
Tattoos and Piercings, Oh My!

Friday January 14, 2011 at 11:20 AM

I should be doing work today, I have an important work project due Monday morning, instead I'm surfing chest piece mom's gonna KILL me.

if you haven't checked it out this is the BEST time killing tattoo pictorial tumblr: fuckyeahtattoos

So, I got to thinking, is the forest tatted up at all? pierced anywhere?


This is my sisters and I, we have fireflies on our feet:


I also have a twisted tree going up my side from my hip to my boob, its a WIP though at the moment, and my piercings....yeah I have all of THOSE, none you'd wanna actually see a photo of haha.


So show me your tats and piercings! And I swear to God if you post a pic of that old lady and her twilight tattoo....I'll cut you!



Friday January 14, 2011 at 10:02 AM

You all know I love him.  You need to love him too. 

He's amazing and his new album, A WINTER TALE drops on February 1st.

Campers, I need you to do something...

Follow @BobbyLongNews on twitter

He wants 100 new followers by tomorrow, and then he will post a new video.


And I'm pretty sure we can get him 100 new followers in hour.


thank you!

Now get in here and tell me how much you love Bobby!



Friday January 14, 2011 at 10:00 AM

So.......this has been my morning thus far.  Got big kid up, shipped her off to school.  Got little kid up and got her dressed.  Headed over to Target for 75% off toy clearance.  In the middle of said excursion, little kid shrieked like a banshee asking for "CUPCAKES!!  CUPCAKES!!  CUUUPPPPPCCCAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!"

Oh that I were exaggerating.  Non.  So, spend $80 and leave Target and head to next grocery store for provisions.  They do not have this


which, if you have ever had this, you would know that this is the best snack in the history of all snacks.  150 calories for 2 and a half cups of cinnamony sugary goodness.  Boo.  For other provisions $25 spent.  So, the husband calls me to go head over to the next burb where they are selling Florida oranges off a truck. $17 spent. So I go there and buy a box.  On the way home, oh about 50 yards away from my neighborhood entrance, get pulled over by one of these.

50 in a 40.  Awesome.  So I get one of these.

$200 spent.  yay me.  Which brings us to over $300 for the day. 


Someone either console me, tell me how much you spent today, or tell me a speeding story.  Or ignore me.  I'll just go cry in the corner now.  Rangers, this is probably way too long.  Edit if you must. 


Vampire Beta?

Friday January 14, 2011 at 9:54 AM

So...I'm not looking for one, as these posts tend to go. Nor am I one. I am a reader, strictly. And recently I was reading a fic (it's not a whip and I haven't reviewed, so if I have for yours, it's not YOU), and there are tons of mistakes. Like TONZ. Spelling grammar, sometime just sentences in general don't make sense. And I know, not professional and all that. And that's fine, I'm not going to stop reading it b/c of this or anything. But at the beginning of every chapter the author thanks their awesome AMAZING beta... (????)

Is there some kind of edict to this? Am I allow to PM the person and tell them their Beta is secretly a vampire and really sucks?? (Obviously nicer wording than that) And maybe offer to edit it again for them even though the fic has been done for a while now? Or what if the fic wasn't done and the authors beta sucked?? Is there a polite way to do this??? Should it be done???

Anyways I just kinda feel bad that the author thinks this person is helping them out and isn't really. Or maybe they just aren't taking what the Beta suggests and using it at all. I don't really know.. CAMPERS????


The results are in!

Friday January 14, 2011 at 9:52 AM

Hey guys - Remember last week's Review Drive Fire?

This fire is to come check out your numbers now!

How many more did you write this week?  Are you happy with that number?  Is it accurate, based on how much you read?

Come on in and share.  Also, if you missed the last review fire, jump in now with your number and compare in February's review drive.

You can find January's review drive fire, as well as instructions for finding your review total by clicking HERE.

Thanks for playing along, and continuing to show the awesome author's out there some lurve.

Thanks to Capricorn75 for the sticky! =)


I would like some help.

Friday January 14, 2011 at 8:46 AM

I have been writing a fic...and with FF being banned it was on hiatus, but now I really want to start updating again. Now, I'm not a great writer [or even a good one] but what I lack in skill I make up for in enthusiasm.

Now, I've been reading FF for a year now [woot woot] and have a better understanding of how I should write and I definitely need a beta. I tried TPB ages ago but they never replied to me for some reason...although, they said they did...anyway...

Does anyone one want to Beta my work? Short chapters, infrequent [maybe once every week or once every two weeks]?

Also, what's a pre-reader and does anyone want to be mine?

I won't be offended if you gave it a go and decided it wasn't for you...pretty please?

I'll add the summary of my story in the comments [and an excerpt if anyone needs it?]


Want to dress like KStew?

