
Shades of hawtness

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 11:48 AM

This campfire has no other reason than the fact that I'm due another Rob appreciation campfire, and I want to give you the opportunity to share and ogle.

This week, the topic is sunglasses.

So, jump right in and open your Robp0rn files!


Messy hair, cig, slight scruff, shades and sexpenders... UNF!!


RL advice needed

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 10:36 AM

i don't usually ask for RL advice on here, but i'm at a total loss. 

my oldest, Lily, is in kindergarten and i pretty much hate her teacher. Lily has been getting in trouble at school and honestly, i don't agree with about 50% of what the teacher is punishing her for. 

my ex, (Lily's dad) suffered from ADHD. i've noticed some similarities in behavior with Lily. her mind wanders a lot, and when helping her with her homework, i have to remind her to pay attention. i've brought this up with her doctor a few times, but he's not comfortable with diagnosing her with anything at such a young age. (which i agree with. she's only 5) he thinks with time she might grow out of it, or with the right help and amount of patience, she might be able to deal with it. Lily has gotten a bit better in the past 6 months but it's still an issue. 

her teacher seems to be punishing her for this behavior. this past week she was given "red marks" twice. once for making faces at other students in the lunch room (this actually resulted in a visit the the principals office, a call home to me, and losing some privileges) and then for "wandering around the classroom". a few months ago, Lily asked permission to use the restroom during lunch, was denied, so she went on her own. this also resulted in a visit to the principals office, a call home, loss of privileges AND she had to sit a lunch table alone for a whole week.  i did not agree with this punishment at all. so i contacted the teacher and her response was "we expect the parents to follow through and explain to the student that this behavior will not be tolerated" 

when i had a parent teacher meeting in december, the teacher flat out told me that Lily probably needed medical assistance for her lack of focus and that if this behavior kept up, she wouldn't pass 1st grade. (mind you, Lily is still in kindergarten. idk why she brought up 1st grade)

almost every time Lil gets a a red mark and a note from her teacher it contains the words "Lily needed several reminders to follow directions." Lil still attends daycare on some days and they never have any issues with her not following directions.

i don't want to be one of those parents that goes running to the school complaining about how a teacher is picking on her kid but that's kind of what it feels like. i WAS picked on by a teacher in middle school, and it resulted in big meeting and eventually the teacher had to give me a formal apology. so, it is possible that i'm still bitter about that experience. 

i understand that it's public school and there are about 25 kids in her class, and he teacher can't spend a lot of individual time with Lily but then again, i feel like the teacher isn't really trying. that's she's just getting fed up and punishing her instead. 

so campers, i know there are lots of parents here and some teachers as well .what should i do? should i have another meeting with the teacher? because honestly i'm about to the point of tell this school to EFF off and kiss my sweet, white ***. (there have been other issues with the school too, like them putting her on the wrong bus, and not letting Lily put lotion on her hands or use anti-bac even though her hands are cracked and bleeding from washing them 100 times a day)


ETA: i feel like i should add that i KNOW my kid is no angel and there have been times when she's done something at school that i felt the punishment was appropriate. but overall, she's a pretty well behaved, polite, little kid. 



Saturday January 15, 2011 at 5:26 AM

Random questions!

Yes, I'm bored.

1. Who of the twilight cast do you like the most?

2. What quote or which scene do you like the most?

3. What is it that you find so fascinating about twilight?

4. Is there a twilight scene that you refer to your real life?

5. If you could turn back time, what situation in your real life would you change?

6. If you write fanfic, does it look like your real life?

7. What does your ideal man look like?

8. What do you like about yourself?

9. Is there a person in your real life you dont like and what would you say to him/her if there were no consequences?

10 What is it you dont like about this person?

11. What is your favorite quote?

12. What is your goal in life?

13. What is your favorite outift?

14. Have you ever done something you regret?

15. What is the most romantic thing you have ever done?

My answers are in the comments! Have fun!

