
He's sniffing her...

Monday January 17, 2011 at 1:55 AM

Or so says Rob, in reaction to the Bella and Edward lovemaking still.


Trying to think of an interactive question
Has Twister ever led to sexual intercourse for you?  No... that's probably a no, from everyone.
Would you rather do Uma Thurman or Kristen Stewart?  If you were so inclined?
There, that's better.  I think.

Help Finding this story please!!

Monday January 17, 2011 at 12:17 AM

Okay, so a few months ago I read this Edward/Bella story and I want to read it again. I feel bad that I never saved it, but its irritating that I can't remember.


So here is what I remember:

Bella's mom killed herself, Jasper & Bella are free spirit stoners who like pleasuring one another. They move to Forks to live with Charlie who has a problem with Jasper staying in the same room.

They both meet Edward and Alice. Jasper dates Alice while he still pleasures Bella. Edward dates Bella as well.


Hopefully this helps...


Thanks in advance


Welcome to the Rileys?

Sunday January 16, 2011 at 7:57 PM

Hi lovelies!!!

Just a quick question-has anyone seen Welcome to the Rileys? Is it any good? I'm thinking of checking it out, just wondering...also thinking of checking out Burlesque, purely because I love me some Cam Gigandet (or Cam get-yo-pants-off as my friend steph and I call him) lol! That man is so hot, it's not even funny!

Him and his lil baby just make me melt...I love how in the big pic, he still looks all James Dean bad ass, and the baby is making a badass face as well lol!!


Official Golden Globes watchalong campfire

Sunday January 16, 2011 at 4:11 PM

I know I'm not the only one who has been counting down the past week, crossing off the days until we get to see ROB IN A TUX. Yes, ROB IN A TUX is one of the best things in life and deserves the all caps.

Right now I'm watching the Red Carpet Live on E!. Only for ROB IN A TUX would I put up with the idiocy that is Ryan Seacrest. He so makes me vom in my mouth. Anyway, post your GG pics and comments in here!

watch streaming video here

or here





Rob Pics

Sunday January 16, 2011 at 3:30 PM

I don't think anything else needs to be said here...

I'll put more inside, including some of Rob at GG rehersals...

ETA:  Most pics are courtesy of


Story HELP please!!

Sunday January 16, 2011 at 2:17 PM

Hey everyone I hope this works I'm having to use my blackberry for this as I can't start a new camp fire from my laptop due to the add in the way :(

I would like to know which male celebrity that has a reputation as a bad boy and maybe a player who you would think would go well with Bella and make Edward extremely jealous?

The male celebrity that comes up the most will be the one who Bella has a one night stand/fling or short relationship with ;)

Will appreciate the help as I can't decide on which one to pair Bella with!



It's Sunday Secret Time!

Sunday January 16, 2011 at 11:06 AM

Every Sunday I always check out Post Secret.  One day I'm actually gonna send in my postcard...but until then...

I'm gonna share my secrets with you.  Are you with me?


We all have skeletons in our closets.

We all have something to confess...

something to get off our chests.

Nothing is too personal

Nothing is off-limits..

There's no judgement here!

here's mine:



Sunday January 16, 2011 at 11:04 AM

lol i had totally forgotten about this

let's reminisce in this campfire

winner to the best OH MY LORD I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT EXISTED video, macro, pic, song, whatev.



Sunday January 16, 2011 at 7:56 AM, I know that we have an excellent source of reference for new fics to read in the awesome Master Fic List right here in the Forest, but...I have a pretty specific question to ask that I thought some of you might be able to help me with.

I just finished reading Bronze my mothlights...and WOW...I absolutely loved it.  I loved how she so carefully developed Edward and Bella's relationship, and how she explored the issues of want vs. need, etc.  I like fics that deconstruct their relationship as vampires, particularly ones that explore what it means to be a *mate*.  I'll be the first to admit I've mostly given up vampfic in favor of all human, but I would really LOVE to read something similar to what mothlights wrote.  The only other stories I've found that meticulously examine their relationship are those by Lolashoes...particularly This Hungry World - which I loved.

Anyway, any recs you could send my way would be much appreciated.  Bronze sort of ignited my desire to read more vampfic, and I haven't been excited about reading much in awhile.  TIA!



Sunday January 16, 2011 at 1:53 AM

What do you think Ben Cheney looks like? 

Ben is often Angela's love interest in a lot of fics, but I just can't see him looking like Eric Yorkie.

Note: In the Twilight films, Ben was combined with Eric Yorkie to create one character, named Eric (or at least that is what I think they were going for).