Friday January 14, 2011 at 8:19 AM



Mod Cloth's Dress-Up Date Frock

I couldn't help but notice the similarities today as I was perusing the new dresses. LOVE this website, you can find some really cute and trendy things there for fairly decent prices.


Show me the light.

Friday January 14, 2011 at 8:03 AM

Right, thread title means nothing.


I've FINALLY found a way to get around this FF ban. It's immoral but nothing and I mean NOTHING will keep me from some BxE shmexin'.


I'm all caught up on:

Young Pilgrims, Sleep Talk, Diva Diaries, Puddle Jumping [107 year old virgin] and We were here [lola pops].

I am looking for a non-whiny, non-slutty, witty, confident Bella who really,really wants Edward. Badward/Dickward is a plus.

Funny is always welcome.

Completed? Yes! I don't know how long I can keep up this walk on the wild/rebel side.


Rec me somethin' goooddd...PLEASEE??!!!

FYT: [I swear half the time I make campfires, just to look for hawt pics...]

[Yeah, ok hot...but not as hot as......]




[you guys, Josh H. is so my Edward in a lot of badboy fics.. It's the hair. The jaw. The body. The EVERYTHING.]



Friday January 14, 2011 at 7:06 AM

Not really. I kid. Promise.


It's not the size of the wand that matters, it's the magic inside. ;] ;]

So I mentioned to the plucky purple park-ranger alliteration is so hard a thought? a theory? an admission? I heard ages back about the third HPiddy movie [PrisonerOfAzkaban for you silly Muggle-folk]. According to Mrs. JK herself, there was a spoiler accidently put into the movie that gave away the ending but "thankfully no one has found it yet."
Now, I KNOW that we KNOW how it ends. But I've always wondered what this spoiler was and what it gave away. I'm guessing its something from Trelawney's looney-as-lovegood rare REAL PREDICTION! This could be a fake-out fer publicity but I want your thoughts.

And any other HPiddy related rumours, queries, reasons, symbols, ponderings, plot-holes, questions or just fun facts about the cast, the books, the behind the scenes. Thoughts on casting? Thoughts on missing scenes in the movies? Thoughts on added scenes in the movies (as much as I like seeing 'em laugh, I coulda done without Daniel Rad's d-awkward dancing. Thoughts on directors, on locations, on Richard Harris dying :'(. Piccas, videos, musings, jokes.
Anything Harry, you got it? We want it. 

Fer yer trouble: HPiddy paraody [
"..Ima boy named Harry but my parents are dead, now I'm hanging in the ghetto earning wizard street cred.."]

I don't know how to make this big and square and play-straight-away-ish.

i fixed it for you.  yer welcome.

Aw, thankyou mysterious red!


personal poll

Friday January 14, 2011 at 6:22 AM

the following happened recently:

anonymous1 so, i was rinsing my hair and peeing--

anonymous2: you peed in the shower?!

anonymous1: er.  of course.  it's like, where I pee usually--


anonymous4: no, dude, everyone pees in the shower.  If im preparing to shower, i'll actually wait to pee to get in the shower.

anonymous3: there's something the matter with you.  i can't even look at you now.

anonymous2:  none of you ever better pee in MY shower.  don't you ever...

anonymous1: i cannot believe this is even a discussion.  you two are the only two people who don't pee in the shower.

anonymous4: that's true.  everyone pees in the shower, you weirdos.


IS IT NORMAL?  a simple yes or no will suffice, or you can elaborate on your disgust or nonchalance. 


I'm losing my mind

Friday January 14, 2011 at 5:49 AM

That's about the crux of it.


I've been hunting for this fic for ever, okay not forever, but for a long time. What's making it difficult is I can't remember the name or who wrote it, yet I remember reading it and then poof it disappeared from my FF favs.

*Shutup wibbling and explain yourself nutsack!*


Right, okay I vaguely remember Bella is an angel thrown from heaven by James, who's like some high angel dude gone bad (obviously not getting any), The Cullens find her, and her and Edward get all close and personal, then there's some major badassary, battles ensue and Bella finds herself in hell, with the devil. He's kind of a lustful biker kind of dude (I pictured him as hellboy with leathers a wicked porn moustache and a mixture of jack sparrow meets antonio bandaras) Anyway back to the point, Bella's been sent to hell, the devils got her pimped out in some satanic slut costume and she's running through corridors looking for God, who by the way is trapped and the only way for him to get out and sort out the fuckery is to take his place.


So yeah I suck at explaining that , but help I wanna read it again, cause well I had a soft spot for the devil, he was all kinds of naughty sexy and not at all squick worthy like that James dude.


So yeah thanks muchly :)




So it's Friday and I need help

Friday January 14, 2011 at 3:52 AM

I'm studying Pharmacy at university, and we've got this stats thingy to do, and I'm SO BAD!!