The Offspring

I Flippin' LOVE This Song!

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 12:30 AM

So, I'd heard this song on the audio TV music channel at prttybellaprincess's house one night and thought it was cool. Then I looked it up today and it's been stuck in my head ever since.

To help curiosity, it's inside.


Fandom Fights the Floods

Friday January 14, 2011 at 11:24 PM

At the moment, Australia is facing some of the worst floods in its history.

Brisbane, the third largest city in the country, is in the middle of a flooding crisis.

75% of the state of Queensland is under water.

16 People are confirmed dead, including an 18 month old baby girl who was ripped out of her mother's arms in the flood waters. 

Over 1,000,000 acres of land has been affected, with early estimates putting the repair bill at $35 billion.

A group of Australian authors - including my good friend, Leisa, whom many of you would know as YesYou - have put together 'The Fandom Fights the Floods' - to raise money for the flood victims.

Twilight fans have proven themselves to be incredibly generous, and I ask that you show that generosity again if you are in a position to do so. Leisa has had this to say on her Twilighted page:-

"You have no idea the size of the devastation here...75% of our state has been affected.

I remember the floods of 1974. And now it's happened again.

The support of people within this fandom, and others, will make a huge difference to the fundraising efforts.

Aussies, like the rest of the world, have been hit with the recent financial crisis. Now, for many Queenslanders, their livelihoods have been washed away, along with their homes. Our primary industries have ground to a standstill. Beef, Wheat, Cotton and Sugarcane farms have been destroyed. Mines, which bring a reported $7 million dollars a week to the Queensland economy, are flooded and will take several months to return to full production.

This is a disaster of epic proportions.

Every $ that can come from international sources is something Aussie's themselves don't have to find at this point. So many have lost just so much...and now the floods are extending into New South Wales and Victoria.

This is turning into a national issue, not just a state one.

And yesterday, our State Premier, finally, after weeks of stress and distress, cried on television. This woman has overseen this disaster from Boxing Day through to now and has been so stoic and determined...it's all getting a bit too much.

Thank you to everyone who will contribute to our fundraising efforts...either as a writer or a donator or as both.

Please visit our blog: http://fandomsfightthefloods.blogspot.com/p/home.html

and do as much as you can to help.





Daddy Robowski

Friday January 14, 2011 at 9:00 PM

It's here!! Rob with a baby. And I just died...more pretty inside.

So are you more excited for Daddyward or Daddy Robowski????


So I've been wondering...

Friday January 14, 2011 at 8:15 PM

What ever happened to The Lazy Yet Discerning Ficster?

It hasn't been updated in forever, really...

And I miss it.

Anyone know the fate of this site?


How will you combat the gray?

Friday January 14, 2011 at 7:04 PM

So for the past few months I've had one renegade gray hair pop up and it freaked me out. It was one the left side of my head towards the back but hidden so you didn't notice it and I didn't until I was brushing my hair a different way. So....I pulled it. 3 didn't grow back as the myth says BUT this single menace keeps coming back by itself. Either I just can't see and there's more back there or it wants to taunt me now that I'm in my 30's.

So for me having just pulled it again today I want to know how you plan on combating gray hairs ladies? A la Golden Girls.


1. Will you let them come gracefully and be a silver foxy lady, slicking it back into a swishing silver ponytail, elegant chignons, keeping it down?


Let it come and hope it keeps you salt and pepper and not silver? Dorothy's hair started salt and pepper then it went to silver.


2. Will you go blonde?


I know Betty White was blond but she was definitely Jean Harlow'ing it up to cover the gray since she WAS the oldest gal on the show.


3. Or just keep dying it your natural color?



Sophia's much older and I don't want to think about being 80-something yet. But I'm talking moving towards the late 50's-60's.