From the descriptions in Twilight (Ben is described as being 5'7" (shorter than Angela), having black hair, golden brown skin, dark brown eyes, and of Asian descent. I often imagined him some what like this...

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

So, should they have made Ben Cheney and Eric Yorkie seperate characters in the films? Or, do you think one asian was enough and liked how Ben/Eric was portrayed?

What do you think he looks like?



Sunday January 16, 2011 at 12:55 AM

Wait..... wait..................

Actually I just don't even know what to say. I. Don't. Even. Know.

Click here for HQ from Pattinson Life.

Someone may have already posted this. If so, I apologize.


Oh No...It's Breaking Dawn...

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 9:40 PM

So, last night in another thread, the conversation turned to what we weren't looking forward to in the upcoming Breaking Dawn movies.  

So, since I know that for many of us, this is the least favorite book in the Saga, I figured I'd start a campfire and ask you directly:

What are you LEAST looking forward to in the upcoming Breaking Dawn movies,, this is the kicker...WHY?



Guess who

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 8:10 PM





to make this ~interactive, post your fav sexy photos.


this campfire will obviously be NSFL


Who are Peter and Charlotte?

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 7:22 PM

I've written a fan fic with a Bella/Jasper pairing and learned that there are some major Major Whitlock fans in the fandom. Many people wanted me to include Peter and Charlotte in the story, but I don't really know who they are.  I know Peter and Charlotte were newborns that Jasper trained, but that's all. Also, I know they're kind of mentioned in Midnight Sun, right?

Help me out!

Does Peter have a gift? Do they have their own backstory? Do you think Jasper would be BFFs with them? Please fill me in!



You thing YOU got Pretty? Oh Yeah??

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 6:15 PM

Ill show you Pretty.... Look at MY boy..(well, not MY boy, but...welll, in my dreams, hes alll kinds of things we wont discuss here) but check, droool over it, and share yours as long as its JACKSON!

Can I get a "GLORY!" For ZOOEY mag and Troix and all the brilliant photogs that capture this lil elusive darlin? 


Outtakes make the world go 'round

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 5:14 PM

More outtakes inside. Thanks to Pattinsonlife and Setje for images.


Birthday Mega Post!

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 5:09 PM

Okay it's not actually all that mega but it IS a double header.  Today is mine and latessitrice's birthday and the Rangers have kindly given me permission to make a birthday party post.  So come join the fun.  Eat cake.  Get drunk.  Spam us with the pretty.  She loves Mitchell from Being Human and I love Riley and redheaded girls and Vampward.  And I know some others out there have birthdays today too so feel free to jump in and tell everyone.  :)



Dancing Gilbert invites you in.


*no color infringement meant against the Purple Ranger.  Purple is Latessitrice's favorite color so forgive me just this once?

my purple is different.  party away!  my contribution:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


FF /E Reader / Tablet

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 1:49 PM


I'm a new camper.  I've seen quite a few campfires about e-readers and I'm wondering if that's what I should buy.  Basically I'm just looking for something small that has wi-fi (don't need 3G) and a good web browser so I can read FF, check email, browse facebook, and of course ADF from various rooms in my house.  Right now I have my laptop on a table next to the couch, and if my daughter falls asleep in  my lap for an hour I end up with a crick in my neck from staring sideways for so long.  Plus I have to type with just my left hand...

I know an ipad would do all this, but it seems like overkill.  I'd like to go much lower end b/c chances are it'll only last a yr or 2 before my toddler destroys it.  So far the Nook color seems to be the cheapest thing that has good reviews for its web browser, but even that is kinda pricey.  Any other recs?


Also, I have a really basic question.  Where is the button to start a new campfire?  I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't see it anywhere.  I ended up looking at the source code for the page to figure out what suffix to append to the main webpage to pull up the start a campfire window.  Surely I'm missing something obvious.

Whew that took 10 min to peck and type!

Thanks so much!


Show me the funny!

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 1:46 PM

All right, I feel like laughing. Come inside for potentially offensive content.


Ads on FFn

Saturday January 15, 2011 at 1:39 PM

Is this driving anyone else crazy?


Have you done a quiz yet? I tried one, but they wanted me to put in my information at the end - email address, etc. Not interested. Also, they don't have a Twilight quiz (that I've seen). I find that lame.

I'm sure FFn's hosting bills must be through the roof, but the title bugs me "Help Keep This Site Free" - what exactly does that mean? If we don't do a quiz, they're going to charge us to read and post fanfiction? Can they even do that?

What do you think of FFn's ads?


Sidenote: There is a way to turn off ads that I love. If you hover over the "Help" button in the right hand corner, "Ad Blocker" will pop up. If you click on that, it will take you to page that allows you to turn off ads for 24 hours.

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