So is anyone good at histograms? Working out frequency? Maths in general?

Anyone! I need help so bad :(

The data will be inside, look if you dare!


So, uh. This happened.

Friday January 14, 2011 at 2:21 AM

Breaking Bella has updated.  And I was all like, "Uhhh, what."

Used to be a really anticipated WIP for me, until the hiatus happened and it entered the deep, forgotten recesses of my mind.

But apparently, she's back and not letting go.

If you haven't already, I suggest you read it.  Light, funny, UST galore.

Breaking Bella by sixeightshuffle

Edward Cullen needs to pass Statistics. Bella Swan is his tutor. She thinks he's a flighty, arrogant albeit sexy asshole, and he thinks she's Bipolar, but tries to win her over, anyway. Can he change her mind, or do first impressions really last?


Procrastinators Unite! (tommorow.)

Friday January 14, 2011 at 1:52 AM

It's free for all now, right?....right? D:

So I'm sitting here, at quarter to one, staring at the clock, thinking "Omg, it's already quarter to one"  Original, I know. Papers are scattered around like it's a disaster area, and I'm heavily caffinated. Why you ask?

I have a major report due in the morning.

And I just started. 

Mind you, I've had about a month to do this. Don't judge me.

Now, I could rant, and I could go on for hours about my strong, STONG hatred right now for Russian literature, for English teachers, and for papers not writing themselves, but I wanna know from you guys. Do you procrastinate? Are you a recovering procrastinator? Let's call this a Procrastinator's Anon. Meeting. Gimme the 7 steps to recovery.

(Just so you get an idea about how bad this is, I actually considered just posting this tommorow.)

(Surprise Rob says Hullo.)


Decide for us!

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 11:15 PM

Did the exclamation point make it look like this would be exciting?

So, Ranger WTVOC and I are having lunch tomorrow. Trouble is, we live like a gazillion miles away from each other despite being "neighbors" so I thought maybe we could split the difference between our 'hoods and meet half way.

I pinged her earlier with a pancake place, and she replied with some unidentified foodporn, so I'm not sure we were on the same wavelength.

AAAAAAANYWAY, without DISCLOSING our exact locations and ENDANGERING our supersecret Ranger identities, can someone with googlemaps or yelp and some free time please find a delicious but reasonably priced lunch place halfway between the zipcodes 90068 and 92840? Thanks.

Ready? GO!

ranger edit: i am failing. i need to go to bed.

let's all go to bed.

except you people abroad. you guys: it's friday. no need to do work. sit at your desks at look at food menus and post delicious things here.



Thursday January 13, 2011 at 11:11 PM

Have the resta you seen these??? I never had before.... and they're weird. Vogue Italia 2007. Apparently that's her older brother? Have you ever seen a skinnier pair? (Me? Jealous? Pfft.)



The rest are here.


ETA: Fixed the link. Whoops...



Thursday January 13, 2011 at 10:02 PM

I haven't seen one in awhile, am I even allowed to ask for one? Well it's now FFA.

I'm looking for an old fic. Edward is some sort of CEO or possibly a doctor and he gets head in his office with Bella under his desk, while he talks to his dad and Mom. His mom mentions Emmett coming to visit and mistakes his good mood for excitement towards that. Just reminiscing and wondered what had gone on with this fic.     FOUND.

Completely different fic. Bella wore a butterfly vibrator in her panties and it went off in a meeting because Edward was controlling it? A bit like in The Ugly Truth, if anyone has seen that movie.

Now I'm rambling.

I can't offer much. Except Pringles, some mood lighting and the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer...


Paranormal or something else?

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 9:50 PM

Describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation.




Thursday January 13, 2011 at 9:05 PM

Ok, all you BIO geeks unite. I have a question I need to cite and fully support and answer. can you help? I know the answer i just need to be able site it. question inside. and i'd do it myself but the cellphone connection sux. laptop = hot mess.

k thanks.

question inside.

ETA: thanks to the lovely Derdriu oFaolain this question is now closed =)


Zodiac sign changes?

Thursday January 13, 2011 at 7:30 PM

Has anyone else heard about the zodiac sign changes?

My friend just told me about it and apparently im not a scorpio anymore i'm really a libra.

They changed the dates and added a new sign. I thought i fit scorpio pretty well but of course now i've read up on libra and think i'm a mix.

Here's the new dates

Capricorn: Jan. 20 – Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 – March 11
Pisces: March 11– April 18
Aries: April 18 – May 13
Taurus: May 13 – June 21
Gemini: June 21 – July 20
Cancer: July 20 – Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 – Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 – Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 – Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23 – Nov. 29 (6 days???)
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 – Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 – Jan. 20

First --- | >> | 930 | 931 | 932 | 933 | 934 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 938 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
