
why is there no campfire for this?

Tuesday January 18, 2011 at 6:51 PM

High Anxiety Epi's






go on, you know you wanna talk about it


jessica stanley

Pirate Wench Boobs, and Sex with Cars

Tuesday January 18, 2011 at 3:17 PM


Okay, so like, the other day… I was just walking and window-shopping and stuff between classes, when I saw this totally hot guy get out of this car that pretty much made me want to lift skirt. The boy… not the car. Okay… so maybe the car too. But that’s for later in the story. Anyway, I followed the hottie into a Barnes & Noble. Kinda thought I could maybe chat him up in the sci-fi/fantasy section. Stress on the fantasy. But alas, our love in the stacks was not meant to be. He left almost as soon as he walked in the store. I was bummed. But only for a while. Because while I was in there, I met a really cool girl. And what a coincidence… she actually knew the guy that I had followed in! She was nice enough to share her (very romantic) story with me. Look inside for a break-down of my chat with Bella, from Starry Eyed Inside.


(Much thanks to Rochelle Allison.  Check out her story here on ADF, or  HERE )


Doing good...

Tuesday January 18, 2011 at 1:56 PM

I'm guessing a lot of you will have read this article:

It's a good article. I mean, we don't exactly learn anything new and it's not a huge insight or whatever. But I really liked this:

She is thinking carefully, strategically, about how best to put her own contribution to use, and has a plan—inspired by her researches for the role of a runaway in the sex trade—to set up a network of halfway houses to help those who want to recover and get back on their feet. “That would be amazing,” she says. “Right now it’s the thing I feel most connected to.”

Don't you just love it when celebrities do good?

To make this interactive:

What's the nicest thing you think a celebrity has done?

What's the nicest thing you've done?

And if you had money, would you donate to charities? If so, what's a charity that is close to your heart?



P.S. I really like the outtakes:



Tuesday January 18, 2011 at 12:17 PM

Have we discussed this?


It's Rob's next project. Here is how I picture him in this movie: *thud*

Or maybe like this:

Filming begins May 23rd, or so. In Toronto.

I'm reading the book ... and it is quite strange. To say the least. In a weird way, I kinda like it. But do I think it will translate well to film? Idk. *shrugs*

What do you think?

More info inside, and the XXX-rated line I can't wait to hear Rob utter....

Possible spoilers inside.... Just so 'ya know.

LJ Summers

Copward Fic List

Tuesday January 18, 2011 at 10:19 AM

Come on, I know the cuffs do it for you.


The badge. Maybe even the uniform, eh?

Do you like the idea of Edward Cullen as an officer of the LAW?   A lot of folks totally do!  That's why today's request goes out to everyone who has a COPWARD fic to recommend to the Campers of ADF.

He's not a vigilante! He knows the rules and obeys his own way.  He might be undercover.  He might be a detective.  He might be on a motorcycle or maybe even a Canadian Mountie!

He works on the side of the law and he's COPWARD.

Where can we find him?  I have an idea or two...

Share yours inside the fire!  I'll add them all to the MASTER FIC LIST!

Remember the rules of the fire:

1. Keep it simple.

2. No discussions. 



And now, to find my rec...


Work Sucks.

Tuesday January 18, 2011 at 9:34 AM

I'm working right now...and while I love what I do, I have NO ATTENTION SPAN, so it's hard.  I work from home and I sit on my computer so I end up reading fic, harassing jandco, or chatting on Twitter all day.

So let's talk about WORK.


tell me about your job

Do you work from home like me? In an office?

Are you a stay at home mom?

I did that for YEARS, I know how much work that is!

Are you looking for a new job?

Describe your DREAM job!

(i want someone to pay me to sit online, chat, and ogle Rob pics all day---is this position available?)

Me? I'm a photographer.  And I LOVE it.  But I only love the actual SHOOTING.  90% of what I do is the editing and stuff like that and I hate that part.

C'mon...let's procrastinate together!


Brave New World meets Twilight?

