
Pigs are flying, animals are talking.

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 7:27 PM

The world has imploded.

I've found a fic where I'm more interested in the actual plot than Edward and Bella's relationship developing.

CLOCKWORK by Derdriu oFaolain.

Genius, people. Genius.


Apparently I've been holding out on some really good fic, and now I plead for all of you amazing people to rec me your best... the fics that have the most intruiging plot you've ever encountered.

Hit me with your best shot.



Is it FFFA yet?

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 6:46 PM

Please feel free to delete this if you want, Oh Overlord Rangers that Be


I had to go to the "lady doctor" today and got yelled at by my boss for it.


Please make my day better.




BTW: Why, is Renee was so "liberal" and "kooky" didn't she have Bella on BC at 14?  I don't care how "good," "religious," or "undateable," my daughter is, that girl is gonna be on some Ortho Tri before she can blink twice!  No half breed baby for my princess!

>:( it's not free for all yet, but this half-breed ranger is feeling benevolent today

free for all starts at 9pm eastern on thursday nights, folks


Thank you, oh so benevolent ranger.

You're pretty.


tsk.  nothyme, nothyme, nothyme.  you know what they say?

flattery gets you everywhere.

<3 your purple ranger


Kristen + Vogue

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 4:50 PM

Just wanted to share (Is this my first campfire? It might be.), because unlike the bathroom photo below, I'm pretty sure this is Kristen Stewart. On the cover of Vogue. :)

I'm struggling with how to make this interactive. Maybe, what's your favorite magazine spread Kristen has done? (Or, just come in and appreciate the pretty. The rest of the pictures are inside.)


misunderstandings are misunderstood

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 4:18 PM


We've all read them because almost every fic has them.

The main characters break up/argue/stop talking to each other because of a misunderstanding.

Bella sits in a bathroom stall and overhears a conversation between one of edwards exes and her friends about the wonderful night they had

Edward sees Bella hug and kiss her, obvious to everyone but him, gay friend

Edward's stalker bestfriend James, who has taken a liking to Bella, tells her that Edward is just using her for a quick lay

Someone says or does something and the other person instantly thinks the worse

In all of these scenarios, and many more, there is some huge break up scene or arguement that would have easily been avoided if the people would have done something so simple as just TALK to each other.

I see this so much in fics that I wonder how much this happens in real life. Do people really do this?

I am the kind of person that can never leave things unsettled. I need clarification on all things, I never assume. If I ever overheard or saw something that upset me, I would NEVER just immediately think the worse, especially if the person has never given me a reason to. I am going to confront whoever is involved and demand some answers, I HAVE to know what's going on. And I would NEVER, EVER believe what someone tells me about my guy without talking to him, EVER!!! Especially an ex of his.

So campers, how common is this in real life? Have any of you ever broken up with someone or had a huge fight with your S/O only to find out that it was just a misunderstanding?



Thursday January 13, 2011 at 4:09 PM

Approved by wtvoc

Since some of you asked, that we have received our first submission for the one shot contest Caught With Your Pants Down !!!  You can read it here:


or here:


I apologize for not mentioning this in my other post.  Just know that they should be rolling in now.  Several others are in Beta and will be posting soon.  You will not hear from me til it is time to vote, m'kay?  I don't want to wear out my welcome.  So, if you need me or have questions just PM me!!!



Undress him Reese. NOW.

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 2:41 PM

Take him right there in the sawdust, hon.

So delicious.  Can't wait.


Um... the interactive part:  How many actresses' bums has Rob felt up?  Can you name them?

Or, how many guys'/gals' butts have you felt up??  



Thursday January 13, 2011 at 1:50 PM

I've been in the mood for coming up with several banners to my story, but the problem is that I am in no way artistically inclined. It just doesn't happen for me. I tweeted about looking for someone to make banners for me, but had no luck. 

So here I am, asking you fine people of ADF. Is anyone interested in making a banner or two or three for me? I'm looking for one that will really catch the eye! 

To make this interactive, lets post some banners that we have made, or have been made for us, that we adore!

(sorry, I'm not sure this will be ranger approved)


Question for authors

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 12:49 PM

Hi! I've just started my first fic (I know, i've been reading for ages, never had enough guts to write)

Anyway, what I want to know is:

What if your story develops in a way you didn't expect and you feel you need to go back and change things? And you've already posted? I haven't posted anything yet, but i'm afraid of this, and having it feel disjointed.

This could also happen if you don't like the feel you've given a character, how do you get out of it with so much read and written before you've figured that out?

Am I making sense? I'm trying to convey a feel to my story without having to spell everything out and be overly descriptive of what they're doing every minute of every day. I haven't done an outline per se, but I know what I want to happen. I just think they're going to write themselves and then something I wrote in chapter 1 will be off...

Any advice you want to give me i'd welcome.

LJ Summers

Tattward Fic List

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 12:27 PM

Brought to you by the letter T and the number 81, today's rec list request is all about body art.

Why does he do it? I don't know...read the fics.

Because they're out there.  "Hello, Citizens. It's Tattward."


Where is he?  

All ratings, all pairings welcome, just bring on Edward with the hot tattoos.  I actually do not have a tattooed Edward in my favorite list that i know of...but I'm betting a few of YOU DO.


Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1.  Keep It Simple. Title, Author, Link at posted site(s) and summary.  Thanks!

