
oh hai ness

Friday January 21, 2011 at 12:35 PM

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Books and movies and Rob, oh my!

Friday January 21, 2011 at 12:15 PM

'Rob' got your attention, didn't it? ;)

I had a conversation the other day with a friend about the Twilight movies versus the books. It was interesting because she and I had completely different opinions. So, my fellow campers, I want you to weigh in.

Yes, it's a lot of questions, but they are fast, I promise. I want to see how similar/different we all are. My answers will be in the comments. :D

Also, TRY to follow the directions, k? ;)

1. Which book in the series is your favorite (ONE ANSWER)?

2. In less than 5 sentences, why re: #1?

3. What is your favorite scene in the answer to #1 (You may choose TWO MAX)?

4. Which movie in the series is your favorite (ONE ANSWER)?

5. In less than 5 sentences, why re: #4?

6. What is you favorite scene in the answer to #4 (You may choose TWO MAX)?

7. What is your least favorite scene in the answer to #4?

8. Now, think hard and think objectively... Which of the movies BEST represents its corresponding book? As in which is the best adaptation? This has nothing to do with any of your other answers.

9. Continuing re: #8, why?

10. Which is the WORST representation of the book?

11. Why re: #10?

12. Um... in which movie does Rob look the hottest? ;) Feel free to add a movie pic to your response... (this is a not so subtle request for ROBWARD porn)


I'm an ass are you?? ;)

Friday January 21, 2011 at 12:11 PM

YAY! FFA :))

So, in RL I have made a buttox of my self many times. One in particluar that stands out is a convo with my sister (Slash ~ I don't actually remember what it was about) and I brought uo Floor play. *shakes head in shame  To which she said "Floorplay? Don;t you mean Foreplay? B/c it's like beFORE?" The she continued to laugh at me for about the next 10-15 mintues approximately. It's embarassing saying this. For soemreason, I had explain to myself in my brain that it was floor play b/c it could start on the floor if you wanted. Yea, I was young and VERY naive. Not young enough, I should have realized.

ANYHOO>>> Tell me about your dumbassery and make me feel ok about sharing this with y'all :))


I want my UK TV

Friday January 21, 2011 at 11:49 AM

So, ssarrahh1 and I were discussing our love (and slight addiction) for this:

and how great we think UK television programs are. We were hoping to find somewhere online to watch this:

but we are not having any luck (*hint* hint*). What other great UK tv series we should be watching? And how do those of you in the UK deal with such short series? It drives me a little nutty. Also, I have no desire to see the American versions of either of these but I can understand why due to the fact that most of the UK version would be so censored as to render them useless.


Fanfic on Kindle

Friday January 21, 2011 at 11:28 AM

I got a kindle for Christmas does anyone know if there is any way of reading FF on it & if so how do I transfer the stories on to it?

Any advice gratefully received.


Light Me On Fire

Friday January 21, 2011 at 11:18 AM

What I want to talk about today is flaming. Sometimes, when I'm reading a story, I'll get annoyed with the author's use of cliches or if their grammar skills are less than stellar, but I've never been out-and-out mean to someone. I've stated my opinion in very blunt terms, but I always try to leave constructive criticisms. I've never told someone they should stop writing or - as I've heard has been said - told an author to kill themselves as a favor to the fandom. Why do people think this is okay? Do they really get a thrill out of belittling someone they don't even know?

The reason I bring this up is because recently I saw a fic that was poorly written. Spelling/homonym usage was pretty awful and punctuation was almost non-existant. The plot wasn't too bad, kind of juvenile, but it was written by a 13 year old; she is a juvenile.

I had every intention of leaving a review going over basic grammar rules and offering to help if she had any questions. I made the mistake of reading the other reviews for the story first. This is the review I found:

"You misspelled the f*cking title. HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT NOTICE THAT? Or is it that you just don't care? I'm not sure which is worse. I can't believe shit like this and sucky, fangirling authors like you get 11 reviews. Go back to middle school and learn how to spell 'vampire' or maybe you could just read those poorly-written fanservice books called the Twilight Saga. This story and all the others like it should be removed and the accounts banned. For god's sake, have a little decency to keep your crap to yourself."

The author's profile states quite clearly that she is 13 years old. She's in middle school, so in my opinion, the reviewer's suggestion is that much more rude and obnoxious.