Tuesday January 18, 2011 at 8:57 AM

Ok, so recently I picked up a book. It's called Matched. It's a dystopian novel about a society where ev.ery.thing. is decided for you. Of course, the main character is starting to question her "match" (ie: the person the Society picked for her to marry and have a family with).

I love this genre and now I would LOOOOVE a fic or two (or 5.. maybe 10), that explore this type of society.

I've been trying to search FFn but I'm not having the easiest time finding anything.

Anyone have any suggestions?!


If You Ever....

Tuesday January 18, 2011 at 7:01 AM

Had the chance to meet Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart what questions would you ask them?

I'd ask them how do they deal with all the media spotlight and gossip that surrounds them! Like how do they cope with the paparazzi and fans that stalk them....

And I'd ask them how do they feel about people constantly comparing them to Bella and Edward.


Oh noooo! D:

Monday January 17, 2011 at 9:14 PM

Vague title, I know.

Guys, I have a lil dilemma. And I need your amazing wisdom to help me out.

So...I finally decided to give in and get a beta. I figure the best way to do it was through Project Team Beta. So I went on their website, and got all :O faced when I found out they aren't accepting stories right now! Shock face, I know!

So, what I'm wondering is, are there any other services similar to this, to help me get a beta? I don't wanna post any chapters for anything till I get a beta, and I don't know how long PTB will be closed for new submissions. 


Ps. Some eye candy for you, a la Mr. Brendon Urie <3


Vamp. AU. Please.

Monday January 17, 2011 at 7:33 PM

Help me my brothers and sisters of the Forest!

I am sooooooooooooooo bored and I have exhausted the Master Fic list.

Please, please, please, recommend a vamp AU fic that is QUALITY?

P.S. I'm really into Jasper/Bella pairing right now, too. And I always like canon.



Written In Blood - Fanfic As Writer's Workshop

Monday January 17, 2011 at 6:17 PM


*This past weekend I was scheduled to make an appearance at a convention.  One of the things I was scheduled for was a panel on fanfic as writer's workshop.  While I didn't make it due mostly to weather I thought I'd still share with you some of my thoughts and notes on the subject. Ranger approved of course.


Fanfic as Writer’s Workshop

What does fanfic offer to pros and aspiring writers? How does it complement their professional work? Does it make them a better writer? Our panelists will discuss the joys and pitfalls of experimenting with fanfic.


I came to writing fan fiction a bit backwards. I started out as an original fiction writer and then began writing fan fiction after reading Twilight. I admit that up until that point I kind of looked down my nose at fan fiction. Sure, I knew lots of intelligent people who wrote fan fiction but for myself I always thought it would be a waste of my time and that my energy would be better spent focusing on my original fiction. As it turns out, I was wrong.

Because of writing fan fiction I have learned that I can write longer works of fiction, something that had previously been a weak spot for me. I’ve improved my dialogue writing skills and my action scene skills and in general have become even more immersed in the world of writing than I had previously been.

So what can writing fan fiction teach you? What are the pitfalls to avoid and the potential benefits? How can you turn your fan fiction experience into a successful writing career?

*rest of column in a comment



Monday January 17, 2011 at 5:36 PM


Hey I have been looking for some complete fics that have sportsward in it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help!!


Diversity in Fics

Monday January 17, 2011 at 4:54 PM

It's MLK day here in the US.  We celebrate this man for encouraging the acceptance of diversity in this country:

Twilight and it's fan fiction is obviously has fans that are cross cultural, because we see it in all the screaming fan pics and even here on ADF when we share our own pics. 

In the movies they tried to make Twilight more culturally diverse by making some of the humans different races (becaue nowhere did SM describe Eric Yorkie as Asian or Tyler as African American) and probably even made Forks more diverse than the reality (according to 2000 censuses The racial makeup of the city was 81.47% White, 0.42% African American, 5.03% Native American, 1.51% Asian, 0.16% Pacific Islander, 8.49% from other races, and 2.92% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.54% of the population.)