Announcing... FANFIC MY FANFIC

Friday January 14, 2011 at 6:32 PM

You might have seen me and the other Twific Pimps all up in ADF asking about what fics you guys might want to see fanfic'ed. We've been talking to authors and readers, asking for permission and gauging interest. At last we are PSYCHED to finally launch this puppy...

Fanfic My Fanfic

Haven’t you ever read a fic and wanted the characters to live beyond the walls of the story? Now’s your chance to see it happen.

We're celebrating Twific by revisiting the worlds of some of the most beloved fic in the fandom. For this new contest, we're asking YOU to come up with

   - missing moments

   - pasttakes/futuretakes

   - or alternative endings

I'm thrilled to announce the fics we are offering for this first round of our new contest:

Paper Heart by Hezpixie
Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003
Hide & Drink by Savage
Tropic of Virgo by in.a.blue.bathrobe
Scotch, Gin and the New Girl

by ADF's own jandco and wtvoc!!

Come check out our blog where you can find all kinds of information, including how to submit a fic for this contest, and how you can apply to be a judge.



got questions? got ideas? join us inside :)


Drinking Games

Friday January 14, 2011 at 5:51 PM

It is the weekend and I plan on drinking a little. 

I may be a little too old for drinking games now that a recent birthday put me firmly in my 30s against my wishes.  I have been known to partake in a game of Flip Cup when I am at a nice summer barbeque or Kings when I am with a few friends drinking and we are bored.   But last week I was at a party at a friends house (I have a lot of 25 year old friends, I can't help it if all my neighbors are really young living on the beach is awesome) and they had been playing Power Hour (also known as a variant of Century Club). 

Now when I was in college we played some music and watched the clock turn every minute to know when to take a shot but but they were playing with this:

Technology  made this game way more awesome and there are a ton of videos online like this, 80's music, classic tv shows, all designed for a perfectly timed (binge) drinking game.
What are your favorite drinking games?  Have you heard of any cool updated versions of classic standbys?  Fire beer pong???  I had a party where I ha smoke machine beer pong once.  Do you have any original ideas for drinking games?  Are you playing any this weekend?   I have  Power Hour lined up for tonight now that I see what I've been missing.

Happy Campers

Friday January 14, 2011 at 5:29 PM

Dislcaimer: Meh.

jessica stanley


Friday January 14, 2011 at 5:05 PM

That's right!  I'm back!


Sorry it's been so long.  I was super busy finishing highschool and getting my brand-new fabulous life started in college.

That's right.  I'm a college student now.  Which school?  The U of ME.   ME... as in... it doesn't matter which school I'm in.  I'm the most important person at the university anyway.  Star potential... remember?  (Plus, I'm totally trying to avoid stalkers.  I can't tell you how many creepy people started sending friend requests to my facebook during my gig at the Herald.)


Anyway, I've totally avoided the freshman 15 (as if there was ever any doubt,) and am currently enrolled in my Spring semester journalism class.  They haven't given me any fun assignments yet.  Clearly they aren't aware that such talent is in their midst.  Still... I'm working hard to build up my portfolio for class.  Who knows?  It might come in handy for extra-credit.  (A girl can't rely on a push-up bra, alone!)


I'm going to use the syndication here on ADF to continue doing what I do best.  Well... ONE of the things that I do best ;)

I'm going to be bringing back



So take a minute in this campfire, to tell me what you think of that.  Or better yet... tell me which Twific characters you would LOVE to see me interview!  Name the characters, stories, authors... links would be awesome.  Tell me WHY I should interview those characters.  (You know I love gossip.)

People generally love to sit down and talk with me.  I know.  It's because I'm awesome. 

But I think YOU are awesome too.  And I've missed you.  I can't wait to hear from you! 




Hey You British People!

Friday January 14, 2011 at 4:04 PM

Are you smarter than us? (and by us I mean Americans)

Because, when I watch your television shows, I feel like I usually learn something, and even at the low levels of comedy, (ie. faulty towers, monty python etc.) it seems to require a base intelligence for the viewer much much higher than what seems to be required by, oh I dunno, Survivor, or something....