So please, tell me you've never flamed an author, especially a young one. I wrote a lot of bad stuff when I was 13 and if someone had flamed me like that I might've stopped writing altogether.

That being said, how do you feel about flamers, for your stories or others? Do you respond to your flamers with the same venom they attacked you, or do you kill them with kindness? Have you ever responded to a flame on someone else's story? Ever call out a flamer and let them know that what they said is not okay? I haven't but there are several times I've considered it. The main thing holding me back is the knowledge that it's unlikely I'll get through to them at all.

LJ Summers

"Keeping it Evergreen"

Friday January 21, 2011 at 10:22 AM

Back in July of last year, yes about six months ago, we here at ADF began a project that took off beautifully.

We began compiling lists of fan fiction, recommended by Campers, to suit specific kinds of lists. Lists that YOU all requested.  (Seriously. Out of the more than eighty lists we have on hand, I "requested" only two.)

The challenge in keeping lists like this is, as katinki put it, to keep them "evergreen."  



My request today for the campfire is for you to visit the MASTER FIC LIST.  Review the lists we have.  See if there is even just ONE you know of that might do with some updating.  

Lists that come immediately to mind are:

Completed AU Fic List

One-Shot Fic List

New Fics of the Month Fic List


ALSO, if you're a VIP Author here, consider checking for any of YOUR fics on any of the lists. If you have loaded any of them up into Storytelling, add the link! :)


And here in THIS campfire, Campers, you have some options.

1.  Report back if you've updated any fic lists. :)

2.  AFTER REVIEWING all the lists we have compiled, you might think of a NEW LIST.  Post it here.  (Be advised: I am not always familiar with all kinds of fics.  Be prepared with at least 2 examples of the type you are looking for so I can have an idea as to what you're asking for and I can see a NEED to compile a list of this kind of fic.)

3.  If you want to take on updating any of the COMPLETED (AU/AH) or take on monitoring the NEW FIC LIST, let me know. ;-)  


Recipe Exchange

Friday January 21, 2011 at 8:40 AM

'Tis finally FFA Friday, correct?

Erm? Recipe exchange? I'm a pretty decent cook but I'm totally devoid of recipe books in my house and so all I eat is rice, eggs, carrots and hot sauce. Along with copious amounts of tea. I just have no inspiration!

Please share with me your favourite recipes! For all meals, all sizes, all occasions. If you're not a kitchen-maestro, then you can cook me up so boy-pr0n to make up for it. 

In lieu of a recipe exchange banner, I give you peckish-cat.

and hungry, hungry Rob

Thank you already.


Pet Peeves

Friday January 21, 2011 at 7:49 AM

Involving FacFic, everyone has their preferences:

All Human


High School

Alternate Universe


Readers also have their pet peeves, and I don't mean bad punctuation and misspellings.  I mean the storylines that bug the sh*t out of you, the KrEaTiVe names for character's child/children, and some things that just give you the yucky shivers.

Let's sound off people:

What are some of your biggest pet peeves, beyond poor grammer, about fics?

No titles, no author names, just what irritates you the most.

Mine in comments.


Other fandoms (late night ponderings)

Friday January 21, 2011 at 7:17 AM

It's late, and I've got a couple things on my mind. It's FFFA, so I thought I'd share them.


1. EVERYONE needs to read this story: A Different Life by LadyRa. Found it tonight and LOVED it. It's Buffy-verse, Buffy/Giles pairing, but DON'T let that deter you. It's AWESOME. Buffy makes a wish, and she's now faced with three courses in her life, and they all come crashing together. AU, AWESOMENESS.



2. You'll notice that link is to Archive of Our own. Click it, check it out, play around there for a bit, it ROCKS.

Awhile back HelenahJay recommended it to me, and I've been completely swayed ever since. It's SO much better than FFN. The format, the uploading, the reading, EVERYTHING, even the review leaving/comment/kudos part. SO if you're a writer looking for another place to put your fanfic up at for exposure, I totally recommend this place. And if you're a reader, WHY NOT do your reading here. I've found that most of the fic there is higher quality. I'm just LOVING this place. You don't have to be a member to read, and becoming a member to post your work is easy peasy. SO anyone else been here? Anyone else like it? Are there other options of where you like to house your fanfic writing? Tell us about it.