2.  No commentary.  This is a list. :)


I'm gonna just move out of the way. I expect a few of you will have some Tattward on the tips of your... 

Keyboards.  Of course.


Thanks for sharing your favorite fics around the fire!


New Pic of Rob & Kristen at BD set

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 9:13 AM

My tumblr dashboard just exploded with THIS.

I think it's a fake, but it's REALLY difficult to tell. So campers, what do you think? 

Real or fake?


Edit: If I'm not allowed to post this, Rangers feel free to delete. Thanks.

solved: this is not them.  the picture comes from a photog's (year old) personal collection, and hollywood life has just given her a leg up.  it was fun while it lasted, eh?


canadians, time to get excite

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 8:25 AM


target is coming to canada


let's have a target post

get in here and talk about all the ways that target is better than wal-mart so that our friends to the north know what to expect

discuss your target shopping strategies, tips and tricks, favorite things to buy there, how the smell of popcorn popping can make you drool while in small appliances

just, you know.  let's talk target.



Help me pick an ereader

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 8:18 AM

I'm trying to decide which ereader to get.

I want to be able to use it to read ff that I have saved and also on regular sites mainly.

Which ones do you have and what do you like and not like about them.



Also, this is my first campfire!!!!!


Best Vampire Book Series

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 6:26 AM

Okay so I have been reading the Vampire Academy series. I think it is awesome. That got me thinking...

What is your favorite vampire book series? There are so many out there to pick from.

Are you gonna go with the Twilight Saga? Black Dagger Brotherhood? Vampire Academy? Vampire Diaries?

Come on in and let's discuss it! I want to hear your thoughts. Tell me why you feel the way you do. Why you picked the books you picked.


Late night/early morning chat post

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 10:37 PM


I had a busy day-good but wild. Sort of a strange day in the fandom and I am so thankful for all the incredible people who hang out here with us. ADF is nothing without you.

So, how was your day? What's going on in your life? Use this post to vent, gush, ask questions, anything and everything that you are thinking about or have going on in your life.

A mini-free for all right here in this late night/early morning post.

Some silly, sweet Rob for your time...



You recc.in?

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 10:13 PM

That was a horrible pun.

I just accidently deleted this campfire after I wrote it! >.<

So, there's this fic and it only has 129 reviews.

1. Habits of a day » reviews
Two people live in a house, avoiding the world, each for different reasons. A man with special habits in the morning. A woman with the strength to face difference. Compromise or fate? AH, Short chapters, a little dark. Adult themes.

Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 12,389 - Reviews: 129 - Updated: 1-1-11 - Published: 9-15-10 - Bella & Edward

Dark, slightly domineeringWard who is not a DOMWARD and a scaredEllla with a troubled past. Edward is her savior and she is his. 

I'm not going to sugar coat it, it's confusing. I'm on chapter 17 and I still don't know what's happening.
But the chapters are short, it took me less then half an hour to read whats been posted.
If you like mystery, definitely give it a shot. And review!
The author is thinking of taking it down because some of her readers have stopped their alerts.

Seriously, checking out the first chapter will take less time then jandco spotting RPattz in a crowd. And that's fast.

Edit: Forgot to make it interactive! 
What fics do you campers know that deserve more recognition than they get?


Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 9:59 PM


approved by wtvoc.

Just a reminder that the One Shot Contest, Caught With Your Pants Down, is accepting your entries today, 01-12-11 thru 02-04-11.

Here is the link to the contest page for more details. 





New BD pic

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 4:23 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic



I like it.

RANGER EDIT: yo, if you gon' make me look at breaking dawn, at least make it big


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 3:09 PM







"you left me" by verotruth

And b/c I have a massive obsession with Harry Potter and b/c this video is AMAZING, I'm going ahead and posting it.

"happiness can be found..." by TheVioletHours


Looking for a fic...

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 12:36 PM

Hope I am allowed to post this.


I am looking for a one-shot I read recently. Edward is on a train late at night in NYC. He's singing his head off to his IPOD with his eyes closed, because he is alone in the train car. When he opens his eyes, Bella is in the seat across from him. Some wonderful flirting ensues and she takes a picture of the two of them before exiting the train at her stop. Edwards forgets to ask her name, but sees her name badge in the picture.


Sound familiar?


I am dying to know the author's name to see if it has been expanded beyond the one-shot!

LJ Summers

Resident Authors' Fave Fics

Wednesday January 12, 2011 at 12:10 PM

Yoo hoo...

VIPs?  Storytellers?  Resident Authors...?

I have received multiple requests to hear from YOU what YOU Recommend as your favorite fics!

Now. Some of you have chimed in on an earlier fire due to my lack of clarity in communication, so I will COPY AND PASTE your responses.  In some fashion.  

If you are a RANGER as well as a VIP, please feel free to chime in with a different set of rec's this time.  I KNOW how y'all groaned and moaned over having to narrow it down. Privileges of responsibility...you can do it AGAIN. :D

So pound out that list! 




The primary responders in this campfire should be the ladies from their storytelling corners.  :)   


Oh yeah, I guess that means me, too...

I will be including this list with the others on the MASTER FIC LIST.


IF the VIP Authors wish to, oh, maybe include their own private lists in their cabins, I'm not gonna stop 'em.  :)   I won't even count how many they rec, there behind closed doors. :D


P.S. Thanks to the Thumbtack Ranger for sticking this!

First --- | >> | 931 | 932 | 933 | 934 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 938 | 939 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
