She's so beautiful. He can't help himself. "There are no miracles, no prayers answered...only accidents." The ultimate forbidden love. Dark.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 25,372 - Reviews: 151 - Updated: 12-25-10 - Published: 5-15-10 - Bella & Edward

This fic is just...absolutely amazing. It's unlike anything I've ever read before in a fan fiction about these two. There's such a connection between them, but it's something real, something tangible. The writing is just amazing. The story only has 151 reviews so far, for the 10 chapters posted. In my opinion, that's just not enough. This fic deserves so much more. 

It comes with a few warnings though, so tread lightly:

1. The fic deals with religion, from what the author has said, which might be a touchy subject for some. So take that into consideration before you read.

2. For those of you who want to read it, be prepared for the possibility that it might never be completed. On Christmas, this author's note was posted for this, and her other story, Painting Flowers:

"This is Kayla's sister, Autumn.

Kayla has cancer. We were told over the summer. She fell into a coma early November, and she hasn't… yeah.

Her brain activity is going down. We were told this would happen, but… it's always too soon. She's on life support. If it keeps up, they're going to pull the plug in January. But she squeezed my hand a couple days ago, so…

My parents asked me to go through her phone to respond to all the texts and phone calls she's been receiving. I found a lot of emails from FanFiction, so I thought I'd check her FanFiction folder… she had two chapters for her other story, but none for this one.

I love her so much. I know she loves you guys, she was always on this site. Hopefully she'll be back, but… yeah. Please think of her. It's so hard right now."

Nevertheless, this story is just phenomenal, and I just thought I'd bring it to your guys attention. Also, keep her in your thoughts. I know I am. 

Interactive part!: Have any of you guys read this fic? What do you think?


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 5:11 PM

I know, it's a day late... FML.








"Eclipse | Three Wishes" by verotruth

(and b/c you know my love for TVD)

"Damon & Elena | Everything comes into focus" by LightningFair




In hot pursuit

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 4:20 PM

Hey everyone!  I'm looking for fic recc's.  What I really want to read are fics where Edward is doggedly determined in his pursuit of Bella.  Maybe he's shot down at first, maybe she plays hard to get, maybe she's in a relationship (although not marriage - please no adultery fics), idk but I want a confident Edward who sees what he wants and goes for it.  There's definitely a place for the canon, "I'm such a horrible person, she'd be better off without me," Edward but I want a pursuer.  I'm thinking along the lines of The Wedding Party or The Lost Boys or... I know there are some other good ones out there.  He's persistent, he's confident, he's charming and sexy and he's bent on winning Bella's affections.  Thanks guys!  I know you've got the goods!




50 book challenge

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 3:27 PM

Hello my fellow campers. How are you all today? So today I want to talk to you about this 50 book challenge.

So there I was, messing around on tumblr (follow me, or let me follow you, I haven't had it for long) when I came across a post about this wonderful activity. The aim, is to read 50 books you haven't read before, over a 12 month period. This is great opportunity to read those books you've been wanting to read for ages, read the books that have been sitting on your shelf collecting dust, read that weird book you're not sure whether you'll like or not. Just get into it.

So. What I've done, is made a new page on tumblr for this & I've written up a list of the books I want to/am going to read, then I'll mark them off as I go. Here is my page, to give you an idea.

So, the aim is to make you all start reading BOOKS, if you don't already. I don't know about any of you, but I've been reading fanfic for so long, I've negelected books & I'm ashamed of myself lol

I also started this campfire so you lovely people could recommend me some books you think I might like, or a book you're reading right now, book you want to read etc....

Thanks to GAW for approving this post yesterday.


Tell Me Your Favorite Fic Kiss

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 3:26 PM

Hi Guys!

I want to know which is your favorite fic first kiss. Or if you can't pick one, give me a few. I'm in the mood to read another great smooch. Also, it doesn't have to be the first kiss, but usually those are the ones we've all been waiting for, right?

I was just thinking about one of my favorites today - Bella & Edward in Branching Inward on the stairs.


Also on my list are the first kiss in With Teeth, and How to Save a Life.

eta: whoops. forgot to title/tag the campfire.


Hello my name is ______ and I'm a _____-aholic

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 11:49 AM

So I couldn’t help but notice in the twi-tattoo campfire, a several post below, that there were quite a few comments saying how the subject of the article clearly has an addictive personality. Some campers thought it was unhealthy to go from one addiction to another, and this kind of caught my attention. I thought it was odd since couldn’t a majority of us be accused of having an addictive personality too then?

We were all attracted to this website because of our love of (or addiction to) either Twilight, Rob/Kristen/Taylor etc, or fanfic. I think it is safe to say that were all, at one point or another, ADF-aholics as well.

I would say that I have an addictive personality for sure, do you? Come tell me some of the things you are completely and utterly obsessed with.

Mine will be inside.


*approved by grownasswoman


January's Review Drive

Thursday January 6, 2011 at 11:26 AM

Hey Everybody! 

I'm here with January's Review Drive!! 


Littlestar300 came up with this awesome idea, but due to other commitments, she's passed it over to me to keep the review love going!


Here's how to participate -

1.  Go to your account and scroll over the Traffic Tab. 

2.  Click on User Stats.

3.  You'll see a sentence that says "You have completed a total of _____ signed reviews"

4.  Come back and share that number here.  Feel free to discuss your number too - defend it, brag about it, whatever!


In a week, I'll post another fire and we can compare our numbers.  Next month, we'll do the same. 

This is a fun way to challenge ourselves, encourage us to take the time to review and show all of the awesome author's out there some love!

My sad little number will be inside!

ETA:  Here is the link to last month's results fire:

Click Me!


Thanks, Capricorn75 for the sticky! =)

First --- | >> | 936 | 937 | 938 | 939 | 940 | 941 | 942 | 943 | 944 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