3. Other fandoms. (I should probably make a separate campfire for this, but whatev's). Do you dabble? Is there something that you think is AMAZING and that everyone should read, even though it isn't *gasp* twi-fic. I've dabbled quite a bit. I've read Eastern Promises fanfic, The Departed fanfic (really small community, I might actually write something here cause I'm obsessed with Sgt. Dingham, lol I ship Dingham/Castigan-don't judge me) Law and Order: SVU fanfic, BDB fanfic, Buffy fanfic, and others. I've written some crossovers, but soon I'm going to fully immerse myself into a whole new fandom, and I'm excited. Anyone got any pointers? What's it like out there? What's readership like? What do you LOVE about other fandoms? What do you hate? 

So get in here and PIMP your stuff from other fandoms!!! I want to know it. And if you've got fics you LOVE, get in here and REC THEM!!! I enjoy dabbling, learned a lot, and it's fun, so why not. 


So come chitter-chatter with me.



Friday January 21, 2011 at 3:29 AM

Dear the world,

Half of you are sleeping, but I'm hoping someone out there than can help me in my hour of need?

I have just finished reading the latest in a succession of awesome fics.  I mean awesome as in I dream about the stories afterwards, I walk around with a silly grin on my face after I read the last chapter; I attempt to tell someone about the fic and that would be hubs because no one else in RL knows about my fixation (which is met with a blank stare by said hubs).

I'm a greedy pants and I need another for the weekend.

The stellar fics I have recently finished are:

Awake in the Infinite Cold

With Teeth

How to save a life

For the Summer

The Best Man



The Blessing & the Curse

The Wedding Party.

I am blown away by the sheer quality of the writing.  I have finished each ones of these and it makes me just thankful that I found this fandom and get to read these awesome stories for FREE.

Anyhoo, I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to knowing what's out there, and I was wondering if anyone can help a girl out?  Anything you have read that you think is amazing but not on the above list?  Can be Canon/Vamp/AU/AH/anything goes.




dedicated to camper kliodhna

Thursday January 20, 2011 at 9:52 PM

bones bitching discussion campfire

it was brought to my attention today that people were missing this campfire, so have at it, lovies

discuss tonight's episode

i haven't seen it yet, but i'll return after liz lemon.  go to town- talk about how much hannah sucks, how this show can be saved, why you have a hate/love relationship with it, etc.


ugh.  i'm editing my original gif and posting this one, which accurately explains how i feel about this episode. i have posted a long rant about the current state of bones up in this here campfire.

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name that fic

Thursday January 20, 2011 at 8:03 PM

Yes I know not another one, but sadly yes. When I can't remember a fic it eats away at me. Anyway I just remember this one part so I'm going to need some major help. PLEASE!

All I can remember is that E & B are at some sort of picnic and they start a game of baseball with everyone. Aro is even there. Anyway Bella ends up hurting her ankle and ends up sitting out to watch the rest play.

Sound familar?


ANOTHER STORY: I was checking out new fics and forgot to add one to my favs and can't remember the name of it.

Bella goes to an island that Alice sent her to. She wakes up to Edward and her having sex. He thinks it's Tanya. Anyway they are on island together and turns out Bella wrote some sort of paper in college about Edward's business that he took alot of slack for. Turns out her source lied. That's about all I got. Can anyone help?


RANGER EDIT: Due to POPULAR DEMAND, starting next week will be the return of the Amnesia Campfire for all of you who forget the names of the fics you are reading. Kind of like ONE STOP SHOPPING for those of you losing your minds :) Carry on.....


End Island Update!!

Thursday January 20, 2011 at 6:17 PM

So I just saw that EI updated a couple hours ago.  I missed making a campfire for the last update and didn't want to miss it this time, so if you've read the update, come inside and discuss! 

I have not read it yet but I'm hoping I can stay awake long enough to read it tonight.  I'll come in and read/respond to everyone's thoughts tomorrow!

Have fun!



Thursday January 20, 2011 at 4:49 PM

I swear to god if I read ONE MORE "with soft curls framing her face"  someone is going to be injured.  Most likely my beloved computer.


for our information (FOI?)