So, do you have smarter t.v. because it's government run, and your government is trying to MAKE you smarter, OR is that really what the people prefer to watch?

Like, are there blithering idiots all over England who really wish they could get their hands on some Fear Factor? OR, am I wrong, and do you have moronic programming that I am not seeing???

Even Top Gear, which is a car program, and should be sort of a low IQ requirement show, is pretty witty over there, whereas, over here, not so much.....

anyway, I'm sure I'm over generalizing, and running on with my sentences, (adderall wearing off, sorry) but yeah, does anyone else think BBC programming seems much smarter in general? What's up with that?


oh, and thank you very very much for Doctor Who. that's all.


Two Questions

Friday January 14, 2011 at 3:30 PM

Quick background:

About 6 months ago I was the responsible chick down the street.  The one you ask to watch your house when you go on vacation.  

Work was (still is) awful so I decided to look online and see if there was additional Twilight related material.  Familiar characters are comforting when I'm stressed.

At that point, the giggling began and my laptop will never be the same.

So the first question is:

Will the current obsession eventually get better?  Will I go back to feeding children, cleaning house, and not sneaking iTouch into work restroom for reading breaks?  Right now I think it's getting worse.

And the second question is:

What advice would you give to someone new to fanfic?

Obviously this is my first campfire.  Thanks in advance.





50 Book challenge update

Friday January 14, 2011 at 2:32 PM

Hi Everyone :)

So the wonderful theorange3 came up with a great idea about having a weekly (if I'm not lazy) 50 book challenge update, where we would come in here & discuss the books we've read for the week, give some recs, leave reviews, discuss the changes we've made to a list etc.

If you have a page please link us so we can check it out. Here's mine

If you need help starting up a page, let me know, I'm more than happy to help :)

So, I always kind of suck at starting campfires lol so get in there, & let's discuss. My progress will be in the comments.



Friday January 14, 2011 at 12:50 PM

SO, I really don't have a legit reason for this post. But I figure let's ditch the whole anonymity thing and put faces behind avi's. I'm just gonna post a picture of myself, and, well... if anyone else wants to follow suit, I won't stop ya.





(Ridiculous pictures preferred)



Question ~TMI

Friday January 14, 2011 at 12:21 PM


it's TMI and I guess inappropriate for youngns ....adults only.


Sorry Slash~last one I swear. I am supposed to be ready in 35 min. And I only have to pack, put the laundry away do dishes and finish getting ready, so I may still have the time to read it, edit it and send it back. lol. Or...maybe not. But I ♥ you HARD. And apologize ;)

I'm cute right?


Image searches

Friday January 14, 2011 at 12:20 PM

Okay, so I'm on a quest.

Does this image exist in HQ?

I am desperately searching for this exact photo in a bigger size and high quality. It's from the Entertainment Weekly shoot in 2008.

Let's make this interactive. If you have any images that you are also looking for larger versions of, ask for 'em in here. Good luck searching!!



Friday January 14, 2011 at 11:48 AM

WTF kind of cover is this?

This is terrible! The Vogue fashion mavens couldn't pick a better outfit and picture of Kristen?

I expect more of you Anna Wintour-tsk tsk



I'm on FIRE today

Friday January 14, 2011 at 11:48 AM

haha, sorry. God I'm tired.

I have a question...about Harry Potter, it's something that I've tried to get my head around since I finished the last book on the same day I bought it. And I finally figured that the lovely men and women of ADF should surely know.

My question is inside (as apparently not everyone has read the books? I know! WTH).

However, if you are a HP fan, I want to know what you love most about it, or how it has impacted your life.

I read the first 3 books before I was 11, and I remember when I was 10 and leaving primary school and going onto secondary, that I just kept waiting for my owl to arrive, to take me to Hogwarts :D Yeah, IDGAF

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