So I am requesting recs for fics that took the diversity further then the original series.  To include not only stories where they changed the race of characters, like Trust Loyalty and Commitment,  but also stories in which characters are from different countries(does anyone have a German Edward) than what we'd expect, of socioeconomic classes (as in Edward is not a billionaire or a rich doctor). 

Also do you think there is any place for harsh racial dialog or blatant hate messages in fan fic?  Does making fics more diverse bother you or put you off?  Is your idea of diversity non-cannoning pairings? 

Happy MLK day.

Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.- MLK


CarlWard Contest

Monday January 17, 2011 at 2:53 PM

Doing a bit of self-pimpage here....

After becoming fed-up with the lack of both quantity and quality of Edward/Carlisle slash-fic out there, I've decided to host a new one-shot contest. Aptly named, The CarlWard Contest. Sounds much better than EdLisle, in my opinion.


This is an anonymous contest for writers 18 and older. Criteria, rules, and schedule can be found here:

Writers- entries are currently being accepted up until February 25. Readers- validated entries will start posting on January 30.

There will be both reader's choice and judge's choice awards. Helping me judge we have reader extraordinaire DeeLovely60, WhatsMyNomDePlume (author of Legendary), YogaGal (author of The Hood), and Savannah-Vee (author of Uncomfortable).

In case you need a little inspiration:

Fluent in Sarcasm

To find a Fic... please?

Monday January 17, 2011 at 12:09 PM

Ok so we all know how these work.

I read a fic

Really enjoyed it

But now can't remember the name of said fic


I'm enlisting all you campers and rangers for assistance.


Things that I remember from fic

Bella's a mum, she owns a bakery, working with Angela, she lives above the bakery

Edward comes into bakery for... well baked goods, duh! lol he suggests have a coffee machine too, to boost sales.

If memory serves, yeah not too great on the memory front when i want the info stored there!

Edward lives down the street and has a piano, and fiancee, i think Alice comes into it somewhere also.....

Can't remember if Edward is her baby daddy or not :(

Thank you,

FinS x


Oh that Crazy Imagination

Monday January 17, 2011 at 11:52 AM

When I read books or fanfics I always try to put in my mind a picture of what the characters look like.

I know that this isn't a rare thing to do, but sometimes I struggle.


 I really only picture Robert Pattinson as Edward now in Fic, but I never ever ever picture Kristen Stewart as Bella. Bella will always be this very specific image in that I have had since I picked up Twilight. Jasper and Alice are now their actors but Emmett and Rosalie are ALWAYS different and NEVER their actors either. I am not sure why. 


In books, Henry Cavill is go to man if I need space fillers (not much to go on? Stick in Henry for mind candy) Women are always slightly blurry. I don't know if it's that I don't care or that I have never had an actress who is perfect for the 'role'.


 So do YOU have any go-to actors or actresses in your imagination?  People that end up "playing the lead" in books more often than others? Has a movie ever been cast that made you go NO WAY!! 

Tell me how your head works, campers!



FF Sneak Peek

Monday January 17, 2011 at 11:07 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Gah! Hot.

Monday January 17, 2011 at 11:04 AM



Rob in a tux.

Spidey meets Edward Cullen.


You're welcome.


If you're looking for a new fic...

Monday January 17, 2011 at 9:49 AM


...I have a great recommendation: "Release" by writingbabe.


Ten years after Edward and Alice abandoned her, Bella returns to Forks. What brings Alice to her door? Why has Edward moved into the Cullens' old house? And who gives Bella the punishment she craves? AH.

Full disclosure:  I'm beta-ing this story, but honestly, I wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't so good.  The author is an excellent writer, and she's given the usual ExB story a fabulous twist that's gradually unraveling.

writingbabe just updated with Chapter 7, but i linked to the start of the story.  Go, read - you won't be disappointed.


Sexy ExB AH Story Rec PLZ

Monday January 17, 2011 at 9:30 AM

My favorite stories to read are all human stories. It just feels like there's so much more you can do with an AH story.

However, I'm having trouble finding one that's not completely boring. So I was curious if you guys would be willing to give me some recommendations for well written, completed, sexy AH stories.

In return, I shall give you all goodies.


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