Thursday January 20, 2011 at 3:58 PM

post your questions, comments, complaints, compliments, and requests here

and yes, that is lurkin' tomstu

from time to time, the forest needs to know what it is that makes the campers tick; today is one of those times.

please use this campfire to post whatever query you have for the rangers-  ever wonder how to post a video?  how we pick our VIPs?  something that has always confused you?  

or maybe just feedback- like "i really like amnesia campfires" or "hey, i hate it when ______".  anything's fair game.  fair warning- if you're going to bitch, i'm probably going to bitch right on back.  but i will address all issues, i promise.  :D :D :D

or, maybe you just wanna say "hey, pal.  way to go with that forest there!"

anyway, now's the time to let the rangers know how we're doing and what we could do better.  get to it!  oh, and i almost forgot.  there have been several requests for another freecycle campfire, and i will do that on monday.  so clean out your closets this weekend, kiddos.  we'll do a mega freecycle next week!  (also, any feedback like that is what i'm looking for- the YO MOAR FREECYCLE PLZ variety)



Thursday January 20, 2011 at 3:27 PM

Do you associate me with Hump Day?

Well, DON’T.

Today is my GRUMP DAY. I am a grumbling grump with grumpy grumbles:

1. I was stuck at a boring conference yesterday (only 1 out of the 8 hours was interesting). Due to said conference, I missed my humpday games and therefore was unable to decompress and have fun with my ADF friends. This is making me grumpy.

2. I have not been reading any new fics. Fic withdrawal is making me grumpy. The sheer voluminousness of my TBR list itself is making me even more grumpy.

3. I just finished reading two separate book series. The first being Black Dagger Brotherhood, and the second the informally assembled Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn. The former is vampire based, and the second is unapologetic Victorian bodice ripping fun.   Clearly, genre is no issue for me.  I just want something fun, clever, sexy and/or smutty.  However, in my search for another book series, no luck.  This is making me grumpy.

4. Related to the BDB books, I have come face to face with a prime example of my dumbassery: Each of the main male vamps in the BDB books have vampire names that are essentially emotions or acts (i.e. Wrath, Phury, Rhage, Tohrment, Tehrror, Rehvenge). There is one vampire named Vishous. For the first three books of the series, in my head I pronounced that “Vee Shoo” and constantly wondered to myself why the author would throw in some random French sounding, rather sissy like name for a vampire who is clearly neither French nor sissy-like. It wasn’t until the fourth book focusing on this vamp, that I figured out his name is pronounced “Vicious” – you have no idea how embarrassing it is for me to post this. In my defense, all the other names are acts or emotions – NOT adjectives (with the exception of Zsadist which is a descriptive noun – but that one EVEN I figured out). I guess I really have no excuse. Thinking of the evidence of my dumbassery makes me very very grumpy.  It also makes me laugh at myself a little, but then laughing at myself makes me feel even more grumpy.  It is a vishous cycle.

I know that there can be nothing done about grumblings #1 and #4. If you’d like to comment on them, feel free but note that I am grumpy and will likely be grumpy towards you. Chance it if you must.

If you can assist with grumblings #2 and #3 by way of recs, I would appreciate it. (However, if you are reccing fics, I would be a lot less grumpy if you would give me ONE “must” read and tell me why (please don’t compound my grumpiness by forcing me to add several fics to the aforementioned overwhelming TBR list)).

Also, please share anything that makes you grumpy. I would like to know I am in good company.

This campfire is “blessed” by Cappy. She too is grumbling for various reasons. I love her for her blessings and grumblings both.


wow, this is a nice idea...

Thursday January 20, 2011 at 2:13 PM


Has anyone ever seen any really good Twilight mashups like this????


If yes, show me what you've got!

I'm liking this pic alot!!!!!



Thursday January 20, 2011 at 1:30 PM

did anyone else know that bella hale updated a little while back? Cos I just found out ..

Melissa Cullen

Midnight Sun

Thursday January 20, 2011 at 1:00 PM

I never read Midnight Sun.

There.  I said it.

In fact, I'd actually forgotten about it until one of my friends on goodreads added it to her list a couple of days ago.

Waaaaaaaay back when it leaked and SMeyer decided to put what she had up on her website, I decided to wait.  Or maybe I was pouting.  I thought some day she'll finish it, right?  RIGHT?  She wouldn't just leave us hanging like that would she?  Most of my twilight friends read it and they told me where it ended, so I was glad that I didn't read it because OMG RAGE

But now a lot some time has passed and she still hasn't finished it.  And I'm wondering you think she'll ever finish it?  Do you even care at this point?  Should I just give in (finally) and read it or should I keep pouting waiting in the hopes that one day SMeyer might actually finish it?  Come in here and talk to me about Midnight Sun!

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